Trial Discussion Thread #54 - 14.13.10, Day 43 ~ sentencing~

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Masipa will no doubt hand down a suspended sentence. It's already gnawing at my gut.

But Nel will drag every last one of them over the coals and broken glass and back again before they cross their fake finish line.

I have ZERO doubt that Nel already has his appeal drafted, just plug in a few specifics.

This is SO not over yet.

You have NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO idea how much I hope you're right!
I think he would appeal against rearranging nicknacks on the basis it might make a noise and frighten him :puke:

That's true enough. But lets admit the idea of him having to scrub toilets would, at the least, show some poetic justice. Noisy Fan's comment "Watch your language"

Well I'm not offended by it, Lux is right, that's exactly what OP is.

I could be wrong, but I thought Noisy Fan was being funny and channeling Masipa, as in, "Mr. Nel, watch your language."

If I'm right, that was pretty funny, Noisy Fan -- but/and I can see how everyone missed it.

If I'm wrong, then obviously I missed it.
Snipped for brevity.

The character limit with Twitter can sometimes be an issue, I wish she had another platform that she used to expand on this thought. What did she see in Nel's conduct and approach?

If I may interpret, Nel was all fired up, he's in this come hell or high water! Nel's not going to let the Steenkamps down!
Ummm, it's NO BRA DAY in SA, for real. :blushing:

This is Why “No Bra Day” is Trending on Twitter

OMG... that's so funny... and another one on me. As always, Prime, I appreciate how you take the time to bring the old "stone age fox" up to date. :floorlaugh:

ETA: Since you had just mentioned Mark B. (and I have never seen a pic of him) I was considering the possibility that he was one of those who could use a "bro bra." :)
Oscar's "future" - probably a great idea to move to Mozambique. LOL

He might have more of a chance of staying alive.

He was messed up before the murder - he’s even worse now.

He’s now a convicted killer, a social pariah.

Worse, he’s at the financial mercy and under the thumb of Uncle Arnie. Don’t you know that burns his ego? You tend to resent those who have iron control over you. Now humiliated OP is a frustrated control freak with zero control. Time bomb comes to mind.

Who are his “friends” now? The likes of controversial tough guy, tow-truck baron Craig Lipschitz, ex-con Kenny Kunene and bouncer-killer Guil Yahav.
Does anyone believe that “rehabilitation” will come from hanging around such low lifes?

Friends, career, income, status, home - GONE.

The most dangerous man on earth is one who has nothing else to lose - a bitter man who blames everyone around him for his losses.
He’s clearly self-destructive as well as destructive of those around him.

Oscar cannot control himself - that’s exactly why he’s where he is today.

He’ll likely ditch Dr. Hartzenberg as soon as this trial’s over.

He'll ditch everyone and everything that reminds him of Reeva and this trial.

(Talk with Reeva's parents? Ain't never gonna happen..)

He’ll be desperate to recapture as much of his old lifestyle as he can.

He may avoid prison but it will not end well for him.

Oscar himself will guarantee it.

Just a matter of time.

Thanks for giving hope in the darkest days for the Steenkamps since Reeva's death. Wiping the smile of OP's face would be some kind of compensation for what he's done. Unfortunately, he will be bitter because of all the things you've mentioned, income, lifestyle, friends etc. NOT because of Reeva's death. He couldn't even describe how wonderful Reeva was to his psychologist, she only new Reeva from the media, the model, the t.v show. Absolutely disgusting for him not to talk about her and for his psychologist, not asking. Phfft!!

I'm glad you notice this - He's a coward who couldn't even look Nel in the eye. Imo, OP thinks Nel can see into his very soul. Yeah, I could imagine a coward like him would believe that, he's scared of Nel. :)
Pistorius is able to manipulate others, this witness included (not many of us here on WS tho ;-)). They just buy what he's selling without question or rationale.

Actually, UNCLE ARTHUR buys what THEY'RE selling.

This woman was probably paid enough throughout this whole thing to retire on 5 times over!!

Oh, and she told OP she wouldn't testify??

What she says to OP means nothing. What Uncle Arthur tells HER is everything!
VZ: OP had signed new contract (Nike?) that wld have taken him to 2017...worth substantial amount...

Will check this out! Monica Lewinski was scheduled to do LADY Clariel (sp?) commercials for them, a woman who embarrassed the USA. No ad was shown or maybe not made. All I know is I hoped I did a major part in stopping such ignorant advertisement.

Thanks for you posts, you make me feel like I'm watching this non-ending bad, very, very bad joke. Charity work is nothing more than a photo shoot for people like Oscar, which has been stated many times, correctly.
I think the defence has jumped the shark!!!
She's the social worker?? Or...?????????
I seriously think she walked out of 80s London!

She looks more like she walked out of that old TV program "The Munsters." Personally, I would hesitate to put somebody that looks like that on the witness stand. To me, she looks like a backwoods psychic.

Does anybody know her name so we can google her?
It’s a bit of Catch 22 for OP - with the verdict being based on error in law.

If he gets a low sentence (suspended or house arrest) I’m absolutely certain Nel is going to appeal and then there is a possibility Masipa’s verdict will be changed to dolus eventualis.

On the other hand if he gets 5-10 years in jail - will OP appeal? He would under other circumstances - but the verdict is based on error in law. What if he appeals the sentence and the whole verdict will be changed?

IMO the prosecution’s position is much stronger - all because of the error Masipa made. And to me Nel seems much more relaxed.
She looks more like she walked out of that old TV program "The Munsters." Personally, I would hesitate to put somebody that looks like that on the witness stand. To me, she looks like a backwoods psychic.

Does anybody know her name so we can google her?

I totally agree -- it makes the defence lose even more credibility. Not to judge someone with that hair, but they frankly don't seem professional with the decorum required in court with the robes and the "m'lady" -- they really really stand out and are distracting from whatever they might say. Wow, it makes Dixon seem like a top notch professional 100%.
This may well happen-- Zimmerman and Casey Anthony both complained of not being able to live a life out in the public realm anymore.

That's exactly what happened to OJ, too, and - I can only HOPE that the same thing happens here.

Are OP and his family - and Van Z. - SO clueless that they really think that everything is going to work out ok for him on the outside?

Ok, that's a stupid question - of COURSE they do.

How could they??? DENIAL has to be one of the strongest powers on earth.
She looks more like she walked out of that old TV program "The Munsters." Personally, I would hesitate to put somebody that looks like that on the witness stand. To me, she looks like a backwoods psychic.

Does anybody know her name so we can google her?

Not 100%, but Yvette Van Schalkwyk rings a bell
Not 100%, but Yvette Van Schalkwyk rings a bell

I googled that name and found what I believe to be her (not sure if we can post links here about other people...pretty sure not?) and she appears to be a petite blonde woman.
I googled that name and found what I believe to be her (not sure if we can post links here about other people...pretty sure not?) and she appears to be a petite blonde woman.

I'm thinking that was the name of the social worker / probation officer that felt she had to testify earlier in the trial. She was assigned to Pistorius when he was originally arrested. The one you've found isn't the only one in Gauteng. We'll soon know ... I'm off for an early night ... night all!
I guess the only upside is that issues such as the correctional services social worker misunderstanding the judgement could play into an appeal against a light sentence further down the track. Now I am probably the one clutching at straws.

I don't care WHAT you're clutching at, just keep CLUTCHING!!!!
For those who have closely followed the case from the beginning, it is a real pain to watch this circus.

OP seems to be the greatest human being ever to have set foot on Earth; they can as well declare him the next Nobel Peace Prize winner and get the whole matter over with!

Since Obama received the Peace Prize, it's virtually meaningless anyway.
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