TRIAL Week One - Ross Harris 3 October 2016

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Which is exactly what the defense is going to propose. But if I was so preoccupied with sexting a bunch of women/girls and forgot my child resulting in his death, I would want them to put me under the jail. I could not carry on knowing that my own selfish wants caused me to forget my child. I literally could not live with myself.

YES - so that makes his odd behavior at the discovery site, the ride to the police station, during interrogation, and speaking with others who were arrested, even MORE incriminating or at the very least not the behavior of a normal, loving parent. I mean who on earth says, "I wouldn't bring him back if I could" about an toddler who hasn't lived his life yet? Every parent I know who has lost a child, would give anything to bring them back.
The only possibly significant new piece of info I heard in the State's opening is that Harris stopped taking photos of Cooper arriving at daycare just 2 weeks before Cooper died.

I'm guessing the defense will respond that Harris stopped taking those photos because of tensions with his wife, not anything to do with Cooper.
YES - so that makes his odd behavior at the discovery site, the ride to the police station, during interrogation, and speaking with others who were arrested, even MORE incriminating or at the very least not the behavior of a normal, loving parent. I mean who on earth says, "I wouldn't bring him back if I could" about an toddler who hasn't lived his life yet? Every parent I know who has lost a child, would give anything to bring them back.

What makes that comment really bizarre is that Leanna said, at Cooper's funeral:

She said she was “happy” that Cooper would miss some of life’s letdowns, including his first heartbreak, his parents’ and grandparents’ deaths and who to sit with at lunch at middle school.

“I miss him with all of my heart. Would I bring him back? No. To bring him back into this broken world would be selfish,” she said.

So both parents wouldn't bring this precious baby back?
Ok I'm repeating myself here and most likely will through this whole trial :blushing:, He left Cooper in the car on purpose and I believe it was premediated. How can he forgot his son in less than a minute? He didn't forget to take him to Chick-fi-la. He didn't forget his coffee nor anything else he had in the car when leaving to go inside work. What gets me is he not once thought he forgot to take his son to day care through out the day? To me it would be a big production to drop your child off at daycare. Sexting or not, he wasn't distracted he planned this. IMO you would make your child a priority then text after that. Just sayin...
I wonder if he was so preoccupied with all the girls he was texting he forgot about the little one.

100% agree with this. I think that JRH was so preoccupied with his "second life" that he neglected to drop Cooper off at daycare.

Which is exactly what the defense is going to propose. But if I was so preoccupied with sexting a bunch of women/girls and forgot my child resulting in his death, I would want them to put me under the jail. I could not carry on knowing that my own selfish wants caused me to forget my child. I literally could not live with myself.

I don't understand how the defense arguing that JRH was preoccupied helps them. Let's take texting and driving as an example. If I run a red light and kill another person, I am not innocent because I was preoccupied behind the wheel. I cannot imagine arguing before the court that I should not be responsible because I was knowingly engaged in a reckless activity. It's the same thing with Ross and Cooper. Ross was responsible for getting Cooper to daycare. If Ross failed to do so simply because he was preoccupied, he should be no less culpable under the law IMO.

This case brought me to WS, and I cannot stop thinking about sweet Cooper. I was previously employed at The Home Depot's corporate HQ, and I have eaten at the CFA where Cooper enjoyed his last meal. When my kids were toddlers, we used to meet up with other families on the CFA playground on an extremely frequent basis. I have shopped at The Home Depot where Ross bought the light bulbs on his lunch break, and I have traveled through the intersection between CFA and Ross's office literally thousand of times. For several years, my commute home from work took me past Akers Mill Square, the location where Ross discovered Cooper, and the movie theater where Ross was heading. I know these locations like the back on my hand. While I am trying to wait for the evidence to come out at trial, it is hard for me to overlook my personal knowledge with these various locations.

I cannot comprehend how Ross forgot Cooper in the short drive from CFA to his office. Boring tried to make that point during his opening statement when he talked about being able to throw a football from CFA to the turn lane. While I think that his explanation in court was unconvincing, I know and understand the point he was attempting to make. I feel like a broken record, but it is impossible to convey in words and pictures how close the turn lane is to CFA. Ross literally had seconds to decide in which lane he needed to be: 1) the lane to turn to daycare, or 2) the lane to head to work. That time frame would have been even shorter if Ross exited the shopping center in the proper location instead of making an illegal U-turn. I just cannot accept that Ross forgot in less than 60 seconds that he had Cooper in the car.

I have attached a picture of the layout of the location where Ross made his U-turn. Ross would have been on the same side of the road as the silver car. Please note the no U-turn sign in the foreground and the CFA in the background. The white and silver building in the background is The Home Depot's HQ, the location of Cooper's daycare. The Home Depot where Ross purchased his light bulbs at lunch would be immediately behind you and to your left. The Publix where Ross ate lunch is the beige shopping center through the tree and to your left (in front of you). The thing that this picture does not capture is how commanding The Home Depot's three corporate buildings are at the intersection (the intersection is 0.1 miles uphill from here, and there are no trees obstructing the view).


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Great comment Ga. Peach. I also used to live right up there - off Spring Road. I wonder if they will bring the jury up to Cobb to see the layout. Being there in person would (in my opinion) make a huge impact. I think familiarity with the location was one of the factors in moving the trial. They could not find people who lived there who could believe he was innocent.

Someone commented up thread about why he left evidence on his computer (searches). I honestly don't think he considered he would get caught. (IF it was intentional) I think he expected to be treated as the poor dad who experiened such a tragedy. He didn't expect LE to examine his computer. He became angry when LE didn't treat him the way he expected at the scene and cursed at them.

There is also the evidence of preparation and research. He knew the terminology "malicious intent" for example. He had googled "How to survive in Prison" as well as hot car death. He visited a Reddit site about "people who die" and watched videos of people dying. FIVE DAYS before Cooper's death he watched the veterinarian video of dogs dying in a hot car - Watched it twice!

Too many weird "coincidences" for me at this point but I will see what the defense has to say.
HE PLANNED THIS... told you I was going to repeat myself :gaah: Plus, I had forgotten about the backing into the parking lot at work, how could he NOT SEE Cooper then? No backup camera and even if you have one, which I do, I still turn to look as well as use the camera. I personally do not believe he was preoccupied therefore forgot Cooper. I really don't know how the defense is going to sway the jurors on this one, but we will see..
It is unfortunate that he has an angry looking face......

Want to start by saying that I think he did plan this and intended to kill Cooper. But, IF I had been accused of killing my child in this horrific way and knew that I hadn't, I would definitely be very angry! Maybe that is the role he has decided to portray to the jury?
Hello everyone. Not sure what happened to the video this afternoon

I watched the states opening statement. It was one of the worst I've seen. He rambled too long, and it does no sound like the state has good evidence. We'll see

Thank you, minor, for your opinion. I, too, was disappointed in the state's opening statement. On important points, the prosecutor's voice would fade to nearly a whisper instead of becoming louder and more emotional or forceful, in order to drive the point home.

Also, noticed that the Pros. improperly switched nouns within a sentence and did not correct his mistake during the revelations of the sexting. His phrases lacked cohesion. I did approve of the big red sign with accusations aimed at RHs guilt that was left leaning against the podium. Could the Defense ask to have it taken down? I would have. Often, I found myself looking at the red sign instead of at the Pros. so I assume that's what the Jury did some of the time, too.

Had to leave before he finished. Not impressed. GA_Peach, my sincere sentiments are extended. I am a 100% Child Advocate. I sit among the Premeditated Murder, btw.

Zoomable Case Map
Credit to princesspjs

Justice for Cooper
Ross should have asked for a bench trial instead of a trial by jury.

Because even if a judge tells a jury to disregard xyz; We know dang well that the jury or some jurors will not totally disregard it in their minds.

Because him texting these women are not signs that he needed his kid gone to be with other women.

Btw. They said he searched a child free life. Well he should remember what a child free life was like since Cooper was still a small toddler. Jmo.
Am I right in thinking they need all the jurors to agree guilty or not guilty for a verdict in this case? I'm concerned there may be one hold out juror who feels empathy towards him. I believe 100% this was premeditated. Thanks to all of you for your updates and posts.
If he did this on purpose I can't help but wonder why he posted such incriminating things online. Why he searched things to do with the heat and death in a car.

He is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. This is the same man who sent photos of his genitals to underage girls.
He is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. This is the same man who sent photos of his genitals to underage girls.

Not only is he overconfident in his ability to spin/obfuscate, he seems to assume the law either doesn't apply to him, or applies to him less because he happened to work as a dispatcher for a couple of years. His behavior isn't much different than a lot of defendants who think they are smarter than everyone else including L.E., and think they can get away with anything using a jumbled mess of legalese and schmoozing to L.E.
I think jrh not only wanted his son gone, and the life insurance benefits, but I think he was looking for fame. He was going to try to parlay this 'terrible accident' into a career and he would be the great spokesman for children accidentally dying in cars. He thought he was going to be famous and get rich from Cooper's death. JMO The defense should just give up, I've heard enough to hang him already.

Sorry, I posted before I watched the 2nd half of the video and the prosecutor keeps bring up the 'advocate' issue. LOL - I thought I had a real brainstorm all on my own.:facepalm:

BBM. I know, right? He kept repeatedly saying he wants to be an advocate. You know, kind of like how Brock Turner wants to "mentor" students against the dangers of abusing alcohol. :rolleyes:
If he was running inside to his work to check in, I would think he would at least roll the windows down a little for Cooper, I am not buying it was accidental. He knew Cooper was in the car, Cooper was awake. He backed up in a parking spot. Spent about 30 or so seconds in the car and left to go into work. 30 seconds is a long time. JH remember to bring his guitar in, because he didn't want to leave it in the hot car. He changed his schedule, did not want to drive to lunch that day. All day everyday he would chat with his buddies through messenger and that day it was off.
I think what we heard in the opening is just the beginning.
Yesterday was a mess and wasn't subscribed to this thread. I've read every post and I gained a decent understanding of what happened in the courtroom today. I hope to watch the defense opening today and can't wait for testimony to begin.

I always start a case from a neutral position and listen to both sides. Well, at least I try! I've only followed the case lightly, reading everything and not commenting. I do believe there is a great deal of damning testimony against Harris, but I need to see it all put together. Leanne's testimony should be interesting, if she's testifying for the prosecution. Of course there are two ways it can go. She could be a reluctant witness or be fully cooperative. I believe she is the key to motivation, if the death was premeditated. I don't hold too much hope, though. She did make those awfully cold comments to Justin Ross and at the funeral.
Yesterday was a mess and wasn't subscribed to this thread. I've read every post and I gained a decent understanding of what happened in the courtroom today. I hope to watch the defense opening today and can't wait for testimony to begin.

I always start a case from a neutral position and listen to both sides. Well, at least I try! I've only followed the case lightly, reading everything and not commenting. I do believe there is a great deal of damning testimony against Harris, but I need to see it all put together. Leanne's testimony should be interesting, if she's testifying for the prosecution. Of course there are two ways it can go. She could be a reluctant witness or be fully cooperative. I believe she is the key to motivation, if the death was premeditated. I don't hold too much hope, though. She did make those awfully cold comments to Justin Ross and at the funeral.

I agree that Leanne 's testimony is likely to be especially important, but not, IMO, related to motive. If she's called by the State they must be considering her a hostile witness, because she still does not believe Harris intended to harm Cooper. IIRC, she'll be a defense witness though.

Either way, I think it's pretty compelling that Cooper's mother believes in her ex-husband's innocence, and all the more so because she did divorce him, which suggests she held him responsible for his betrayals of her (and so isn't blindly loyal to him for whatever reason).

As difficult as it is to fathom a father who would choose to kill his baby at all, much less in a way he knew was horribly painful, I think it's even more difficult to imagine a mother and wife who wouldn't find that absolutely unforgivable, at the very least. jmo.
Sounds like folks are just now being let into the courtroom.
Harris just entered. His atty shook hands with him, told him good morning.
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