Trial day 53: REBUTTAL; #162

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I dont recall them ever mentioning about the bullet itself either. I suppose if the lead bullet got severely deformed , then it is possible it was too damaged and deformed to tell what caliber bullet it even was. This could be why it was not mentioned much.

I've seen many bullets hit a target and some of them get really messed up and mangled where they are not recognizable at all and just look like a chunk of lead.

BBM: Sorry if I am misunderstanding your post, I get what you are saying but caliber was determined by the casing probably and not the projectile itself.
Okay night owls, I'm going to take an Ambien and pray for sleep. Stay out of trouble and play nice or someone may get a Time Out. ...I know all about those...tee hee.

Your not alone, sister! I got one yesterday after I got mad and called JA a bad name when I heard the pregnancy rumors! It just slipped out and I didn't even realize it even though I know better! Learned the hard way. That was a long 24 hours!!:blushing:

Anyway, Night Night! Sleep Tight!:seeya:
The father of the Kardashion sisters (not sure how to spell their last name) sat next to OJ during the trial. After the trial, he publically said my friend is innocent. Before he died, he said, we all knew OJ did this. He said, I sat with him to lend support. He went on to say, as the trial went on I knew he killed them. And then he went on to say, once in a while, tv shows a clip of the verdict. He said you will see me sitting next to OJ. He said, he did not smile when OJ was found not guilty. He said we all knew he was guilty. So, if you ever see the clip, Mr. Kasdashion is sitting next to OJ. His hair is black and slicked back. He is wearing glasses. On another note. OJ was given a change of venue. NO request was ever filed for one. That is unheard of. San Diego reporter pointed that out. Jury selection was from East LA.

Well if he really didn't smile when Oj was found not guilty, then I respect him he was just doing his job. That's what got me SO MAD about Casey's trial...when the verdict was read, the defense team was all cheering and clapping....and a little girl was dead, thrown in the woods to rot. I mean I just don't know how grown professional people can be so dense. They were so worried about "saving" Casey's life that they completely forgot about the point of the whole trial. Ok fine, you got her off, that's fine, but DO NOT stand there and clap and cheer in teh courtroom. THat was just so wrong. I am fine with them defending Casey, my problem is then fine you did your job and you did it well...then what more do you want?? So if you're so happy that must mean you were thinking of this case as MORE than just fulfilling your responsibility to your client. Ugh...I just can't even think about itanymore it brings back bad memories and I was not as invested in trial b/c I didn't watch the daily proceedings, but look at the effect it still had on me. I can't imagine what I'll do when verdict time comes for this one.
Those are good questions. My understanding of which I could be wrong is that there was a police report of the break in and so I am sure Juan had access to it. I dont know if he actually submitted it into evidence but I seem to remember early in the trial that the break-in was mentioned by a LE type witness (i think). I dont recall any mentions of any .25 shells being found.
The whole incident was kind of brushed over which I found strange unless Juan wanted to protect the innocent grandparents from any unecessary carnage from Jodi. The only shells mentioned were the 9mm shells the mom had for the new gun jodi bought.

The earlier question as to why Jodi didnt just take the gun and put it back is a good question. She definitely made the break in obvious so a police report was made about it. I think maybe Jodis thoughts were that if she tried to just sneak the gun out, she would have know idea if they somehow noticed the gun missing while she was killing Travis, it would be too risky.

Its hard to say why she thought it was a good idea to create a burglary and bring attention to the gun that way. Not a very good plan obviously

If this were the only piece of premeditated evidence, I think the case would be in trouble for the points that you mention... I can see where a jury might say that it's ridiculous to call attention to yourself by stealing a gun and then using it a week later. But luckily, there are several other now proven pieces of evidence that demonstrate her plans in advance. Add that to the evidence at the scene and it's pretty solid.

But I'm still nervous though. I don't attribute it to thinking back to the Casey Anthony verdict... I think my nerves just come from wanting and needing to see justice done. Not only for Travis and his family, but for the country.

This may sound really weird, but I feel like there has been so much tragedy, death and destruction in our country in these past 6 mos, it's overwhelming sometimes... Can't speak for anybody else, but I know that all of these tragedies have really eaten at my heart. I just desperately need to see the good guys win one right now.
Seems to me that JA had no problem with using knives. She slashed tires with a knife, stabbed TA to death with a knife, and had 2 knives hidden in her rental car in a subsequent incident.

How does stabbing him first take away premeditation? :confused:

She stole a gun from her grandfather, premeditated. Where did the knife come from?
No one knows.
Gun she stole for a purpose, to kill.

That is the biggest proof for premeditated.. What does it feel like to be stabbed? Interesting x 29 times and a slit throat. Just remembering what that M.E. said about that chest wound, where that particular area wound make the legs feel numb, he would be bleeding out internally and coughing up blood, fighting for air and going into shock, never mind the horrible pain and panic. Travis at that point was already dying while he still fought for his life...Jodi did not shoot Travis first, all that bawling she did today was because the greatest lie was exposed...let's hope the jury gets it, she deserves death.

I've never been stabbed, but I have had internal bleeding. It is VERY painful, it is painful to breathe, to move etc. I've had 4 kids and it is worse than that. The pain was so bad I was throwing up and passing out just from the pain of it. It makes me devastated for what Travis endured, and how the defense can claim anything justifies that. It makes me agonize for Travis' family to imagine what they are going through as they hear and see what he had to go through. Courage and strength to them.
Look at 31:00... Dr. Horn testified he was still alive when his throat was slit.


That is not true. Why would you post something that is Not True?
I am wondering why I thought that the bullet merely grazed Travis' forehead and that he was "shot in the face". If this is the bullet, there is no way this was a forehead shot.

I guess I never thought to check exactly when Willmott came onto the case.....reading and finding it was only in 2012. Few years after the murder itself.
Jodi lies, but there is some truth to her ridiculous lies.

Somewhere you do not get what I am saying. It is so much easier to shoot someone than stab them.

I have never stabbed or shot anyone, but shooting is so much easier.

Why would she steal the gun in such a crazy manner if that was not her first choice.
She stole the gun with a purpose and that was to kill Travis.

Can someone explain to me why she stole the gun, and did not mean to use it?

I believe her intention was always to use both and that is to show that it was done by two people, instead of one.
I also believe she choose the knife to inflict as much pain and fear as possible. If you listen to her interrogation she makes the comment that if she was going to kill someone she would just use a gun because that was more "humane". I think she wanted Travis dead in the most inhumane way possible. She was filled with hatred for him and wanted him to suffer as much as possible. The gun, as I said, was simply to throw suspicion off of her. Remember her "dream" in her journal? "I had a dream that they arrested 2 people for Travis's murder". If she just wanted him dead she would have shot him while he slept. She didn't just want him dead, she wanted to cause as much pain and terror as possible and she most likely got her wish.
Her grandfather said the gun was loaded with jacked hollow-point ammo. The grandparents weren't called as witnesses as far as I know. I don't know if any bullets to the stolen gun were found at the house; I'm guessing not. I don't know if the police report was submitted into evidence, but that's a good question. I don't remember it being shown to the jury, but I can't remember many things from this case; especially from the beginning. There are several days of testimony that I never watched.

It's kind of strange that they would just have enough bullets left to keep the gun loaded. Most people have a box with some still in it? I wish I would have been able to watch more of this trial myself. I would think the gun evidence would be important to help prove premeditation. Juan knows what he's doing though, I think he has gotten 14 convictions for the death penalty or LWOP can't remember which, maybe a little of both.
The headline news on HLN currently states "Rebuttal Case Ends with Arias in Tears." This kind of wording makes me irritated....has anyone EVER seen one single friggin' tear roll down JA's face?? If she were truly crying...well even fake crying...I'm sure she would let the tears run freely down her face for all to witness, especially the jury. Sure her nose and face has reddened up, but I have never even come close to seeing actual tears fall from those evil, black eyes. She pretends dab her face with tissue...but there is NOTHING to wipe away. The girl can't even muster up fake tears, so she hides her face with her hair curtain to conceal her bone-dry eyes!

:yuck: <-- Jodi's signature lizard tongue!
The defense obviously fought hard to keep the autopsy out of the trial.
Jodi lies, but there is some truth to her ridiculous lies.

Somewhere you do not get what I am saying. It is so much easier to shoot someone than stab them.

I have never stabbed or shot anyone, but shooting is so much easier.

Why would she steal the gun in such a crazy manner if that was not her first choice.
She stole the gun with a purpose and that was to kill Travis.

Can someone explain to me why she stole the gun, and did not mean to use it?

I get what you are saying. She had a gun and a knife. How do you know she didn't bring the knife as well? No knives were missing from Travis' house and no guns, either. She certainly had a gun and knives in her getaway car before she was arrested. So why is it a stretch that she had them both on her way to AZ with the intent on using both--exactly as she did use them both?

If you never stabbed or shot anyone, how do you know that shooting is easier? Just wondering.

We don't know that she stole the gun to kill Travis. What if she stole it to kill herself after she stabbed Travis? Remember, she tried to slit her wrists, but it hurt too much. Maybe she'd intended to shoot herself in the head, but then turned the gun on Travis' body and fired because she couldn't bring herself to kill herself?

What if she brought the gun in case she ran into the roommates who were not cornered naked in the shower?

What if Travis knocked the gun from her hand so she had to resort to a knife?

What if she brought both weapons because she simply hadn't decided which she wanted to use--but--she knew she wanted to kill him?

Your points are quite clear, but they assume that the defendant would think as you think. We have evidence presented in court that Jodi has mental issues. With that in mind, I cannot assume she'd think as I would.

Hypothetical. What is she had decided to poison him and he caught her poisoning his food, so she grabbed the knife and stabbed him. He dies. Is it not premeditated murder now because she didn't use the poison?
What if the camera was hanging around her neck and traveled with her up the hall. Got bounced around during the killing and snapped a couple of pictures. Is that possible?

It would be possible except for one fact: Detective Melendez testified that the camera was on the floor, with the shutter facing the floor when it was activated by pressure on the back.

He says the last two photos were taken snapped upside down and they actually looked like this:



Detective Melendez' department flipped the images right side up and added the time stamps from the EXIF information for each photo.

Detective Melendez gave an interesting demonstration in court how photos could be snapped accidentally just by anyone putting the slightest pressure on the back. It begins at 1:51:10 here:
Tonight I am reading the transcripts. This is so different than watching and listening to the videos. Some things really stood out, e.g., the number of times JA asked to see the crime scene photos. Many, many more than I remember from the videos. Maybe this JA line quoted below in boldface has been discussed a million times, but this really stood out. Thanks to TxJan1971 for transcripts.

Interrogation Video 12

DF: What was going through your head? (Unintelligible)

JA: A little bit of a survival instinct but mostly just fear.

DF: Were you worried that his roommates would get home soon?

DF: You didn’t think about that?

DF: That’s the first thing I was thinking about was, when she left here, she barely missed his roommates, or maybe his roommates came home and just didn’t hear her.

JA: Did they hear anybody at all in the house?

DF: No. They saw things which were unusual.

JA: Like what?

DF: They saw his CTR ring and his watch on the kitchen counter and they thought that was odd. He never leaves town without those.

JA: No, He always leaves those there unless he’s sleeping then he takes those things and puts them on.

DF: There were clues here and there but they just went on with their day like nothing had happened without even asking questions. They knew that he was going on a trip but they didn’t know what day.

JA: (Unintelligible) Tuesday


JA says he leaves his watch and ring on the kitchen counter unless he's sleeping. With all her lies we've endured, this stood out as an unrehearsed or spontaneous reaction or response to Det. Flores

Does this say to anyone else Travis never went to bed? Would he have taken off his ring and watch in the afternoon, while JA was still in his house?
Another question for fellow Sleuthers - Why did Grandmother all of a sudden show up in the courthouse? Towards the end of trial - To get her used to the courthouse so when she begs the jury to save her lovely grand daughter's life in the penalty phase? Did Grandmother look at the photos today to see her grand daughter's handiwork?

It's reality they had the case dates layed out to them very clear by JSS, it's time for them to see the last glimpses of Jodi. I feel like that's why they are there. To be as much support as they can because they know she isn't going to walk. They might be wishing for a mistrial, a hung jury and all but they are sitting there to support the good Jodi they once knew possibly? Or just give her their love they once had for her? I think Grandma had an awakening. I feel bad for them & mom shouldn't laugh. Totally wrong. This is murder and a DP case ding ding. The aunt seemed to get the clue. Twins...what can I tell ya about them? Don't laugh at a dp trial of family. jmo
You ask, you shall receive. :)


Those are good questions. My understanding of which I could be wrong is that there was a police report of the break in and so I am sure Juan had access to it. I dont know if he actually submitted it into evidence but I seem to remember early in the trial that the break-in was mentioned by a LE type witness (i think). I dont recall any mentions of any .25 shells being found.
The whole incident was kind of brushed over which I found strange unless Juan wanted to protect the innocent grandparents from any unecessary carnage from Jodi. The only shells mentioned were the 9mm shells the mom had for the new gun jodi bought.

The earlier question as to why Jodi didnt just take the gun and put it back is a good question. She definitely made the break in obvious so a police report was made about it. I think maybe Jodis thoughts were that if she tried to just sneak the gun out, she would have know idea if they somehow noticed the gun missing while she was killing Travis, it would be too risky.

Its hard to say why she thought it was a good idea to create a burglary and bring attention to the gun that way. Not a very good plan obviously.
Gypsy, I stumbled on this case late, (JA on the stand) and became hooked. In my opinion the DP should not have been allowed in this case. And yes, I'm against the Death Penalty for many reasons. The biggest is that there is no uniformity as to who or why the DP is applied. Anytime you have a trial and the DP is attached the Judge almost always leans in the direction of the Defense, after all it's their client who's life is on the line. IF this had been a Murder 1 with LWOP this trial would have been over, with a Guilty Verdict in 15 court days, tops. I want Justice for Travis and a guilty verdict. LWOP as punishment for this crime I believe does equal Justice.

Im for the death penality when its CLEAR the defendant commited the murder. She did.I know some are not for the death penality. Some may even speak out and try and change laws pertaining to. I use my spare time caring for and rescueing animals. Abused animals are a much bigger issue for me, than what happens to the likes of jodi and others like her. Im not being sarcastic. Its just the way it is.
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