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As I mentioned earlier, I wanted to take a look at the evolution of the narrative surrounding TD's death on 18-19 Oct 2019. Rather than re-watching all the testimony, I went back through East Idaho News' Live Updates for various witnesses, so if I've missed something, let me know!

Singling out the witnesses who had information from CD about what happened to TD on that evening/morning, here's what I've found.

In Row 1 are the witnesses, in order of when they heard CD's narrative.
BLUE = officials who did not know TD
PURPLE = locals who did know TD well
GREEN = friends/relatives from Springville, who may not have seen TD in awhile

In Row 2 are the dates/times when they received information from CD, color-coded by day.

The next section are the most common story elements that were consistent. Those details I color-coded by the general time they were said to take place. Someone may not necessarily remember an exact time when something happened, but you would expect them to remember whether it was BEFORE going to bed (GRAY), AFTER going to bed (WHITE), or when they woke up in the morning (YELLOW)

The next section is what the witnesses -- after talking with CD -- believed the cause of death to be

And the final section just highlights some of the additional "pre-existing" symptoms that CD claimed TD was suffering from. (Emma provided the info that TD was "slowing down," thus the little comment marker in the corner of those cells)

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Some observations:
- TD's coughing and vomiting gradually get pushed back, from the "middle of the night," to when she went to bed, to earlier that day. The "official" story told to the coroner has her vomiting 2.5hrs later than the story told a few days later at the viewing.
- While the terms "pulmonary oedema" and "pulmonary ebolism" could simply have been mis-remembered (either by CD himself or by the witnesses), the fact that he told two people that TD had choked to death seems very odd, especially now that we know her cause of death was asphyxia.

- Have we heard from anyone besides Prior that Garth brought Tammy some fast food that evening? I feel like he might have just thrown that in there to muddy the waters, but I feel like that would actually hurt rather than help CD's case; after all, who feels like eating McDonald's when they're sick? Not to mention, it throws out there the question of when Garth came home and whether he saw Tammy before bed.
I only know of Prior introducing McDonalds.

I thought it might be a lie to bolster fat shaming (of a person who wasn't actually fat, as if it were a character flaw) And I thought it might be a lie to put Garth in the house while Tammy was still alive.

I live in a much more metropolitan area, and fast food drive throughs are closed at midnight. Is that particular McD near an interstate or anything?

I have a feeling that Prior is bluffing about putting his Chads children on the stand. That had been my initial thought. I changed my mind after that astonishing conversation in the police cruiser with Emma. But I've changed it back again. Those kids can't say anything of substance to help Chad. Emma will come off as a liar saying Tammy was weak, and she has a clear motive to lie. The teachers- Mrs. Gilbert have no reason to lie.

And aside from the subjective enough assessment of Tammy's health, there is nothing of value the children can say that would not be perjury.

If anyone calls the kids to the stand, it will be the prosecution.

We've seen this movie before. Who talked about bringing in Heather? And who actually did?

There was no evidence on that property (that I saw, anyway) indicating fowl kept for eggs, as pets or whatever: no coops, no runs, no big shade tree littered with "leavings" pm the ground underneath. No sign of other livestock, either. I don't think those "pets" were farm-related. It's a source of clues to family dysfunction yet to be explored as far as I'm concerned.
Tammy did collect and distribute duck eggs.

I don't know if she had formal duck housing or collected them from nests the ducks themselves built.

I just can’t get over that people are giving Chads kids a pass for this, for that, for anything. They are all adults.
I do get feeling angry with Chad's kids.

But at this point, I can't say with certainty that Garth did anything wrong. There is nothing wrong with giving LE info and not sharing it publicly. And he may have done just that. I don't know what he said to the Grand Jury or what he said to LE.

And if he agreed to delay calling 911 while believing his mother died naturally, well, I would give him a pass on that. As long as he shared info with LE as his understanding evolved.

I live in a much more metropolitan area, and fast food drive throughs are closed at midnight. Is that particular McD near an interstate or anything?
Google says that the nearest McDonald's is open 24 hours, but it's not exactly on the way home from The Haunted Mill (which is, IIRC, where Garth was working late that night). The Haunted Mill itself is open until midnight on Friday nights.

So it's possible he could have stopped to grab something on his way home, but again, I don't see how it'd help the Defense to suggest that Tammy was hankering for a Big Mac and fries while also saying she spent the whole night coughing and vomiting.

LV's niece, Melani Pawlowski, on the stand now. Appearing to be wearing Kurt Cobain glasses. Began referring to CD as "Dad" -- WTH? CD had a pendulum where he could get a reading on light an dark, and/or get an answer to something he was questioning. It was his "tool." (SMDH!)
That's entry-level New Age stuff, just like the arm testing.
Google says that the nearest McDonald's is open 24 hours, but it's not exactly on the way home from The Haunted Mill (which is, IIRC, where Garth was working late that night). The Haunted Mill itself is open until midnight on Friday nights.

So it's possible he could have stopped to grab something on his way home, but again, I don't see how it'd help the Defense to suggest that Tammy was hankering for a Big Mac and fries while also saying she spent the whole night coughing and vomiting.

View attachment 501850
Thank you for that helpful post.

If Garth went to McD, it would have to be for himself. It is a long trip on a late night, though

It does not make any sense for someone who was vomiting.
Wow. That call that Ian P recorded....with Chad giving them (MBP & IP) instructions to move to avoid LE, is a clincher.

I can't imagine how a jury couldn't convict Chad based on the following 5 key points:

1) kids found on property
2) Chad's text re raccoon (has this come in yet in this trial?) - shows he knew and was justifying activity
3) Chad's multiple versions of Tammy's death
4) Chad determined who was dark
5) Ian P's recording showing that Chad wasn't just Lori's puppet, but actually giving instructions. He was not a dupe.

Of course there is so much more evidence (that isn't even needed):
- Chad's 'premonition' of Tammy's early demise
- Chad and Lori marrying within 2 weeks of his wife's death
- Chad's strange behavior during Tammy's funeral
- the rushed funeral
- Tammy having to call 911 to say she was shot at (Chad didn't call)
- etc., etc., etc.
I'll add buying wedding bands
Lori Vallow Daybell's ex mother-in-law testified that on 10/2/2019 Lori used her dead husband Charles Vallow's Amazon account to shop for items for herself and Chad including wedding rings. Chad's wife Tammy didn't die until 10/19/19. MORE
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I am interested in the money. We heard from one insurance broker, the one from the school district. CD had another, larger life insurance policy on Tammy. That will be interesting testimony.

And especially the cost of the monthly payments for each policy. Why did Tammy need so much life insurance? Her children were not young. And her salary doesn't justify the large amount.
Do we have a theory on how Tylee's silver charm and necklace got lost on Chad's property close to the fire pit? Did it have any signs of being burned? Did they take Tylee's clothes and jewelry off before putting her body on the bonfire, then picked up the clothes but left the charm/necklace behind?
the chain was found in the firepit....the charm outside of the firepit. there was no info that it was charred or not. wondering if it was just overlooked when he decided to burn her, not easy to spot and probably thought it would be destroyed...remember, he was transferring her remains and it was missed.
I don't like to think she knew what hit her.
I tend to think Tylee was murdered in LV's townhome complex. all that back and forth to LV's townhome Sept 8 and after midnight by AC. and off he went to CD's in the morning. I know see how easily it was to put Tylee and JJ in a vehicle without anyone neighbors seeing...the garages had inside access to the homes.
I'll add buying wedding bands
Lori Vallow Daybell's ex mother-in-law testified that on 10/2/2019 Lori used her dead husband Charles Vallow's Amazon account to shop for items for herself and Chad including wedding rings. Chad's wife Tammy didn't die until 10/19/19. MORE
Not an ex MIL. Charles Vallow's sister.
I am interested in the money. We heard from one insurance broker, the one from the school district. CD had another, larger life insurance policy on Tammy. That will be interesting testimony.

And especially the cost of the monthly payments for each policy. Why did Tammy need so much life insurance? Her children were not young. And her salary doesn't justify the large amount.
the school insurance....IIRC she was eligible to elect more voluntarily and its so cheap, the employee contribution portion when in a group plan. but it is suspect, the timing. I need a refresher about the private life insurance he took out on her???? I only remember a blurb...
I tend to think Tylee was murdered in LV's townhome complex. all that back and forth to LV's townhome Sept 8 and after midnight by AC. and off he went to CD's in the morning. I know see how easily it was to put Tylee and JJ in a vehicle without anyone neighbors seeing...the garages had inside access to the homes.
This is my thinking, too.

So, JR's on the witness list? I didn't realize that.

I don't think I can listen/watch her testimony. Okay, I will but it's definitely going to require at least a mega-pint of my Ky bourbon pecan ice cream.

Me, I’ll be needing a mega-pint of Kentucky BOURBON — and I don’t even drink!
the school insurance....IIRC she was eligible to elect more voluntarily and its so cheap, the employee contribution portion when in a group plan. but it is suspect, the timing. I need a refresher about the private life insurance he took out on her???? I only remember a blurb...

Yes. We have not heard from that insurance company yet. I am interested in the start date of coverage, cost, and did Tammy actually sign the documents?
Prior's asking about "7 Gatherers" again, for anyone with that on their Cross-Examination Bingo square for today
JP is the only one I’ve ever heard use that phrase. I’ve listened to testimony & interviews & podcast guests & read articles and googled and the only time I ever hear it in connection to this trial is in JP’s questions. I have never read CD’s books…does anyone know if any of them mention 7 Gatherers? JP must have gotten it from CD but seems those two are the only ones that know anything about it.
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