Trial Discussion Thread #59 - 14.21.10, Day 48 ~ sentencing~

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Since we may be losing some of our international posters after today, i want to especially thank our South Africa and other international posters that have joined our discussions during this trial. You have been most helpful to help us learn about some of the cultural aspects of SA that we would have not known otherwise.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your help and participation, and please do join us on any other discussions on the mutlitudes of other interesting threads here at WS.
I'm still going to be sticking around, because there are still discussions to be had about the evidence that we know of, plus also I don't believe this is the end of it, there absolutely has to be an appeal by the PT on the conviction.
I am listening to a rebroadcast of the verdict and the discussion with Nel after, regarding Oscar not being allowed to own weapons. Judge Masipa seemed to me to:

1: Forget all about that

2: Be totally confused, thinking that would just happen 'automatically' without any action by her?

I thought that was bizarre too considering it was 2 gun related crimes he'd been convicted of. I've no idea though just how much a gun is possibly needed in SA though as they have far more dangerous animals running around than in most countries (I'd flippantly put OP into that category too but he's not running around outside just now ;)).
Uncle Arnold is a truly disgraceful man.

Firstly, his little speech only made a passing reference to the Steenkamps (who he has no business speaking on behalf of anyway) - the rest of it was one long complaint about the way Pistorius was prosecuted.

Reeva is dead, through no fault of her own. Do this family not even consider her worthy enough of a court case? Isn't the very least her killer ought to be willing to do is stand up in front of South Africa and explain his despicable actions?

Every time any member of this sinister bunch open their mouths they make me hate them more.

I totally agree, I thought man he's got no class whatsoever dissing the prosecution for doing their job when it was his own niece and nephews that not only were responsible for the crime but also for subverting justice with their theft and coverup.
Since we may be losing some of our international posters after today, i want to especially thank our South Africa and other international posters that have joined our discussions during this trial. You have been most helpful to help us learn about some of the cultural aspects of SA that we would have not known otherwise.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your help and participation, and please do join us on any other discussions on the mutlitudes of other interesting threads here at WS.

Really hoping our SA posters stick around - there's a lot of missing/kidnapped people in SA. including tiny children. :(
Nel's wordcloud. Click for larger image.


Roux's wordcloud.


"The above wordclouds, created by The Telegraph using, are graphical representations of the two sides' closing arguments.

They show the 100 most frequently used words in either speeches, excluding common English linking phrases and those typically associated with the case, such as "court" and "sentence".
Nel's most used word was the "deceased" and Roux's was "Vorster", which is amusing after Masipa completely trashed all her evidence!!

Yes, a terrible article.

But I am gratified by the comments underneath. Bearing in mind this is The Guardian.....that most liberal of is pleasing that most people are telling the writer not to be so stupid and that it is irrelevant that the killers life is ruined.

There is a debate to be had about the efficacy of prison - but punishment has to form part of justice. And losing your freedom, the most important thing to any human being, is the harshest punishment SA has to offer.

Prison won't break Pistorius - it may even be the making of him. It ought to act as a leveller, showing him that he is no better that any other human being, and the rules apply to him as much as they do to anyone.

If he learns some damn humility in there then it's possible for him to come out and be of real service to SA. He is a good example of rising above physical of the best the world has ever seen, but that example has been clouded by the unpleasant arrogance and sense of entitlement that's existed alongside it.
I totally agree, I thought man he's got no class whatsoever dissing the prosecution for doing their job when it was his own niece and nephews that not only were responsible for the crime but also for subverting justice with their theft and coverup.

agree, the impertinence of this family has no any limits whatsoever
Since we may be losing some of our international posters after today, i want to especially thank our South Africa and other international posters that have joined our discussions during this trial. You have been most helpful to help us learn about some of the cultural aspects of SA that we would have not known otherwise.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your help and participation, and please do join us on any other discussions on the mutlitudes of other interesting threads here at WS.

Does anyone know if this Pistorius thread will be closed or will it remain open for some time?
The stairs Oscar went down. I was just listening to a replay, where Roux said 'My client does not wish to be allowed to own a firearm'.

I don't believe a word of that.


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I wonder if OP will at least feel the same sense of panic Reeva did for every single night he spends in his single prison cell wondering what's on the other side of the door? I know he won't ever feel remorse but terror and panic may give him a little insight into what he put Reeva through.
Yes, a terrible article.

But I am gratified by the comments underneath. Bearing in mind this is The Guardian.....that most liberal of is pleasing that most people are telling the writer not to be so stupid and that it is irrelevant that the killers life is ruined.

There is a debate to be had about the efficacy of prison - but punishment has to form part of justice. And losing your freedom, the most important thing to any human being, is the harshest punishment SA has to offer.

Prison won't break Pistorius - it may even be the making of him. It ought to act as a leveller, showing him that he is no better that any other human being, and the rules apply to him as much as they do to anyone.

If he learns some damn humility in there then it's possible for him to come out and be of real service to SA. He is a good example of rising above physical of the best the world has ever seen, but that example has been clouded by the unpleasant arrogance and sense of entitlement that's existed alongside it.

The guardian has history of carrying water for murderers

See Amanda Knox
Does anyone know if this Pistorius thread will be closed or will it remain open for some time?

Just guessing - I suspect when it's closed, a general discussion thread will be reopened. Or......there may be cause to open an appeal thread, or......a 'latest trouble for Pistorius' thread. !
Sky news guy just saying that viewers should be aware that correctional supervision is very strict. Hmm. He said three strikes and you're back to court for not complying with the conditions and then sent back to jail for the remaining sentence. He also said that even 10 months imprisonment will not be a piece of cake for OP, and that when he comes out, he'll be closely monitored to ensure he's complying with his house arrest. Well, if that's the case, I think OP will break his conditions within the first month, but he needs to break them three times. Why? Why three? He can screw up three times :confused:
The stairs Oscar went down. I was just listening to a replay, where Roux said 'My client does not wish to be allowed to own a firearm'.

I don't believe a word of that.

Nor do I.

Can someone help with understanding the conditions imposed by JM for breaking the supended sentence ? Not sure, but I understood he would only be brought back to prison if a firearm is involved in any future assault. NO OTHER conditions imposed at all ???
What if he gets into a brawl like the night club story ? No consequence then ?:thinking:
Yes, a terrible article.

But I am gratified by the comments underneath. Bearing in mind this is The Guardian.....that most liberal of is pleasing that most people are telling the writer not to be so stupid and that it is irrelevant that the killers life is ruined.

There is a debate to be had about the efficacy of prison - but punishment has to form part of justice. And losing your freedom, the most important thing to any human being, is the harshest punishment SA has to offer.

Prison won't break Pistorius - it may even be the making of him. It ought to act as a leveller, showing him that he is no better that any other human being, and the rules apply to him as much as they do to anyone.

If he learns some damn humility in there then it's possible for him to come out and be of real service to SA. He is a good example of rising above physical of the best the world has ever seen, but that example has been clouded by the unpleasant arrogance and sense of entitlement that's existed alongside it.

The worst part about it is he disagrees with the verdict and believes Pistorius is guilty of murder but still thinks he shouldn't go to prison! Were he one of the 'terrible accident' brigade I'd understand his point of view more but as it stands, not at all. I think he's just looking for the reaction as I just said in a prior post - and he's getting it. BTW, I'm probably your typical Guardian reader in terms of politics but I think the article is a load of bollocks.
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