Trial - Ross Harris #6

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time to move over to Thread #7

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another observation is that very often the camera is directed at the judge who appears to be sleeping or extremely close...she has to work very hard to stay awake...must not get much sleep.

Maybe she should go to bed earlier. :floorlaugh:
They love to throw around the word impeachment here LOL

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Impeachment is the art of attacking a testifying witness’s credibility or truthfulness at trial. One of the most common forms of impeachment during cross-examination at trial is with a prior inconsistent statement, such as deposition or affidavit testimony. The objective of impeachment is to establish that the witness is not a trustworthy witness, hence the reason it is referred to as attacking the witness’s credibility! A prior inconsistent statement made by a testifying witness is a great way to attack that witness’s credibility at trial. See Elmer v. State, 114 So.3d 198, 202 (Fla. 5th DCA 2012).
Interesting that when they got back from break and Boring starts questioning her as to what she knew or didn't know about RH's 'activites', she gets upset again and says something to the effect "Let me make this clear............" Boring cuts her off and then tells her he has to ask her these questions and when she realizes getting upset isn't going to get her out of answering his questions, all of a sudden she's composed again and answers his questions.

Or, could be, at heart she knows getting upset will only prolong the misery of having to relive the day her child died and the subsequent revelation that her husband was lying, cheating, . And so she grits her teeth and goes on trying to get this over with. Like she said at the end if she never sees him again that will be just fine.
He was abusive in a more passive-aggressive way. He brought strangers into their home and had sex on the couch---same couch the baby crawled on and napped on. He had multiple sexual partners and that is very high risk, and potentially dangerous for his wife. He sent pictures of his son to strangers he met on sex hook up sites. I see that as abusive behavior on his part.

There is no such legal concept as passive aggressive child abuse
the witnesses today just keep whining on about "Ross bragging on Cooper" all same the same line...since when does that mean you are a good parent. I find some people that do that are the most uninvolved parents of all. That means nothing to me.


My best friend's Mother-in-law was very much the 'proud' boastful grandma. She always put pictures of her 2 grandsons on her FB and posted about them and their accomplishments. One boy was very involved in boy scouts and became an eagle scout at a young age. The older boy was a very good tennis player and did regional tournaments. She always put pictures of their events and graduations etc on her timeline.

The problem is that she rarely attended any of the events herself. She took the pictures from the family's FB and posted them on hers. She lived in the same town but rarely went to any of the boys activities or events, even when the family offered to pick her up and drop her off themselves. She never was agreeable to help if one of the boys needed to be looked after when they were younger. She was home, with plenty of free time, but said her 'childcare' days were over.

So it always bothered my friend the way that her MIL always posted their pix and bragged about them, since she had very little interaction with them.
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