trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #153

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Bringing this over from the closed thread.

Curious in Indiana Curious in Indiana is online now
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I didn't like the questions. If I missed something, please let me know. I did not see Jodi as being scared. I thought she smiled a lot, talked a lot and looked a bit haughty. Anyone share my opinion? Cause I am thinking there is one pro defense juror.


You are not going to see JA ever scared. Her personality traits leaves her empty inside so therefore she fakes emotions based on those around her.

I don't think there is one defense jury in the jury box.

This question may have already been answered long ago, so excuse me for asking it - but whatever became of Dr. Demarte's lap top that was stolen? I never got the full story about that. Has anyone been arrested? Does anyone think it's related directly to this case? Like maybe a Jodi supported stole it or is my line of thinking - out of line?

Her residence was burglarized and the break-in reported to police.

Among the items stolen was her laptop which contained the psychological profile of Jodi Ann Arias.

I do not think that the DT would be shortsighted enough to avail itself of stolen property for unprofessional advantage.

In addition to being criminal conduct, being caught would be 'careericide'.
If only the jurors could see the behavior she displayed when Det Flores left the room. They would have absolutely no QUESTIONS that she's cray cray. Definitely something more than PTSD.
There is a pro Jodi juror. I know it. And to be honest, he/she doesn't sound very bright. They ask silly questions that validate their non sense opinions (Jodi killed Travis because she saw no way out even though she lived 1000 miles away and could have chosen not to see him) and ignore logic. Maybe once Juan is done it will be even clearer that this was premeditated. Hopefully this juror is quickly swayed by the much more intelligent jurors or even better they are left out. And hopefully a really bright and strong willed juror does make it. Ugh, I hate this jury lottery system. But I'm scared now.

Don't be askeered. Maybe there is a juror who just enjoys messing with JW's head. At this point s/he knows what's what and it just breaks up the monotony for him/her whenever JM isn't talking. :p
When Samuels gave the test, the discrepancy was between the ninja story being the traumatic event, vs. the Domestic Violence of Travis. So I am assuming that the juror was referring to those two things as the bear and the tiger.

And that question worries me a bit because it seems as though they are saying it does not matter if she lied about the source of the trauma, fact remains there was a trauma and so she would likely have PTSD.

I agree with this assessment. This question worries me as well. What difference does it make if a bear or a tiger attacked me, I'd be just as scared all the same, thus the outcome would be the same. MOO
Brought from the other thread....

Seriously, if I was being abused and battered, even if NO ONE knew, and I felt my batterer was going to kill me and I fought him off and KILLED him, I would have called the cops and NOT fled. Fleeing indicates you did something wrong, and if I killed someone in self-defense, I did nothing wrong. I certainly wouldn't wait TWO YEARS to admit I killed him and THEN tell them about the abuse, I would've told the cops THAT NIGHT about the abuse. All the things she did before she left CA, and all the things she did after the murder are just TOO hinky to be believe for a self-defense claim.

There is something else about the actual trauma surrounding the murder to me.....and I think it dovetails with the Tiger/Bear Attack question. I think DeMarte touched on it but didn't flesh it out to the degree I am.

There has GOT to be a difference in reaction to a trauma that happens TO you, rather than a trauma that YOU cause, especially pre-meditatively. There is trauma associated with being attacked and in real fear of your life, definitely, and having to fight FOR your life from an attacker. And while the violent, bloody way the murder was carried out would be traumatising for the person who did it (if they're 'normal'), she went there with the intent to kill him and therefore, even though it was a dreadful battle and scarey and bloody, she accomplished what she set out to do. Therefore, she pretty much 'shook off' the trauma of it by the time she was far away from his house because it was her intent to kill him, and she was NOT profoundly affected by the event, and therefore would NOT experience PTSD.

The rest of the questions indicate to me that 1) they are staying open-minded and not shining her on and 2) the average person has a hard time fully understanding the intricacies of the effects of trauma on the individual. If there is a pro-Jodi juror, they are pretty timid and could possibly be convinced otherwise because imo there are a lot of pro-prosecution jurors who are not at all timid.

Good post. I think she probably felt relieved after she killed him.
I'm de-sensitized by the sex tape/talk.

That is hoe me and my boyfriend were the first year of our relationship, before we actually committed to each other.

I wonder if things would have ended like this if Travis would of gave his heart & soul to Jodi.

There was nothing Travis could have done, she was disturbed and always would have done this to someone eventually..and she couldn't have had a good relationship with anyone either, it would have always been unhealthy IMO.
If Travis comes into the house with Jodi hiding there to spy on him, wouldn't that mean Jodi hid her car somewhere so Travis wouldn't see she was there BEFORE he came in?
Her residence was burglarized and the break-in reported to police.

Among the items stolen was her laptop which contained the psychological profile of Jodi Ann Arias.

I do not think that the DT would be shortsighted enough to avail itself of stolen property for unprofessional advantage.

In addition to being criminal conduct, being caught would be 'careericide'.

Well, Richard Nixon did it. LOL.
I happened to think, we have a very smart jury. Sure we may not like some of the questions, but it just shows me, that they are paying attention.
I agree with this assessment. This question worries me as well. What difference does it make if a bear or a tiger attacked me, I'd be just as scared all the same, thus the outcome would be the same. MOO

Because your triggers would be different for one.
I just realized that the juror questions were handed in as DDemarte's testimony went along.... any questions they had yesterday were trumped by the news that JA hid behind the Christmas tree and found a new potential love interest on the plane flying home from Travis's memorial service. I feel better now :)
I know bad etiquette to bring my post over but did want some feedback as the thread closed.

It was interesting listening to a TH today. She said it's important to have the jury know the difference between PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder.

Defendants with PTSD can be rehabilitated, but those with BPD can not be rehabilitated. They fall in the same line as Serial killers. That's why JW and the defense are fighting so hard against the Borderline Personality Disorder.

According to the TH's a jury is more inclined to go for a stiffer sentence when a defendant cant be rehabilitated.

It seems this is why JW was fighting so hard.

Thoughts ?
I heard that too, and thought the reasoning was sound. We'll just have to hope the jurors think the same.
I'm actually very confident they will.
bringing this over:


What is this please???
^chick with BPD in treatment talks about boundary issues..
Caption on the bottom of the screen on NG...

Expert screams at defense: "I can't analyze Travis, he's dead!"


:clap: :clap: :clap:
I feel so at ease, I know she's been exposed and the truth has come out about her now. Juan has won his case. Kudos to him.
Excuse me, I'm a NOOB here. Something I've been wondering about after listening to JA and the sex audio/photos/texts etc: I wonder if she actually hated sex but did it to lure in men. And when she debased (in her mind) herself completely - like she did having anal sex with TA (which may have been demeaning and physically painful for her even though she PRETENDED to enjoy it) - and he still didn't love her or respect her enough to want to marry her, she was overcome with such rage that she decided to kill him. Perhaps sex was the only form of control over men JA has/had her entire life and she used it to manipulate them, and even now, when she is on trial for her life, she cannot get past 'pretending' to enjoy it. I just don't know. I think she is 100% guilty of 1st degree M and deserves an eye for eye. JMHO.
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