trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #153

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Brought this over from last thread;

KBisMe; I can't believe this is only her 3rd time testifying! I'm still baffled as to why JM chose someone so inexperienced, but she has done an amazing job! IMO :)

IMOO, she was chosen by juan far more because of the effect she would have, and also NOT have ;) - on Jodi.

I think Juan wanted someone who wouldn't be affected by Jodi's attempt to manipulate, which include men of any age. Like Dr. S and Gus Searcy, and a lot of women, too. Dr DeMarte is a woman that isn't going to be swayed or impressed by Jodi, either positively or negatively, and she's certainly not attracted to her sexually, or otherwise.

Obviously Dr D is articulate, far moreso than Jodi, who doesn't stay around people like Dr D for long. She'll decide they're "jealous" of her, and put distance there. But with Dr D, she couldn't do that, she was stuck having to speak to her and take the tests, which no doubt she tried to "pass"..

The truth is, Jodi was no doubt unnerved by this womans age and appearance, and her unwillingness to emotionally connect with Jodi. Probably blew her away.
I think this Dr was a perfect choice for many reasons.
Re: Trauma by a bear vs. tiger, a simple test would be to see the subject's preference in breakfast cereals ...

Note to PeTA: Someone has pulled the teeth from Sugar Bear and Tony the Tiger!! Or was the sugar the culprit in the missing teeth?
I am not big on conspiracy theories. But the timing of the theft, and after reading some of JA support fan pages and the, shall we put it kindly, delusion that seems to exist within some of those posters, I think it is not outside the realm of possibility.

Unlikely, but possible.
Thank you, that is exactly what I was trying to articulate below!
Originally Posted by Kattrca View Post
I love this witness, she answered the questions as if she were having a nice glass of wine with them. I think the bear/ tiger question was brilliant amongst others. This is very telling of the juror who asked. Clearly a Tigard attack would be different than a bear and your experience would be significantly different. A bear malls, a tiger goes for the throat in the event you survived you trauma would be or PTSD would vary as to your triggers etc. just my opinion

That is the very question that gives me concern. I kept thinking...what? Fear is fear. I don't care if it's a snake you are a afraid's a real fear.
If the question had been regarding Jodi's made up fear of the ninjas, verses fear of Travis attacking her, that would have been fine. But I felt somebody was being snarky with this question.
These are my opinions, and the last time I checked, I was still entitled to them.
Brought this over....not sure what I'm doing, but I thought it was important to discuss.

Not if you want to eliminate any bias from the question/answer.
15 mins to bombshell..

I hope ng goes with my questioning the deceased interchange between jw & dr dm like..

Bombshell people.. According to jw we can actually question the deceased? Are we going to have a sceance (sp?) during closing arguments.. Unleash the lawyers!!!

unleash the oracles!
This question may have already been answered long ago, so excuse me for asking it - but whatever became of Dr. Demarte's lap top that was stolen? I never got the full story about that. Has anyone been arrested? Does anyone think it's related directly to this case? Like maybe a Jodi supported stole it or is my line of thinking - out of line?

As far as I know, it was never recovered and the perp was never found. There are some good guesses as to whose house it's setting in.
I know bad etiquette to bring my post over but did want some feedback as the thread closed.

It was interesting listening to a TH today. She said it's important to have the jury know the difference between PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder.

Defendants with PTSD can be rehabilitated, but those with BPD can not be rehabilitated. They fall in the same line as Serial killers. That's why JW and the defense are fighting so hard against the Borderline Personality Disorder.

According to the TH's a jury is more inclined to go for a stiffer sentence when a defendant cant be rehabilitated.

It seems this is why JW was fighting so hard.

Thoughts ?

Symptoms of BPD tend to ease with age. If JA was tested again in her 40's or 50's, her score would likely be much lower.
When Samuels gave the test, the discrepancy was between the ninja story being the traumatic event, vs. the Domestic Violence of Travis. So I am assuming that the juror was referring to those two things as the bear and the tiger.

And that question worries me a bit because it seems as though they are saying it does not matter if she lied about the source of the trauma, fact remains there was a trauma and so she would likely have PTSD.

Perfectly said. This is what I thought/think too.
,I love this witness, she answered the questions as if she were having a nice glass of wine with them.

She musta chilled out after the questioning by JW, then (probably during JM segment - sorry, I don't know legal lingo :blushing:). During that, she looked at one point like she wanted to tear JW's wig off!
I've probably missed something but it's not that hard for me to see how a murderer would have PTSD. That's not to say I believe in the fog and I will be very happy when justice for Travis finally prevails but I don't think having PTSD and guilty of Murder1 are necessarily completely exclusive.

ya i hear you, just want to say that i don't think they are trying to make us believe she has it because of the murder, rather, that ptsd is her excuse for her constant lying and not remembering"fog" the most important parts that incriminate her ( i know she remembers, it's just a convenient excuse to forgive her memory and avoid her having to explain ) they want us to believe she got it from being abused and then, after $amuels got busted for basing his tests on lies, he added that it doesn't matter what the trauma was, the ptsd diagnosis would've came out the same, whatever is convenient to the defendant and her groupies
It's just crazy! If I'm in a fight for my life, I'm getting the hell out of there as soon as I can. Nobody is going to stay around to even semi tidy up for any reason. No, I take tha back. You would do that if you just killed someone and you needed to erase any signs you were there. Fight or flight did not happen that day. I was a little taken aback by some of the jurors questions. For the first time ever, I wonder if we are looking at a hung jury. Seems like a few of the questions were pro Jodi, and I have to think they were all from the same juror.

You know what could have been a really good example for her: Social Anxiety.

The process of having to force yourself against your flight reaction. You know what people do.. Freeze/Panic/Emotionally breakdown. Which is precisely why people avoid those things.. Not to mention, rational thinking goes out the window.. That's why it takes a process to treat it. If it were easy to switch, anxiety disorders would be non-existant.

I know this because I had social anxiety for about 5 years. When I would have to force myself to go to a few certain places I would freeze. Then I would cry when the "fear" was removed, in one of those "My dog just died" kind of ways. That fear of being panicked, slowly creeps in. Suddenly you get anxious at places you didn't before. It's hard to even describe how much of your functioning you lose when "flight mode" is in full gear-- you obsess about getting away because your terrified you will die even if it's not logical. My doctor said it was similar to what someone in shock would feel. It's not a fun thing.

But its cute fight or flight has been labelled as some sort of switch from the Defense.
It is trauma but not PTSD. Most adults know the difference between a tiger and a bear. So if you consciously make the decision to lie about the tiger attacking when it should be the bear, the test is invalid. Just like JA and premediation. The only trauma she suffered was not expecting TA to fight like he did and all the blood. She doesn't not suffer from PTSD beause you need a soul. She has none.

Ok, thank you. I understand the point about the test being invalidated because of the lie. I didn't even make that connection because I was hung up on the fear that they were accusing her of nitpicking.
Re: Trauma by a bear vs. tiger, a simple test would be to see the subject's preference in breakfast cereals ...

Note to PeTA: Someone has pulled the teeth from Sugar Bear and Tony the Tiger!! Or was the sugar the culprit in the missing teeth?

No teeth! We need to sleuth that business out!!!
i dont know how i will cope with 4days of no trial....i may get part of my life back :shock:

so with that im off to bed guys,see you all tomorrow
:seeya: :sleep:
I wish to GAWD that HLN would STOP replaying the phone sex tape of Jodi having an orgasm!!! It really disgusts me!!! No seriously - IT DOES! I'm about to stop watching HLN altogether because of it!!! JVM plays it practically every single night! It's so GROSS!

Me too, it's really nauseating. Of all the clips they have surrounding this case, that one is just exploitive of Travis, it's disrespectful to his family and their audience. JMO.
The blogger EggTreeNews said recently: Keep it classy, HLN, keep it classy!
(Check it out, you'll love her:
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