Trial Discussion Thread #54 - 14.13.10, Day 43 ~ sentencing~

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I still retained a small sliver of hope that Milady might have taken on board some of the criticism that has been levelled at her over the past few weeks, but, unfortunately, I see no sign whatsoever of any reflection, let alone regret. On the contrary, she seems determined not to assist Nel at any cost, even when the situation is crying out for her intervention. I wonder if there's some personal animosity there?

This court case is like an episode out of the Twilight Zone. I don't really know what the truth is in terms of the relationship between the lawyers and the judge, but shouldn't a court case be bigger than individual personalities and rather more about seeing justice for the victim.
I feel like bursting into tears.

I decided last night before TV coverage even started that I wasn't going to watch any of this - or follow it. I'd wait until the very end, read the sentence in the news, and pray for an appeal.

How silly I was to think that option would even exist.

I opened my laptop this morning and info about the OP trial hit me in the face. So, here I am. I'm going back to begin reading from the beginning of this new forum? /thread? but I am not going to like it. The headlines on the net were bad enough today.
Before I go back and start reading, let me offer my SINCERE THANKS to the stenographers and commenters, here. I feel certain that many, if not most, of you will share the outrage I feel.
I'm confused too. I thought it was a recommended 3 years house party arrest, with 16 hours total cleaning to be completed in one month. But I just checked, and you're right.

"Under Maringa's recommendations, Pistorius would have to do two eight-hour shifts of community service per month - cleaning a museum for example - and would be allowed to do athletic training. He should also be banned from owning firearms, Maringa said, and compelled to attend programmes on managing negative emotions and trauma".

Okay, I take it all back. 16 hours was okay, but two eight-hour shifts a month for three years is much too harsh a punishment for killing someone. I must get a message to Masipa and ask her to reduce it.


Suggesting to be required to attend training on managing "negative emotions" ?

Seriously, Maringa dude? Equating the brutal shooting and murder of Reeva to just a negative emotion !!!

What a travesty of justice we are witnessing. Sickening.
Ah...This explains why OP had NO Valentine’s Day gift for Reeva - she was “The One”.

What putrid tripe.

Of course she was "The One". Oscar said so:

"In Court, he wept uncontrollably for the loss of the love of his life. He testified under oath (as a Christian) that he and Reeva had been in a “serious” relationship since the end of December 2012.

Yet just a month before he killed her on Valentine’s Day eve, Pistorius told the South African Sunday Times that he was “not ready for anything serious”. He was focusing on his career; girls “lie” when they say they do not mind how busy he is." and

This account takes the timeline as per the Stipps testimony. Silly me, if you don't like the conclusion, just change the timeline - or try to totally confuse the 100m or so trial watchers till they go to bed with a headache.
G'day all from the stormy Blue Mountains of Sydney. Huge thunder, lightning and some small hail.

For the Aussies, it's snowing in Victoria and Tasmania!!!

Seriously, is that where you live?? I just looked up the Blue Mountains - it's BEAUTIFUL there!!!!! And only about an hour away from Sydney, if my map page is correct. WOW! Mountains, city, sea...
This court case is like an episode out of the Twilight Zone. I don't really know what the truth is in terms of the relationship between the lawyers and the judge, but shouldn't a court case be bigger than individual personalities and rather more about seeing justice for the victim.

They are seeking justice for the victim. It's just that they regard Pistorius as the victim. :sheesh:
And only for ONE month! Reeva's life has been valued at 16 hours cleaning.

One thing I noticed with Masipa during her explanation of the verdict was she said that the PT didn't offer up their own timeline and so she went with the defence version.

During this phase, the PT should really have a witness that says OP deserves 15 years to counter this defence witness.
A tweet worth a hiss and a boo!

EWN Reporter ‏@ewnreporter 11h11 hours ago

Oscar walks passed the Steenkamps, making eye contact with all of them and greeting.

Some tweets to help us smile.

Oscar Trial Channel @OscarTrial199 · 6h 6 hours ago

Mark Batchelor, Myers family engage Nel in animated exchange, ending with firm handshake as courtroom empties

Mandy Wiener ‏@MandyWiener 8h8 hours ago

Considering Nel's conduct and approach today, I have little doubt we'll be going to Bloemfontein for an appeal.

Graeme Hosken ‏@GraemeHosken #OscarTrial @TimesLIVE 11h11 hours ago

barry steenkamp greets myers family as they enter court while members of oscar's family huddle and hug each other

Graeme Hosken ‏@GraemeHosken 6h6 hours ago

OPs managers next blooper: "that" township NGO in pretoria where OP did work yet he strangely remembers overseas charities names

Graeme Hosken ‏@GraemeHosken 6h6 hours ago

nice little micro second chesty chesty between mark batchelor and oscar as oscar leaves the dock @TimesLIVE

It's NO BRA DAY TODAY :sigh:

Hmm... wonder if Mark Batchelor is going to be a witness for the prosecution?

Regarding "No Bra Day Today." Who inspired that funny comment ??
Mandy Wiener ‏@MandyWiener 8h8 hours ago

Considering Nel's conduct and approach today, I have little doubt we'll be going to Bloemfontein for an appeal.

Snipped for brevity.

The character limit with Twitter can sometimes be an issue, I wish she had another platform that she used to expand on this thought. What did she see in Nel's conduct and approach?
Oh, I am confused again. I thought the suggestion was 16 hours of CS per month for the length of the house arrest sentence.. ?
Edit: Or is ONE month the suggested house arrest sentence? !

BBM - That was my understanding, too... that the 16 hrs community service per month would run for however long his sentence ran. (The witness's suggestion IIRC was that the sentence run for three years... but I inferred he was recommending the 16 hrs per month for however long the sentence ended up being.)
It's not an appeal on a point of Law that's needed, but an "untouchable", an Elliot Ness, to investigate the whole thing from without. Failing that, a civil trial, but the Steenkamps would have to want to do it.

OP had his dream team of lawyers.

I recognize that the Steenkamps aren't well off, but it would be nice if South African lawyers would form their own dream team and offer to take up this cause on their behalf on a pro bono basis. Perhaps throw in a Professor Grant and Judge Greenland as consultants.
Oscar's "future" - probably a great idea to move to Mozambique. LOL

He might have more of a chance of staying alive.

He was messed up before the murder - he’s even worse now.

He’s now a convicted killer, a social pariah.

Worse, he’s at the financial mercy and under the thumb of Uncle Arnie. Don’t you know that burns his ego? You tend to resent those who have iron control over you. Now humiliated OP is a frustrated control freak with zero control. Time bomb comes to mind.

Who are his “friends” now? The likes of controversial tough guy, tow-truck baron Craig Lipschitz, ex-con Kenny Kunene and bouncer-killer Guil Yahav.
Does anyone believe that “rehabilitation” will come from hanging around such low lifes?

Friends, career, income, status, home - GONE.

The most dangerous man on earth is one who has nothing else to lose - a bitter man who blames everyone around him for his losses.
He’s clearly self-destructive as well as destructive of those around him.

Oscar cannot control himself - that’s exactly why he’s where he is today.

He’ll likely ditch Dr. Hartzenberg as soon as this trial’s over.

He'll ditch everyone and everything that reminds him of Reeva and this trial.

(Talk with Reeva's parents? Ain't never gonna happen. He's a coward who couldn't even look Nel in the eye.)

He’ll be desperate to recapture as much of his old lifestyle as he can.

He may avoid prison but it will not end well for him.

Oscar himself will guarantee it.

Just a matter of time.
His 2nd witness said OP will be happy to teach in his Uncle's school. Do you think parents would want him to teach their children? So I would love to see OP run his a$$ off trying to qualify for an event and never win doing this while on probation so no one has to experience his wrath because he is a sore loser. He would be on camera for all the world to see his antics and then they can bring that to court. Sorry I am being mean minded, just looking for alternatives for Justice for Reeva.

His 2nd witness said OP will be happy to teach in his Uncle's school

Alrighty . ..Let the court know in advance what else would make precious little Oscar happy ?

These people dare to decide where the ridiculous sentence will be served ? Speechless..
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