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It interests me that Chad, Prior, and the detectives Herm, Stubbs, Hope et al., all know that Chad is related by marriage to det. Hope. It was when Hope walked up, Chad gave Lori's phone number. Hope is likely why he answered the question of Lori's phone number the second time. Chad appeared to think that his in-law would have more knowledge about him (such as of his marriage) then detectives who were "lead" on looking for JJ.

I wonder if Hope was just along because they needed a few more detectives, and was less briefed.

I wonder if Hope is going to be identified as part of the alleged conspiracy against Chad.

I don't think this defense or the harlot defense will fly. Even with a misogynistic juror. Even with an extremely skeptical-of-government juror. Because even the misogynistic juror will recognize that killing is not okay no matter how "whipped." And the skeptics will have plenty of non governmental witnesses to things like, Tammy was not sick.

But I am also intrigued by Lauren's theories, and I can't wait to see if Det. Hope plays a role in the defense theory. Because that brings family into the conspiracy. How many family members will Chad expect his children to turn their backs on?

The fact that Chad can use his children tells me he is a psychopath. He has no empathy for them. Even the look in his eyes in his arrest picture is psychotic.
I think you mean Lori. Right religion, wrong case.
No I was responding to the poster who brought up the Jodi arias case in AZ. Her boyfriend was Mormon so she converted for him because she was determined to marry him and not because she cared. The poster suggested that Mormons are found guilty for crimes at times. I just said Jodi was faking it. As for Lori, I believe she bought into Chads version one hundred percent.
The fact that Chad can use his children tells me he is a psychopath. He has no empathy for them. Even the look in his eyes in his arrest picture is psychotic.

Yes. I can't imagine the chaos of the family. Grandparents, probably believe that CD killed Tammy. Children supporting CD. Why would anyone do this? Aside from a complete psychopath.
Yeah, there is a massive difference legally if Chad were not involved in the killings, but it is too hard to believe he was not involved if he still believes he was framed and still buys into the fantasies.

That's why for the defense to work, in my opinion, he has to let go of "I was framed (because I'm so special)" and show some respect for the investigation. He has to at least to pretend he is sad that the children were murdered. He has to at least pretend he regrets the role he played, while claiming it was not criminal. Because if he does not regret it, it comes off that he thinks, with undeniable evidence to the contrary, no harm was done.

I don't agree that nobody is minimizing deaths. Chad has not expressed any grief at all for the deaths. Perfect strangers (like me) are devastated for JJ, Tylee, and Tammy. Chad has shown no sadness at all. He just acted like he was surprised when E told him bodies were found in his back yard, after he fled from the police for no particular reason. He didn't even muster up pretending he found it tragic to find bodies in his back yard. He danced on the beach after making very short work of burying his murdered wife, while there were dead children in his back yard. If his assertion is he didn't know the children were there, at least on retrospect he should be thoroughly disgusted at himself dancing in costume on the beach with a murderer.

It's not at all believable he was not criminally involved if he has no backward looking disgust. Look at the people who are fairly often considered complicit by posters here, such as Melanie Gibb or Zulema. They are increasingly disgusted and ashamed looking back. They testified against Lori. The mean stuff they said seems closer to forgivable because they seem to be grasping the horrific consequences of the delusion, at least partially. Chad no disgust, has taken no redemptive actions, and therefore can not get away with claiming he was just caught up in a bad thing. He hasn't acknowledged it was bad.

If he is saying the government is framing him, with out seeking protection and justice for children, he is implying protection and justice for children is not important. If he doesn't trust government to provide this, that's one thing. But it is entirely another to ignore protection and justice for children buried in his own back yard. It is just not believable that he was only involved in fantasy if he has no regrets looking back for what happened.

I guess an argument could be made that he is still enmeshed in fantasy and therefore believes he is being framed by evil-spirit tainted LE, and he is not in touch with reality enough to regret the consequences. But that doesn't work well either, considering his deceit and behaviors like driving away when JJ was unearthed.


Edited to add: not sure how I replied to AA at the same time, I need to refresh this site more often.
I would love to hear your thoughts on why the motion to delay Chad's trial was filed.
What are the grounds for delay? Why do they want to delay it while the trial is just getting started?
Your thoughts are greatly appreciated. I can't begin to understand why.
No I was responding to the poster who brought up the Jodi arias case in AZ. Her boyfriend was Mormon so she converted for him because she was determined to marry him and not because she cared. The poster suggested that Mormons are found guilty for crimes at times. I just said Jodi was faking it. As for Lori, I believe she bought into Chads version one hundred percent.
Ah, fair enough, I thought you were getting Lori mixed up with Jodi Hildebrandt. Too many Jodi's.
Yes. I can't imagine the chaos of the family. Grandparents, probably believe that CD killed Tammy. Children supporting CD. Why would anyone do this? Aside from a complete psychopath.
I believe he and Lori both are psychopaths. Lori used men including her brother, for money and power. She married a couple of good ones and murdered them. She thought Chad might become famous and she could be his goddess until they ran out of money. Murder was ok with her, just less people to deal with. Chad was on the verge of becoming a sick psychopathic so-called prophet who loved death.
Hi lightofmin99,
In my opinion Chad's arrogance will be his downfall. If he really believed he could kill zombies and was going to be the great leader of 144 thousand then I can see him thinking the inconvenience of leaving his cell phone while he trapsed about wouldn't be worth it. After all he was special. He wasn't going to get caught. He had a communication line directly to God. Why worry about a little thing like an electronic trail left by a cell phone? Just a thought bouncing in my head. :)
In my opinion, and not being a lawyer, and never having been a juror, I believe the jury has already found Chad guilty of both JJ and Tylee’s murders just from seeing the pictures of how they were found and being found on his property. Alex could never have pulled that off alone. And Chad by trade for 30 years was a grave digger.
The prosecutions opening statement was simple and to the point and putting Detective Hermosillo on the stand first was priceless.
I'd have to go back and look at my notes, but there hasn't been any details regarding TD autopsy beyond the kids saying TD was asphyxiated, correct?
Actually there was testimony in the LVD trial - including the bruising on her arms - sorry I don’t have a link to that audio but it was definitely addressed in her trial.
I would love to hear your thoughts on why the motion to delay Chad's trial was filed.
What are the grounds for delay? Why do they want to delay it while the trial is just getting started?
Your thoughts are greatly appreciated. I can't begin to understand why.

As I read it, it's a piece of legal nonsense, not filed by or supported by EITHER side in this case. There's no way to know what claims it might be making, or its content. But on its face, with the absurd misspellings, it's like the person filing it was drunk when composing it.

Based on the reaction to it, I think it's obvious garbage. If it had potential merit of some sort, I believe the judge would have stopped the court proceedings the next day and had this hearing immediately. Instead, he scheduled it for a time that was convenient.

But it was filed legally so it requires a legal disposition. That doesn't mean its absurdities (assuming that's what it's filled with) need to be shared with the world. So in an abundance of caution (that's been Boyce's approach through the years of this case), so that none of it creates grounds for an appeal later, Boyce is going to let it be heard privately, and let the parties who have a vested interest opine as they wish, and then I think there's a good chance it is erased from the records.

My 2c.
They took the tyre off the back of the car, I believe, so AC could shoot at Tammy. The spare bolts to the back hatch, like on a Rav 4.

I thought it was so he could shoot at Brandon Boudreaux? Nonetheless, even with the tyre/tire removed from the back hatch door, AC still couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. He even made a trip beforehand to the firing range, as I recall.
Yes. I can't imagine the chaos of the family. Grandparents, probably believe that CD killed Tammy. Children supporting CD. Why would anyone do this? Aside from a complete psychopath.
Unfortunately, it's not exactly a rare thing for men to kill their wives (or vice versa).

Mainly because, divorce is expensive - but also, in cases like this, social disapproval.

I would love to hear your thoughts on why the motion to delay Chad's trial was filed.
What are the grounds for delay? Why do they want to delay it while the trial is just getting started?
Your thoughts are greatly appreciated. I can't begin to understand why.
It seems to me that of the several people who have that knowledge have one or more of the following things true about them:

They respect the court order to seal
They have nothing to gain from a leak
They know that a leak will be traced to them

But being that it was sealed and not heard and denied or otherwise dealt with immediately it must contain some kind of troublesome text causing the judge to seal it.

Who knows what it was that caused it to need to be sealed but I think we can be confident that the judge did not think there would be a mistrial or some other problem from putting it aside. So it must be juicy and not case changing, at least not changing in favor of the defense.

I am curious, but happy the court order is being respected. I hope it is being respected because the court should be respected, not because there is nothing to gain from a leak.

lol, I'm not overlooking stuff.

And, for whatever it's worth, I'm not interested in anyone frying, even Chad. That's not my thing.

I consider it a contradiction to be a good defendant, keep your mouth shut, let your attorney do the talking, yet believe the evil government is out to get you and does not have a point at least in investigating the deaths of children. It has to be one or the other, IMO. Being a good defendant means the spell is broken. Thinking you are being framed because the State arrested you when there were children buried in your back yard means the delusion continues.

And speaking of being a good defendant, what lawyer would not release a statement of grief for the victims, carefully worded, on behalf of their client? A lawyer who knows there is no way to phrase it without lying about his client's feelings, knowledge and culpability, IMO

That reminds me- they arrested him down the road. He was watching them excavate his backyard- he even called Lori about it, so how can he claim no knowledge???
I thought it was so he could shoot at Brandon Boudreaux? Nonetheless, even with the tyre/tire removed from the back hatch door, AC still couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. He even made a trip beforehand to the firing range, as I recall.
Has anyone of thought of what was coming if Alex had succeeded in shooting Tammy? I can guess Lori and Chad would have laid all the blame on him, for the kids also and said he was crazy. And Lori might have even convinced Alex to take all the blame as her protector. Alex told Zulema he felt Chad and Lori would make him the fall guy.
That reminds me- they arrested him down the road. He was watching them excavate his backyard- he even called Lori about it, so how can he claim no knowledge???
That’s true. I had mentioned before he had called Lori but was corrected. But I do think they could talk at that point and he called her. Either way, they did talk and he told her LE was “looking for the kids”. The call is recorded.
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