Tru-TV/IN session Caylee Anthony coverage

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April 15, 2011

InSessions Interview With Shawn Cassisy - Tony Lazzaro's best friend.

I was very surprised by this interview when I saw it the other day. Very surprised. That whole story about Casey telling him she could get him tickets and then she bailed at the last minute, and then was later arrested for the first time... first time I'm hearing anything about this. I tried to go back through the cell pings and time lines and Casey's phone records but I can't find any reference to it. Of course, I"m probably looking in the wrong place as usual, and, now, I'm off topic.
I seldom watch them anymore because they are so biased.
I think it's their policy to do this because it causes viewer outrage and generates a lot of emails etc- they just equate that with improved ratings I suppose..
They lost me a long time ago, along with JVM, same methods at work on her show.

ITA! I cannot watch JVM either, I find her show obnoxious.
Mike Brooks asking any hint where jury selection will take place? Lorna Owens saying go to a smaller town where not as much media. Want a fair and impartial juror, could go a little out from the area could get jurors. Mike Brooks said go down to key west.


Orlando to Key West is about a 7-8 hour drive.
We drove to Key West a few years ago, our kids were younger.. so more potty breaks
O/T but I have to ask....If Jose is saying that there's no diagnosis of any mental defect, and they're not using a mental health defense strategy then how in the world are they going to explain the fact that she blatantly lied about the nanny for so long to so many people. Which in turn means that the circumstances surrounding the "disappearance" of Caylee (i.e; dropping her off at Sawgrass at an apartment that nobody lived in, going to a "job" that she didn't even have, and coming back and sitting there waiting on someone who doesn't exsist) were null and void since none of it happened. If she's not bat$h!+ crazy then how does the DT explain that away? Throw away all evidence that's circumstantial, totally fine with me. You can't get rid of the fact that she LIED LIKE IT WAS HER FREAKING JOB TO DO SO!!! There's no hiding that. Its on tape, and there's multiple instances of her doing it and trying to corroborate her lies.
I honestly hope that she's not evaluated and found to be schizoid or with some other disorder because that would give excuse to her actions. I hope that she is evaluated by a state psych doc and found to be completely sane with no neuroses other than being an habitual pathological liar.
I know all of this has been stated before, but I had to put it down myself.

Could this fact become an appealable issue? Ineffective counsel,the fact her attys did not have her tested,and it turns out later down the road when she's tested she's crazy as bat *****,and her attys knew this?:waitasec:
hmmmmmm...if that "someone" was GA...and ICA covered for her dad these 2+ years, not wanting him to go down.....
But wait, what about the smell in HER car? Oh, right GA had access to that. He could have done this whole crime and ICA has been taking the bullet for him this whole time.....IMHO this is the ONLY defense tactic they will be able to use. All of these lies, lies, lies were done to cover for her dad....

I don't think that theory will fly, or a lot of others involving GA because KC had her car on the 16th because she was driving around according to the pings and GA can't drive two cars at once....he reported to work that day. Everyone she saw those two weeks before she dropped the car off at Amscot saw her in the car. And we do know there was a body in the car. Defense can't separate KC from the car before Amscot. She's stuck with it. Her mother was working, her father was working when Caylee disappeared. Only Mom can be placed with the child.

Plus Zanny is in and the different stories I would imagine. Everyone is saying well she was just too scared to tell anyone what happened. I believe that but only because she is the one responsible for Caylee death. She did it and she's afraid to tell the truth because she knows it will get her the DP. It's not complicated.

When KC was sitting talking to Lee the night of July 15th before the police arrived, Lee said KC responded to Lee saying, "Well maybe I'm just a spiteful bit**." The way he claims she phrased it makes me think she was saying that because her mother had said that to her about keeping Caylee away from CA. It sounds as if KC was trying to make a point with her mother. jmo
Good Lord.... this defense attorney is saying that Casey didn't want to ever ask her mother for anything...

Well - DUH. How true! She STOLE from her. Why ask? :doh:

:floorlaugh: Spot On!!!
Did I hear right on TV today, saying that jury duty will be televised? That this is the TV viewing JB did not want televised? Guess they will just not show the jurors faces,but they stated the press will be in the courtroom and filming :waitasec:
Oakley, I so totally agree with you! (showing my age but I remember the black children being bussed to white schools . . . media played video of those scared kids having to attend an extremely hostile environment . . . it broke my heart and I was just a first grader).

I truly doubt TruTv airs the trial in its entirety . . .1) they go off air at noon EST (3 pm PST) . . . 2) they have never not had commentary or ads . . . . they will pay their bills with as many commercials as they can paying highest dollar (IMO) . . . 3) TruTv will always lean toward the defense . . . . it is their Modus Operandi (sic?) MO.

I, too, recall racial injustices (sadly, they still exist, IMO.)

Since I don't live in Orlando (won't see local programming,) I am really concerned about seeing this trial in it's entirety. I am no fan of TruTV (for the reasons you state.)
Did I hear right on TV today, saying that jury duty will be televised? That this is the TV viewing JB did not want televised? Guess they will just not show the jurors faces,but they stated the press will be in the courtroom and filming :waitasec:

Jury Selection you mean? It will be televised????:praying:
They will use George and he better get ready because it is going to be horrible for him. Baez is gong to scream rape and rape by George, imo.

Or Ricardo. I think they might pull a surprise slam and aim for Ricardo. George is too ready for it now. imo
Well it appears only In Sessions and the Orlando Sentinel will have cameras inside...sure hope IS doesn't cut away at 3pm (EST).
Could this fact become an appealable issue? Ineffective counsel,the fact her attys did not have her tested,and it turns out later down the road when she's tested she's crazy as bat *****,and her attys knew this?:waitasec:

Wait--Didn't Judge Strickland already order her to have psych testing? I believe so. It is just sealed, but it was already done,AFAIK
hmmmmmm...if that "someone" was GA...and ICA covered for her dad these 2+ years, not wanting him to go down.....
But wait, what about the smell in HER car? Oh, right GA had access to that. He could have done this whole crime and ICA has been taking the bullet for him this whole time.....IMHO this is the ONLY defense tactic they will be able to use. All of these lies, lies, lies were done to cover for her dad....

I agree. But she still has some problems with that defense. There is that pesky video of her @ Blockbuster, snuggling her bf and giggling, hours after her Dad 'stole her child.' Hard to garnish much sympathy from the jury with those kinds of pictures showing her behavior after the fact.
Sorry O/T-I've often thought that maybe ICA's plan was to ignore/pretend to not be pregnant and dispose of the infant at birth as we so disgustingly here about all to often in the news.

In any case TurTV annoys me with their pro DT coverage at every turn it seems!

I hate even saying this, but I have often thought it would have been more humane for her to have had an abortion, than to kill Caylee the way she did. :sick:
I, too, recall racial injustices (sadly, they still exist, IMO.)

Since I don't live in Orlando (won't see local programming,) I am really concerned about seeing this trial in it's entirety. I am no fan of TruTV (for the reasons you state.)

I am in the viewing area for Orlando stations, but I watch online. You can watch channel 9 news orlando or fox news orlando. You will be able to watch the entire trial. And if you miss any, channel 9 news orlando has the videos of all hearings in their entirety, so I am sure they will do the same for the trial.
I do not believe they will televise the jury selection - just to protect the potential jurors from media scrutiny. The only time that Juror info is ever known to the media or general public is after the trial if the individual juror so chooses to talk to the media - after being released from the court. (to my knowledge)
In Session - Jean C on HLN discussing the case.
I do not believe they will televise the jury selection - just to protect the potential jurors from media scrutiny. The only time that Juror info is ever known to the media or general public is after the trial if the individual juror so chooses to talk to the media - after being released from the court. (to my knowledge)

If I heard correctly today while watching Vinnie,he said jury selection would be televised,and media would be in court room. The live feed will be supplied to all. I'm getting older so I HOPE I heard correctly, (or just wishful thinking) I also heard Vinnie say that this is what JB was talking about (no cameras in court) on Friday.IDK Somebody help me here,did anyone else see this?:waitasec:
Well it appears only In Sessions and the Orlando Sentinel will have cameras inside...sure hope IS doesn't cut away at 3pm (EST).

Did you hear this too RR000 ? I'm trying to see if I got it right,if so the live feed will go to everyone,just as it does now.So I guess it will last past 3PM :waitasec:
I am sorry but I have to just vent for a moment.

Christi Paul is an attractive woman but her interviews really leave me just shaking my head. I just watched her interview with Rob Dick and it just baffled me.

Here is my version:

CP: So how was KC in the car on the way home.

RD: Well she wanted to make it all about her. To her it was the KC show. She wanted to know if there would be cameras.

CP: So what do you mean by the KC show?

RD: Well she was more interested in her media exposure than her daughter.

CP: So you are saying that she was interested in the media and cameras?

RD: Yes.

CP: What kinds of things did she say that led you to think that?

RD: Well she asked about cameras.

CP: So she asked about cameras?

Now....this is my version of the interview...but the sentiment remains the same. It baffles me.

I have found Christi Paul to be one of the most defense orientated hosts on InSession. I think she has set her sights on an interview with KC or the defense team, and doesn't want to rock the boat.

Also, I've heard she's trying out for the role of a myna bird......just kidding....but her interview style is so poor. :floorlaugh:
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