GUILTY Turkey - Sarai Sierra, 33, NY woman murdered, Istanbul, 21 Jan 2013 - #1

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I was just thinking, would they be able to tell if Sarai was walking around by the walls from soil samples on her shoes?
While a good thought, I suspect utilizing services in Turkey, transport to a neighboring country, utilizing services there and then transporting home would probably be equal or more than just having her remains repatriated.

I don't mean to offend you. Your thoughts make a lot of sense. No criticism from my side at all.

Still, respectfully, I disagree. This is based on my recent and similar experiences pertaining to this very similar situation in the general geographical situation.

If we are talking about cremation, it would be very reasonable, approximately $1,000 compared to approximately $10,000 for repatriation.

Again, I don't want to offend you. I know we both want to help.

If assistance is needed, I am standing by. I want to help. If financial help is needed, I hope all of you will join me in donating whatever you can.
Since the area she was found isn't all that isolated- and is close to a relatively busy street, I can't help but think she had to have been killed elsewhere. I imagine she would have screamed. If some of those wounds are defense wounds as others have speculated (and some sources within Turkish LE have stated this as well), she would have been screaming. Someone would have heard her, IMO.
Also, don't forget, the Embassy in Ankara is dealing with a terrorist attack a few days ago, which is no doubt causing security ripples through the consulates in Adana, Izmir and Istanbul. I'm sure they are doing what they can but they are limited both by resources and protocol.

Yes, FBI is working together with Turkish police in that case too. Looks like half of the FBI is in turkey now. (just kidding)

<Mod Snip>
I haven't seen any connection but don't know for sure.

-Last post of the day, hoping that tomorrow will bring some light.
There is no cremation services in Greece too. Was about to be built and then cancelled.

There are few other plans but no news about a built one so not in Greece.

Could be in other countries if embassy helps otherwise it would be hard due to language barrier. Still no signs of her family is seeking for cremation services. I believe they will collect the money.

Good information. Thank you.

If any language barrier, please know and let anyone know i am a professional translator and interpreter of the former Yugoslavia (Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian) and I would be glad to help.

Thank you for being a good human being. Thank you for caring.
Not offended at all, just taking into account the fact that at least some of her family would probably accompany the body to where ever they send it, necessitating transportation costs and hotels, meals, missed time off work, etc as well as sorting through red tape between Turkey and then another country (or the EU) and then again through to the US.

Straight up transportation vs. transportation, cremations, transportation, cremation would be cheaper, but adding in the time, hotels, meals, etc, I suspect it would go up quite a bit.

Whatever they choose and whatever they need money wise, I've already put the instant canvas link on my FB wall explaining the situation and calling on my artist friends to spread the word or help. She was good. Damn good. And I'm a photography snob.

I don't mean to offend you. Your thoughts make a lot of sense. No criticism from my side at all.

Still, respectfully, I disagree. This is based on my recent and similar experiences pertaining to this very similar situation in the general geographical situation.

If we are talking about cremation, it would be very reasonable, approximately $1,000 compared to approximately $10,000 for repatriation.

Again, I don't want to offend you. I know we both want to help.

If assistance is needed, I am standing by. I want to help. If financial help is needed, I hope all of you will join me in donating whatever you can.
Requested ferhad kanats facebook friendship and he accepted minutes later. Kind of looks like he's gay. Not sure....but he has no pictures or anything to show he's involved. Don't think he would be open to random friendships if he was the dude.

I guess I know who you are now,lol.
At first I was thinking the video he posted "Trust" by Megadeath was coincidentally it an you will see why (a hole, being covered by bricks and graffiti in ruins)....but after he very quickly accepted my friendship request I had to reconsider (yes, I have a Middle Eastern name...but it's not that obvious to a Turk).
I think there is definitely more than one perpetrator. I think Taylan is guilty of something in all of this but I am leaning more towards a luring thing with him, bringing her to the "heavies" and then getting out of Dodge. I think he is himself fearful for his life. I feel there was more than one person beating her and transporting her body. I don't think she was killed on site. I think she was tortured and killed somewhere else and that her body was placed and staged. I don't know but I still feel that she could have gotten involved in something perhaps unwittingly and this put her in danger. I can't shake that aspect of it even though LE seems to say that she was not a mule. There is something going on though IMO.
At first I was thinking the video he posted "Trust" by Megadeath was coincidentally it an you will see why (a hole, being covered by bricks and graffiti in ruins)....but after he very quickly accepted my friendship request I had to reconsider (yes, I have a Middle Eastern name...but it's not that obvious to a Turk).

I don't see the video,maybe you can only see it if your his friend?
I am an anthropologist and can tell where someone is from simply by the way they smile (white teeth or not). If someone is targeting a certain group, the subtle cultural traits are easy to discern. I hate stereotypes...but in general they are true. Go to England and if there is some person speaking openly at the top of their lungs on their phone, they are American. No one else does that. It's not a just is what it is. I think Americans have such a hard time accepting that their behavior is obvious because we all take pride in individuatity....but our shoes, and our tone, and our smile give us away every time. (In addition to English books/guides etc.) Don't even know why this is much of an issue. Most people in the world can tell an American from yards away simply by the energy they put out. I love our energy. I don't see why it's a negative.
Perhaps someone angry about being falsely led on? ( I mean that the perp felt he was led on, not that sarai led him on)

^This. I feel the same. I feel that her death wasn't planned but something that started as an attack and ended in murder. Sexual advances rebuffed, hurt feelings, verbal attack, then physical met with extreme defense which ultimately led to murder. So sad and tragic. My heart sank after reading an earlier post about the severity of her injuries. Poor soul, I had hope there wasn't any suffering but it appears there was.
I don't see the video,maybe you can only see it if your his friend?

No, I saw it before I was his friend....around 2010 or 2009....or go look up MegaDeath 'Trust' on YouTube. Strange lyrics. Strange visuals. Creepy. But nothing else I can see about him is creepy....and if he were being held or suspicious about those contacting him I don't think he would have accepted my friendship. No evidence of a great interest in photography on FB, although it does appear he has an IG account that he slightly cares about.
^This. I feel the same. I feel that her death wasn't planned but something that started as an attack and ended in murder. Sexual advances rebuffed, hurt feelings, verbal attack, then physical met with extreme defense which ultimately led to murder. So sad and tragic. My heart sank after reading an earlier post about the severity of her injuries. Poor soul, I had hope there wasn't any suffering but it appears there was.

I've thought this from the beginning. If Taylan (my suspect all along) had imagined some sort of bond/chemistry/romantic attraction- even while I doubt it was ever reciprocated- and then felt "rebuffed" and snapped, that could explain this entire case. All the weird details and everything else. I just really feel he was not only involved, but responsible. JMO.
Don't want to start rumors...cause I see nothing guilty about him, but the images and lyrics kind of freaked me out....(MegaDeath, Trust)

Time and again
She repeats let's be friends
I smile and say yes
Another truth bends,
I must confess

I try to let go, but I know
We'll never end 'til we're dust
We lied to each other again
But I wish I could trust
I think there is definitely more than one perpetrator. I think Taylan is guilty of something in all of this but I am leaning more towards a luring thing with him, bringing her to the "heavies" and then getting out of Dodge. I think he is himself fearful for his life. I feel there was more than one person beating her and transporting her body. I don't think she was killed on site. I think she was tortured and killed somewhere else and that her body was placed and staged. I don't know but I still feel that she could have gotten involved in something perhaps unwittingly and this put her in danger. I can't shake that aspect of it even though LE seems to say that she was not a mule. There is something going on though IMO.

I agree with most of your theory. I posted a long explanation of this theory yesterday. I don't think she got involved in something though, I think she was the victim of a scam.
I am an anthropologist and can tell where someone is from simply by the way they smile (white teeth or not). If someone is targeting a certain group, the subtle cultural traits are easy to discern. I hate stereotypes...but in general they are true. Go to England and if there is some person speaking openly at the top of their lungs on their phone, they are American. No one else does that. It's not a just is what it is. I think Americans have such a hard time accepting that their behavior is obvious because we all take pride in individuatity....but our shoes, and our tone, and our smile give us away every time. (In addition to English books/guides etc.) Don't even know why this is much of an issue. Most people in the world can tell an American from yards away simply by the energy they put out. I love our energy. I don't see why it's a negative.

Respectfully, I disagree.

How could you say you can immediately discern an American?

Who are Americans and how many live in this our wonderful country of the USA?

Do you realize that the term "Americans" includes many people of many diverse countries? To you, who is an American?

Let's not generalize. Let's acknowledge any and all nationalities and respect them equally.

Sorry, I do not accept that which you are saying.

Americans are you and I and so many more people. Think acceptance and love. Then, I will accept you and applaud you.

Until then, I love you and I understand you, dear friends, whatever your origin.

I, for one, do and will do help any and all of you. You?
No, I saw it before I was his friend....around 2010 or 2009....or go look up MegaDeath 'Trust' on YouTube. Strange lyrics. Strange visuals. Creepy. But nothing else I can see about him is creepy....and if he were being held or suspicious about those contacting him I don't think he would have accepted my friendship. No evidence of a great interest in photography on FB, although it does appear he has an IG account that he slightly cares about.

Makes me wonder how taylan and her even met?
I've thought this from the beginning. If Taylan (my suspect all along) had imagined some sort of bond/chemistry/romantic attraction- even while I doubt it was ever reciprocated- and then felt "rebuffed" and snapped, that could explain this entire case. All the weird details and everything else. I just really feel he was not only involved, but responsible. JMO.

Same feelings. SS was only 5'2 and 110lbs, it wouldn't take a big guy to subdue her. I'd like to know if she was actually found inside one of those holes or crevasses I see in pictures or was she left at the base of the wall? For me, This will tell a lot...if she was found hidden in a hole then maybe she was killed in that area on the day she went missing. If she was found at the base of a wall then she was kill elsewhere (someones apt maybe) then later brought to that location.
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