trial day 52: REBUTTAL; #160

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I wonder why she doesn't take pictures of the things that matter, like a picture of the positive pregnancy test. No pictures of any bruises or the broken finger when it happened. Plenty of pictures of her with blonde and then dark hair dyed, her naked, her with Travis moments after he was stabbed?

Maybe other women aren't like me. I took pictures of the + test. He!! I even saved them in a sealed bag for yrs!sorry if that sounds yucky.

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That's what I was thinking too!

That means her plan may have been in motion on May 10th!
I think Jodi had murder on her mind when she left Mesa to return to Yreka--possibly earlier than that. Not inconceivable that it consumed her for much of the first half of 2008.
I got butterflies in my tummy when Mark held up those handcuffs :blushing:

The giggling Dr. Drew was probably blushing as well :)

He mostly irritates me. Find him mostly fake. But so I find most of the people who are regularly on HLN :/ Layers upon layers upon layers of makeup on both the men and women probably influence my low opinion. And they're all so yelly and interrupty.
So are we to believe that something as big as a pregnancy and miscarriage would also go un written in Jodi's diary? Also this is the ultimate in lying IMO. The last stab wound to Travis..Lie about being pregnant with his child.
The real question is. How is this benefiting Jodi? That is the only thing that need be addressed.
Maybe she thinks it will make folks feel more sorry for her.

I agree that she would have written a pregnancy in her diary, if it were true. She's so full of it! I think all of this BS is just to smear Travis' name as much as she possibly can. I think in that twisted head of hers, JA feels like since Travis is the reason she is locked up and (hopefully) will be put to death, she justifies tarnishing his name as much as possible. She is an evil person and will never be able to accept responsibility for herself or her actions.

Just keep praying the jury gets it right!
Add to this list of BS, already has the sperm donor (BK) for her and her lesbian lover's child. :floorlaugh:


I have heard it ALL now! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Arias looked so confident today of that ACQUITTAL that she was pouting and almost in fake tears ALL DAY LONG! The only vacation she will be getting will be to DEATH ROW! And that sure ain't in EUROPE!!!:laughcry:
if anyone knows if the jury will deliberate on Sat and Sun pls advise, need to make plans :blushing:

From what I have heard, no they will not. I believe its due to lack of security at the courthouse on the weekends. I hope I am correct, because I am going off of hearsay alone.
Casey is prolly throwing a celebration party because she is now demoted to the second hated woman in America Slot. Then again, as self-centered as she is, she is prolly jealous. Go figure.

that thing in Florida will always be the first hated woman in the USA to me :twocents: murdering a child in most heinous.

I have heard it ALL now! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Arias looked so confident today of that ACQUITTAL that she was pouting and almost in fake tears ALL DAY LONG! The only vacation she will be getting will be to DEATH ROW! And that sure ain't in EUROPE!!!:laughcry:
Let's hope it's the DP!
I have started my teaching rounds this week and am out of the loop on the case, but am so excited to know that the jury will finally begin deliberations next week! Given that will commence after closing ends on Friday how does it work? Will they come back on Monday or can it happen over the weekend? Are they sequestered until they come to a decision? How good is JM getting through his witnesses so quickly, compared to the waffle of the DT.
Am I allowed to ask for a link to some of her "artwork?" My friend who is here right now is truly an artist and I want to show them to him...tyia

I'm an artist...Jodi 's work is sophomoric in my opinion.
Maybe other women aren't like me. I took pictures of the + test. He!! I even saved them in a sealed bag for yrs!sorry if that sounds yucky.

Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2

Now I feel old. I remember when pregnancy tests had something to do with rabbits. I didn't save the rabbits though.
Oh my! I haven't read all the posts on this thread, but I just heard from my DVR recordings of NG and DD that according to National Enquirer Jodi claimed she was pregnant by Travis. Surprise, surprise! I wonder when Jodi shared this information with the informant who sold/shared it with the Enquirer??? If it's something fairly recent, it's one of her last ditch attempts to create controversy as she approaches the end of her trial.

Regarding the Psycho story - how many posters here have already speculated that Jodi probably had not only claimed or would claim pregnancy, but also that Jodi's murderous end to Travis' life resembled scenes from Psycho - my guess is one of Jodi's "sources/informants" has probably been scouring message boards like WS and has copied all the ideas of the posters here - now Jodi is claiming it was Travis who wanted to re-enact the Psycho shower scene? Yes, let's blame Travis one more time - ugh! OMG, this evil woman never ceases to disgust me!

On top of the Psycho and pregnancy "news", we also hear Ms. Jodi is writing a "best-seller" so she can have $$$ when she is acquitted??? Firstly, let's pray to God she is found guilty, and I hope they stop her from earning a dime from any writings or drawings forever!

Lastly, Jodi now says when she's acquitted she will try to be artificially inseminated and run off with her lesbian lover and have a child??? This is a copy of Casey Anthony's claim she would start a new life and adopt an Irish child, get a dog and drive off into the sunset in her RV or some such nonsense.

These BPD/Sociopathic/Psychopathic/Whatever evil beyotches are beyond despicable, hateful, hurtful, horrible people - I can't believe their cruelty. It boggles the mind!

As far as the Enquirer goes, I know they print a lot of trash, but they have been right occasionally - I don't doubt them as much as I doubt the source's information!
Pulled from last thread.

<quote>Another question. Why doesn't Deanna know when she gave Travis the laptop as a gift? She was asked that question while on the stand but said she doesn't remember. She said it was a Christmas gift but has no idea what year?

Seems sort of strange considering it was registered under her name.<quote>

It doesn't seem all that strange to me. I bought my husband a kayak for Christmas one year and he asked me a while back what year he got it and I couldn't remember. I had to pull out the paperwork. :)
Thanks. You are very welcome.

I must agree. If I had to speculate, as I have done before, I would guess that she showed up in the wee hours of the morning and lay in wait, arriving in the house much later than she says. It's also possible that gained entry promising to return the ring she kited, although we know so little about, it's speculation on speculation. I just think any entry she made, assuming he had no idea she was on the way until she was already upon him, required some ruse.

The reason, and the only reason, people seem to think Travis Alexander was a willing participant in the terminal roll in the hay gets summed up with the mildly misandrist comment "Well...he was a guy".

No, you don't blow someone off after having the epiphany Travis Alexander did and then go for one last bumper car ride. If we are going to speculate we can speculate that Jodi Arias made him strip and signaled her intention to kill him literally divested of his temple garments he apparently wore as a good Mormon should. We can have no way of knowing if and how long she held him at gun or knife point, allowing her rage to slowly build. That itself is mere speculation, but considering events preceding, and the outcome, it seems more likely than Jodi's tale of one last sex romp.

We can and have all speculated but the truth is, only two people know what happened that day and one is dead, and the other is a pathological liar. What bothers me is how did she know the roommates wouldn't be there at the wee hours of the morning? The one roommate really baffles me, to not smell something within at least three days is crazy. There was a doctor at the Boston Marathon and she said that the smell of blood was over whelming and that was minutes after the incident.
I think there were 2 Helios. The one gus gave her when her other phone drowned in hot chocolate, then then Helio she bought to replace the Gus Helio with.
I was just saying if his family would start a civil suit then the judge could put a freeze on any profits she could make. I don't know why they haven't started a suit yet?

Does anybody know for sure if there isn't one in the works? Also thinking, she may have told him she was pregnant and had an abortion. That may explain his rant about her being so evil etc etc :facepalm:
I'm an artist...Jodi 's work is sophomoric in my opinion.

I am no artist, but I will believe an artist when they say it's cr@p.
I didn't fell one way or the other about it.
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