Try to have some compassion

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I have the most compassion for Caylee. Everyone who defends Casey is alive and kicking. I don't imagine that it is really all that easy or feels very physically pleasant to die. Someone is dead and they have hair that is mitochondrial dna to Casey. We know that for sure, but haven't been told everything. No one but Caylee is missing and no one would give any of her belongings to try and search for her. What if she were on the edge of some park in an apartment and a dog could lead to a live child as well as a dead one?
Gram2, you are so right about people passing judgment on Cindy and George A and harrassing them to this extent. I simply can't believe my eyes when I see the way the police are allowing mobs to congregate around their house yelling and provoking them. Public property or no, harrassment is harrassment, stalking is stalking, and why are they letting mobs congregate on a neighborhood street? The police should designate a public place where people can protest if they want to but without this going on in a residential neighborhood and without these people being stalked everywhere they go.
I'm also shocked by a lot of the hate posts I see about the Anthonys on websites (even here). Before posting, I try to consider: (a) what if this person I'm discussing is innocent? Is what I'm saying fair and appropriate? (b) Would I say this to the person's face if I met them? and (c) Could I be held liable for my comment? I'm surprised some posters don't seem to think of that. I can't imagine the agony the Anthonys must be going through day after day. There is no evidence at this point to suggest they have been involved in anything unsavory.

I had sympathy for them in the very beginning! Then it went down hill from there. GA goes to Staples and takes $1500 worth of supplies that were destinated for TES and then won't help them look for Caylee. Won't give them anything of hers so they can try to find her. They continue to go out in the front yard doing meaningless tasks (putting up yellow tape) and therefore setting off the protesters. I don't believe that the protesters should be there either but if I had searched all day in the heat looking for their grandchild maybe I would want to protest at the Anthony home since they are doing nothing but treating KC with kid gloves and doing nothing to help. Then she goes to her attorney's office everyday for 6 hours and today it looked like she had her hair highlighted to me. IMO
I had sympathy for them in the very beginning! Then it went down hill from there. GA goes to Staples and takes $1500 worth of supplies that were destinated for TES and then won't help them look for Caylee. Won't give them anything of hers so they can try to find her. They continue to go out in the front yard doing meaningless tasks (putting up yellow tape) and therefore setting off the protesters. I don't believe that the protesters should be there either but if I had searched all day in the heat looking for their grandchild maybe I would want to protest at the Anthony home since they are doing nothing but treating KC with kid gloves and doing nothing to help. Then she goes to her attorney's office everyday for 6 hours and today it looked like she had her hair highlighted to me. IMO

Has it actually been reported that George took the supplies?
Has it actually been reported that George took the supplies?

I read it on another thread here today. Several people said it. It was either under donations or the one about digging through the trash.
Let me clear something up. I have CHANGED my mind about compassion for George and Cindy. They are way beyond feeling compassion for. They know that Caylee is gone, yet they continue to protect the person responsible for it. They need to wake up!

I'm so glad you seen the light about them! :blowkiss: I felt the same as you to begin with but not after seeing them protect Casey and talk down to the public, TES, LP and LE. I just can't feel compassion for them. They are making their bed, now let them lie in it. One big happy family minus one that none of them seem to care about.
That's true, sadly, they may never be able to stop wondering. No one should have to live with an agony like that but it happens sometimes. I'm not sure if Casey knows the truth or can provide enough information to get to the truth. My opinion only. In the meantime, the authorities should be investigating absolutely everyone who was around or in contact with Casey and/or Caylee in the months prior to the disappearance. They shouldn't be waiting for Casey to be able to tell them what happened, if you ask me.

I agree with the first 2 sentences of this post..
I am sure Casey knows the truth..she just won't tell anyone the truth!
If you look in the documents, They have investigated those that Casey was around, there could be more, but how are LE suppose to know unless Casey herself starts talking?
"They shouldn't be waiting for Casey to be able to tell them what happened, if you ask me"..
hmmm..if you think about it, they are not waiting for her to talk..And yes she should tell.. If Casey cared one bit about that child she would have never lied to begin with, and would be more willing to help LE find her, than doing as BAEZ tells her..
Also, honestly, I was one of those who really did have compassion for Cindy and George and Lee..
Yet, when Cindy said what she did about Tim being here for publicity, that changed...
And I can't help but ask now...Why would they send this PR person to New York to gain more exposure than travel to these other places they feel Caylee is?
And how in the world can anyone even begin to try to explain a defense fund when they haven't been on foot once to find this child..
There comes a time when you have to do what is right, and what is right is to stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves..Casey can, this child can't.. The Anthony's have made their choice the same as they have made their beds they have to lie in each night!
I still have not found any compassion. I am still looking, I think it got lost somewhere along the way.
I still have not found any compassion. I am still looking, I think it got lost somewhere along the way.
It got lost for me when they made this all about them, complaining about everyone, putting the blame everywhere but where it belongs. Attacking Tim Miller, not doing one thing to search for Caylee, in fact not showing any interest in the fact that Caylee is missing or that this is about Caylee. As someone else said they make me sick!
I am a grandmother who has lost three adult children to illness. I could have compassion if this family were trying to help solve this case. They talk in riddles. I cannot have compassion for a family that is acting the way they are.
Other families that stood by their convicted/suspected loved one:

Joran Vander Sloot's

Michael Peterson's

Darlie Routier's

Jeffery MacDonald's

And suckers are born every minute.

You hafve named four - can you name anymore? What about the Hacking family? Oh, they admitted their son was guilty. Can't count them.

What about Richard Allen Davis's family. They aren't standing behind that child murderer are they?

I do not recall Michael Peterson's murdered wife's children standing behind him. I do not recall Jeffrey MacDonald's murdered wife's family standing behind him.

Your theory is hooey. imo.

People have compassion for VICTIMS, not liars.
Compassion for the Anthonys????? OMG.. A Waste, a HUGE WASTE!!!! Just give me Tone's number please...

Caylee is with the angels now and I hope her body is found soon so she can be laid to rest. I hope she wasn't afraid or hurt.

Casey is a sociopath. A shell. Nothing inside.

Cindy, George, and Lee are hurting.

I honestly feel nothing but bad for them and see their behavior as indicative of panic and extreme denial.

Don't get me wrong, I want to shake them too....but my heart definitely goes out to them. Every one of them except Casey.

I don't agree with their behavior, but I'm not in their shoes. Even Tim Miller said he understood. Not everyone has courage. I don't think Scott Peterson's family had it either.

The fact that Cindy and George were finally going to exercise tough love and confronted Casey----Cindy initially calling police and turning her in---all that makes me feel for them. They were trying to have courage at that point and risk Casey's wrath for Caylee's sake.

But that was before it began to sink in what had happened...and like psychologist Bethany Marshall said on NG, that she immediately started "undoing" because the horror of the truth was too much to bear.

The whole family is in the netherworld right now, drowning, panicking. Desperately clinging to a sliver of hope that she is alive. I can see that.

I SO admire the courage of the families that have come forward and confronted like Mark Hacking's family...but not everybody has that kind of courage.

I'm praying for the whole family.

Casey need to be in prison forever.

I hope her family can get over her and leave her behind...
Thank you all for your kind replies. I just wanted to give a parent's viewpoint. Sometimes we're victims of our children, whether we realize it or not.

And sometimes we enable them, but believing their lies and reinforcing their invincible attitudes. Sometimes, we need to open our eyes and face the realities. Had your son murdered one of your grandchildren would you lie to back up his lies?
Ok, here's where I am lost. Maybe it's just me, but if the Anthonys are in denial because they are holding on to hope that Caylee is alive why aren't they looking for her? I can't imagine that if my kids were missing I would just stay home hoping that they will just walk on in. I would be tearing up every corner of this country, not starting a "Casey Defense Fund".
Ok, here's where I am lost. Maybe it's just me, but if the Anthonys are in denial because they are holding on to hope that Caylee is alive why aren't they looking for her? I can't imagine that if my kids were missing I would just stay home hoping that they will just walk on in. I would be tearing up every corner of this country, not starting a "Casey Defense Fund".

Oh, I know! I definitely want to shake them...

I just believe they are in a state of emotional insanity and fear. To me, their behavior is not rational because right now, neither are they. They're too scared to be.

They may stay that way forever like Scott Peterson's family....

All I know is that for me, there is one and only one person who I'm disgusted with. Casey.
Since this is a compassion thread,
I want to apologies to everyone on the believers thread..I posted 2 posts there that were actually meant to go here, as I was posting here earlier and thought I was responding to the same poster as I did here..The thread was locked and I want to say that I am sorry, I had 2 windows open and honestly posted on the wrong one.
I have enough compassion to say I am sorry, and own up to what I did wrong, and I hope everyone can forgive me for it..
I took it upon myself to send a PM to each of them on the last page with my apologies..
Mods, those comments were meant for this thread, and I understand that I could be punished..
And sometimes we enable them, but believing their lies and reinforcing their invincible attitudes. Sometimes, we need to open our eyes and face the realities. Had your son murdered one of your grandchildren would you lie to back up his lies?

Gaia713 you are absolutly right! I am one of those moms that has enabled my 23 yr old son at times over the years, nothing major, but that doesn't matter. Once it dawned on me what I was doing, it came to a screeching halt because I realized how much it was hurting not helping him! That same son has a 3 yr old daughter and he came by one day (and of course I was on WS) Although, I know he could never hurt my precious granddaughter, I was ranting to him that if he did something like this I would love him forever, but deliver him to LE myself and I WOULD.

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