Quite true. And they have yet to be caught. The stiffer sentence would still have my vote, though.
I personally would like to tie the perp from his feet to the bumper of my car and drag him on Kennedy Avenue back and forth until nothing remains of him.
But is he the real perp here?
Even if Ziya committed the crime, he is one mentally ill guy. He's also a victim in his own right.
He doesn't respond to stimuli like normal people do. His family told him that they had the means to support him even if he didn't work. He didn't want that. He doesn't care.
How can you deter someone who has nothing from committing a crime? Can you deter a suicide bomber by death penalty?
You have to give those people something to lose, something to make them value their life and their freedom.
Ziya doesn't have anything. His freedom means little to him. And he is ill. He might have still committed this crime even if he knew that he'd be caught. His running away is just instinctive. Like running away when a dog starts running at you.
It's his family's and the state's responsibility to get him treated.
It is the Ministry of Tourism and Istanbul Municipality's responsibility to ensure safety in areas where tourists may wander off to.
The authorities are responsible for this crime by not eliminating the conditions that allows these crimes to happen.
Two female tourists were raped, and cases went cold. Who was the prosecutor (district attorney)? Ziya?
I also hope the Ziya and others get the highest punishment. But if that won't prevent other crimes, the punishment will in principle be not any different than the crime itself: Ending a life for what? Nothing.
I know you still want the stiffer sentence. I do too.