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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I have collected the various theories I've seen regarding why Emma has gone blonde.
  • Electra complex on display; she is "skinwalking" Lori
  • She's trying to fit in with the culty women who are mostly blonde
  • She doesn't want to be as easily recognized in public
  • Prior advised her to change her appearance so she doesn't look like the Tammy Jr. she physically is at court
  • She's always wanted to try light blonde and her doing it now is just a coincidence
Consider that Tammy is naturally a dark or "dirty" blonde, as is Emma. Leah, who we haven't heard much about, is a lighter blonde in the 48 Hours interview but I can't tell if it's natural or enhanced. Consider that while Gibb has always been blonde, Zulema has now gone blonde. The Emma in Chad's book series is light blonde. MOO.
I go with the Electra complex, but also think these Chad-devotees believe (have been taught) that blonde is a physical manifestation of their spiritual “lightness.”
Remind me, Emma did know about the 'multiple probations' thing, didn't she? I suppose she must have, it's in the books, isn't it?

I wonder if Chad hinted to them that Emma and Joseph were reincarnations of THAT Emma and Joseph. That'd certainly be something enticing enough to facilitate further denial of reality.

Emma also claimed that she knew about death percentages (it might have been a lie to normalize Chad). I wonder how death percentages were applied to people the family knew.

Since they understood multiple probations, did Chad tell his children about James and Elena?

Garth mentioned that he taught evolution in school. Does Chad reject evolution?
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Maybe it’s just me, or maybe the poor quality of the video…but it seems that several associated with this trial look similar…bald and dark beards.

Lindsey Blake is not in the courtroom this morning. Who will cross this guy?
Society saves the Death Penalty for the worst, most atrocious crimes. Usually crimes that are heinous.

A marriage is a bond, legally and emotionally. In CD's case, spiritual, as he married Tammy in an LDS temple. Tammy trusted CD, I doubt that she ever expected that she would be in mortal danger, from CD, in her own bed.

CD had many choices available to him, divorce Tammy, abandon her, whatever, he chose the option that would give him the most money, death, in order to collect on her life insurance policies, he murdered his wife, Tammy. For this, he deserves the death penalty.

He also deserves the death penalty for his involvement with the deaths of JJ and Tylee.
So is this trial almost over? When will the closing statemnts be? When will the case go to the jury?
People are projecting that we might have another week (next week) to go before deliberations begin, but the defense is expected to rest by the end of the week. It's hard to imagine the prosecution not calling rebuttal witnesses. Then there's closing arguments. But MOO it's comfortable to assume we have at least one more week to go before the jury gets it.
People are projecting that we might have another week (next week) to go before deliberations begin, but the defense is expected to rest by the end of the week. It's hard to imagine the prosecution not calling rebuttal witnesses. Then there's closing arguments. But MOO it's comfortable to assume we have at least one more week to go before the jury gets it.
Safe assumption IMHO. With the holiday weekend coming up, I can certainly see them shutting down early Friday, too.
I was painfully aware that he was bothered by the police driving around a property where 2 children were murdered buried (when trial has not even occurred yet!!) but has ZERO issues living in the house where 2 children were murdered, burned and buried!!! How's that logic?!?

The children were not murdered in Chad's house. I beleive the consensus is that they were murdered in one of Lori's homes/apartments and their bodies transported to Chad's backyard. I dount very much if their bodies were ever in Chad's house for even one second. IMO.
If I'm understanding this correctly, this witness is trying to say that CD was not on his own property on the morning that Tylee was buried even though CD himself texted Tammy at 11:53 AM that he was, indeed out there shooting and burying raccoons and burning limbs that morning.

"Well, I’ve had an interesting morning! I felt I should burn all of the limb debris by the fire pit before it got too soaked by the coming storms. While I did so, I spotted a big raccoon along the fence. I hurried and got my gun, and he was still walking along. I got close enough that one shot did the trick. He is now in our pet cemetery. Fun times!"
If I'm understanding this correctly, this witness is trying to say that CD was not on his own property on the morning that Tylee was buried even though CD himself texted Tammy at 11:53 AM that he was, indeed out there shooting and burying raccoons and burning limbs that morning.

"Well, I’ve had an interesting morning! I felt I should burn all of the limb debris by the fire pit before it got too soaked by the coming storms. While I did so, I spotted a big raccoon along the fence. I hurried and got my gun, and he was still walking along. I got close enough that one shot did the trick. He is now in our pet cemetery. Fun times!"
Those pesky details
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