trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #156

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Can also mean that she is understanding the question or comment and waiting for her answer....

yes, it can

(In your head you are giving the Prosecutor the subliminal cue Yes, ok, i understand where you are going? Ok, yes..??)

then you answer. A body language expert would look not only at her nodding but at the micro expressions on her face, and then all the other answers
Get over to the new thread please. This one is going to close on your post, if you don't! :notgood:
Ms. ALV needs to be given a copy of her transcript, and it should be force fed to her, every last word.
Oh dear. My daughter just arrived and told me my granddaughter is missing. She didn't come home last night, and didn't show up for work this morning, which is a first. She just turned 20.
I love how dismissive Jodi is of the female witnesses. Travis' male friend was on the stand and she was fully attentive....almost looking like she was dying to make eye contact. SO immature. Great for the jury to see.
I love how dismissive Jodi is of the female witnesses. Travis' male friend was on the stand and she was fully attentive....almost looking like she was dying to make eye contact. SO immature. Great for the jury to see.

Yes. It seemed like she was wanting to say Remember me? and then Deana came up to the stand and she was like 'oh you again.'

But we knew that would happen.

Witness: Not only no returns but no other purchases of gas cans took place that week.

No questions from Nurmi and friends.

Like I said. Not much they can do with that. It is what it is. Their client just got busted lying to the jury.

Juror question: way to return with a dummy SKU or some other way that would not show on these register receipts? paraphrased

WITNESS: No. Not possible.

Yes, ma'am, it am, tlcya! Not wanting to beat the drum too loudly, but JA herself said she returned the can to the same store where she had purchased it -- so there was no reason to inspect other Walmart stores anywhere else on earth -- at least the DT did not try to bring that up -- if they had, it would have made them look even worse, IMO. So give 'em that much for smarts, too. Just curl up and take it -- and that's what they did.
Oh dear. My daughter just arrived and told me my granddaughter is missing. She didn't come home last night, and didn't show up for work this morning, which is a first. She just turned 20.

I'm sending prayers for her safe return--I'm sure we all remember those "almost adult" years. I'm sure she's fine. Keep us posted.
Oh dear. My daughter just arrived and told me my granddaughter is missing. She didn't come home last night, and didn't show up for work this morning, which is a first. She just turned 20.

Hope you hear from her soon, Arishia. Sending prayers to you and your family!
looks...seem to be a focal point for some? I have always been told, it is what is inside that counts. in fact many times when I have spoken to people from stores on the phone then having to meet them in person for one reason or another.
I was always surprised the voice did not match what I had envisioned them to look like.
But the person still was how the voice on the phone was be she/he nice or not. It was not my goal to see flaws.Just speak with a person..
After listening to Deanna, it is obvious TA was not a physically abusive man. I would think that BECAUSE of his early life, he would not raise his hand to hit anyone.
I never thought Travis was an abusive person, however that's not to say he couldn't have been. I think he chose NOT to be, and I also think his grandmother's influence has been woefully under reported in this trial. Though I discount just about everything ALV had to say about the Travis and Jodi relationship and about them as individuals, some children who witness abuse or are abused themselves grow up to be abusers, abused or both. Moreover, many of us learn to "cope" with chaos and/or think drama or chaos is normal in our relationships. Sadly, we relate to the adrenaline rush and can find healthy relationships "boring" unless or until we figure it out. I think it was that part of Travis who was drawn to Jodi and her drama. She's sexual (and he's wrestling with normal male urges of guy his age) and probably unlike any woman he had ever met. Exciting at first, but doesn't take him long to figure out he's in over his head. While I think he came to understand fairly soon that she wasn't what he was looking for in a wife, I don't think he realized just how off/dangerous she really was until it was too late.
It's black too

I always keep a second window open with another Live Streaming site, not on Play but ready to be used, just in case. Mine went black too, so I went to the back-up one....if you're on a laptop you can do this. I don't know about iPhone viewing at all
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