Trial Discussion Thread #54 - 14.13.10, Day 43 ~ sentencing~

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No worries, dear sleuthers, take heart.

Justice clearly does not exist in this courtroom, but it’s waiting for him outside. :scale:

Oscar can’t see it but it’s everywhere ... waiting.

He WILL self-destruct. Just a matter of how and when.

With the trial over, with nothing else to lose and no one to hold him in check (Uncle Arnie & Co.) his self-destructive tendencies will abruptly shift into the fast lane.

Chances are excellent that it will be much more spectacular than prison (and very likely ‘permanent’).

Make no mistake - society will guarantee he never enjoys his freedom.

Seriously, this is the worst that could befall a ‘god’ - worshipers turn their backs and walk away, his name stricken from the hymnals, erased from monuments, forever CURSED.

The ultimate punishment for such a man whose drug is adulation; his very being will disintegrate.

The entire world will be his prison - truly a life sentence.

I seriously believe OP could have withstood prison better than what’s headed his way. Prison at least would have offered him the ultimate “competitive” challenge, eventually, some hope for parole, some tiny sliver of 'respect' for paying his debt.

Being set free into a world that once adored him and now despises him will silently break him, crush his will - he can never fight it, never conquer it.

So, open the courtroom doors. :sunshine:

Justice comes in many guises.

Oscar Pistorius will be his own life sentence.

Thank you. Very well said. And this truly does offer us some comfort because you are correct that all indications are showing us that he will eventually cause his own downfall once he is out.

Hopefully he wont hurt anybody else but himself when it finally happens.
I'm in. I think it is the least that we can do.

For those that are looking for other ways to make their voice heard, email the NPA to let them know they have public support behind them for an appeal.

All of us global sleuthers should also contact the South African Embassy in our respective countries.

I've made it through everyone's posts for Day 1 Sentencing.

A lot of you out there that are REALLY, REALLY FUNNY!!

I SO appreciate your humor, even if I don't always leave a reply.
Alex Crawford just said on Sky News that the NPA indicated there will be a written impact statement from Reeva's family.

She also said re: Masipa, and I quote:

"I have to say on one of the rare interviews that Judge Masipa gave, she indicated some time ago, this was long before she took on this case - she indicated how reluctant she was... to send young criminals in Soweto to jail, because she felt that was corrupting them further, not giving them any hope, and she was very much of the understanding, or the feeling, that they should be given a chance of reforming. So if that's an indication of how she thinks about this case, then I think we can see where it's going".

So, between Masipa and the holistic-sentencing assessor, there is no chance in hell OP is going to jail. I'm not sure how she could apply 'prison corrupting them further' to OP though, who came from a hugely privileged and wealthy background, and was still corrupt. How could prison corrupt him further? Perhaps it might humble him to live by other people's rules for once, and not his own. It wouldn't hurt to rein him in for a while. So, a judge who doesn't believe in jailing young criminals, and an assessor who believes in the least possible sentence! The clan certainly struck lucky with those two.

You raise an interesting question, how did these three get this case? What are the mechanics behind how a judge and assessors are selected, anyone know?
So far, what has made me feel the most hopeful has been reading the tweet one of you shared that said that that Bachelor and the Meyers sisters were talking animatedly to Nel during a break, which ended in the firm handshake.

I hope they were telling Nel what -- bu!!$h!t -- this is while Nel told them, "Don't worry, we're appealing."

Firm shake.
What does THAT mean?

My first thought was they both were puffing out their chests, like gorillas do. :p :floorlaugh:


they came up against one another, chest to chest for a split second. Whoa, now that would be threatening, for OP. Cripes. I wish it was caught on camera, because there is difference. Graeme Hosken just leaves us hanging. :gaah:
I'm a teetotaler. Always have been, always will be.

I just HATE the taste of liquor - all of it.

Before I go now and TRY to watch Day 1 Sentencing, I'm going to take a HUGE gulp of my husband's whiskey.

Maybe I'll keep the bottle handy...
I must admit that I keep picturing Masipa in a locked up toilet..her husband with a gun yelling at the intruder to get out of his house..Masipa screams at the top of her lungs..her husband stops and realizes his mistake.
Would Masipa then realize that it was Reeva screaming and not Pistorius??
Would Masipa then realize that Pistorius didn't stop because he intended to kill Reeva??
Suzanne(?), the woman who sits down in front of JM is just a little too bouncy and smiley for me today.

She seems to have been the one who did the swearing in today.

Personally, I don't think anyone who is part of any court should be smiling at ALL, let alone this one!

I thought I detected a very slight little smile on Masipa's face when she first spoke.

It made me sick.
"She was holding him..."

Oh, I'll bet she liked THAT!!!!

In the US, you'd lose your license for that.
I've just caught up reading all your fantastic posts. Thank you all. I "spat the dummy" with all the technical issues I was having.

Firstly, I couldn't sustain a feed for more than a minute or so. If I was lucky enough to have a picture, I had no sound.

Secondly, my PC kept freezing.

Last night I was "punished twice".

I love to contribute and just couldn't, but all of you covered every base. :tyou:

"Spit the dummy" - Aussie slang: To indulge in a sudden display of anger or frustration; to lose one’s temper. The phrase is usually used of an adult, and the implication is that the outburst is childish, like a baby spitting out its dummy (pacifier) in a tantrum and refusing to be pacified.
How can this woman therapist even testify?

She just said, "As his treating psychologist...."

Hey, doesn't this relate to the ethics statement Nel was reading to Derman (when Roux objected and Masipa stopped him from continuing with it because it was not specific to physicians) prohibit this???

Maybe not if it's sentencing.

Anyone know?
You raise an interesting question, how did these three get this case? What are the mechanics behind how a judge and assessors are selected, anyone know?

I think it's supposed to be, she was next in the queue. And I'm not sure but I think she chooses her assessors. But I'm not SA and am not really sure, hope you get a better reply.

But on the q of not wanting to jail; I was once a juror in a serious crime trial. The the evidence was very strong that the accused was guilty as sin. Of course we had to discuss to beyond a reasonable doubt. One of the jurors said yeh, he was obviously guilty but she was voting 'not guilty' because she didn't believe in prisons.

How far will this echo the OJ Simpson trial? They said that was the stupidest jury in the world and TG South Africa doesn't have a jury system. I won't say more.
"Spit the dummy" - Aussie slang: To indulge in a sudden display of anger or frustration; to lose one’s temper. The phrase is usually used of an adult, and the implication is that the outburst is childish, like a baby spitting out its dummy (pacifier) in a tantrum and refusing to be pacified.

Or, as we say in the UK, you threw your toys out of your pram.

toys out of pram.jpg
OP had his dream team of lawyers.

I recognize that the Steenkamps aren't well off, but it would be nice if South African lawyers would form their own dream team and offer to take up this cause on their behalf on a pro bono basis. Perhaps throw in a Professor Grant and Judge Greenland as consultants.

It's arguable that Roux should be disbarred. The defence commissioned the leaked video. Roux knew Oscar's mobility on stumps, but called e.g. Derman as a witness, knowing that he was not giving true evidence about Oscar's mobility.
OP looks like he is trying to look like he's about to burst into tears. Good grief.


I notice that he has also lost the previously "chiseled look" that face, jaw, and neck, when the trial first started.

He's gotten "soft."

There is NO WAY that he's going to be able to seriously compete, again.
The worse part about that sentence, it most likely will happen, if the next witness suggests even an easier option for OP, Masipa's going to take it. :puke:

Such as he can cut her toenails every other Christmas.
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