DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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We saw no backhoe tracks in the aerial shots of his property before LE descended on it with their equipment. Also, I remember no indication that he owned that kind of machinery.
Chad isn’t going to dig graves with a backhoe on his own property is he? Wouldn’t that have been a sight for all the neighbors to see?
Even though he dug graves for a living, he and Alex were in a hurry. This was murder. He did do some things only a pro would know, like using the big rocks, etc.
I’m pretty sure his kids have figured out the truth but denials work best for them. Still, I imagine there are some fiery arguments in that family about now.
Neighbors reported seeing several bonfires in the spring before the remains were found. I’m not sure what is considered “spring” in Idaho but this would have been sometime after CD returned from Hawaii after LVD was extradited 3/5/20 and before remains were found on 6/9/20 and long after AC was dead so they can’t blame him for those bonfires. Remember that they didn’t stick around long after TD’s death so this would have been CD’s first opportunity to try to finish destroying what remained of Tylee. Not sure why he didn’t also try to do something with JJ’s remains but it’s possible that some wildlife had disturbed the site or something and he thought he needed to do more to hide it.
I thought the bonfires his neighbor saw were in the Fall.
Interesting, I didn’t know this. However, I’m wondering why Ratliff was copied into the Judges notice for a hearing next week? Or have I totally misunderstood?

ETA link to Notice of Hearing and amend attorney surname.

My understanding is that Ratliff is the outsider who filed the motion, in a bizarre unprofessional format and at an odd hour, which included a request to stop the trial, and that it's being given a hearing to dispose of it properly. The supposed content of the motion is all speculative, since it has been sealed.

All other related parties (ie, state, defense, and judge) have been notified and need to attend, so that no one's rights are violated.

I anticipate that this is a formality, and will go away quickly. If it's as off the wall as I am expecting, we likely won't be told what it was all about (ie, the contents will remain sealed), so as not to inject irrelevancies into the mix. We'll just have to see what happens.
I thought the bonfires his neighbor saw were in the Fall.
I actually thought that too - think I even said it on here so I’m sorry if I helped add to the confusion. I checked my notes because I was trying to figure out if it was while TD was still alive and found the neighbor said in spring - this was a younger neighbor doing an interview while LE was on Daybell property. I do think maybe an older neighbor may have said something about seeing bonfires in the fall but that wasn’t the one I was thinking about.

I found a link - seems one neighbor saw one in fall and multiple in spring.

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I believe the tape of the phone call will be played and we will see exactly what was said.

I had it earlier on this thread. It is a sick, weird, twisted phone call. And yes, CD sounds guilty as heck. So gross, LVD is like, "I love you babe". Really?! Who even says that any more?!

Does anyone know if Chad dug graves by hand or used a backhoe?
It appears from my searches, it is now most common to use a backhoe and just perfect it with a shovel.
(I hope that my search history is never examined! lol)
Does anyone know if Chad had a backhoe on his property?
I'm in the UK, rather than the US, but in my experience (work related- I'm an undertaker), graves are usually dug by backhoe these days but only where that's possible.

In spots where there are tree roots of living trees, or where precision is important (say neighbouring graves are close or space is tight for another reason etc) then hand digging is still done. Even modern grave diggers will have the tools to dig entirely by hand when it's necessary.

Backhoes leave visible traces on the ground as they are driven to and from the burial spot as well ... iMO Chad will have prepared those graves by hand.
I'm in the UK, rather than the US, but in my experience (work related- I'm an undertaker), graves are usually dug by backhoe these days but only where that's possible.

In spots where there are tree roots of living trees, or where precision is important (say neighbouring graves are close or space is tight for another reason etc) then hand digging is still done. Even modern grave diggers will have the tools to dig entirely by hand when it's necessary.

Backhoes leave visible traces on the ground as they are driven to and from the burial spot as well ... iMO Chad will have prepared those graves by hand.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Many of us know very little about burial.
I’m hoping Chads DNA was on Tylee and her blood was on his tools and maybe a mixture of his and her dna together. We don’t know yet.
SBM. JP said in the opening statement that no Chad's DNA was found on the children's remains. We know from Lori's trial that Tylee's DNA was found on Chad's tools (as well as his fire pit). JP has two experts lined up to talk about the subject in Chad's defense.
We saw no backhoe tracks in the aerial shots of his property before LE descended on it with their equipment. Also, I remember no indication that he owned that kind of machinery.
It would have been overkill to use a backhoe just to bury a raccoon. Chad's neighbors would likely have remembered seeing a backhoe.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Many of us know very little about burial.
Thank you- I often forget that stuff I just know because of work, isn't common knowledge. With that in mind, it occurs to me that something else that it may be useful for me to share, is a possible functional reason for both graves being so shallow (beyond that of speed or difficulty with hand digging).

When compacted soil is dug out, the soil is broken up. Try digging a hole in a previously un-planted and undisturbed area of your backyard, and then fill it in again. The soil won't all fit back in because air pockets have been introduced. It takes time and weather to settle the soil back to being compacted. How long depends on the type of soil ( sandy soil settles faster than clay, but we are still talking many months even here in the UK where it rains often).

If something else of a reasonable volume has been placed in the hole before the soil is replaced, then the soil displacement is even more marked.

This is known as a "spoil heap" and the larger and deeper a grave is, the bigger the spoil heap will be. Municipal cemeteries will use spoil heap soil to top up graves that are sinking due to settling and breakdown of buried coffins. But in smaller burial grounds the gravedigger will be paid to "cart away" the soil from site, so that it is not an unsightly heap that is immediately visible to visitors.

Thus, a shallow grave, dug no bigger than absolutely required, and reinforced with wood and stones to reduce obvious sinking, makes sense for an illicit grave. The spoil heap would be small, and easy to disperse in small amounts around bare earth areas of a property.
The article below is quoting KW's daughter Kresha:

'There are stories from Tammy's friends where I've been told, that a few weeks before she was murdered, the soles of her tennis shoes were worn so thin, almost through,' Easton went on.

'She was working her *advertiser censored** off while her husband, who was meant to be this priest, this godly person who's elevated in their church, is texting Lori calling Tammy a warden and a dark spirit that needs to be vanquished.

I don't remember a text where Chad used the word warden for Tammy, but Alex did in a message to Zulema.
Chad isn’t going to dig graves with a backhoe on his own property is he? Wouldn’t that have been a sight for all the neighbors to see?
Even though he dug graves for a living, he and Alex were in a hurry. This was murder. He did do some things only a pro would know, like using the big rocks, etc.
I’m pretty sure his kids have figured out the truth but denials work best for them. Still, I imagine there are some fiery arguments in that family about now.
This must have been the hardest that Chad worked in years!
JP would only ask her questions that could help his client. It would be up to the prosecution to bring up her admissible/relevant information against Chad. I hope they are ready to do that.

A potential scenario why JP might call HD:

HD is related to Rexburg PD (Hope) by marriage as of 2016 (LM mentioned this fact last night on HTC).

JP already planted the seed that CD was framed by Rexburg PD last week. Officer Hope was involved in this case as early the welfare check days.

(Also, Chad was excommunicated in late 2019ish according to the WS timeline).

Maybe JP will spin it that all of this is HDs doing. She was out to destroy him and influenced RPD to frame him.

Of course I don't believe this. I'm just speculating about HD and the witness list.
My understanding is that Ratliff is the outsider who filed the motion, in a bizarre unprofessional format and at an odd hour, which included a request to stop the trial, and that it's being given a hearing to dispose of it properly. The supposed content of the motion is all speculative, since it has been sealed.

All other related parties (ie, state, defense, and judge) have been notified and need to attend, so that no one's rights are violated.

I anticipate that this is a formality, and will go away quickly. If it's as off the wall as I am expecting, we likely won't be told what it was all about (ie, the contents will remain sealed), so as not to inject irrelevancies into the mix. We'll just have to see what happens.

Agree. If you read the previous public reprimand of TR, the details of the codefendents' relationship is similar to this case, so possibly triggering to TR, while the reprimand is eerily similar to the MM conflict.

Weird! but seemingly non-relevant. Ironically the sealing makes it seem more relevant, but maybe that was done in order to protect former clients.

Thank you- I often forget that stuff I just know because of work, isn't common knowledge. With that in mind, it occurs to me that something else that it may be useful for me to share, is a possible functional reason for both graves being so shallow (beyond that of speed or difficulty with hand digging).

When compacted soil is dug out, the soil is broken up. Try digging a hole in a previously un-planted and undisturbed area of your backyard, and then fill it in again. The soil won't all fit back in because air pockets have been introduced. It takes time and weather to settle the soil back to being compacted. How long depends on the type of soil ( sandy soil settles faster than clay, but we are still talking many months even here in the UK where it rains often).

If something else of a reasonable volume has been placed in the hole before the soil is replaced, then the soil displacement is even more marked.

This is known as a "spoil heap" and the larger and deeper a grave is, the bigger the spoil heap will be. Municipal cemeteries will use spoil heap soil to top up graves that are sinking due to settling and breakdown of buried coffins. But in smaller burial grounds the gravedigger will be paid to "cart away" the soil from site, so that it is not an unsightly heap that is immediately visible to visitors.

Thus, a shallow grave, dug no bigger than absolutely required, and reinforced with wood and stones to reduce obvious sinking, makes sense for an illicit grave. The spoil heap would be small, and easy to disperse in small amounts around bare earth areas of a property.
Thanks for the explanation
The article below is quoting KW's daughter Kresha:

'There are stories from Tammy's friends where I've been told, that a few weeks before she was murdered, the soles of her tennis shoes were worn so thin, almost through,' Easton went on.

'She was working her *advertiser censored** off while her husband, who was meant to be this priest, this godly person who's elevated in their church, is texting Lori calling Tammy a warden and a dark spirit that needs to be vanquished.

I don't remember a text where Chad used the word warden for Tammy, but Alex did in a message to Zulema.
I do believe somebody is going to roll on somebody. LV has already made one deal in previous trial.
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