Truck Drivers Alert!

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I don't think Drew's ego would let someone else play cop with his badge. Also, if he did not want to be recognized, why flash anyones badge at all? If you don't want to be recognized or remembered, you don't go around cutting off hazmat trucks at a busy truck stop, and you don't have an angry encountr in which you flip off the driver and flash a badge.
Back in October, Drew still thought he was bullet-proof. He was not afraid to break the rules because until then, Drew had always gotten away with anything he did...including murder.


True again.

Reading this something occured to me though. No, you wouldn't do that. Unless you were trying to create another false, or partly false, trail...? Or, you know, where he might try to pretend that this was what actually happened, that was the purpose of him being there... and oh yeah, the minor detail of the package. Well no, why would I ask them to deliver a package for me after cutting them off and flashing my badge...

Drew thinks he's so smart and will get away with everything (although it seems to be hitting him now that he might not). I admit he was smart, but they're on to him now.
My guess for the reason he would be at the truck stop on the 15th or 16th of Oct. would be to check out surveillance cameras. They were blocking the exit not on purpose, but were busy looking for the cams. When Allen motioned for them to get out of his pissed off the almighty Drew and that alone was the reason for the encounter. You do not tell Drew what to do, you know! So he had to make an issue out of it. Drew never thought in a million years this truck driver would connect him to the incident OR to Stacy's disapearance. This was an incident that Drew would have completely forgotten about...until yesterday!
I think Drew was at the truckstop because of the relative and decided to act like a child. He prides himself on being a jokester, and a good...ok, I can't even bring myself to type the rest.
I think Drew was at the truckstop because of the relative and decided to act like a child. He prides himself on being a jokester, and a good...ok, I can't even bring myself to type the rest.
Thanks for NOT finishing that sentence!! LOL I am still drinking my coffee and have not had breakfast yet!
JanetElaine wrote:

Drew thinks he's so smart and will get away with everything (although it seems to be hitting him now that he might not). I admit he was smart, but they're on to him now.

So true. He has dug hisself in to such a deep hole, he's going down for something soon for sure. Problem is, which charge to go with first? He has (IMO) lied to LE, tampered with evidence, commited official oppression, money-laundering, consipracy, bribery, murder, what else?
If the truck he tried to hire to get rid of a package was travelling across state lines, what is that? Interstate trafficking of a decomposing substance!?:eek: Abuse of a corpse across state lines? illegal dumping?


My guess for the reason he would be at the truck stop on the 15th or 16th of Oct. would be to check out surveillance cameras. They were blocking the exit not on purpose, but were busy looking for the cams. When Allen motioned for them to get out of his pissed off the almighty Drew and that alone was the reason for the encounter. You do not tell Drew what to do, you know! So he had to make an issue out of it. Drew never thought in a million years this truck driver would connect him to the incident OR to Stacy's disapearance. This was an incident that Drew would have completely forgotten about...until yesterday!

That sounds like a very good theory. Makes a lot of sense.
This new truck incident with the haze mat was that before or after Stacy was murdered? For some reason I thught it was on a different night that this new trucker saw him.
This new truck incident with the haze mat was that before or after Stacy was murdered? For some reason I thught it was on a different night that this new trucker saw him.

I believe they said the 15th or 16th of October, DeltaDawn. I hope they have more time with the guy today.
Some Questions and Comments

Mr. Salt and Pepper Hair seems to have entered this story sometime after Brother Tom
Was dropped off at home. Mr Peterson’s cell phone records may identify this person.

Who in this cast of characters has retained an Attorney besides Mr. Peterson?
And, did I read that a man named Mike something has refused a polygraph test?

I don’t believe Mr. Peterson was just “casing” that Truck Stop a week or so prior
To Stacy’s disappearance, but I do think it’s possible an Internal Investigation into
Mr. Peterson’s actions has some connection to that Truck Stop.

One Could also guess that Stacy may have been aware of the reason for that Internal Affairs Investigation.
I wonder if there is a Life Insurance Policy on Stacy similar to his Third Wife’s.

I suspect that cell phone records would confirm the following:
A call to Mr. Salt and Pepper Hair shortly after 10pm
A call from Stacy’s sister sometime near 11.30pm
A call from B-B Police saying Stacy was reported missing at about 12am

So, between Mr. Peterson, and Mr. Salt and Pepper ; The Law should have a
Pretty good handle on the who and the where for that particular night just by using
Both of their Cell phone records. And oh, I almost forgot; if the Bad Boys were out
To find a truck driver; would anyone suggest those boys took a coffee break inside
That Truck Stop and were in view of any cameras?

Hello Greybeard!

I suspect that salt-n-pepper could be another cop who had worked an evening shift that night but did not get off work until midnight or 2:30-3am. That would explain Drew needing Tom to help load the barrell since salt-n-pepper wasn't off work yet.
I think Drew left the locked Denali with the barrell in the driveway and rode his motorcycle to meet up with salt-n-pepper to look for a trucker. Drew's windows were tinted and it was late at night. He had already had a bad experience with trying to navigate around the busy truck stop in a pickup. He took the motorcycle because it was easier and less noticeable than driving around in the Denali.
I suspect that if they did find a willing trucker, they would not have wanted to transfer the barrell right there in the truck stop parking lot anyway. They would have met up somewhere deserted with room for the truck to pull in unnoticed, say...Clow aiport?

I bet salt-n-pepper is someone who worked Drew's same shift, the same dude who was with him earlier that month when he flipped off the hazmat driver.

Greybeard, I love it. "Mr. Salt and Pepper".


I would like to find out when and how Tom lost his job to see how it plays in. I do remember reading that Stacy had taken gift certs to Tom because he lost his job. So that was sometime before the 28th.
I bet salt-n-pepper is someone who worked Drew's same shift, the same dude who was with him earlier that month when he flipped off the hazmat driver.

Hi Susan, Yep, I agree he either is a cop now, or was in
the past. I just can't seem to get a handle on why they
asked a trucker to haul something to it's destination, then
be there to pick it up. And we don't know if either of the Bad
Boys left town after that other than Drew's trip to N Y.
But, that Cal-Sag Canal search has me guessing the cops think
something is there too. I hope we will keep getting little
clues about Mr. S & P until he is arrested.
Greybeard, I love it. "Mr. Salt and Pepper".


I would like to find out when and how Tom lost his job to see how it plays in. I do remember reading that Stacy had taken gift certs to Tom because he lost his job. So that was sometime before the 28th.

I wonder if Stacey felt bad for Tom because Drew had something to do with Tom getting fired? Neighbors say they never saw Tom over there so I did not think they were very close. I think Sharon said she had never heard of Tom before, and she and Stacey were close.

I think Mr. S & P is his brother, Paul. He is the one who very recently dyed his hair (this according to Cassandra who would know) and has been Drew's roomate lately.

We have no description on the man with him on the 15th/16th yet. We only have the confirmation that the passenger was Drew.
I wonder if Stacey felt bad for Tom because Drew had something to do with Tom getting fired? Neighbors say they never saw Tom over there so I did not think they were very close. I think Sharon said she had never heard of Tom before, and she and Stacey were close.


Good observation.
Ok... I don't totally discredit the truck stop scheme with DP and Mr. Salt 'n Pepper having something to do with the removal of evidence tied to the crime of killing Stacy... BUT, wouldn't that be rather blatant? And just a little "weird"? What if he did things like that often to "move goods" in whatever under-the-table dealings he's into? With certain "partners" (aka Mr. Salt 'n Pepper and such). Bars and weird business ownerships for money laundering purposes, and now truckers/truck stops to move goods around or just mix it up enough to break up the trail? Any thoughts?
I think his only thought at that point would be to distance the body or the cell phone from Bolingbrook. Since no one seemed to get a visual of the "package", we can only guess at the content.

While it would be blatant for him to approach truck drivers for this have to understand that Drew NEVER thought he would seriously be a suspect in Stacy's disappearance! He "took care of" Kathleen and his ego allowed him to believe he could do whatever he wanted to in BB without question after that. Remember...he had led an "honorable" life and was a "respected" police officer for 29 years! Drew also felt like he could deny any such actions took place if he knew he was not seen on their surveillance cams, too.
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