Trial Discussion Thread #16

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Read them and weep.......

I am who I am by the grace of God. Nothing more. Nothing less. If He can love me as I am, then so should you I guess. - Me

@reevasteenkamp 7 Feb 2013
When it takes you an entire day to try and compose a fitting response, a lacking one at that, rather leave it. It's just substandard.

@reevasteenkamp 29 Jan 2013
Some days you just want to stay in bed and nap and think and watch tv and drink tea. It's those "I need my mommy" days.

30 Dec 2012
I've learnt many valuable lessons this year. Thank you 2012 for the education! Above all, "trust your inner voice" stands out for me. #2013

@reevasteenkamp 26 Dec 2012
You truly are the devil reincarnated.

@reevasteenkamp 11 Jan 2013
Yaaaaawn!!!! Let me know when you're done wasting your time trying to wear me down *files my nails*
Strong, beautiful, smart, assertive and this...mocking too...doubt that went down well.

@OscarPistorius It's called FaceTime boo!!! Hahahahaha :)
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7:42 AM - 31 Dec 2012
‏But this one she retweeted takes the cake.... :-( Not such a good place after all.

@reevasteenkamp 28 Dec 2012
“@Leo_Rising: Bathroom: A talented secret place where #Leo can sing, dance, act and even take most important life decisions.” Hahaha
The force of the bat hit on the right side of the door would have created an opposing force on the tiles where the door hinges were screwed into the frame.

Killer knows he hit the door with great force.

Killer's story MUST explain why.

Claiming that he needed to bash the door with a bat seems like an incredibly unlikely explanation for how to get into the toilet stall.

Think about it. If he had a gun, he could have shot the lock, or simply slammed the door with his shoulder. Hacking at the door with a cricket bat is not an effective way to break a door.

Evidence points to Reeva running into the bathroom, screaming for help. Killer tries to get her to shut up. He's helpless to stop her screams for help with woke up several neighbors. So he threatens her by hitting the door with the bat.

She screams more.

The only way to stop her screaming is by getting the gun. She screams even louder and he shoots her. She falls, screaming even louder and in terror. He re-aims, and shoots until the screaming stops with the last head shot.

I am convinced this battle took place all over the house, culminating in some form of violence, which Reeva could not condone and threatened to report. She was trying to escape from OP.

I think he shouted GET OUT OF MY HOUSE after deciding he would pretend she was an intruder. He decided cold-bloodedly to kill her because she had threatened to expose him, she was screaming, and she had cellphones in there with her. He could not let her survive or she would destroy everything he built.

You would destroy me? ME? I'll destroy YOU - and he hit her with the cricket bat. She threw her stuff in the bag and put on the clothes she had left in the bathroom. She threw the jeans out the window because she was trying to escape out the window...and they were too tight to let her crawl out-- and then it was too late. He was pounding on the door already.

I think she was trying to defend herself with the bat, trying to deliver a blow to his legs and make him unable to keep her from leaving.

previously posted by Gavel Rash

If you match up the times, that appears to be one of those non identified gprs connections made from RS's cell... bbm...:

One thing I came across from checking the twitter link you posted was image 16/50, literally sent chills down my spine when I read it. Whether it was sent from OP? I don't know how to check that far back, sorry.:/

During the time they dated, this is quite frightening and voyeuristic . . Gulp . ...


  • A_Th-B7CYAEEZjf.jpg
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@reevasteenkamp 2 Dec 2012
I'm so disappointed in myself today,more than anyone else. I never learn from the past. How do you grow if you never learn? #sadheart

@reevasteenkamp 28 Nov 2012
When someone makes a big mistake & is evidently wrong but turns it around to make you feel like the wrongdoer. That.

@reevasteenkamp 11 Nov 2012
They said. Reeva baby use your head. But I chose to use my heart instead

Retweeted by Reeva Steenkamp
5 Nov 2012
#Leo keep falling into the same ****ing traps.

Reeva Steenkamp ‏@reevasteenkamp 5 Nov 2012
Hmmmmmmmm OK .......

@reevasteenkamp 1 Nov 2012
Whatsapp. Keeping me up wayyyy beyond my bedtime since 2011. *puts phone down*
@reevasteenkamp 1 Nov 2012
Whatsapp. Keeping me up wayyyy beyond my bedtime since 2011. *puts phone down*

All those whatsapps messages............all of them Oscar........all of them.
These broken tiles are bugging me. They are immediately around the door so was he banging there to scare her or banging there trying to get in to her?

I've been curious about these too.

Here's my conclusion:-

If we look at the area of missing tiles down the side of the door, there is a long line of missing tiles, all of consistent width (perhaps a couple of inches).

These are the edging pieces that the tilers use to finish off when there is not enough room for a compete tile to fit. The left edge butts flat against a complete tile of the exact same thickness, the right edge would butt against the door frame which is much thicker. As such these edging tiles do not sit quite as flat as the complete tiles, and are not held as tightly as they are not sandwiched on all edges by adjacent tiles. These would probably be the first to come loose under shock/vibration.

If we suspect that OP was hitting the tiles with the cricket bat, the cricket bat would have to be side on (narrow edge) as none of the full adjacent tiles were broken. We would then have to presume he did the same strike a number of times from the top of the wall downwards in a straight line.

It's remotely possible that he hit each individual narrow tile downwards in an almost perfect straight line, but it looks far too uniform and precise for an action performed in temper or as a threat. It's more likely the areas on the wall would be more random and at least a few complete tiles would have broken in the process.

For those reasons I'm quite sure that the edging tiles simply fell off due to shock/vibration whilst OP was bashing the door to get it open.
During the time they dated, this is quite frightening and voyeuristic . . Gulp . ...

Exactly, after seeing that, I don't even have words to describe how I'm feeling. I'm hoping someone here knows how to source where RS got it.
I am convinced this battle took place all over the house, culminating in some form of violence, which Reeva could not condone and threatened to report. She was trying to escape from OP.

I think he shouted GET OUT OF MY HOUSE after deciding he would pretend she was an intruder. He decided cold-bloodedly to kill her because she had threatened to expose him, she was screaming, and she had cellphones in there with her. He could not let her survive or she would destroy everything he built.

You would destroy me? ME? I'll destroy YOU - and he hit her with the cricket bat. She threw her stuff in the bag and put on the clothes she had left in the bathroom. She threw the jeans out the window because she was trying to escape out the window...and they were too tight to let her crawl out-- and then it was too late. He was pounding on the door already.

I think she was trying to defend herself with the bat, trying to deliver a blow to his legs and make him unable to keep her from leaving.


During the battle all over the house... up and down the stairs, bashing bedroom door etc...

Was OP on his stumps or wearing his prostheses?
The force of the bat hit on the right side of the door would have created an opposing force on the tiles where the door hinges were screwed into the frame.

Killer knows he hit the door with great force.

Killer's story MUST explain why.

Claiming that he needed to bash the door with a bat seems like an incredibly unlikely explanation for how to get into the toilet stall.

Think about it. If he had a gun, he could have shot the lock, or simply slammed the door with his shoulder. Hacking at the door with a cricket bat is not an effective way to break a door.

Evidence points to Reeva running into the bathroom, screaming for help. Killer tries to get her to shut up. He's helpless to stop her screams for help with woke up several neighbors. So he threatens her by hitting the door with the bat.

She screams more.

The only way to stop her screaming is by getting the gun. She screams even louder and he shoots her. She falls, screaming even louder and in terror. He re-aims, and shoots until the screaming stops with the last head shot.

The Evidence

The bullet holes through the door indicate OP did not know the whereabouts of whoever was behind that door. If he could see them and wanted to silence them, it would have been 1 shot, to the head, with a Black Talon bullet. Why mess about with four shots?

If OP wanted to stage it to look like he bashed the door down, he would need to barge open the door, see where Reeva was, close the door, take a guess and fire 4 shots through the door, then get the cricket bat, then bash the door down. And finally, hope that 1 of his 4 lucky shots did in fact kill Reeva.
The tiles . I had these placed in the unhandyman Oscar box.. along with the broken air con, and the broken Jacuzzi and the broken window pane downstairs.. the things that accumulate in a bachelor home.. the undone jobs..

The broken Air con was the odd one out for me, considering it was high summer. I don't know how long it had been inoperative, but generally speaking, one wouldn't let it go on for more than a day. At most. He had a gardener who could let a repair man in, he had the money, its something one just has taken care of. Not a thing one delays. The bashed about locking apparatus on the bedroom door is creepy, though.

Maybe the tiles have a story to tell.
wasn't he trying to sell this house , before the murder?? and move into Jo'burg? or had bought a place already.. ?
wasn't he trying to sell this house , before the murder?? and move into Jo'burg? or had bought a place already.. ?

That's what I'd read awhile ago but can't find the article now, everything has been swallowed by the trial.

Then there's all the stuff that has since been scrubbed by his legal team.

I found one...

During that conversation Pistorius revealed his plans to move out of his luxury Pretoria mansion in a gated community and relocate to a new house in South Africa's largest city. The move would have enabled Pistorius to pursue his celebrity lifestyle and the trappings that accompanied his life as one of the country's sporting icons.

But less than 72 hours after talking through his plans with his former teacher, Pistorius was charged with Steenkamp's murder.
The Evidence

The bullet holes through the door indicate OP did not know the whereabouts of whoever was behind that door. If he could see them and wanted to silence them, it would have been 1 shot, to the head, with a Black Talon bullet. Why mess about with four shots?

If OP wanted to stage it to look like he bashed the door down, he would need to barge open the door, see where Reeva was, close the door, take a guess and fire 4 shots through the door, then get the cricket bat, then bash the door down. And finally, hope that 1 of his 4 lucky shots did in fact kill Reeva.

I'm sure he didn't stage the door bashing. He just created a story that explained the door bashing happening after the killing, because he needed a way to explain away the screams the neighbors heard.

Banging - woman screaming - bang bang bang bang - silence

Either killer hit door first causing victim to scream in terror or killer duplicated sounds of woman being attacked and shot.

If he hit and broke a small piece of door at top before the shots, it would explain how he hit her with 3 of 4 shots, with the final shots at her head.
These broken tiles are bugging me. They are immediately around the door so was he banging there to scare her or banging there trying to get in to her?

Are those tiles from the side of the wall where there's tiles missing up the side?
I've been curious about these too.

Here's my conclusion:-

If we look at the area of missing tiles down the side of the door, there is a long line of missing tiles, all of consistent width (perhaps a couple of inches).

These are the edging pieces that the tilers use to finish off when there is not enough room for a compete tile to fit. The left edge butts flat against a complete tile of the exact same thickness, the right edge would butt against the door frame which is much thicker. As such these edging tiles do not sit quite as flat as the complete tiles, and are not held as tightly as they are not sandwiched on all edges by adjacent tiles. These would probably be the first to come loose under shock/vibration.

If we suspect that OP was hitting the tiles with the cricket bat, the cricket bat would have to be side on (narrow edge) as none of the full adjacent tiles were broken. We would then have to presume he did the same strike a number of times from the top of the wall downwards in a straight line.

It's remotely possible that he hit each individual narrow tile downwards in an almost perfect straight line, but it looks far too uniform and precise for an action performed in temper or as a threat. It's more likely the areas on the wall would be more random and at least a few complete tiles would have broken in the process.

For those reasons I'm quite sure that the edging tiles simply fell off due to shock/vibration whilst OP was bashing the door to get it open.

Thanks Steve. I have been hearing about these broken tiles but never seen a picture before. This is not what I was picturing. I thought we were talking about smashed tiles from the wall or ground. Those tiles have not been smashed. They look like they fell out, like you say. That is exactly what they look like and your theory is a very good one. They are lined up on the floor as if they fell out, and the ones from higher up fell on top. If he was smashing tiles, they would be broken up and would be smashed from lower down. The damage goes too far up. There's also no damage to the tiles around the empty space. Nope, I do not think he smashed the tiles with the bat. I think they fell out some how. My first thought was maybe he was doing some remodeling but don't know about that one.
Thanks Steve. I have been hearing about these broken tiles but never seen a picture before. This is not what I was picturing. I thought we were talking about smashed tiles from the wall or ground. Those tiles have not been smashed. They look like they fell out, like you say. That is exactly what they look like and your theory is a very good one. They are lined up on the floor as if they fell out, and the ones from higher up fell on top. If he was smashing tiles, they would be broken up and would be smashed from lower down. The damage goes too far up. There's also no damage to the tiles around the empty space. Nope, I do not think he smashed the tiles with the bat. I think they fell out some how. My first thought was maybe he was doing some remodeling but don't know about that one.

Yep, the remodeling theory is certainly a strong possibility. If I had to make a guess between the two on probability this would be at the top of my list.

I think my mind's now settled that this wasn't damage wasn't caused by the direct hit from a weapon.
Yep, the remodeling theory is certainly a strong possibility. If I had to make a guess between the two on probability this would be at the top of my list.

I think my mind's now settled that this wasn't damage wasn't caused by the direct hit from a weapon.

Me too. There's no way that was caused by hitting it with a bat, IMO.
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