Trial Discussion Thread #44 - 14.07.1-2, Day 34-35

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Whoop saying it's already been tweeted out and you can't retrospectively enforce a law.

Judge has made a hasty decision there, I think.
Oh boo. They are locking down the findings?
Court session over, by the way! I was off searching twitter....
The report that contains the very personal, intimate information is that of Professor Scholtz.
If these tests to which the doc refers are relevant, WHY has OP not taken them to confirm the theory?
It is interesting to read everyone's take on whether Nel did the right thing by requesting a psychiatric evaluation for OP. Some say he shot himself in the foot whilst others say it was a masterstroke. Here is one report firmly in the latter camp.

"It was a decision that would carry profound implications for the outcome of the trial. If Mr Pistorius was found to be mentally deficient, it could have been argued that he was unfit to stand trial. Alternatively, and depending on the severity of a possible disorder, he could have been acquitted, or if not, handed a lenient sentence for Ms Steenkamp's death. Mr Nel knew what he was doing when he pushed for that psychiatric assessment, however. He has always been of the firm view that Mr Pistorius shot her in a fit of rage, and with full intention, and in possession of the full mental capacity to understand the criminal consequences.

By forcing that psychiatric evaluation, Mr Nel was betting on an expert view to back up his own assessment of Mr Pistorius's mental health."
Who is this witness again, please? I've lost track.


Hahaha! Me too! I was listening to a neighbor testify to sleeping through the murder and then I stepped out for a few minutes and this guy was rambling on. I missed the global warming polar bear reference too. I'm so lost right now.

@karynmaughan: #OP report: "He admits that he went through a period where he made the wrong choice of friends and often acted in way he wasn't proud of""

"@karynmaughan: #OP report reveals how fame affected #OscarPistorius: "Unsurprisingly, he lost his way somewhat" @eNCAnews"

"@karynmaughan: #OP report: "Ms Steenkamp shared his views on religion and would often listen to his 'Hillsong' music while driving in her car" @eNCAnews"

"@karynmaughan: #OP report states that his relationship with Reeva was "probably only the second one where he felt trust, security and real companionship""

"@karynmaughan: #OP report: His experience was that many girls wanted to be with him because of his fame..that made his suspicious of the motives of woman"

"@karynmaughan: #OP psych report states: "He was often approached by beautiful women like models but never reacted to their offers" @eNCAnews"

There are more tweets of the report out on journalists feeds. I could say more thoughts about assessment but will wait til I' m actually meant to be having free time - lol

Just sayin' having some Simon Gittany déjà vu...

"@CharlduPlessc: #OscarTrial Interesting tidbit from the psych assessment is that OP reports being single."

Some court cases do become a mockery. Imo, the DT are just wasting precious time with some of the witnesses. Ok, it is OP's right to have his day in court but an email from a fan who has a disability? His manager stating what a great guy he is, duh, OP has him on the payroll.

Yet his house servant, Frank, who was present on that night, should be on the stand, guess what? Nowhere to be seen or heard? Now that is a mockery!!

I don't believe in mocking a disability but I don't believe a person with a disability should get away with murder.

Not long ago a deaf young man raped and murdered a young woman. His disability didn't impact on his capabilities to kill and he was sentenced to life.

OP is famous and a track star because of his disability, he even said as much, that he would never have entered the track field arena if not for his disability.

Ok, he's a bit hyper-vigilante and he checked out certain situations, but in this situation on 13/14 Feb, he didn't check it out. He shot 4 times to kill.

OP is relying now so much on his disability and his past history of noticing noises etc. to save the day. How very convenient and believe me, perfectly understandable. A guy who shoots his girlfriend to death because of a disagreement or her ending the relationship is going to try damn hard to get away with it. OP has a life to live, a new girlfriend to continue sleeping with, new photo and publicity opportunities, why would he want to spend any time in jail?

and what of Reeva? Her ashes are sprinkled somewhere meaningful and she is no more.

Some court cases do become a mockery. Imo, the DT are just wasting precious time with some of the witnesses. Ok, it is OP's right to have his day in court but an email from a fan who has a disability? His manager stating what a great guy he is, duh, OP has him on the payroll.

Yet his house servant, Frank, who was present on that night, should be on the stand, guess what? Nowhere to be seen or heard? Now that is a mockery!!

I don't believe in mocking a disability but I don't believe a person with a disability should get away with murder.

Not long ago a deaf young man raped and murdered a young woman. His disability didn't impact on his capabilities to kill and he was sentenced to life.

OP is famous and a track star because of his disability, he even said as much, that he would never have entered the track field arena if not for his disability.

Ok, he's a bit hyper-vigilante and he checked out certain situations, but in this situation on 13/14 Feb, he didn't check it out. He shot 4 times to kill.

OP is relying now so much on his disability and his past history of noticing noises etc. to save the day. How very convenient and believe me, perfectly understandable. A guy who shoots his girlfriend to death because of a disagreement or her ending the relationship is going to try damn hard to get away with it. OP has a life to live, a new girlfriend to continue sleeping with, new photo and publicity opportunities, why would he want to spend any time in jail?

and what of Reeva? Her ashes are sprinkled somewhere meaningful and she is no more.


I don't understand what you don't understand about the concept of what a trial is. OP is innocent until proven guilty. That 20 regular posters here think he is guilty doesn't make him so. Repeating speculations and opinions does not magically convert them into facts, and that includes whether or not the two had a fight that night.

And yes, it's a sad and maddening fact of all trials that the victim is "forgotten."
Well, just like the GAD thing which led to the 30 day assessment, any of this only has any relevance if OP did not knowingly and intentionally kill Reeva. Everything points to the fact he did knowingly and intetionally kill her, therefore this BS is not in the slightest bit relevant.


This is just more fog that Nel and the court will be able to see through.
The judge is too tolerant for allowing the defense to present a case, the defense experts are all wrong and should be ridiculed. OP isnt really disabled--- even though he doesn't have legs.

He's selfish and narcissistic because he wanted to show Reeva his world (By this "logic" take your child to work days are suspect and one should be wary of a spouse who invites one to visit their workplace.)

There is 100% no doubt whatsoever that OP intended to shoot Reeva on purpose because... well, because, and therefore it is impossible that he feels any grief about her death, and therefore even if he hasn't been convicted of any crime it is OK to mock his pretend grief, his psychological weaknesses, his disability..... nothing is off limits.

Got it.

because............4 different people heard her screaming for her life just before he did it :facepalm:
Some court cases do become a mockery. Imo, the DT are just wasting precious time with some of the witnesses. Ok, it is OP's right to have his day in court but an email from a fan who has a disability? His manager stating what a great guy he is, duh, OP has him on the payroll.

Yet his house servant, Frank, who was present on that night, should be on the stand, guess what? Nowhere to be seen or heard? Now that is a mockery!!

I don't believe in mocking a disability but I don't believe a person with a disability should get away with murder.

Not long ago a deaf young man raped and murdered a young woman. His disability didn't impact on his capabilities to kill and he was sentenced to life.

OP is famous and a track star because of his disability, he even said as much, that he would never have entered the track field arena if not for his disability.

Ok, he's a bit hyper-vigilante and he checked out certain situations, but in this situation on 13/14 Feb, he didn't check it out. He shot 4 times to kill.

OP is relying now so much on his disability and his past history of noticing noises etc. to save the day. How very convenient and believe me, perfectly understandable. A guy who shoots his girlfriend to death because of a disagreement or her ending the relationship is going to try damn hard to get away with it. OP has a life to live, a new girlfriend to continue sleeping with, new photo and publicity opportunities, why would he want to spend any time in jail?

and what of Reeva? Her ashes are sprinkled somewhere meaningful and she is no more.

Well said. She appears to have been forgotten in all this. OP had his time on the stand and was caught lying God knows how many times. The DT have been reduced to putting 'experts' on the stand that aren't even experts in the subjects they're talking about, and now we have someone's email that's supposed to be classed as evidence? Give me a break. The only mockery going on here seems to be the DT's desperate attempts to clear OP's name no matter what. Some of their witnesses didn't even bother doing anything till the trial was well under way (highlighting just how flimsy their case really was). How about some compassion for Reeva for a change.
From The Afternoon Show on Oscar Trial Channel 199 on DSTV:

Judge Chris Greenland says that all the testimony about how Oscar reacts to a threat is putting the cart before the horse. He says that before Judge Masipa will consider this testimony she will ask Roux: "Can a bump in the night, that Oscar heard in the safety of his own home, be considered a threat?"
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