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The missing instruction was part of the first-degree murder charge of Chad Daybell’s late wife, Tammy Daybell.

“And that is an instruction relating to the elements as they relate to count 6 of the amended indictment,” Boyce said.

The new instructions were given to the jury as follows:

“Jury instruction 42 reads as follows: in order for the defendant to be guilty of first-degree murder, as alleged in count six of the amended indictment the state must prove each of the following:

1- on Oct. 18 -19, 2019

2- in the state of Idaho

3- the defendant Chad Guy Daybell engaged in conduct or did aid, abet, advise or procure another to engage in conduct which caused the death of Tamara Tammy Daybell

4- with malice aforethought

5-the murder was a willful and premeditated killing”


There is no reason to jump to guessing that anyone is stuck on any count.

If I were the foreperson, or I'd suggest to the foreperson the following if it was established that we were likely to vote guilty on all counts:

Divide up the elements and divide into groups to ID where they are found in evidence.

That way, we could quickly give a well-reasoned verdict.

I would also want to spend some time discussing any cogent points from the defense, and why the jury does not think it moves the needle.

I would want to get through the decision as quickly as possible, but not feeling secure that everyone did agree and understand the group reasoning.

The jury asked a question on the 6th of 7 counts. If that means they are already through 5, they must be almost done. I think it is faster than my jury would be.

(Tip: don't make Ruminations foreperson. They can be excessively thorough.)

Were I the foreperson, or advising the foreperson, I think I’d go about it differently; it is not up the jury to retry the case.

I'd ask whether there are any elements that any of the individual jurors questioned or were uncertain about and make those the focus of deliberations and encourage jurors to share their own thoughts on the matter. It’s a collection of consciences in that jury room and the approach by which each of those individual consciences reaches certainty beyond a reasonable doubt differs, so I wouldn’t try to forge a collective conscience. Rather, I’d want to get to a point where there is a consensus of 12 individual consciences.

ETA: Ultimately, the jury pronounces its verdict. Usually, they are asked if that is their true verdict and often, they are polled individually. Once, their consensus verdict is recorded, they are no longer a group, but are individuals, each living with their own conscience. I think it is important that is reflected in how they get to a consensus decision.
I think with it being so quick, it must be guilty on all counts. I mean we all say what is taking so long it's clearly guilty on all counts, but it seems this amount of time with 2 hours yesterday and then 5 today, minus the time it took to get clarification on the one charge, it was a reasonable amount of time to discuss each one, read through all the requirements for each one and then discuss a little bit and vote, then move on to the next one. I think they did their due diligence and I think it will be guilty on all.
I knew that, but for some reason I was thinking they had been at it since 8 this morning instead of 10 so 4 hrs today plus 2 yesterday would explain how CourtTV came up with 6 total.
Dumbass me giving them the benefit of the doubt that they were correct lol.
I should never post things without thinking them through. Sorry for any confusion I caused. Since I had Covid 5 months ago my brain has not been the same. Main reason I don’t talk much on here anymore lol.
Cindizzi, you & your Covid brain are welcome to post anytime. Your fellow WSers will help straighten it out if you posts are foggy or confusing. That’s what friends are for :)

PS My sister had Covid a couple of years ago and is still dealing with the fog so I understand where you’re coming from but do not let it keep you from conversing with us.
Wait - how well.could Tammy's cousin know Tylee?
It’s a small world - Tammy’s cousin knew her and the Daybells when going to school in Utah. At some point she moved to AZ where she knew CV & LVD & Tylee & JJ. Her husband & CV were friends and I think she taught a class JJ was in or something. She was on HTC recently.
And my internet is down. I have old eyes and having to view this with my phone is awful. But that’s ok. Guilty on all counts will make me so happy!
All of us wish JJ and Tylee and Charles and Tammy could be alive and living their lives with others.
Justice is coming! Wish I could see Chads face on my phone. Please everyone, describe it for me!
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