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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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It is disgusting to hear how the D is painting this picture. Poor innocent Chad was just blinded by the beauty queen? PLEASE give me a break. I hope the jury is wishing they could roll their eyes at these claims. Chad might have been drawn in by her, but his dark and light and loin fire crap was all concocted in his head, not Lori's.. he manipulated her just as much. Two way street. Playing the poor Chad card is not going to work. He was a grown man with a wife and children and HE was the one that said he thought Tammy was going to be gone.. Lori didn't have visions of Tammy being gone did she? What till they hear about Chads portal.
Chad invented 90% of this ideology, from my understanding, and while Lori has a history of weird religious beliefs, Chad had a career as peddling his Mormon doomsday fanfiction prior (lol) to meeting Lori. Chad had followers before her as well as associated groups (like Preparing a People and AVOW).

I think Chad has even gone back and forth in claiming his books are real visions OR intentional fiction.
It is disgusting to hear how the D is painting this picture. Poor innocent Chad was just blinded by the beauty queen? PLEASE give me a break. I hope the jury is wishing they could roll their eyes at these claims. Chad might have been drawn in by her, but his dark and light and loin fire crap was all concocted in his head, not Lori's.. he manipulated her just as much. Two way street. Playing the poor Chad card is not going to work. He was a grown man with a wife and children and HE was the one that said he thought Tammy was going to be gone.. Lori didn't have visions of Tammy being gone did she? What till they hear about Chads portal.
And he is SO visionary that despite having an affair and all his BS behavior, but his wife suspiciously ends up dead of her own fault b/c she won't go to the dr and uses natural supplements. Sure CD, sure.
Did Prior just refer to Lori's relationship with Alex as "inappropriate?" I mean I've heard theories about this but I guess we better buckle up extra.
He said 4 of the 5, then he said 3 or 4 of the 5.. so I'm curious if some of them are unsure about testifying??
I always assumed that Garth would probably testify because he saw his deceased mother and was at home when most of that event occurred.

I'm sure the others will just testify about what a great religious leader and father Chad was and how it is impossible he has ever done anything wrong ever in his life.
"It's Lori's fault that I killed these kids and buried them in my own backyard in accordance with my prophecy teachings."

May I ask what "aafromaa" means? I Googled it and it showed me the rapper Afroman, lol.
His visions are now called premonitions which is in total accordance with his faith.
Chad invented 90% of this ideology, from my understanding, and while Lori has a history of weird religious beliefs, Chad had a career as peddling his Mormon doomsday fanfiction prior (lol) to meeting Lori. Chad had followers before her as well as associated groups (like Preparing a People and AVOW).

I think Chad has even gone back and forth in claiming his books are real visions OR intentional fiction.
Lori has gone extreme in her religious beliefs partly due to reading Chad's books.
The "I don't know how those kids got buried in my pasture" defense, can't wait! Love how Prior differentiates backyard and pasture, too.
And the raccoon story he texted his wife.. wasn't it a raccoon or was it a ground hog or maybe a chipmunk.. I can't remember.. but the wild animal he claims to have buried on the property the same day as the kids were buried there?? I do think there can be coincidences, but this is unlikely that he killed and buried an animal the same day children were also unbeknownst to him buried on his property.
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