DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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We don’t know yet what the prosecutor might have on Chad. But circumstantial evidence proves conspiracy. I believe Alex and Lori together committed two other murders that cannot be prosecuted for lack of evidence, or lack of investigation. the first being their sister back in Texas and the second being Joe Ryan, her third husband. They knew how to cover up. Alex and Chad killed and dismembered Tylee together I believe, because they thought she was the more evil one. But Prior will make Chad sound like a dumb old country boy who knew nothing. Just look into his eyes. that tells you everything about the psychotic nature of that dumb old country boy and the jurors are looking at him every day.
Priors strategy? Well, that should be easy enough. He is a dumb old country boy. He made is mark in the world by murdering and grifting.

Prosecution? I personally think the evidence presented in Lori's trial ties Chad to a plan to murder all three victims. And he happens to live where at least one person was murdered, at least one was mutilated, and two were buried. I imagine we will learn more about Chads phone locations and perhaps more communication between him and Tammy (aside from the raccoon text day). But IMO, Chad could have been convicted on all counts just based on the evidence at Lori's trial.

I am putting my money on Prior is bluffing about putting on the kids. I can't see them helping the case much, after cross examination.

Prior, as he frequently does, has already testified for them. His MO is testify for the witnesses.

IMO JP believes Chad's children's testimony could make a difference in his trial (JP will try anything). He's also banking on his experts' testimonies. One of the experts he named is dr Greg Hampikian. He is the founder/director of the Idaho Innocence Project and he helped Amanda Knox get free, based on contamination of evidence.

I have no doubt that if they believe in their father, he has filled their head with nonsense that he is being persecuted, same as Joseph Smith was considered a con man and heathen by the mob in Nauvoo, IL who killed him.

CD no doubt compares himself to being, "Christ like", and going through persecution. By the nonbelievers. That is powerful logic. Twisted, but common with religious carnies.
I can't imagine being those young adults. They are in a terrible position. Mother dead. Father facing death. Family shaken and splintered. And they have to plow through and raise familles.

Edited to add: they may feel far more pressure to testify in any way, being that the wrong statements can lead to their dad getting the death penalty. I feel like Garth, especially, might be feeling such pressure about what to say about events before and after Tammy's death. Since Chad gave at least three versions, Garth absolutely will contradict more than one of Chad's accounts. In addition to worrying about their father's very life, they have to worry about their own reputation and record. Perjury is serious. What pressure!

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IMO JP believes Chad's children's testimony could make a difference in his trial (JP will try anything). He's also banking on his experts' testimonies. One of the experts he named is dr Greg Hampikian. He is the founder/director of the Idaho Innocence Project and he helped Amanda Knox get free, based on contamination of evidence.

I wonder if there is DNA evidence to refute that we haven't seen yet.

I don't imagine that Chad dropping DNA in his own home would prove much, unless it's somewhere like under Tammy's fingernails.

The DNA evidence at this point doesn't feel needed for conviction to me, so I don't see how helpful refuting it could be.

I am nervous about the possibility that an expert could cause doubt that Tammy was in fact murdered.

Trying to compile a list of what I believe will be the most damning evidence against CD. Did I miss anything?
  • texts to LVD containing his dark/light ratings, "death percentages," trust levels, and demons possessing children & Tammy
  • the Harry Potter text: "Every few weeks I get to escape and have amazing adventures with my Goddess lover, but then I have to return to my place under the stairs, feeling trapped. But I sense permanent freedom is coming! ????"
  • increasing Tammy's life insurance policy a month before her death
  • the raccoon text on the day Tylee's body was buried
  • Tylee's DNA evidence on the tools from his shed
  • the bruises on Tammy's body and cause of death as asphyxiation
  • the text the morning after Tammy's death saying that he was "feeling sad, but it isn't for the reason everyone thinks"
  • the phone call with LVD the day that the kids' bodies were discovered
A few more:
  • Chad googling wind direction when Tylee was still alive
  • Alex's phone only staying on the property for 17 minutes for JJ (pre-dug grave)
  • Chad carrying/rolling the Jeep seat and tire into the storage unit
  • Chad carrying children's bikes into the storage unit
  • Chad giving Alex a blessing - thanking him for his services to him and Lori
  • Chad telling his neighbor that Tammy would die before turning 50
  • Chad telling said neighbor that Tylee didn't like him anyway
  • Chad and Lori telling his relatives that Lori was an empty nester (the children couldn't reappear later)
  • Chad lying to police about not knowing Lori well and not having her phone number after they had been married for weeks
  • Chad constantly looking over his shoulder for the progress of the excavation under the tree where JJ was buried
  • Chad speeding away from the scene after JJ's body was found
  • fragments of Tylee's remains found in Chad's fire pit
  • tool marks found on Tylee's bones
  • wood panels found in one of the children's graves (possibly from Chad's shed)
  • satellite image showing Tylee's grave hours after Chad supposedly buried the raccoon (no raccoon found at the spot)
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Forgive me, my precious Websleuths cohorts, but I am way behind on the Chad Daybell trial. I have just finished listening to the opening statements in CD's case. Here are my 2 cents' worth:

In his opening statement, Prosecutor Rob Wood should have stated that, in addition to Chad's career as a self-published doomsday fiction author, he was, first and foremost, a grave digger. I am hopeful that Rob Wood will receive a shot of Adrenalin for closing arguments.

In contrast to Prosecutor Rob Wood's opening statement, I felt that John Prior's opening statement was far superior (although I am aware that [John] Prior, has "priors"). Don't know all the details though, but it has been said that where there's smoke, there's fire (and probably court records, as well).

The defense would be fine if the state brought that up. An experienced grave digger would never have dug the grave in the way the kids were found would be their reply. They'd argue they agree that the grave was dug by someone inexperienced, not a professional.
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The defense would be fine if the state brought that up. An experienced grave digger would never have dug the grave in the way the kids were found would be their reply. They'd argue they agree that the grave was dug by someone inexperienced, not a professional.
IMO someone with no knowledge likely wouldn't know to use large stones, bricks and wood panels (also where would Alex find all those?). Didn't Chad once say that technically there was no need to bury a body six feet deep? Alex and Chad were in the back yard during the day, next to a road. They didn't have time to dig deep. I think one of the witnesses at Lori's trial commented that JJ's grave was dug expertly.
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The defense would be fine if the state brought that up. An experienced grave digger would never have dug the grave in the way the kids were found would be their reply. They'd argue they agree that the grave was dug by someone inexperienced, not a professional.
There were professional touches; the wood and rocks kept the ground from dipping.

It was shallow; I wonder if the plan was to rebury JJ.

Chad just planned to build a home for one of his kids atop Tylee. :(

I just can't imagine what JP could bring HD to the stand for? What relevant question could he ask her? AFAIK, she knows nothing direct about his crimes- and nothing about any alibis or anything to dispute the charges.

I can't figure out how he even had a pretext to put her on the witness list.

The prosecution might have a little direct info they could get from her- for example I believe she did know to be afraid of Alex Cox because Chad seemed her dark.

Actually, as I type I suppose I Could have answered my own question. Maybe John Prior will try to get her to testify that LE told her to beware of Alex Cox, not Chad Daybell. But that will backfire, IMO. The prosecution is not going to have a heavy lift to show cooperation and common criminal goals between Alex and Chad. Chad had control over Lori and Alex. (Not in the sense that they are not also criminally responsible.)

That little attempt to suggest Alex was trying to shoot Chad is bringing the defense there, IMO.


I have no idea, and JP is all over the place with his planting suggestions. Why suggest AC wanted to shoot CD while insisting it was a paintball gun and not an AR-15? Unless he is trying to plant doubt with every detail.

Perhaps it is all a ruse (psych!) and he does not intend to call her. I would imagine that she knows more than the things she has discussed publicly on HTC. We will find out soon enough.
I have no idea, and JP is all over the place with his planting suggestions. Why suggest AC wanted to shoot CD while insisting it was a paintball gun and not an AR-15? Unless he is trying to plant doubt with every detail.

Perhaps it is all a ruse (psych!) and he does not intend to call her. I would imagine that she knows more than the things she has discussed publicly on HTC. We will find out soon enough.
JP would only ask her questions that could help his client. It would be up to the prosecution to bring up her admissible/relevant information against Chad. I hope they are ready to do that.
I wonder if there is DNA evidence to refute that we haven't seen yet.

I don't imagine that Chad dropping DNA in his own home would prove much, unless it's somewhere like under Tammy's fingernails.

The DNA evidence at this point doesn't feel needed for conviction to me, so I don't see how helpful refuting it could be.

I am nervous about the possibility that an expert could cause doubt that Tammy was in fact murdered.

I’m hoping Chads DNA was on Tylee and her blood was on his tools and maybe a mixture of his and her dna together. We don’t know yet. If Alex was alive then he would have been the fall guy for sure because he believed his duty was to protect Lori. But he’s dead so Chad doesn’t have him. The jury is looking at the murderer.
Um huh? Not sure what this means but in case there is any confusion my name is Tricia Griffith and I am the manager of
I have been catching up on this thread. You all are great at making sense of this case. Thank you for making the go to place especially in high profile cases like Chad Daybell's.
I was replying to your post asking our opinions on the motion to delay. I am wondering whether the motion is an offer to be co-counsel for the defence, seeing as JP said he looked and looked but could not find a co-counsel to join him.
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Thank you for this. It sounds to me like he is saying “they are searching….for the kids”.
This was after Lori said “the house?’ and he said ‘No, the property, they…are searching…for the kids”. His voice is so muffled and it is hard to make it out. I believe i got these words at one time from Nate Eaton. I tried to play it again but i swear i cannot make it out. I apologize if i am wrong.
Chad sounds totally defeated on that recording. If he was innocent he wouldn't need to worry. Also, if he realized in that moment that he had been set up by Lori and Alex, he would have reacted differently. He must have known before that the children weren't alive. Lori had zero contact with them and Alex was dead.
The defense would be fine if the state brought that up. An experienced grave digger would never have dug the grave in the way the kids were found would be their reply. They'd argue they agree that the grave was dug by someone inexperienced, not a professional.
The children have already gone public with that argument.
I wonder if there is DNA evidence to refute that we haven't seen yet.
SBM. Would there have been more discovery and more testing after Lori's trial? JP based his motion to sever the cases on the request to do more DNA testing, which he later abandoned.
IMO the prosecution used all they had in Lori's trial. They brought up Chad's bad acts, because he was part of the conspiracy. I don't know what evidence would apply only to Chad that we don't know yet.
ETA: Perhaps witnesses like AB will testify about their interaction with Chad. She made bold claims about Lori. That could be interesting. OTOH, if she has some incriminating info against him, why didn't she bring it up at Lori's trial?
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The defense would be fine if the state brought that up. An experienced grave digger would never have dug the grave in the way the kids were found would be their reply. They'd argue they agree that the grave was dug by someone inexperienced, not a professional.
Does anyone know if Chad dug graves by hand or used a backhoe?
It appears from my searches, it is now most common to use a backhoe and just perfect it with a shovel.
(I hope that my search history is never examined! lol)
Does anyone know if Chad had a backhoe on his property?
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