trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #157

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It's been a LONG time since Melendez testified. Think about all the dirt/mud/slime flung about by the defense since his last appearance. Juan questioned him efficiently and masterfully. His final words --no *advertiser censored* of any kind on any device of Travis's and the only pictures deleted from the camera were the sexual ones featuring Travis and Jodi, the shower pictures, etc. She left 90 others in tact on the camera. Worth a recall IMO. Another knockout for the prosecution.

He has not been there in a while. My guess is he is reminding the jurors. Nurmi might try and twist it again in closing.
I think our forefathers meant for our courts to protect the innocent not to let the guilty go free. moo
Jean C on HLN said she could tell a woman juror was really offended by Nurmi's cross of Deanna. Did anyone hear which juror she was talking about?

Too bad I don't consider Jean C a credible witness!

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:scared:First I lost my live feed....

and then I got the dreaded:

"OPPS....CAN NOT connect To Websleuths":scared:

And HLN is so last half hour!

I'm going to post this on the lawyer question thread, but here too for people's opinions.

Why don't they just so the jury this silly "deft hands" video? The jury's gotta be dying of curiosity. And the DT couldn't insinuate it's *advertiser censored*.
Jean C on HLN said she could tell a woman juror was really offended by Nurmi's cross of Deanna. Did anyone hear which juror she was talking about?

Uh, Jean said the classy one. Sometimes I wonder about Jean, they should let Beth do the talking. Beth knows how to word things where she doesn't offend people and Jean always acts like she knows all, when she knows squat.
I believe it was Travis accessing the computer. Juan didn't need to suggest that it was Jodi. There was nothing bad about those videos.

Jodi acted the way she did because it's one of the few times Jodi told the truth and for her to be doubted even on that must have ticked her off.

That is the same one that mouthed 'I never kicked my mom' when someone else was testifying. I don't believe that 'no' today was truthful either.
Way to go Jurors.

Someone on the jury is leaning toward Premeditation, they are making sure she covered her tracks and NOT in a fog.


I'm hoping there are several "someones" leaning toward premeditation. And I hope some of them have strong personalities and are willing to fight (I don't mean with fists) for justice for Travis.

There's always some wimp who needs to be "edified". As I've said before, I have this big fear of a juror willing to hang the jury in order to sell his/her story to a tabloid. :scared:
Whatever is on that computer is something JA wants no part of. She knows nothing about it. It is a COMPLETE AND UTTER MYSTERY TO HER and certainly something she KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT!

Of course it is, Jodi.

I think we are getting ready to see something real, real, interesting.
JMO - a good attorney would have told their client how strong the case was against them and would have urged them to take a plea for LWOP, thus saving her life. Right now it is not looking like Nurmi has made the case to save her life, it looks quite the opposite IMO.

I don't think Jodi Arias is the type of person to take advice. In her mind, she's probably lead attorney. lol
That is the same one that mouthed 'I never kicked my mom' when someone else was testifying. I don't believe that 'no' today was truthful either.

What reason would Jodi have to access that silly youtube video?
Thank you jurors. :) They've got it.

They do.

Y'all, I'm in bed today watching the trial (me sick) and hubby is in living room watching it on HLN. He just came back here and said "I can't believe Nurmi asked that poor girl those sex questions!" and pointed out the fact that there was really no need for KN to use the language he did (like - did he ever ask to blow his WAD in your face?). My husband who usually doesn't get too caught up in these things is in disbelief and disgusted by KN.

Yeah, he really blew it (no pun intended) with that one. Total backfire. The questions about Travis' background were pretty bad too. At least the reaction was. Deanna was a clearly honest, unshakable witness. And she was able to get in a statement that caused the family to just sob with grief which really hurt the defense.

"Good" defense attorneys don't trash someone just for the fun of it.
I STRONGLY disagree.

He's not, just for the fun of it. It's strategic. But it certainly did backfire. However, you have to look at their performance as a whole and as a whole, even though I do not believe they are moral or ethical, strategically, technically, they are doing pretty well. Overall, they understand how to question and how to cross, their objections are solid, even if often groundless, which is to be expected, they know how to lead direct witnesses, they have prepped their psycho witness very well, they are controlling her in-court room behavior (which I know from watching how many other defendants behave), they crafted a good opening statement and their motions are what they are supposed to be and at the times they are supposed to be made.

Again, I dislike them both but because it;s my job, I;m able to see past my revulsion and actually look at what they're doing. And guys, it's good that they are doing okay, that they are "good" attorneys. That means she can't win on appeal based on ineffective assistance. And they could be a hundred times better and it wouldn't change what the outcome is going to be in this case, IMO. Because the evidence is overwhelming in this case.

This is a dream case to litigate for a prosecutor. Really. Because you get the thrill and rush of battle but without so much at risk. There is very little chance this won't be guilty and death, IMO, at this point.

The most the defense can probably achieve may be LWOP, but I don;t know. The facts are pretty horrendous.
I'm trying to figure out why JM recalled Melendez. Didn't we hear this same testimony before? Is it to set up the next witness??? I hope???

This may have been answered already, but I think it is because JA claims Travis sent images of himself to her from his computer or phone - if he had, the forensic analysis would have likely found those images on Travis's electronics.
I'm going to post this on the lawyer question thread, but here too for people's opinions.

Why don't they just so the jury this silly "deft hands" video? The jury's gotta be dying of curiosity. And the DT couldn't insinuate it's *advertiser censored*.

I thought for sure we would see it today. IIRC on JM's cross of Lonnie D, JM stated they were music videos.
Probably safe to say we are done for the day. I think Juan is saving his most important rebuttal witness for last, and he probably wants to make sure there is time to wrap everything in a nice little package for the jury.
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