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DNA Solves
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That reminds me- they arrested him down the road. He was watching them excavate his backyard- he even called Lori about it, so how can he claim no knowledge???
Just a point of clarification, it was Lori that called Chad that morning. Thankfully she called at the perfect time and you can hear the concern in their voices as they carefully choose their words, knowing they are being recorded.

Link to the audio:
I would love to hear your thoughts on why the motion to delay Chad's trial was filed.
What are the grounds for delay? Why do they want to delay it while the trial is just getting started?
Your thoughts are greatly appreciated. I can't begin to understand why.
Co-counsel for the defence?
That’s true. I had mentioned before he had called Lori but was corrected. But I do think they could talk at that point and he called her. Either way, they did talk and he told her LE was “looking for the kids”. The call is recorded.
I sure hope that call is admitted into evidence. It should sink him.
Forgive me, my precious Websleuths cohorts, but I am way behind on the Chad Daybell trial. I have just finished listening to the opening statements in CD's case. Here are my 2 cents' worth:

In his opening statement, Prosecutor Rob Wood should have stated that, in addition to Chad's career as a self-published doomsday fiction author, he was, first and foremost, a grave digger. I am hopeful that Rob Wood will receive a shot of Adrenalin for closing arguments.

In contrast to Prosecutor Rob Wood's opening statement, I felt that John Prior's opening statement was far superior (although I am aware that [John] Prior, has "priors"). Don't know all the details though, but it has been said that where there's smoke, there's fire (and probably court records, as well).
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That reminds me- they arrested him down the road. He was watching them excavate his backyard- he even called Lori about it, so how can he claim no knowledge???
Or, did Lori call him? She asked, I think (no link, though, so IMO only), whether "they" (LE) were searching inside his home. He responded that they were searching the property outside of his home. At some point, he began to "flee". That's when they chased him down and stopped him -- I'm sure he was traveling at a rate of speed of 25 mph or less.
Just a point of clarification, it was Lori that called Chad that morning. Thankfully she called at the perfect time and you can hear the concern in their voices as they carefully choose their words, knowing they are being recorded.

Link to the audio:
I stand corrected -- or not(?) [It's happy hour here in Central Alabama!]. Lori called Chad on the morning/day that his property was being searched. Thank you for pointing that out!
I know it’s not supposed to be necessary for a conviction, but are any of you bothered that the prosecution cannot tell the jury who did what to whom and when? I have no reasonable doubt that the 3 were involved in the conspiracy to commit these 3 murders and therefore equally guilty of them, but it does bug me that after all this time, there is no definitive answer to those questions. It doesn’t seem possible to me that CD or LVD or AC were smart enough (not sure that’s the right word - maybe savvy enough?) to be able to cover their tracks well enough that we can’t know exactly what happened. Was it just because it took so long to find the remains of Tylee & JJ? Were they really careful enough not to be seen loading or unloading bodies by neighbors, cameras, family, etc? Was there really no evidence to find in either LVD’s or AC’s apartments to determine whether a murder or murders were committed there? Was it just the amount of time that passed or dumb luck or what?
I know it’s not supposed to be necessary for a conviction, but are any of you bothered that the prosecution cannot tell the jury who did what to whom and when? I have no reasonable doubt that the 3 were involved in the conspiracy to commit these 3 murders and therefore equally guilty of them, but it does bug me that after all this time, there is no definitive answer to those questions. It doesn’t seem possible to me that CD or LVD or AC were smart enough (not sure that’s the right word - maybe savvy enough?) to be able to cover their tracks well enough that we can’t know exactly what happened. Was it just because it took so long to find the remains of Tylee & JJ? Were they really careful enough not to be seen loading or unloading bodies by neighbors, cameras, family, etc? Was there really no evidence to find in either LVD’s or AC’s apartments to determine whether a murder or murders were committed there? Was it just the amount of time that passed or dumb luck or what?
I think prosecution can give evidence to support a theory as to who did what to whom when...when they have it.

But if they don't have such specific evidence to present, they obviously can't present it.

For example, they can present evidence that Alex Cox attempted to shoot Tammy Daybell at a certain time. But, in contrast, they can not present evidence that anyone in particular did a particular thing to Tylee causing her death at a particular time (unless they have evidence not yet presented).

still, the prosecution can and has convicted on murder for Tylee based on the evidence that is available.

I think the murderers appear to have some skill in cleaning a crime scene. (Again, unless there is evidence with which we are not aware.) Duct tape is sticky. I'm just guessing, based on my day to day life, but it seems rather unlikely that there would be so few hairs on JJ's remains if they were handled casually, even given the time that passed, being that evidence stuck in tape is pretty well protected from the elements.

(This is an amateur analysis- more knowledgeable peoplle, please correct and/or expand.)

I think their use of burner phones was a bit sloppy- "Hi, this is me on my burner phone. Just send me a "speak no evil" emoji on my regular phone and I'll call you back from this one." But the sheer number of phones and email addresses deserves a dishonorable mention. If they had just kept the numbers separate and didn't call old numbers for friends with new numbers, it would have worked better.

I also think their arrogance and lack of shame bought them time. Lori, especially, never seemed nervous or guilty.

May they all come to understand the damage they have done and suffer greatly for the rest of their lives.

It seems to me that of the several people who have that knowledge have one or more of the following things true about them:

They respect the court order to seal
They have nothing to gain from a leak
They know that a leak will be traced to them

But being that it was sealed and not heard and denied or otherwise dealt with immediately it must contain some kind of troublesome text causing the judge to seal it.

Who knows what it was that caused it to need to be sealed but I think we can be confident that the judge did not think there would be a mistrial or some other problem from putting it aside. So it must be juicy and not case changing, at least not changing in favor of the defense.

I am curious, but happy the court order is being respected. I hope it is being respected because the court should be respected, not because there is nothing to gain from a leak.

I wasn't even suggesting anything about a leak. I wanted to know posters opinions.
Does anyone know exactly when Chad told Garth to come home from college, because of bad spirits there, or something similar? I am wondering how long Garth had been back living with his parents - is it possible that Chad deliberately got him home to be a witness to Tammy's death? It sure wouldn't surprise me. :(
I know it’s not supposed to be necessary for a conviction, but are any of you bothered that the prosecution cannot tell the jury who did what to whom and when? I have no reasonable doubt that the 3 were involved in the conspiracy to commit these 3 murders and therefore equally guilty of them, but it does bug me that after all this time, there is no definitive answer to those questions. It doesn’t seem possible to me that CD or LVD or AC were smart enough (not sure that’s the right word - maybe savvy enough?) to be able to cover their tracks well enough that we can’t know exactly what happened. Was it just because it took so long to find the remains of Tylee & JJ? Were they really careful enough not to be seen loading or unloading bodies by neighbors, cameras, family, etc? Was there really no evidence to find in either LVD’s or AC’s apartments to determine whether a murder or murders were committed there? Was it just the amount of time that passed or dumb luck or what?
Doesn't bother me, in the slightest. They were all culpable -- no matter their specific roles.
Does anyone know exactly when Chad told Garth to come home from college, because of bad spirits there, or something similar? I am wondering how long Garth had been back living with his parents - is it possible that Chad deliberately got him home to be a witness to Tammy's death? It sure wouldn't surprise me. :(
I think Chad is too stupid to devise such a scheme. He has the intellect of a frog.
Co-counsel for the defence?
Um huh? Not sure what this means but in case there is any confusion my name is Tricia Griffith and I am the manager of
I have been catching up on this thread. You all are great at making sense of this case. Thank you for making the go to place especially in high profile cases like Chad Daybell's.
H0I hear you 100%, but I think that is slightly unfair to the frog population perhaps? :) Frogs do come out and sit on warm pavement to sun themselves. Perhaps an ant or a gnat? MOO
I just went scurrying to look up a frog's intellect! And they're smarter than I thought - maybe comparing Chad and a frog would be a close contest. PS And there's a definite resemblance too!
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