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I figured out what this hearing is for :

BOISE — A motion to delay the trial of Chad Daybell was filed late Friday night but little is known about why it was filed and what is contained in the motion.

Terry Ratliff, a lawyer who practices in Mountain Home, filed the motion through the iCourt portal. Wendy Olson, an attorney hired by last year to argue for camera access during the trial, was served the motion, along with prosecutors and the defense.

Boyce instructed the attorneys not to disseminate the motion and on Tuesday, he signed an order sealing it.

“On March 29, 2024, at 11:42 p.m. MST, a non-party presented for filing its ‘MOTIONE {sic] TO INTERVENE AND TO CONTIUE [sic] THE ThtAL IN THESE PROCEDINGS [sic).,” Boyce wrote in his order. “Both the state and the defense have raised concerns about the impropriety of this attempt to intervene – procedurally and substantively. Additionally, both the state and the defense have requested the court immediately seal the document, or alternatively strike it from the case.”

Boyce temporarily sealed the motion until he’s able to schedule a hearing to determine whether it will remain sealed “and set the substance of the motion for hearing.”

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I figured out what this hearing is for :

BOISE — A motion to delay the trial of Chad Daybell was filed late Friday night but little is known about why it was filed and what is contained in the motion.

Terry Ratliff, a lawyer who practices in Mountain Home, filed the motion through the iCourt portal. Wendy Olson, an attorney hired by last year to argue for camera access during the trial, was served the motion, along with prosecutors and the defense.

Boyce instructed the attorneys not to disseminate the motion and on Tuesday, he signed an order sealing it.

“On March 29, 2024, at 11:42 p.m. MST, a non-party presented for filing its ‘MOTIONE {sic] TO INTERVENE AND TO CONTIUE [sic] THE ThtAL IN THESE PROCEDINGS [sic).,” Boyce wrote in his order. “Both the state and the defense have raised concerns about the impropriety of this attempt to intervene – procedurally and substantively. Additionally, both the state and the defense have requested the court immediately seal the document, or alternatively strike it from the case.”

Boyce temporarily sealed the motion until he’s able to schedule a hearing to determine whether it will remain sealed “and set the substance of the motion for hearing.”

Why were both Lori's lawyers (JA and JT) and the media lawyer cc'd in the order to seal? Were they mentioned in the original motion or just sent a copy? Why would they be part of the reason for a delay?

ETA: Not only is the motion's title full of spelling mistakes, but apparently the case number is also wrong.

“He (Terry Ratliff) files this message just before midnight, he’s not counsel on the case. He sends a copy of it to several lawyers who are not involved in the case, he writes the wrong case number on it,” Skordas said.

The petitioner was reprimanded in 2020 for simultaneously representing co-defendants in 2015:
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Here's the rub - and you said it yourself - "that's the packaging being used, to try to convict him." Chad has been charged with conspiracy to commit murder. It doesn't need to be proven that he is the one who committed the very act of murder, only that he conspired with one who did.

I believe the State can easily prove that Chad did in fact conspire with Lori and/or Alex to commit these murders, and then cover them up (pun intentional). He is so enmeshed in this whole crime, along with those other participants, that he is at one with them. Hence conspiracy.

It is clear that he is now trying to throw Lori under the bus, but that won't work in this case. Where was he to throw her under the bus at any point beforehand? He surely had opportunity at anytime. After she got arrested and was no longer physically present in his life? Nope. Several months later when he knew his own arrest was imminent? Nope. He had all the time and opportunity in the world to cooperate with police and aid in their investigation. But instead he chose at every point to aid and abet his co-conspirators. And the evidence will bear this out in great abundance. He dug his own grave and now gets to bury himself in it.

Just one person's humble view.
Time will tell if twelve others agree.
I agree with the points raised here. And as to the conspiracy aspect of this case, wasn’t there at a minimum the video of CD and LVD in the storage facility moving those items? And the timing of that was also an important element IIRC. I would imagine there to be more evidence too perhaps? MOO
From Nate's live tweet page:

Prior asks about Alex Googling the Hannibal Lecter “thing.” Hermosillo says he is not aware of that.

What is this referring to?
I spent some time looking for this, because I was baffled as well, and the only thing I could come up with was from some notes that a Websleuther took on the Dateline special in which someone mentioned that Alex Cox could do a Hannibal Lecter impersonation.
<snipped> Dateline's Keith Morrison's interview of Mary Tracy re. the shooting :-

KM: “…according to this old friend Mary Tracy, Alex was a sweet and very funny guy.”
MT: “He was a good friend to me, he was a good friend to my sister Bex, we thought of Alex as our little brother. We loved him.”
KM: “Mary met Alex on the stage, the Phoenix stand-up comedy circuit.”
MT: “He was great at impressions, he was genuinely a funny goofy guy.”
KM: “What kind of impressions?”
MT: “Hannibal Lecter.”
KM: “But then Mary heard the 911 call from the day Charles was shot, and saw the police bodycam footage. And was dumbfounded. Not just because of what happened - Mary was very attuned to Alex’s mannerisms, his way of speaking.”
MT: “When I heard him say on the 911 call ‘I shot my brother-in-law in self defense’ I just want to say ********, that, I can tell, I mean that was so scripted and it just was not Alex. It was just too planned.” (source Dateline episode 2 “What Happened to the Children” aired 1 May 2020)

NONE of that had to do with any Google searches, though, which makes me think that Prior just threw that out there as a sneaky mind trick, so that the jurors would build the neural association between "Alex Cox" and "serial killer." That's not the sort of association that the jury will be able to un-hear.
@Ruminations said, or at least think it's possible. It has been determined that Alex likely had some level of cognitive disability, which impacted his ability to socialize and in many ways he failed to launch into adulthood. He had impulsivity issues and has been compared to a "forever teenager." I think he experienced some head injury when he was young. I'm not at all implying he's absolved of guilt, but I think that Chad and Lori preyed on and exploited Alex's need for acceptance, spiritual forgiveness/fulfillment, and gullibility.
I recall reading on the KSL News Radio account on "X" that Alex suffered a head injury during adolescence.


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I spent some time looking for this, because I was baffled as well, and the only thing I could come up with was from some notes that a Websleuther took on the Dateline special in which someone mentioned that Alex Cox could do a Hannibal Lecter impersonation.

NONE of that had to do with any Google searches, though, which makes me think that Prior just threw that out there as a sneaky mind trick, so that the jurors would build the neural association between "Alex Cox" and "serial killer." That's not the sort of association that the jury will be able to un-hear.
And also wasn’t LVD very conveniently nearby the area too - but not there at the time of the murder? And she was then able to arrive at the shooting scene of CV by AC shortly thereafter? Maybe there was a an effort to ‘pre-script’ any needed items just prior? And as we know, LVD then started fawning all over the police officers at the scene in an attempt to fool or schmooze them IMO. MOO

I can’t recall, but in the CD case, are there also other un-indicted co-conspirators (even if unnamed, or dead or alive)? If the defense keeps referring to others not present but allegedly involved, maybe that should also now be introduced by the prosecution? Widen the net.

And as to the conspiracy elements, the prosecution should take a page from the excellent closing in the case of Michelle Troconis (MT) in a CT court murder conspiracy in the death of Jennifer Dulos. CT States attorney Sean McGuinness had several slides at the end showing the multitude of ‘coincidences’ as to MT involvement in the conspiracy. It was powerful and is worth a watch. MOO
Some things I think you are overlooking, that are probably very relevant to the questions you raise:
1 Afaik Chad hasn't been doing interviews and saying ANYTHING, and we don't have any idea what he is thinking since he's been arrested.
2 Being under arrest, awaiting trial, he was almost certainly told to not say a word about any of it to anyone. He has no choice, if he's smart. And even if you are innocent as the pure snow, there's no way to say the right thing when a splashy and complex set of charges are laid on you.
3 In addition, the state has wanted to make CD the partner in anything and everything Lori and Alex did. So how could he ever say anything against either of them, even if he wanted to? It would only have been used as evidence against him, to say she or Alex did anything wrong. Even now, that's the packaging being used, to try to convict him.
4 To me it's only about whether the evidence says he's a killer (or not), not evaluating his skills as an actor or his content as a speech maker. He's not on trial for what he doesn't or doesn't say, or how he acts now. imo
5 The fantasy world ideas of saying these kids are doing well, and the kids would agree I did the right thing for them, and so on? CD has said nothing like that. That was pure Lori the Loon, the Crazed Killer, the Psycho Narcissist, trying to re-cast her evil actions as good. Not Chad.

That having been said, do I think he'll be shown to be innocent, and win the case? I doubt it. And I think anyone who does these sorts of things should fry, when they are proven. These are what the death penalty is meant to help with, to permanently erase rabid dogs from preying on our innocent (and given the state of our judges, governors, jailers, etc, LWOP can give no absolute assurance that a killer won't one day be freed to kill again).
Good points. Because Chad has chosen to remain silent so far, we do not know what he is thinking at this point. However, there is something he could have done, something very huge and impactful, that could’ve told us if he felt revulsion, anger, etc— he could have divorced Lori.

Sure, many of us would have thought this was a simply a ploy, but it could also have been used as a demonstration of how sickened Chad supposedly was.
I've always kind of wondered if they were smart enough to leave their cell phones at home or in other places while committing the acts, but that doesn't make sense because if one did, why wouldn't all of them?
LVD & CD seemed to be very careful with phone locations, and they had multiple burner phones as well to try to muddy the waters with who was where when. But AC's phone is what places him at CD's property the days that Tylee & JJ were buried, at Brandon's location the day he was shot at, AND back at the Daybells' the evening that Tammy died.

It's one of the things that makes me think LVD & CD were, in fact, setting him up to be the fall guy. If they were being so careful about phone locations themselves, why not make sure that AC was being careful, too?
I agree with the points raised here. And as to the conspiracy aspect of this case, wasn’t there at a minimum the video of CD and LVD in the storage facility moving those items? And the timing of that was also an important element IIRC. I would imagine there to be more evidence too perhaps? MOO
moving what items? is there some significance to the items they were moving?
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LVD & CD seemed to be very careful with phone locations, and they had multiple burner phones as well to try to muddy the waters with who was where when. But AC's phone is what places him at CD's property the days that Tylee & JJ were buried, at Brandon's location the day he was shot at, AND back at the Daybells' the evening that Tammy died.

It's one of the things that makes me think LVD & CD were, in fact, setting him up to be the fall guy. If they were being so careful about phone locations themselves, why not make sure that AC was being careful, too?

Because they knew he would be dead soon. AFAIK.
And why wear a ski mask? A dead person cannot identify you.
Hi Nikynoo,
My apologies if someone has already responded but Alex wore a ski mask because he had no idea who might see him shooting Tammy. You are correct in that had he been successful in killing Tammy there would be no worries but to be on the safe side Alex would wear a mask in case any of Chad's kids were around or a neighbor was visiting. Many variables could apply and give good reason for Alex to wear a mask. In my opinion.
moving what items? is there some significance to the items they were moving?

She dumped all of JJ and Tylee's things there. Those that she didn't outright abandon or give away.

EDIT: Important to note it was rented on the first of October. Both children were murdered in September. They were dead, and she was getting rid of their stuff. Including photo albums and other memorabilia.
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there is something he could have done, something very huge and impactful, that could’ve told us if he felt revulsion, anger, etc— he could have divorced Lori.
IMO, once murder charges are leveled against you, you follow the advice of a lawyer. It's too late to make gestures to try to distance yourself. The jury will be judging based on the evidence from your past actions. And any lawyer would advise against divorce, because it could trigger your ex-wife to testify against you.

I've always kind of wondered if they were smart enough to leave their cell phones at home or in other places while committing the acts, but that doesn't make sense because if one did, why wouldn't all of them?
Hi lightofmin99,
In my opinion Chad's arrogance will be his downfall. If he really believed he could kill zombies and was going to be the great leader of 144 thousand then I can see him thinking the inconvenience of leaving his cell phone while he trapsed about wouldn't be worth it. After all he was special. He wasn't going to get caught. He had a communication line directly to God. Why worry about a little thing like an electronic trail left by a cell phone? Just a thought bouncing in my head. :)
Hi Nikynoo,
My apologies if someone has already responded but Alex wore a ski mask because he had no idea who might see him shooting Tammy. You are correct in that had he been successful in killing Tammy there would be no worries but to be on the safe side Alex would wear a mask in case any of Chad's kids were around or a neighbor was visiting. Many variables could apply and give good reason for Alex to wear a mask. In my opinion.
Also, there could have been cameras somewhere.
The video of LVD, AC, and CD moving items to the storage unit. That is the creepiest thing I have ever seen. All of the kids stuff, just dumped there...and some tires?
They took the tyre off the back of the car, I believe, so AC could shoot at Tammy. The spare bolts to the back hatch, like on a Rav 4.

The camera wasn't this distant from the parties and the judge in the pretrial hearings.

Shopping list for today - binoculars to fix onto my magnifying glasses, and a pair of hearing aids.

Still, mustn't grumble, it's better than just audio at the end of the day, I suppose...

Chad comes over as a head boy in school, not a man in his fifties. Butter wouldn't melt would it. I thought he might testify before watching today, now the questioning of jurors makes me think he won't.
Add to that a telescope, and I'm sure there's an app for lip reading that we can download, too. (Thanks, Judge, for throwing us a few crumbs.) Apparently, Nate Eaton's Station offered to update the court's cameras and audio system for free -- as well as other news outlets who made that same offer. None were taken up on their offer. [Back in the 17th Century, ear trumpets were in use for those who had hearing difficulty. Where can I get one now?]
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