Trial day 53: REBUTTAL; #162

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But also I think he actually cared for her, not in a marriage way, but in a friendship way. He seemed to do a lot of things for her just out of kindness - loan her money, his car, let her stay at his house, let her eat whatever she wanted at his place, probably paid for things if they went out just out of kindness cause he knew she didn't have a lot of money. So he was coming from a kind-hearted kind of place, and Jodi took all of these things as a sign that he would be willing to marry her. Cleaning the house for money was I'm 100% sure Jodi's own idea...he probably was gonna just loan her money, and she said something like, well why don't I clean your house for you cause i feel sooo bad Travis just taking your money (fakey fakey). I'm sure he would have helped her out with anything if she called him needing help for whatever. I think the defense obviously HAS done a good job pushing the sex sex sex, since that's what a lot of us even talk about. The defense has been about sex from Day 1, and Jodi crammed it into the jury's mind with her endless days rambling about it on the stand. I believe their friendship was NOT just about sex. It's this fact that is the reason they kept coming back together despite everything she did to him - their relationship was more than just sex - phone calls, text, e-mail, etc etc....not ALL of those were sexually-related. It was in his kindness I believe where she found his weakness.

I agree that in the beginning he really liked her, but as time went on he began to see what all his friends were warning him about was likely true, she was a big phony, no substance, etc. I think he was just such a sweet guy at heart that he helped everyone he could, whenever he could. I do think he helped her with things because he felt guilty over still having sex with her, knowing he did not really want to have anything with her anymore. I do believe it was all about sex for him towards the end. I don't like it, but I am just saying Travis is not the first man in history, nor will he be the last to have the separate girl you take home to mom and the girl that avails herself to you. In that way, I think everyone on the jury knows this goes on, and with otherwise good this does not equate to him being an evil guy that had it coming. That is all I am trying to say. John F. Kennedy was beloved, for example, as was Martin Luther King, but we later learned indeed they both had affairs. Travis was just a man, and he did NOTHING to deserve being murdered. I hope she gets the dp. I really do. I think she deserves it.
Thank you!!!

The thick headed one (me) finally understands!!!

With so many rental cars, knives, guns, road trips. I was confused!!

This girl was out of control for a long time. She had her infinity repossessed, than she jacks up travis BMW. Job to job! No goals, in life all her focus was finding her a naive Mormon husband.
I have Jeff Ashton's book on my Kindle, think I devoured it in 2 days :) Excellent book, IMHO. Most of it we already knew from the trial, but lots of good insight, his feelings when the verdict was read, things that weren't allowed as evidence during the trial, etc. I always recommend it to people who watched FCA's trial :)

I bought Jeffrey Ashton's book but had no desire to buy any book by Baez . It's like buying a book written by Jodie or kc.
I think the speculation is she cut his throat in the hallway---hence the large amount of blood there.

But what about the pool on the carpet? What was the purpose of taking him to the carpet? She would had to have dragged him there if his throat was slit.

And what of the right hand mark on the lower wall by the closet door on the threshold to the bedroom? It appears that Travis had grabbed that wall right where that large blood pool is on the carpet.
Beats me. I would imagine it may be the thought of it possibly being one of the last few chances she gets to lay her eyes on her granddaughter. I felt sorry for her, she looked very tired. Reminded me that JA just destroyed SO MANY lives.
Its like when her brother sister and father were all there for that the day of the sex tape, and then not again. No one really knows.

Maybe the last time she gets to see her lovely grand daughter in the court room instead of on death row and before she is put to death...
Thank you!!!

The thick headed one (me) finally understands!!!

With so many rental cars, knives, guns, road trips. I was confused!!

Let's not forget her multiple helio phones, and hair every color of the rainbow.
SC does have the dp and the prosecution did seek it against her. The jury voted against it so she was sentenced to life with the possibility of parole after serving 30 years.

BTW, you are my neighbor! I live in Noble county. :seeya:

A neighbor? wow? can you see my "bad hair day" from there? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I bought Jeffrey Ashton's book but had no desire to buy any book by Baez . It's like buying a book written by Jodie or kc.

Man I'm so glad you wrote this. I completely agree. I can still see Baez covering KC's face and head as they walked from the courthouse to the car during the trial, him holding her like she was his girlfriend. The whole circus atmosphere and ALL THE WHILE that little girl was dead.

It was like they FORGOT what had happened there.
Man I'm so glad you wrote this. I completely agree. I can still see Baez covering KC's face and head as they walked from the courthouse to the car during the trial, him holding her like she was his girlfriend. The whole circus atmosphere and ALL THE WHILE that little girl was dead.

It was like they FORGOT what had happened there.

That trial is still a sensitive topic for me, as I am sure it is for many many many people.
"Faithfully" I love love love love that song.

Can't think of any I don't fav was Lights.....I also loved Dixie that time I live in florida and have since moved to KY and live 4 miles from the Dixie Highway...Karma
I had a horrible thought. What if this was taken right after she cut his throat. I would assume in order to cut someone's throat you would need to extend the neck before you cut it. Maybe she grabbed him by the hair to pull his head back and cut his throat and the picture was taken right after that.

(Stop having these horrible thoughts). :p
I never realized until I was in college, and my degree is in Criminal Justice, that the criteria for being premeditated does not have to be an actual, laid out, step-by-step, plan. It can be premeditated within seconds of performing the act. I was shocked.

Sorry. I'm behind again. But yes. Premeditation really means intent. You could have planned it for 30 seconds. It refers to willfully making a decision to kill someone and following through with it. All Murder 1 means is you had an intention to murder someone and you carried it out. You don't need to be planning it for days or weeks or months.

I used an example on here before. Say my husband leaves his socks on the floor. I get really mad because I see his dirty socks on the floor and I've asked him not to leave them there. I sit here for a minute and decide that he doesn't deserve to live anymore because he refuses to stop being a dirty sock leaver. So I go to the closet, grab a gun, go upstairs and shoot him. It's Murder 1. I made a deliberate action with the intention of killing him that wasn't in the middle of an argument or some other circumstance that I reacted to. I decided to kill him and I did it. That is Murder 1.

So whether or not Jodi planned the murder in the beginning of May, or planned it when he was in the shower and she was POed because he still refused to take her to Cancun, it really doesn't matter. She willfully went into the bathroom with the intention of killing him and that is enough premeditation to convict her. Of course I'm speaking from a person who does not believe the "self-defense" thing and I do think she planned it far ahead of time. But I am supporting what you are saying with the concept that "premeditation" does not necessarily mean a prolonged period of time where you are plotting the murder.
The ME has years of experience and has done thousands of autopsies so I'll go with whatever he says. Plus, everything he said makes sense to me.

The ME, as easy as he is on the eyes, it is the dynamic duo of Martinez and Flores I will miss the most after the circus tents come down, and the clowns go back to every day living.
This girl was out of control for a long time. She had her infinity repossessed, than she jacks up travis BMW. Job to job! No goals, in life all her focus was finding her a naive Mormon husband.

Why do you think TA was naive? He was almost 31 yrs. old.
Thank you for the compliment. I am undecided as to what, precisely, I would do, if my daughter did what Jodi has. I do know, that if I picked up on subtle signs, when she was young, an intervention would have taken place, regardless of how much it would cost me, financially. So, hopefully, because I am aware of my children's actions and behaviors, for the most part, I will not have to walk i in the Arias' shoes. I just cannot fathom walking away from either of my kids, regardless of what awful crime they committed. Does that make sense? I would give my life for either of my children, without hesitation.

I understand but the REALITY is that families don't want to face the REALITY when there are problems with children. Parents Protect Their Children. It is human nature. I know.
Sorry. I'm behind again. But yes. Premeditation really means intent. You could have planned it for 30 seconds. It refers to willfully making a decision to kill someone and following through with it. All Murder 1 means is you had an intention to murder someone and you carried it out. You don't need to be planning it for days or weeks or months.

I used an example on here before. Say my husband leaves his socks on the floor. I get really mad because I see his dirty socks on the floor and I've asked him not to leave them there. I sit here for a minute and decide that he doesn't deserve to live anymore because he refuses to stop being a dirty sock leaver. So I go to the closet, grab a gun, go upstairs and shoot him. It's Murder 1. I made a deliberate action with the intention of killing him that wasn't in the middle of an argument or some other circumstance that I reacted to. I decided to kill him and I did it. That is Murder 1.

So whether or not Jodi planned the murder in the beginning of May, or planned it when he was in the shower and she was POed because he still refused to take her to Cancun, it really doesn't matter. She willfully went into the bathroom with the intention of killing him and that is enough premeditation to convict her. Of course I'm speaking from a person who does not believe the "self-defense" thing and I do think she planned it far ahead of time. But I am supporting what you are saying with the concept that "premeditation" does not necessarily mean a prolonged period of time where you are plotting the murder.

This is very good. I like the way you explain things. Any chance you teach law somewhere? ...(me thinks so).
Yes, the car rental guy did testify the car Jodi returned smelled of smoke.


Somewhere in here though.

I'm sure there was testimony or something about a "smoke" smell in the car that was returned. Not going looking for it ... but I'm pretty sure I read it somewhere on these threads. Just sayin' :moo:

Night friends :eek:fftobed: well maybe I'll just have one of these first:martini: hic!
While we are on the subject of helio phones....

Did Gus give her that phone?

If so, WHY?

This is what I was trying to figure out. She said she lost her phone. Gus gave her a phone. This was supposedly in April. So we are on phone number two. Okay.

May 22nd she is so excited about her new phone arriving because she lost her phone a couple days prior. So phone number 3.

As I asked the other day, does this mean 3 phone numbers? 3 SID or SIM cards? Don't you have to get a new SIM each time this loss happens? I don't know if that means a new number, but if it does, isn't it amazing how Travis always had her number, but she was "breaking away" from him as indicated on May 22nd? again, I ask, what better way to break away than moving and changing your number? What perfect time to change your number than with a loss phone incident?
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