Trial Discussion Thread #36 - 14.05.09 Day 29

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I have heard it mentioned somewhere that OP had a business meeting on the 13th Feb that did not go well for him but cannot find any info to either confirm or deny this. I realise that it is an aside with regard to the crime but does anyone know anymore about this

The "hurdle" meeting earlier that day is a key piece of the puzzle imo. Reeva sent a consoling msg to OP that afternoon about fully understanding if he felt the need to be with his family that night. Valentine's Eve + OP Horrible Hurdle Day + Reeva's Tropica debut 2 days away created a deadly emotional brew.
looking at the attached image though...

anyone standing at the door would have definitely been hit, and as you say if he heard the mag rack... that would account for the further shots also hitting.

equally, anyone standing at the back wall centre, back wall right, shower side wall, or in the corner to the left of the door would not have been hit at all. considering it is such a small space there were lots of areas that the shots didn't cover.

Thanks for that pic, sleuth-d. I bet if all 4 bullets missed Reeva their ricocheting/fragmenting around that tiny cubicle would have seriously injured her, even in that untouched back right corner.
Is everyone else's posts going first to moderation? My latest one did and hasn't appeared as yet though it was just a few observations and a question.

Yes, my last post never appeared either. After 5 yrs on WS, I have learned not to take it personal. Besides, mods know better than us mere forum members. :D
How do you know he heard a noise in the bathroom? Because OP said so?

There were no other witnesses to this crime, only Reeva, and she is dead.

A noise then evolves into window sliding open, then slamming against the frame. Then the movement in the toilet evolves into the sound of wood moving. In that case for all he knew the mythical intruder could have had a wooden leg, just like the magazine rack.

In his haste to tailor the evidence his version/s are becoming even more of a farce, you could not make it up if you tried.
looking at the attached image though...

anyone standing at the door would have definitely been hit, and as you say if he heard the mag rack... that would account for the further shots also hitting.

equally, anyone standing at the back wall centre, back wall right, shower side wall, or in the corner to the left of the door would not have been hit at all. considering it is such a small space there were lots of areas that the shots didn't cover.

BIB. And that area, to the far right of the door, looking at it from the outside, is exactly where OP says he would have fired if he had wanted to shoot Mr. Armed Intruder.

Looking at the image, you see a very tight grouping of OPs shots, all three of his shots that were fired after Reeva was first shot in her hip. Although we did not get all of Dr. Saymaan's testimony, Nest did note the location of the shot to Reeva's hip. It was the iliac crest; just run you fingers across the top (front) of your hip, that is the area where the bullet entered. When I look at bullet hole B from its entry in the door and its point of impact on the wall, it is still in the bullseye of shots C and D. All three shots (B, C, and D) form a very good grouping on the bullseye, it is just that B was fired too high to hit Reeva. OP was able to lower his shots for bullets C and D and hit her with great accuracy.

Ballistics expert for Oscar Pistorious' defense: 'It's all speculation' as to what happened to Reeva SteenkampBY BRENDEN NEL , CORKY SIEMASZKO
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Published: Friday, May 9, 2014.

"Wolmarans’ admission appeared to be a blow to Team Pistorius" ... "under cross-examination by Nel, Wolmarans failed to refute much of the earlier testimony from prosecution witness Capt. Christian Mangena, who said Steenkamp was standing when Pistorius’ first shot shattered her hip and caused her to topple on a magazine rack"...

I rather liked Woolie and found him to be too upfront and experienced to do anything other than telling it as he sees it. His statement to the effect that no one honestly knows what went on behind that toilet door is spot on and quickly agreed to by Nel despite the fact that everyone goes on endlessly about the events behind the door. Because I am not into all the details of this trial as so many experts and watchers it seems so clear that she was shot dead and there is no dispute on that...and no one knows what happened behind that door and I'm not sure at the end of the day it makes that much difference (a statement that probably shows my ignorance of the case). What I heard Woolie do besides providing some lighthearted moments in the courtroom was to basically validate that Capt. Magena knows what he is doing and he would agree with him. Don't see what he is really doing for the defense. Time to get him off the stand before Nell gives him more homework (finding papers) and makes a date to have a beer with him.
A noise then evolves into window sliding open, then slamming against the frame. Then the movement in the toilet evolves into the sound of wood moving. In that case for all he knew the mythical intruder could have had a wooden leg, just like the magazine rack.

In his haste to tailor the evidence his version/s are becoming even more of a farce, you could not make it up if you tried.

How do you figure that? The bullet holes are mostly in the right side of the door, the only reason they didn't hit the right side of the toilet room is because OP wasn't aiming in that direction, he was aiming towards RS, or the toilet itself if you'd rather believe that... don't forget the shower was on the right and the door was pretty much flush with that wall. Ohhh that must be it, OP was so worried he'd accidentally hit the shower door and be hit with his own bullet that he had to aim to the left side of the toilet room.:facepalm:

also, is it natural to shoot downwards rather than straight at a perceived/hidden target? these 'random' shots all followed the same basic trajectory. slightly dipped. high to lower.

another factor which makes the shots look 'aimed'. imo.
Thanks but I am asking about evidence other than OP's words - that is, the testimonies of witnesses and experts that have moved you in the direction of not guilty. IIRC you brought up the 'all evidence points to the contrary' issue so I'd infer from that you believe there is evidence that points towards not guilty.

Assuming you are not basing your views on OP's and OP's version only there must be evidence that you think backs his story up and it's that I'm mainly interested in. TIA

Nice try Lithgow, and all the rest of the gang, but you're "flogging a dead horse". It's the biggest windup and as the kids say, "Like, I'm so over it".
I think the only information we have is that it was some kind of financial meeting.

No details that I know of. Very vague, a bit like his version/versions.

Thank you it has been annoying me like everything else in this case that is unclear and unsubstantiated
I rather liked Woolie and found him to be too upfront and experienced to do anything other than telling it as he sees it. His statement to the effect that no one honestly knows what went on behind that toilet door is spot on and quickly agreed to by Nel despite the fact that everyone goes on endlessly about the events behind the door. Because I am not into all the details of this trial as so many experts and watchers it seems so clear that she was shot dead and there is no dispute on that...and no one knows what happened behind that door and I'm not sure at the end of the day it makes that much difference (a statement that probably shows my ignorance of the case). What I heard Woolie do besides providing some lighthearted moments in the courtroom was to basically validate that Capt. Magena knows what he is doing and he would agree with him. Don't see what he is really doing for the defense. Time to get him off the stand before Nell gives him more homework (finding papers) and makes a date to have a beer with him.

I'm not so sure .. I was absolutely stunned by the way he changed his opinion about Reeva sitting on the magazine rack .. he initially said, in no uncertain terms, that she would've been sitting on it and then later, after an adjournment, he then said she was sitting on the floor (and I dearly hope that the DT had not consulted with him during that adjournment for him to so drastically have changed his, previously fairly firm, opinion on that).
Thanks for that pic, sleuth-d. I bet if all 4 bullets missed Reeva their ricocheting/fragmenting around that tiny cubicle would have seriously injured her, even in that untouched back right corner.

i agree that ricochet had a high chance of hitting, but i don't think he was shooting and hoping to hit with ricochet. [hope that makes sense. :)] i think the 'lines' of the shots show aiming at a relatively small area [corridor] within the toilet space.
<Respectfully snipped>

The two things that do bother me in this case is the way Aimee or Carice was able to remove the handbag and Carice being alone with OP at some stage. And then there's the matter of the phone that disappeared for a couple of weeks. Surely a person who's just admitted shooting and killing someone should have been under supervision the entire time together with anyone else that was either present or subsequently entered the crime scene.

Your thoughts.

I'd love to get started on the problems experienced here in terms of crime scene management, but I would probably end up writing a book. Even in this very special case, where everybody involved knew it was going to turn into a media circus, they still would have been faced with the practical problems.

Because of the large number of crime scenes handled, policemen take short-cuts and don't do things "by the book" in many cases. In terms of the police, there is firstly a lack of numbers, some are properly trained, some of the others are not. Some aren't properly motivated and some are just bad policemen. Those who are properly trained take short-cuts. After taking short-cuts for long periods of time because of the work-load, it becomes the norm and when a case like this presents itself they automatically do things wrong.

I would guess if I compared it to the ideal, the SAPS would have less than 50% of the numbers they actually need. If you take into account that 30% of those my not have received proper training in the basics of crime scene management, you have only 35% of its ideal capacity. Then take into account that 30% of those may be demotivated or overworked and you end up with a police "service" that is only 25% effective.

Now, if I take the management of this specific scene into account (which was not too bad), I would give them an 80% pass-rate here, it means they outperformed the average expected by (80/25 = 3.2) by 220%

Additional info:
Just to place some of the forensic stuff in perspective too... The SAPS used to have Electronic Engineers that would do sound tests, etc... They now have zero electronic engineers. They still have the equipment available, but no-one suitably qualified to testify at the level required.... If you wondered why the SAPS did not do sound tests themselves...
I must say i'm enjoying reading everyones views , i don't join in much as i'm not as articulate as most of you ...... ps the real reason for this post was to show off my new profile pic , feel free to like it jk :)
also, is it natural to shoot downwards rather than straight at a perceived/hidden target? these 'random' shots all followed the same basic trajectory. slightly dipped. high to lower.

another factor which makes the shots look 'aimed'. imo.

.. actually, that is something I meant to have asked because I disputed upthread that OP could've knelt (while on his prosthesis) when he shot at the door because I said that would make the angle all wrong (i.e. he would be slightly too low down .. i.e. he's a bit shorter on his knees that he is standing on his stumps) but, I then heard or read somewhere that the trajectory is slightly upwards .. does anyone have the definitive angle of these shots, where they in fact slightly upwards or were they slightly downwards? I think this could make all the difference if we actually know that.
I must say i'm enjoying reading everyones views , i don't join in much as i'm not as articulate as most of you ...... ps the real reason for this post was to show off my new profile pic , feel free to like it jk :)

Erm .. sadly we can't see it, moomin! Hopefully your avvie is a moomin one, love those! :)
I rather liked Woolie and found him to be too upfront and experienced to do anything other than telling it as he sees it. His statement to the effect that no one honestly knows what went on behind that toilet door is spot on and quickly agreed to by Nel despite the fact that everyone goes on endlessly about the events behind the door. Because I am not into all the details of this trial as so many experts and watchers it seems so clear that she was shot dead and there is no dispute on that...and no one knows what happened behind that door and I'm not sure at the end of the day it makes that much difference (a statement that probably shows my ignorance of the case). What I heard Woolie do besides providing some lighthearted moments in the courtroom was to basically validate that Capt. Magena knows what he is doing and he would agree with him. Don't see what he is really doing for the defense. Time to get him off the stand before Nell gives him more homework (finding papers) and makes a date to have a beer with him.
From my understanding its importance is in the time spent to fire the shots into the door - the state claims there was a gap between shot 1 and shots 2, 3 and 4, giving RS time to scream and for OP to hear her - if he heard her and kept firing that is the muder of RS charge 'proven'. The defence are claiming it was four swift shots, not allowing him time to hear whoever was behind the door. So they are trying to work out what shots hit and when to see which version is the most likely based on her wounds, where she was found etc. All this means that tomorrow's continued cross-examining of Mr Wolmerans should be interesting.
I'm glad this one has come back up for renewed discussion. I have listened to it several times now and each time I'm getting what sounds like a short word beginning with "h" between "why" and "she's". This leaves me unsure of exactly what he was saying. Can anyone fill in that blank or tell me I'm as deaf as Woollie?
Certainly that statement looks very bad for OP but the conveniently blurred articulation might get him off the hook. If for instance he meant to say, "I wanted to ask Reeva whether [or if] she was phoning the police," this might save his bacon.

For me the word is clearly "if" and definitely neither "is", or “she’s”, or anything else, i.e.:

"I wanted to ask Reeva why if she's phoning the police"

I hear “if” just listening to the video without aids as well as after making a loop with a word either side and listening to it at normal, higher and lower speeds. I've also compared it with OP's "is" and it sounds nothing similar. They are completely different sounds because the “f” is a strongly aspirated sound (with a big puff) formed between teeth and lips while an "s" as an end letter (except when part of a double consonant) is pronounced “iz” as in “fizz” which is an unaspirated sound formed by the tongue vibrating (buzzing) behind the teeth up near the top palette.

Click for pronunciation of "if" - phonetically: /if/
Click for pronunciation of "is" - phonetically: /iz/​

But is it important? IMO no. Neither Nel nor the PT picked it up when hearing it in person (it would have been easier to distinguish for sure) and I am sure Nel’s acutely focussed and attentive ear would not have missed it. And it wouldn't prove anything anyway as it could be explained in so many ways, e.g. a simple stumble or mistake due to OP's nervousness and emotional state under cross, the strange SA syntax, or in its context with the part of the cross to which it pertains, it could it could only too easily argued OP was going to say he wanted to ask Reeva ”... why wasn't she phoning the police”, but changed his mind mid sentence to the less accusatory, "...if she was phoning the police”, so Nel wouldn’t accuse him of blaming her yet again. So too much reasonable doubt IMO to even bother as it is just another red herring as we all change track mid sentence x times a day (Nel included;-)) without any sinister connotation being made, so I don’t expect it to even be mentioned in the PT’s final submission nor reflected in Masipa’s judgement as a part of her findings either.
I think the only information we have is that it was some kind of financial meeting.

No details that I know of. Very vague, a bit like his version/versions.

i thought more would be made of this - even if only to establish state of mind on the day.

reeva mentioned it as some kind of headache [can't remember the actual word used].

i can only assume it has been investigated and nothing conclusive - for either side - happened at the meeting.
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