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I think this particular instance illustrates that dark had nothing to do with actual spirituality or belief, it had to do with people who rejected, thwarted, or annoyed the defendant.

Garth flew back to the nest when Chad demanded it, and was no longer dark.

I don't know of any belief system free of some convenience. There is always at least some corruption seeping into the good intentions. Fish industry struggling? Catholic Dog says, eat fish! Problem solved.

Opinions will vary about the balance of good intentions vs. conveniences in each religion, but I think my point stands that there is at least some of each in a typical belief system.

Chads system is 100% convenient for his little-storm needs for control. His promptings are never to let other individuals be autonomous.

I don't know of any belief system free of some convenience. There is always at least some corruption seeping into the good intentions. Fish industry struggling? Catholic Dog says, eat fish! Problem solved.

Opinions will vary about the balance of good intentions vs. conveniences in each religion, but I think my point stands that there is at least some of each in a typical belief system.

Chads system is 100% convenient for his little-storm needs for control. His promptings are never to let other individuals be autonomous.

I guess the difference is whether people believe Chad actually believed some or all of the stuff that came out of his own mouth.

I think he knew it was 99% or higher baloney, and just liked manipulating people who were vulnerable because of their faith.

But this is just my opinion, so MOO.
I guess the difference is whether people believe Chad actually believed some or all of the stuff that came out of his own mouth.

I think he knew it was 99% or higher baloney, and just liked manipulating people who were vulnerable because of their faith.

But this is just my opinion, so MOO.

I change my mind on this from time to time regarding Lori, who I think may be far less in touch with reality than she was in 2019-2020. But Chad, I think he is full of it for the most part.

I think he can whip himself into believing it too, because he'd rather be that special spiritually superior being than a loser whose partner did all the child rearing, bread earning and community service for the family. It hurts to be real Chad, so I think he can live in fantasy most of the time. But he can be called back.

I think he knows at some level at all times, he's full of it.

I change my mind on this from time to time regarding Lori, who I think may be far less in touch with reality than she was in 2019-2020. But Chad, I think he is full of it for the most part.

I think he can whip himself into believing it too, because he'd rather be that special spiritually superior being than a loser whose partner did all the child rearing, bread earning and community service for the family. It hurts to be real Chad, so I think he can live in fantasy most of the time. But he can be called back.

I think he knows at some level at all times, he's full of it.

Yeah, Lori reminds me of my family members who I believe are mentally ill and are conspiracy theorists who are obsessed with the end times but definitely know that murder is very much not okay. She's got issues, but she absolutely knows that she did wrong.

Chad is just a beige, smug, narcissistic man who envisions himself as king of the world but couldn't even successfully manage a very small cult of devoted followers without losing focus and taking off to Hawaii. Successfully managed, he could have got people to hide him and Lori, probably even got people to hide bodies for him. Instead, he buried them in his own yard (allegedly) and took off for a cheesy beach wedding. He's a dull, middle-aged adulterer with delusions of grandeur, like the protagonist of every boring literary novel written by pretentious white men for the last hundred years. He'd be utterly forgettable if not for the fact that because of his actions, multiple people, including two children, are dead.

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Listening to Samantha Gwilliam's testimony again (from Lori's trial).

She said that Chad had Tammy buried so quickly that a son was unable to fly back from a LDS mission in Africa in time to attend. This son is Mark, not sure if he's the youngest or what his birth order is. I don't know how LDS missions work but considering that people who are deployed in the military often get to fly back for funerals, I bet if they had pushed her funeral back a week or two he could've been there.

So Mark didn't even get to go to his own mom's funeral because NO AUTOPSY and ASAP BURIAL!

Reasonable to assume this is the one kid that won't be called to testify.
Prior might be bluffing.

He likes to pack a lot of his own testimony in his questiobs and monologues. He already said in opening statements that 3-4 of the children think that Tammy was ill. They now don't have to. Prior can't be threatened with perjury or face cross examination.

I have trouble believing the 3-4 will be able to testify that Tammy was not healthy without sounding deluded or like liars. Others will credibly contradict them, and they will be subject to cross.

For example, Chad said Tammy was light-headed.

The children can say the same things, but under cross, they would have to answer truthfully anything asked like, "did your mother pass out at church? At Zumba (one of the kids went to Zumba with Tammy)? At work? Did she stay home sick from these things? Etc.

It will backfire, Prior knows it, so IMO, Prior is bluffing about having the kids testify to ill health. Hopefully, the jury remembers that lawyer statements are not evidence.


Edited for clarity and to remove autocorrections by dark spirits
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He has a very enmeshed relationship with them, certainly with the olders, who lived near or with him.

See Tricia's recent post- she learned in the Heather Daybell interviews with HTC that Garth living away from the home for school was problematic to Chad- Chad told him evil spirits were attacking him there and Garth changed his educational plans in compliance with Chad's spirit-safe instructions. Which, of course, kept Garth close to Chad.

I don't understand why Chad wanted his adult children to live with him if they had other options.
Yeah, Lori reminds me of my family members who I believe are mentally ill and are conspiracy theorists who are obsessed with the end times but definitely know that murder is very much not okay. She's got issues, but she absolutely knows that she did wrong.

Chad is just a beige, smug, narcissistic man who envisions himself as king of the world but couldn't even successfully manage a very small cult of devoted followers without losing focus and taking off to Hawaii. Successfully managed, he could have got people to hide him and Lori, probably even got people to hide bodies for him. Instead, he buried them in his own yard (allegedly) and took off for a cheesy beach wedding. He's a dull, middle-aged adulterer with delusions of grandeur, like the protagonist of every boring literary novel written by pretentious white men for the last hundred years. He'd be utterly forgettable if not for the fact that because of his actions, multiple people, including two children, are dead.

lol, "could't successfully manage a small cult..."That made my Monday.

Poor dude. You just made it hurt a little bit more to be real Chad.

lol, "could't successfully manage a small cult..."That made my Monday.

Poor dude. You just made it hurt a little bit more to be real Chad.

Chad deserves any lumps I can give him, and then some.

He could have just had an affair, or a divorce.

Tylee and JJ could have grown up with a parent who actually cared about their welfare.

Tammy could have had a middle age rebirth - what's that joke about losing two hundred pounds? She could have kept working, kept clogging, got to see her grandbabies grow and change.

He needs harder knocks than I could ever give him in the comments of an internet forum.

Yeah, Lori reminds me of my family members who I believe are mentally ill and are conspiracy theorists who are obsessed with the end times but definitely know that murder is very much not okay. She's got issues, but she absolutely knows that she did wrong.

Chad is just a beige, smug, narcissistic man who envisions himself as king of the world but couldn't even successfully manage a very small cult of devoted followers without losing focus and taking off to Hawaii. Successfully managed, he could have got people to hide him and Lori, probably even got people to hide bodies for him. Instead, he buried them in his own yard (allegedly) and took off for a cheesy beach wedding. He's a dull, middle-aged adulterer with delusions of grandeur, like the protagonist of every boring literary novel written by pretentious white men for the last hundred years. He'd be utterly forgettable if not for the fact that because of his actions, multiple people, including two children, are dead.

Chad did ask his followers (and Lori's relatives) for money/collateral for Lori's bail, with no luck. He really didn't have strong supporters by that point.
To do what? Did he have big plans for his children in his cult? He literally abandoned them and escaped to Hawaii.
It's about what he wants, when he wants it. He wanted them all there dancing attendance, until he wanted to be somewhere else more than he wanted his court of children around him. Presumably, when he took off, they just patiently waited for further instructions. Now he's got them stalwartly backing him in a trial where he's charged with murdering their own mother. He'll always feel a little bit godlike while they choose him over her. Which means he'll probably feel that way for the rest of his life, since Lori's trial didn't seem to disillusion them.

Watching Judge Boyce's youtube site. Hey, the camera angles are different; closer view of Defense table. And the sound is much better, I'm listening without my earbuds and sound is fine. Hmmm was somebody listening to all the complaints about audio and video?

They just had a closed hearing about Prior referencing Joe Ryan.
No live updates from Nate Eaton yet.

Public being let into courtroom; all sitting on same side as Prosecution table.

Now Nate has started his live updates.

Now people are sitting on both sides of courtoom.

Chad wearing light blue shirt and yellow tie. Or maybe it's "salmon." LOL

Also seems to be closer view of projector screen.

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I don't understand why Chad wanted his adult children to live with him if they had other options.
Control. At the time Garth was unmarried and was just going to college - Heather claims he was "happy and thriving" at the college in Orem. Mark wasn't married either but was on a mission - when he came home he would return to the Daybell house because he wasn't fully "moved out" yet.

The other kids were all married and, while they didn't live with Chad, they were close enough to be within his sphere of control and influence.
To do what? Did he have big plans for his children in his cult? He literally abandoned them and escaped to Hawaii.
So that they will make excuses for Chad.

Marrying a "family friend who was also recently widowed," etc.

Garth does boost the mostly impossible-to-buy theory that Tammy was not murdered. It would be easier to murder Tammy if Garth didn't live there, but if he did and the murder was committed without him noticing, it adds a dash of doubt.

I would love to hear Garth testify as to whether he witnessed coughing, etc. or was just told about it. What time was he working and when did he come home? What did he see? I want to know if he witnessed anything other than the cold body of his mother being staged.
Can someone help me out here? I hope I’m missing something. Otherwise I know this may be an unpopular opinion but I’d like to share it anyway.

Prior just mentioned that the State obtained a transcript of his opening statement without filing any Motion for it. The Court’s docket does not list that they filed any Motion for it; the Idaho Rules seem to state that a Motion must be filed for any case party(ies) to obtain a transcript. It also lists 3 reasons/timeframes for types of hearings that can be requested, I do not see anything for once a trial commences listed. Even if it was, them not filing a Motion for this seems to go around the Rule.

IF the State obtained a transcript without filing a Motion, and IF that does not follow the Idaho Rules, does that not sorta open the door for an appellate counsel to argue that the prosecution was potentially violating the Rules set by the State Bar (on day 3 of the trial no less….)? Sigh. Seems like a big risk for the State, all over a transcript, did they really need it? JMOO.

Editing to add: the State did not respond to any part of Prior’s comments regarding the transcript; did not even acknowledge that they received it


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