Twitney Spears enters rehab! Threads Merged

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Nov 15, 2004
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Well, I guess that even Britney has to take a break now and again to compose herself and have the Paris Hilton washed off her! :D

Hopefully, she can heal herself!

calus_3 said:
Well, I guess that even Britney has to take a break now and again to compose herself and have the Paris Hilton washed off her! :D

Hopefully, she can heal herself!


Someone needs to help the poor thing. I'm tired of seeing pictures of her puke on all the gossip sites. :silenced: :rolleyes:

Opps, just read she didn't last 24 hours and has checked out. :slap: :rolleyes:
calus_3 said:
Well, I guess that even Britney has to take a break now and again to compose herself and have the Paris Hilton washed off her! :D

Hopefully, she can heal herself!

LOL. I did a double take at the thread, :laugh: Twitney, that is too funny.
She has turned into such a waste of space. The only reason I care about her getting her act together is because she has 2 little ones she is responsible for now. If it were not for those kids, I'd say have at it honey drink yourself to death because you sure ain't contributing anything to mankind.

I know, I know harsh. :silenced:
Exited quickly, just like her first marriage. Maybe this means she will go back to reahab and and stay longer the next time.:p
Jules said:
Someone needs to help the poor thing. I'm tired of seeing pictures of her puke on all the gossip sites. :silenced: :rolleyes:

Opps, just read she didn't last 24 hours and has checked out. :slap: :rolleyes:

Probably had a party to go to.
Mabel said:
Probably had a party to go to.

Yep, probably. Guess that means tomorrow there will be new pictures of her barf all over. :sick: :sick: :sick:

Those poor boys.

I wonder where her mom has been? They used to be inseparable years ago. Once she married FedEx, her mom disappeared. It was rumored that her mom hated him. I would have thought now that he was out of the picture, her mom would be back in. Maybe she is - they just haven't been photographed together or talked about in forever. Sad, really.
I've read a couple of things from people saying that Spears' family and close friends have been trying to convince her to get help for a while now.
southcitymom said:
I've read a couple of things from people saying that Spears' family and close friends have been trying to convince her to get help for a while now.

It seems every time she goes out she has to make new friends at wherever she goes... she never seems to be out with the same people...

If any of my friends were like that I think I'd try and get them to see what they're doing but I'd stop going out with them. Who's putting those babies to bed at night? Babies wake-up early in the morning, there's no way she's up at the crack of dawn ready to be a mom. :loser:

Does anyone know what her parents are like? I never see them.

jubie said:
It seems every time she goes out she has to make new friends at wherever she goes... she never seems to be out with the same people...

If any of my friends were like that I think I'd try and get them to see what they're doing but I'd stop going out with them. Who's putting those babies to bed at night? Babies wake-up early in the morning, there's no way she's up at the crack of dawn ready to be a mom. :loser:

Does anyone know what her parents are like? I never see them.

I'm sure Britney has a host of nannies and armed guards (and possibly family) taking care of her children. I don't worry that their basic needs are not being met although I agree it's not ideal to have someone else effectively raising them...though I think that happens a lot in the Hollywood world.

Her Mom and Dad always seemed like pretty decent just folks to me. I agree we have not seeen much of her Mom recently. Maybe she's home with the grandbabies!
Did she not understand that she needs to STAY in rehab in order for it to possibly work? :rolleyes:
jubie said:
Does anyone know what her parents are like? I never see them.

She's an adult woman...why do her parents need to be seen? There comes a time when parents let go, cut the ambilical cord and let their kids sink or swim. Besides, she has a younger sister who is in the entertainment industry who needs them more than Britney does.
samhoney said:
She's an adult woman...why do her parents need to be seen? There comes a time when parents let go, cut the ambilical cord and let their kids sink or swim. Besides, she has a younger sister who is in the entertainment industry who needs them more than Britney does.

I disagree. When parents see their child heading for a brick wall they try and do whatever they can to stop the crash. If Brittney were my daughter I would arrange an intervention with family and people that she is close to that are clean and sober. That is when you give the person the choice of getting help or being cut off from their loved ones. It often works.

Brittney's parents not only worry about she is their daughter and they see what is happening to her but they have two grandbabies to think of.
Often if you cut the child out of your life you also cut the grandbabies out although not by choice. No grandparent wants to lose the babies too. It isn't a easy decision to make to let your child sink or swim. Especially when there are children involved. I believe in tough love but it is really hard when there are children involved. If Brittney was just another citizen her parents could take the babies until she gets her life together but she isn't and they probably would have a hard time taking them legally.

Seems this young lady is making moves that just seem to get stranger and stranger... now she shaves her hair off, after a 10 minute cry outside of a salon? And in the video she looks lost and in a dark mental place, and what little bit of her voice you can hear, she sounds off.

I ponder if her partying ways are fixing to be taken to task in regards of her kids and keeping custody of them. By getting rid of her hair, she thwarts anyone from being able to test it to see how extensive her drug use has been. Just a thought... and I may be dead wrong, but it does make you think...
I think you're absolutely right as far as tests for how long and what drugs she's been using.

you know what? i think Fedex is going to get those children, i really do.

yes. she's lost it and she's probably lost them too.

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