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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Monday, May 20th:
*Trial continues (Day 26) (@ 8:30am MT) – ID – Joshua Jaxon (JJ) Vallow (7) & Tylee Ashlyn Ryan (16) (JJ last seen Sept. 23, 2019 & Tylee on Sept. 9, 2019, Rexburg; found June 9, 2020 buried in Daybell’s yard in Salem, ID) & Tamara “Tammy” Michelle Douglas Daybell (49) (died on Oct. 19, 2019 at her residence in Salem, ID; dob 5/4/70). – *Chad Guy Daybell (53/now 55) arrested (6/9/20) & indicted (5/25/21) & charged (5/26/21) & arraigned (6/9/21) with Count 1 (for Tylee): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception (for Daybell, Vallow & Alex Cox) & other co-conspirators. Count 2 (for Tylee): 1st degree murder. Count 3 (for JJ): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder & grand theft by deception. Count 4 (for JJ): 1st degree murder. Count 5 (for Tammy, 49, died 10/19/19): Conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder. Count 6 (for Tammy): 1st degree murder. Count 8 & 9: Insurance Fraud (Two counts of insurance fraud related to 2 different life insurance policies he had on Tammy). Plead not guilty. No bond. DA will seek DP. (Judge denied removing DP 3/14/24). Fremont County
Trial began on 4/1/24 with final jury selection & ended on 4/8/24. Jurors: 12 jurors & 6 alternates. [10 men & 8 women]. 5/2/24: Juror dismissed due to illness. Now: 12 jurors & 5 alternates.
Jury will be sequestered during deliberations in the guilt phase thru the penalty phase.
Trial began on 4/10/24. Court hours are 8:30am to 3pm Monday-Friday. Trial is being held in Ada County. State rested their case on 5/16/24. Defense will begin their case.
Judge Steven W. Boyce presiding. Prosecutors: Fremont County Prosecuting Attorney Lindsey Blake, Madison County Prosecuting Attorney Rob Wood, Special Attorney General Prosecutor Ingrid Batey & Fremont County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Rocky Wixom & defense attorney John Prior.

Court info from 6/10/20 thru 3/29/24 & Jury Selection Days 1-6 (4/1-4/6/24) & thru 4/9/24 & Trial Days 1-24 (4/10-5/15/24) reference post #461 here:

5/16/24 Thursday, Trial Day 25: *State witness: Retired FBI agent Doug Hart [was originally brought in to help with the search of JJ & Tylee],
*State rested their case.
*Prior argued for a directed verdict – “a ruling from the judge after determining that there is no legally sufficient evidentiary basis for a reasonable jury to reach a different conclusion.” Ingrid Batey argues the jury should determine the weight of the evidence. She lists out the charges & says the state has presented evidence on all aspects of the charges. Judge Boyce is prepared to make a ruling but said he has an issue with part of the indictment. The indictment was amended on Feb. 20, 2024 & says JJ Vallow was killed Sept. 8-9, 2019. Boyce says JJ Vallow was clearly alive on those days. Judge Boyce says there is a filed amended indictment that has the wrong dates for JJ Vallow’s death. He is giving the state two hours to prepare for argument.
*Judge Boyce says on count 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 & 7, State has presented significant evidence, so Prior’s motion is denied. Batey argued that on Count 4 it was a clerical error after the amended. Prior argued that the State can not change count after State rested. Judge Boyce finds there has been sufficient evidence in the elements alleged in count 4. He denies the motion for acquittal. As for the dates, because count 4 was changed without permission, he finds it was an inadvertent mistake. “While these jurors have already heard the information contained in the amended indictment, the court believes the jurors can be fairly & properly instructed.”
For more info on direct see post #522 here:
Trial continues on Monday, 5/20/24.
It was not all from AB’s testimony, Artis. I have a spreadsheet where I put notes when I learn something new - have done it since early on in the case and I refer to it a lot. Unfortunately, I did not put info regarding where I learned it with each note - some came from testimony (CD prelim hearing, LVD trial, CD trial) and some came from WS timelines and some from police interviews and docs etc.

The text from MBP to LVD about whether BB will be gone before she moves I’m pretty sure was in this trial when LE was going over texts from LVD’s account.

I’m not sure what MBP knew about CV’s death but do not see how she did not put it together that AC had to stay in Rexburg to help CD with something when she heard about TD’s death. And I am certain she had to be the one to give BB’s address to LVD/AC for him to know where BB lived to go take a shot at him. I think I even remember her telling someone - maybe police - that she thought maybe AC tried to shoot him but making it sound like it was without her knowledge but I didn’t have it in my notes so I can’t recall if it was from a police interview or something she told MG or ZP or where I got it from.

Still, I cannot decide how much I think she actually knew or what I think she should have known. I really do think that before Tylee’s & JJ’s remains were found she did not think LVD would do anything to her own kids and really did think they were in hiding somewhere when she moved to Rexburg. And part of me thinks she may have really believed that they were going to take BB out by casting out the evil spirit which would lead to his death but didn’t realize that LVD & AC & CD were helping things along in the real world. I believe she should have been charged with conspiracy to commit murder regarding BB and let a jury decide after everything would be brought to light in a trial.

I think the reason I have followed this case so closely is that I just cannot grasp that so many who were so close had such blinders on that they had no idea what was going on but neither can I grasp that anyone would be a willing party to the deaths of so many - especially the children. I want more definitive answers regarding what MBP, ZP, & MG knew and when they knew/realized it. I want someone to have realized what was happening before LVD moved to Rexburg and to have intervened before those kids were killed. I want LE to have taken CV more seriously when he was trying to get help. I want whoever did that psyche eval on LVD on 1/31/19 to have recognized she was a danger and done something. I want to think that something like this cannot happen and yet it did.
I don't follow true crime as much as a lot of you guys do but I've followed enough cases and I have never seen anything as utterly insane and unbelievable as this. I absolutely do not buy that so many adults didn't put two and two together as all of the real time evidence of murders continued to mount and I see them as either participants or simply choosing to ignore it. The level of crazy in this is right up there with Jonestown and everyone involved is as whacked out as they were. You may recall that Jim Jones' and some of his followers also committed murder. So, this is another terrible murder case but the cult aspect and groupthink is what makes it so different.
I had not seen that financial info before. Think of the nerve Chad had to ask his neighbor, Alice, to put her home as collateral to bond Lori out!
"Hi Alice, God told me to ask you guys to put up your home as collateral to get my floozy out of gaol." "Oh, sorry Chad, God told me to say no. So sorry."
I'm sorry, but could someone please remind me of what Lori said to Audrey, and why?
Lori told her she could work herself up to murder her, cut her up in pieces and put her in plastic bags and no one would ever know. Audrey said something about the way Lori laughed and changed when she said this and was almost demonic. I would have called 911 and asked for an assist to the airport. Fast.
I believe it. Patriarchal mind set. I would like my husband to tell me NOT to do something...LOL.

I bought an Instant Pot, he said that I "would never use it". So of course, every single dinner for a year came out of the IP.
Haha! I love your mindset. I do treat my husband as the head of our home. And he has treated me like his sweetheart for 39 years. But we are both independent. We share decisions but have no problem standing up for what I believe or expressing my opinions.
Chad would NOT want me as a wife. He would be in time out for ever. No, he wouldn’t last that long. I hate his smug, meek demeanor. What a fake!
Gibb strikes me as addicted to drama and almost like she was playing a game (and enjoying it). Melani is seriously and dangerously screwed up, which I think goes back to what happened with her mother. Audrey, who I didn't mean to harsh about but just matter of fact, I believe Lori called correctly. Kind of like a lost little girl in search of being part of something meaningful. What a terrible way to be jolted out of whatever version of reality she was living in and I hope she's gotten help dealing with such a frightening case of looking evil right in the face. I think she had a close call when she rejected wanting to take part in the castings and it put her in danger.
I take it as Gid watching over her. That’s why I think she will be less trusting in her future. I agree about the Melani(e)s.
It was not all from AB’s testimony, Artis. I have a spreadsheet where I put notes when I learn something new - have done it since early on in the case and I refer to it a lot. Unfortunately, I did not put info regarding where I learned it with each note - some came from testimony (CD prelim hearing, LVD trial, CD trial) and some came from WS timelines and some from police interviews and docs etc.

The text from MBP to LVD about whether BB will be gone before she moves I’m pretty sure was in this trial when LE was going over texts from LVD’s account.

I’m not sure what MBP knew about CV’s death but do not see how she did not put it together that AC had to stay in Rexburg to help CD with something when she heard about TD’s death. And I am certain she had to be the one to give BB’s address to LVD/AC for him to know where BB lived to go take a shot at him. I think I even remember her telling someone - maybe police - that she thought maybe AC tried to shoot him but making it sound like it was without her knowledge but I didn’t have it in my notes so I can’t recall if it was from a police interview or something she told MG or ZP or where I got it from.

Still, I cannot decide how much I think she actually knew or what I think she should have known. I really do think that before Tylee’s & JJ’s remains were found she did not think LVD would do anything to her own kids and really did think they were in hiding somewhere when she moved to Rexburg. And part of me thinks she may have really believed that they were going to take BB out by casting out the evil spirit which would lead to his death but didn’t realize that LVD & AC & CD were helping things along in the real world. I believe she should have been charged with conspiracy to commit murder regarding BB and let a jury decide after everything would be brought to light in a trial.

I think the reason I have followed this case so closely is that I just cannot grasp that so many who were so close had such blinders on that they had no idea what was going on but neither can I grasp that anyone would be a willing party to the deaths of so many - especially the children. I want more definitive answers regarding what MBP, ZP, & MG knew and when they knew/realized it. I want someone to have realized what was happening before LVD moved to Rexburg and to have intervened before those kids were killed. I want LE to have taken CV more seriously when he was trying to get help. I want whoever did that psyche eval on LVD on 1/31/19 to have recognized she was a danger and done something. I want to think that something like this cannot happen and yet it did.
I think you are ignoring the fact that none of these people had blinders on. For whatever physical or psychological reason, they were willing to be led by Chad. For instance, Melanie Boudreaux Pawlowski. If she had ever truly loved Brandon she would have had second thoughts about someone killing him for his life insurance. Ditto for her children. I believe she was affected by her mom’s death and then raised by Lori, a psychopath. She would do anything Lori told her. I still do not believe she loves Ian or her children. I believe she secretly wishes Lori and Chad could get out of jail and she could disappear with them. Ian better watch his back because she may have psychopathic traits as well.
Many thanks to aa from aa and artis for answering my query re Lori's threats to Audrey. Much appreciated.
Hi good morning. I answered your post with my recollection before seeing so many good posts with their notes and details for accuracy, plus the video. So many great people posting here.
I would add:

  • John Prior - He's been trying to testify all along, may as well put himself on the stand and make it official.
  • Christopher Parrett - Early friend and benefactor of Chad Daybell, owner of AVOW, talked with Chad on phone and said he was 'vindicated'.
  • Rob Wood - JP would love to get him on the stand and impeach him for witness tampering or some such. Plus try and prove the State and/or LE are fabricating evidence against his client.
  • Mark Means - Testify that Chad was not fleeing LE the day the kids were discovered buried on his property, but rather on his way to meet attorney. Plus maybe get some digs in at anti-government conspiracies against their clients.
John Prior testifies without actually being put under oath. Plus, he portrays himself as someone else's mouthpiece, thus removing himself a step from the lie.

He would never testify under oath and actually take responsibility for his own words and their truthfulness.

The jury can't unhear things. I hope the judge instructs the jury that the council's words are not testimony and are not made under oath, because it could help a little bit. Prior knows things can't be unheard. It's a very unethical approach to taking control of the narrative.

I think the facts are too overwhelming and most of Priors manipulations are too obvious. I have a feeling each juror has noticed a deception or two by Prior- like his twisting of witness words. I don't think they trust his statements implicitly at this point.

Media thinks or says Prior will call 8 witnesses, BUT:

I think he'll call Melanie Gibb back, as he is obsessed with her, and possibly David Warwick (unless he was released from subpoena, I don't remember).

I think that Prior will call Audrey Baratterio, because she makes Lori look bad. But on the other hand, there is evidence suggesting that Audrey began talking to Chad first, who introduced her to Lori, so maybe not.

Someone on the grand jury list who didn't testify at Lori's trial or for the prosecution this time is a Mackay Abegglen. Per the first page of Google, he is/was an employee at the haunted house attraction where Garth worked. We have no idea what he testified to, maybe simply that Garth had to leave early the night Tammy died or something, but maybe not. Maybe they were good friends outside of work, maybe he went to the funeral. Mods remove if not allowed but he was a witness for the G.J. If Prior really does bring Garth on he may also call Mackay.

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Media thinks or says Prior will call 8 witnesses, BUT:

I think he'll call Melanie Gibb back, as he is obsessed with her, and possibly David Warwick (unless he was released from subpoena, I don't remember).

I think that Prior will call Audrey Baratterio, because she makes Lori look bad. But on the other hand, there is evidence suggesting that Audrey began talking to Chad first, who introduced her to Lori, so maybe not.

Someone on the grand jury list who didn't testify at Lori's trial or for the prosecution this time is a Mackay Abegglen. Per the first page of Google, he is/was an employee at the haunted house attraction where Garth worked. We have no idea what he testified to, maybe simply that Garth had to leave early the night Tammy died or something, but maybe not. Mods removed if not allowed but he was a witness for the GJ. If Prior really does bring Garth on he may also call Mackay.

Sounds to me like a way to convince the jury that Chad was staging the scene all freaking night, save for a few juvenile sexting breaks or just time out to tend to his storm.

Who conveyed that Tammy was sick? Because if it were Tammy, I'd assume that she must have intuited that it was a bad night to be alone with Chad. If it was Chad who called, I would assume he was lying as part of the crime cover-up.

I am very interested in seeing what the children have to say. (I'm also ashamed of my self for this- they are in awful circumstances.) But I can't imagine their testimony doing Chad any good, even if they lie or repeat things that are not true because they are indoctrinated. I don't see any words from the children convincing the jury that Tammy was sick. I don't see any of their words fixing the multiple stories given about Tammy's "natural" death, or her bizarre, rushed funeral and quick marriage to a woman about whom multiple stories and surnames were shared.

Chad is toast. The evidence is overwhelming.


Media thinks or says Prior will call 8 witnesses, BUT:

I think he'll call Melanie Gibb back, as he is obsessed with her, and possibly David Warwick (unless he was released from subpoena, I don't remember).

I think that Prior will call Audrey Baratterio, because she makes Lori look bad. But on the other hand, there is evidence suggesting that Audrey began talking to Chad first, who introduced her to Lori, so maybe not.

Someone on the grand jury list who didn't testify at Lori's trial or for the prosecution this time is a Mackay Abegglen. Per the first page of Google, he is/was an employee at the haunted house attraction where Garth worked. We have no idea what he testified to, maybe simply that Garth had to leave early the night Tammy died or something, but maybe not. Mods remove if not allowed but he was a witness for the G.J. If Prior really does bring Garth on he may also call Mackay.


from my notes - I believe I posted this a bit back in this or other thread:

Prior calling [from his opening statement] = : expert 1 (dr.Greg Hampikian) - JJ's and Tylee's remains: several other hairs found on the plastic bag where a single Lori's hair was found; no Chad's DNA found on the remains; expert 2 (dr. Raven) - Tammy's COD considered inconclusive; expert 3 (Patrick Eller) - more Alex's phone pings: likely suggesting that placing Alex together with Chad in his back yard was not reliable; expert 4 (Eric Bartelink) - Tylee's remains: discussion about tools, parts of the body were missing - perhaps suggesting that the body was burned elsewhere.

oops - hit the wrong button - so that is 4
I think you are ignoring the fact that none of these people had blinders on. For whatever physical or psychological reason, they were willing to be led by Chad. For instance, Melanie Boudreaux Pawlowski. If she had ever truly loved Brandon she would have had second thoughts about someone killing him for his life insurance. Ditto for her children. I believe she was affected by her mom’s death and then raised by Lori, a psychopath. She would do anything Lori told her. I still do not believe she loves Ian or her children. I believe she secretly wishes Lori and Chad could get out of jail and she could disappear with them. Ian better watch his back because she may have psychopathic traits as well.
IMO Melani believed in zombies. Chad declared that Brandon was one and that their children were attacked by evil spirits, just like Lori's. Melani bought the whole shtick because she trusted Lori more than anyone. She was in it for a long time.
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