Trial Discussion Thread #26 - 14.04.15, Day 23

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O: I pulled her on me....I had Reeva's weight on top of me...when I managed to turn her around, I kicked the magazine rack, then tried to pull her into the bathroom

I tried to pick her up but couldn't pick her up. I grabbed her was on the floor by the plank..

N: Anything wrong with it?

O: No, it just had a passcode on it...

Nel asks what OP did with the phone and he says 'I dropped it'. When Nel asks him to confirm that, OP says 'I dropped it or I put it down'.

Wth would he take the time to look at the phone in his version??
Yes, Oscar, we know you wanted to delete stuff off of her phone before this thing blew up in your face.
That would be reckless and dangerous. Perhaps the judge has shot a glock and knows how ear shattering it would be in such closed quarters without ear protection.

Yea I know, but I bet OP would perk up.

I watched a few documentaries on the case last weekend. If the info is correct, Reeva left his house at 5:45pm (approx) and returned at 6:00pm on 13th Feb. He arrived home about 15 mins after Reeva returned, so possibly about 6:15pm.

They had exchanged a number of short phone calls prior to this, throughout the late afternoon.

so she had a key.
surprising considering how little face-to-face time they had had together.
surprising considering his controlling nature.
Another theory.

OP shoots Reeva for whatever reason. Realises what he's done and thinks to himself, if she survives, it will come out anyway and thats my career finished and decides to shoot 3 more times to make sure the jobs a guddan. Its lame but im just being as illogical as OP.

If he'd have shot just the once, he'd have had a better chance with the 'intruder' theory..... then again, to rely on self defence he'd have still had to take the stand, so he would have still stitched himself up like a kipper!
I've compiled a short list of phone interactions between OP and Reeva which serve to locate both parties on the afternoon of Feb 13th. I've swiped the info from Juror13 blog (I think the blog owner posts here), I hope she doesn't mind. It's a great recap. The following is from March 25th.

February 13…

RS: Baba I hope you don’t mind but I came back to the house to work and do some washing. It will help me a lot to get stuff done and relieve some stress. I’ll go through to Jo’burg at like 3pm. *advertiser censored*

RS: It’s a difficult thing to try to console you baba because it’s a ****** thing and you’re a nice guy. I guess these things happen and we can just hope they work out for the best. You are an amazing person with so many blessings and you are more than cared for. Your health and future monetary blessings far outweigh this hurdle I can promise you that
OP: Thank you so much my angel you don’t have to. X Stay tonight if you would like.

OP: I’m just finishing off at Ryan(?)
RS: Thank you baba let me know if you’d like to spend time with him or Carl. I’m sure you maybe feel like some family tonight.

RS: Angel I’m going to go home at like 6pm. Please stay and do whatever it was you were gonna do


Reeva then calls Oscar at 5:44pm and speaks to him for 2 and half minutes. Her phone is now pinging from a different tower which means she has left his home.


But she was seen coming back thru the Silver Woods security gate some time close to 6pm that night (seen by Baba and seen on CCTV pics) so something made her come back. Oscar arrived home approximately 10 minutes after her. It is not clear if he was expecting her or not based on their exchanges.


I hope this helps to serve as a reminder for the timeline on that day. Many thanks to Juror13 for her awesome updates. Plenty more details at the link provided at the top of the post.
Nel says it's not in dispute OP broke down the door and OP doesn't have trouble with that, but up until the shots, OP struggles because he is making it up.

I think he is still making it up. He may be telling the truth about the door, but he's not telling the truth about the actions he took surrounding the breaking down of the door, both before and after.
Dixon worked in the same capacity for the SAPS as Batman, exact same job. That Dixon has "geology" knowledge seems to be the only difference. And like Batman Dixon is drawing opinions based upon his investigation only, his opinions do not take in to account the other evidence, so many are obviously wrong.

What Dixon did explain quite well was the splinters in Reeva's right arm and the distance and position her arm had to be in behind the door to receive the splinters to her skin. According to Dixon's investigation Reeva was standing very close to the door and likely holding the door handle with her right hand, for safety just in case OP managed to open the lock or physically open the door open. I like that he did the tests to determine that, it gives a clearer picture.

do the defence want to support the idea that she was on the way out of the bathroom?
When Nel checked OP's words about 'I dropped Reeva's phone', OP seemed to think it was a trick and added 'or put it down'.

But that takes away the reason for it to have been broken, to me.

They're back.

Good catch, Zwiebel!
That mirror article....
"Screaming rows"
"Intense relationship"

Sams relationship

Screamed and shouted at her, her friends and family.

Reeva scared of him, belittling, sulking, etc etc

How would anyone think he wasnt abusive???
O: It wasn't there when I found Reeva. The only way I can think, is when I moved Reeva....when I found Reeva it was definitely not there.

N: How can you be so sure?

O: Because that's where I found Reeva milady.


He was in such a state of shock, yet happened to make a mental recording of each and every smear in the toilet room....all the while Reeva breathing.
New person to blame! If it wasn't for the housekeeper placing that magazine rack there, there would not have been wood movement and this would have never happened!

Some posters have commented on here that they though Nel was off his game today. I just thought he was of the opinion that he'd got all he was really going to get and that, by continuing, he was risking diluting the impact of what he had already nailed OP on.

However, I do notice a difference in Roux, no? He seems to be doing a lot of sighing, which is audible from the microphone and looks harassed. He's skipping quickly through the geologists evidence and not really hammering home any points... a quick clarification here and there but thats it. Now, he may go back and do this after he's gone through all the exhibits but I'm not sure he will. Am I the only one to think that Roux is the one off his game?

He was also mightily p*ssed off with his client after OP stepped down. He said he was finished, sat down and turned his chair towards his left, right away from OP. Have a look at the video, it was noticeable. I know he was ticked at OP thinking he could just interupt the judge whilst she was addressing counsel to tell her about the door frame ( :floorlaugh: ), but I feel that it could be more than that. I could hazard a guess that Roux wants him to cop to a plea of CH and he's refused. Not sure but I'll bet there's something.

ETA it's at 12.25 of session two!!!
That mirror article....
"Screaming rows"
"Intense relationship"

Sams relationship

Screamed and shouted at her, her friends and family.

Reeva scared of him, belittling, sulking, etc etc

How would anyone think he wasnt abusive???

Because Sam T is a "jealous, vindictive ex".

Because OP cried on the stand, vomited in the galley, everyone is out to get him.

Because unless it was physical abuse, then it is not abuse when a man and woman are not married, not living together, have children together, etc.

Because screaming at someone, belittling them, controlling them are not forms of abuse.....even though there is emotional abuse and verbal abuse.

Because in order to believe that this was in any way, shape or form an abusive relationship then one has to believe that OP could be guilty of killing Reeva intentionally.

I think I covered them all. Might have missed one or two though.


I just happened upon this article and vid while googling for something, and I was surprised by the judge's nodding during this bit at the end of Nel's x-exam .. quite telling, methinks! .. oh, and the second time you see her towards the end of that vid, she visibly rolls her eyes heaven-wards when OP, once again, say "I don't know, MiLady"!
Jerome Starkey @jeromestarkey

Extraordinary: #Pistorius psychologist on the relatives bench clapped her hands in silent applause applause when Nel ended his x-examination

OMG is this typical behavior for a professional psychologist??
Yes me too..was expecting some kind of huge revelation today but nothing, actually more questions than answers. The state has not managed to convince me of his guilt in the intentional killing of Reeva.

There will never be a video of the killing.
do the defence want to support the idea that she was on the way out of the bathroom?

It seems that they are saying she was in fear of the intruder too after hearing OP yelling, so she was hiding, not coming out. OP says she moved the magazine rack, so that goes against saying she was opening the door. Dixon really shot OP in the foot with his "splinter" testing! LOL!!! If I can understand this then rest assured that Mr. Nel and all of those investigators can too.

This expert witness will, I strongly believe, yield to the State's version of events when Mr. Nel cross examines him tomorrow. He is a professional and does not want to stake out a ridiculous claim, and so when asked specific questions based upon all of the evidence he will concede almost all of his opinions that he gave today; just like the pathology professor did.
We don't send valentine's cards. Both of us feel it is a tool used by marketing to make one spend a lot of money. LOL. Good that we both agree.

heck, we don't even do Christmas...I am so glad about it as it is a PITA.....we get what we want all year...

however.....a new relationship..Valentines is a special day...for some it seems.

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