Trial Discussion Thread #47 - 14.07.8, Day 38

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Nel wants their Heads of Argument filings sealed until the case is argued in court :(

Roux has concurred with his request to the court, they will now submit both their heads on the arguments files directly to Masipa and not to the court registrar to avoid any possibility of them being leaked.Why do you disapprove of this sealing order?
Incidentally, the putting on the socks demonstration OP does on the video is totally unbelievable. I thought even when he gave testimony about the socks how bizarre it was but forgot that he thinks at the point he puts them on that Reeva is in the toilet so why put them on? And it also never happened the way it's shown in the video because according to his own testimony they were on the floor and he had to fumble around to find them. In the video they're conveniently right beside him puts on two socks on each stump. So still in the dark he's making out that he fumbled for 4 socks to put on before putting his prosthetics on all the time now knowing Reeva was in the toilet?
The judge said quite clearly what she thought of 'leaked' information calling it theft. I realise she was talking about court documents being leaked but if that's her thinking, she may have seen the re-enactment video the same way so Nel was wise not to try and introduce it.

I remember Masipa saying that she didn't read newspapers, look at billboards etc re the case. I believe it would be an utter travesty of justice if she doesn't see it
I hope the gun charges will keep him locked up during his obvious guilty murder charge and that he does not enjoy the freedom he has done since the murder
So, defence has closed its case, and revealed that lots of the witnesses they wanted to call would not give evidence and they didn't think it was good to try and get orders for them to do so.

This is so typical of the DT. They kept saying one more witness, one more witness and now they reveal there were lots. OP's habit of lying is rubbing off.
Well what a disaster of a defence that was, one of the weirdest things was there nothing what so ever to refute the gun charges which begs the question why on earth would you prove what a liar your client is by pleading not guilty to them in the first place, it was a quite disastrous decision.
I remember Masipa saying that she didn't read newspapers, look at billboards etc re the case. I believe it would be an utter travesty of justice if she doesn't see it

She was a journalist herself so I doubt she doesn't read newspapers.
Roux: A number of our witnesses refused to testify because they did not want their voices heard worldwide....

Is he SURE that is the reason? lol

Just noticed this post appeared twice. The same thing happened with one of mine. What's going on with this new upgrade. Never had that problem before.
...Heads of Argument cannot be published in printed or electronic form...

I think they should have added that they also can't be read out loud publicly, pantomimed, etc.

I don't put anything past people these days.
I remember Masipa saying that she didn't read newspapers, look at billboards etc re the case. I believe it would be an utter travesty of justice if she doesn't see it

I think Nel's done enough without it.

I am flummoxed by its release though. I'm currently thinking that either the Pistorius clan made it to garner general public (and not trial watchers) sympathy whilst waiting for the verdict and it got released early by them as a last ditch effort to tempt Nel into mentioning it in court and thus somehow wrangle a mistrial. Or, alternatively, someone from Channel 7 has been watching the trial and realised that the footage of OP walking on his stumps, at rhat particular time, would result in massive public interest. (And publicity =$ which trumps assurances to the Pistorius clan).

What does everyone else think?
It would be great to do a side by side comparison of Oscar's versions of specific actions from:
The video
The bail affidavit
His court testimony

Just with specifics like looking behind the curtains, picking up the gun or when he put his legs on, there would be three different versions.
Sad that witnesses refused to testify because they did not want to be subjected to the publicity of having their voices heard in the trial

Come on, we know this is BS. Roux will be sacked if he gave this lame reason to OP and one of these mythical witnesses actually had solid evidence for one of OP defenses (self defense, involuntary, mental disorder).
Good morning from Texas 2:17 a.m.

So what's on tap for this morning? Will defense rest? Will Nel request to re-open the state's case?

You wished he would have done so, that would indicate that Nel wasn't confidence he would win the case with whatever he has presented as the State's case against OP, therefore in desperation he wanted to shore up his case by requesting Masipa to reopen his case. It hasn't happened thanks to OP week long purjured testimony, that swung the case decisively in the State's favor.It should be remembered that Nel wound up the state's case immediately after OP's testimony even though they had submitted a list of more than one hundred witnesses to testify for the state.

Guess what?!!!!!!! Lisa has just put the leaked video on her blog AND, AND, AND THE FULL FORENSIC PSYCH REPORT by Scholtz..
I think Nel's done enough without it.

I am flummoxed by its release though. I'm currently thinking that either the Pistorius clan made it to garner general public (and not trial watchers) sympathy whilst waiting for the verdict and it got released early by them as a last ditch effort to tempt Nel into mentioning it in court and thus somehow wrangle a mistrial. Or, alternatively, someone from Channel 7 has been watching the trial and realised that the footage of OP walking on his stumps, at rhat particular time, would result in massive public interest. (And publicity =$ which trumps assurances to the Pistorius clan).

What does everyone else think?

I thought maybe someone in a position to release it became outraged at Derman's testimony, knowing (or having even seen themselves) that OP could rush, turn and balance on his stumps. Money likely figures too, but it could have been secondary. Derman was a little annoying and frustrating, I found.
Come on, we know this is BS. Roux will be sacked if he gave this lame reason to OP and one of these mythical witnesses actually had solid evidence for one of OP defenses (self defense, involuntary, mental disorder).

Good point. If Roux had any kind of ear/eye witness account whose testimony could have benefitted his client you can bet your last dollar/cent/rand that he'd have subpoenaed them to testify.
Come on, we know this is BS. Roux will be sacked if he gave this lame reason to OP and one of these mythical witnesses actually had solid evidence for one of OP defenses (self defense, involuntary, mental disorder).
Exactly, mythical witnesses alleged to not testify because of fear of publicity - or they believe that Pistorius is guilty of murder.

I think Roux trying to excuse his statement that 'defense will prove Pistorius screams like a women, and prove the police contaminated most parts of the crime scene'... but that did not happen because 'experts' would not testify. lol
Sad that witnesses refused to testify because they did not want to be subjected to the publicity of having their voices heard in the trial

No, they were thinking about their own careers and the most likely prospect of them being ridiculed for the rest of their life for falsely testifying in OP's favor for a few silver coins.
I haven't had a chance to listen to any testimony from today yet, but from Twitter, does it sound like Roux was laying more ground work today for an appeal?

He said that they won't call Dr. Fine because he had a heart attack and there were many more witnesses that were not called because they feared the media scrutiny. However, WhoopWhoop did say that these witnesses could have been subpoenaed.

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