trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #153

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Jodi gave a guy her contact info on the plane ride home from the Memorial? Did this guy come forward?

Not only exchanged info, she called him "right when she came home"
What SCARES me is HLN After Dark. Every topic, there are at least two NG. And as that annoying Defense lady likes to say, a hung jury. I have not watched it in a long time, I do however change to HLN at the end to see the results. So my concern is, and I feel it should be 12 guilty. Some of the topics were a no-brainer, and yet resulted in what would be a hung jury. Now that really, really scares me more than anything. Can anyone relieve my of my panic? As the talking heads keep drilling in our brains it only takes one for a hung jury. moo
Panthera, it was such a great day today. Dr. DeMarte did an excellent job once again.
Hmm, that bear/tiger question was bad. I said it earlier, but it's not at all analogous to what happened with Jodie lying on the PTSD test. If the juror felt it was, they have a serious deficit in logic/reasoning.
i dont know how i will cope with 4days of no trial....i may get part of my life back :shock:

so with that im off to bed guys,see you all tomorrow
:seeya: :sleep:

I'm thankful that there are breaks in the trial. All the way back to watching the OJ trial I found myself cancelling appointments just to watch. The same with many others being a trial watcher. Don't even get me started on the CA trial. I worked over time just to take that time off. So yeah, the breaks are a good thing for those like me!
I believe when JA says, "I still can't marry him" (Travis) I think it's because she STILL can't get Travis to ask her!!

Don't ask me why because I don't exactly know, but I think maybe she wrote that whole little thing because she heard Travis saying that about her, maybe overhearing him or reading an email he sent to someone where he said that (since it's a known fact that she hacked and read all his emails during a point in time.) I can picture Travis (who everyone knew was looking for a wife) saying, "Yeah, Jodi is pretty hot, but she's not really marriage material and I can't put my finger on it, but there's just something off about that girl."

She's such a freak, I can see her thinking that putting that verbiage only flipped with her saying that about him instead of him saying that about her in her journal would be a slam to him. It would be her idea of correcting him by making him the inferior spousal material instead of her. Call me crazy.
HLN is an armpit.

You have Jane Velez Mitchell who shouts everything. Seriously, she has the vocal variety of a road rage incident.

You have Nancy Grace who suffers from inappropriate gravitas, and claims she "studies the case" but face reality, she cruises in and the same producer who has to get her a latte with Old Grand Dad in it tells her generally what happened in the trial and she records vague inserts and then cruises out

Dr. Drew. From the fine tradition of Dr. Phil and Dr. Laura. Is secretly jealous of staph infections for killing more patients than he can.

HLN After Dark: So that's what happens when the sports guys on ESPN moonlight.

The tragedy is that people would go for a thoughtful, intelligent court channel, but we are stuck with this until they figure out how to horn in on TruTVs Lizard Lick Towing action.

:drumroll: Ba-Dum Bum! :drumroll:

Yes, but what do you really think about HLN?
I don't want to bag out Jeff Ashton, but watching Juan Martinez has made me see why the Casey case came back with a not guilty verdict, also Baez did a good job of shutting Casey down as far as communication went too. We didn't hear a peep from her after the first few conversations with her parents in jail.

I can't believe I am saying that, but there it is.
I have admit that every now and then I wondered if JA ever missed Travis, or had secret regrets that the beautiful life she wanted so much to have with him would never happen. Well, color me stupid! Hearing about the call to a new love interest right after Travis's memorial service just fuels my fear of her. She is more devoid than I even imagined. She's always scared me. Now she terrifies me.
Yes. I love the way he speaks to Dr. DeMarte also because she can answer a question.

I feel so at ease, I know she's been exposed and the truth has come out about her now. Juan has won his case. Kudos to him.
I'm gonna try this one more time, because I'm obviously failing miserably at communicating, I apologise.

Here's my original post.

She didn't kill Travis because of her BPD; she killed him because she's a sociopath, IMO.

Hey, Turn, I got it, lol! Sociopaths are not in the DSM-IV; BPD is. In simplistic terms though, they are very much the same. So, therefore, I would agree.

Sadly, BPD is a form of sociopathy/psychopathy, and is a debilitating and frightening dx.
HLN is an armpit.

You have Jane Velez Mitchell who shouts everything. Seriously, she has the vocal variety of a road rage incident.

You have Nancy Grace who suffers from inappropriate gravitas, and claims she "studies the case" but face reality, she cruises in and the same producer who has to get her a latte with Old Grand Dad in it tells her generally what happened in the trial and she records vague inserts and then cruises out

Dr. Drew. From the fine tradition of Dr. Phil and Dr. Laura. Is secretly jealous of staph infections for killing more patients than he can.

HLN After Dark: So that's what happens when the sports guys on ESPN moonlight.

The tragedy is that people would go for a thoughtful, intelligent court channel, but we are stuck with this until they figure out how to horn in on TruTVs Lizard Lick Towing action.

Excellently said. Your bit about Dr. Drew is :floorlaugh:
Bringing this over from the closed thread.

Curious in Indiana Curious in Indiana is online now
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I didn't like the questions. If I missed something, please let me know. I did not see Jodi as being scared. I thought she smiled a lot, talked a lot and looked a bit haughty. Anyone share my opinion? Cause I am thinking there is one pro defense juror.


You are not going to see JA ever scared. Her personality traits leaves her empty inside so therefore she fakes emotions based on those around her.

I don't think there is one defense jury in the jury box.


ITA with all of the above. The only thing I saw in JA was she was MAD at the questions and the responses from Dr. Demarte. JMO
Well, back to real life here for a while :) I have Puggles to walk, kitties and goaties to feed...Have a safe night all :) TY for all of your posts. This has become my second home...wait, I think it's taken over as my main home ;)
Ok, thank you. I understand the point about the test being invalidated because of the lie. I didn't even make that connection because I was hung up on the fear that they were accusing her of nitpicking.

If a trauma is real and not imagined there's also no reason to lie. A person suffering from true PTSD would want relief from the trauma and it would be counterproductive to lie.
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