Trial Discussion Thread #22 - 14.04.10, Day 20

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Oscar is clearly trying to avoid using the words "intend" and "deliberate" IMO

Can Roux come back and cross OP again or is he done?

Ive found it quite interesting that OP has been ok to state his council misinformed him...I wonder if Roux had already gone over this stuff with him so knew OP would mention it like that...seems so odd to do that normal and/or happen regularly?
I think OP has no choice but to vigourously defend the other gun charges as they could result in visa bans for some countries which obviously damages potential future earnings.
Understandably so. If he was so fearful, believing it to be an intruder, he shot in auto pilot mode. I understand what Oscar's saying. I think Nel does too.

Nel definitely understands what OP is saying.
Oscar is clearly trying to avoid using the words "intend" and "deliberate" IMO

Yep, he definitely knows what not to say, and Nel knows this.

I think Nel caught himself out a few times, but it's a very risky game trying to outwit someone of his caliber.
according to op version of events, rs must have been the person that opened the bathroom window. and the person that closed the toilet door as she entered - the second noise he said he heard that led him towards the toilet door...

according to op version of events, from this point he was screaming to intruders to get out of my house as he edged his way towards the bathroom.

it is plausible that rs may have wanted to keep quiet - to keep her whereabouts a secret from perceived intruder. she would not know where oscar thought intruders may have been.

she had her phone with her... is it plausible that she didn't use this to text/phone an alert to anyone. she had the time from op first screaming as he moved from the bedroom, to the corridor, to the bathroom corner.

just trying to test op version of events

If she'd have spoken on the phone with an "intruder" in the bathroom, her voice could have got her killed. Texting doesn't get immediate help, especially at that time of the morning. Most people presumably asleep.
I find it really interesting that there are virtually no objections...
Nel asks Pistorius whether Barry Roux, his defence lawyer, told him it was legal for him to have done that (about the ammunition in his safe)

Pistorius says yes.

Nel says that could not have been the case as it's illegal.

Nel to #Pistorius: "It's the third time you've blamed your legal team because you don't want to accept responsibility."
— David Smith (@SmithInAfrica) April 10, 2014
OP is a liar, of that, there is no doubt. Why should Nel believe Reeva's killing was a 'mistake' when we've just seen how far OP will go to avoid admitting anything that shows him in a bad light?
according to op version of events, rs must have been the person that opened the bathroom window. and the person that closed the toilet door as she entered - the second noise he said he heard that led him towards the toilet door...

according to op version of events, from this point he was screaming to intruders to get out of my house as he edged his way towards the bathroom.

it is plausible that rs may have wanted to keep quiet - to keep her whereabouts a secret from perceived intruder. she would not know where oscar thought intruders may have been.

she had her phone with her... is it plausible that she didn't use this to text/phone an alert to anyone. she had the time from op first screaming as he moved from the bedroom, to the corridor, to the bathroom corner.

just trying to test op version of events

Well imo OP failed the test when he once again refused to accept responsibility and blamed RS for not speaking out from the toilet.
I do think the gun was discharged accidentally in Tasha's.

It's totally irresponsible and could have killed someone, but to suggest it was done purposely, you'd really have to be thinking along the lines that he intended to shoot his mate's foot.

For someone who doesn't want to attract media attention, shooting your mate in a family restaurant would not be the best move.

More importantly at Tasha's Oscar says he didn't pull the trigger, he doesn't know who did, he was holding the firearm and it discharged but it wasn't him!
The time from first to last shot is the most important thing for me, as this is most indicative as to whether Reeva had time to scream, and whether OP heard her.

Unfortunately we have not yet had a witness that has accurately described this.

she may have had time to scream if there was a gap, but as to whether op heard any screams [or anything else]... didn't op cover this by saying the noise of the gun going off caused him to be temporarily deafened.

i have no idea whether temporary deafness would be the case.
but it was a confined space.
according to op version of events, rs must have been the person that opened the bathroom window. and the person that closed the toilet door as she entered - the second noise he said he heard that led him towards the toilet door...

according to op version of events, from this point he was screaming to intruders to get out of my house as he edged his way towards the bathroom.

it is plausible that rs may have wanted to keep quiet - to keep her whereabouts a secret from perceived intruder. she would not know where oscar thought intruders may have been.

she had her phone with her... is it plausible that she didn't use this to text/phone an alert to anyone. she had the time from op first screaming as he moved from the bedroom, to the corridor, to the bathroom corner.

just trying to test op version of events
Why would Reeva slam the toilet door? OP has now added this noise which was just a noise before, not a slam. Slamming a door nearly always indicates someone's upset about something - unless there was some strong through breeze that slammed it shut without Reeva's intervention.
On the messaging "I love you" front, addressed by Nel.

2/3 months into a relationship, there's no danger I'd say "I love you" to a partner after that short space of time, even if I felt that way.

Notably, Reeva hadn't said it to Oscar either, so unsure why Nel's unfairly picking Oscar up on it?

It could affect sentencing . Has he suffered enough .
Defence may argue that he has .
Has Roux being objecting much today during this cross exam ?

There hasn't been any objection from him today that I've heard.

I meant after OP's testimony has finished though so sorry for not pointing that out. I'm curious if he's going to be changing some of his witnesses and how he gets around OP's recklessness or even if he's going to try mitigating it at all.
Why would Reeva slam the toilet door? OP has now added this noise which was just a noise before, not a slam. Slamming a door nearly always indicates someone's upset about something - unless there was some strong through breeze that slammed it shut without Reeva's intervention.

If we believe that he yelled out for intruders to get out of the house she may have panicked and slammed the door and locked it behind her.
On the messaging "I love you" front, addressed by Nel.

2/3 months into a relationship, there's no danger I'd say "I love you" to a partner after that short space of time, even if I felt that way.

Notably, Reeva hadn't said it to Oscar either, so unsure why Nel's unfairly picking Oscar up on it?

.. because Reeva is the one who is dead, in this particular case. It doesn't matter what she did or didn't do, she is the victim here and Nel is trying .. quite rightly .. to work out why she ended up dead .. no question to OP in regard to their relationship is 'unfair'.
Am I wrong? If I am I apologize, I thought it was noon to 1 for lunch and then they adjourn at 3:00.

So that's two hours after lunch, whoops lol, math fail.

Your posts make me laugh. I like that you admit when mistaken, and in a light-hearted way. :D
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