Found Deceased TX - Alan White, 55, seen leaving LA Fitness, Dallas, 22 Oct 2020 #2

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What house renovation / restoration projects did AW and RJ currently have underway at the time of AW's disappearance?

I remember a quote from an early article or post which stated that AW and RJ had just completed their sixth renovation / restoration project in a four block area (it was the mockingbird area, if I'm not mistaken).

Did AW perhaps intend to briefly meet with a subcontractor, or a potential buyer? Was he maybe expecting to meet RJ to go over some design issue at one of their properties (before heading home to get ready for his phone call meeting)

How long would such a meeting have taken? The last text sent to AW's phone was at 6:30 (it went unanswered). I don't think we know who sent the text, but I always just assumed it was from RJ. It seems whatever happened to AW happened between 6:01 am (maybe even closer to 6:10 ish) and 6:30 am

Driving north on Inwood, the only stops that would seem to make sense would be: Starbucks (probably lots of CCTV), the Porsche dealership night drop / vehicle pickup (probably lots of CCTV), or maybe a house project (some CCTV, some RING).

Could a carjacking / kidnapping crime (for the purpose of armed robbery, extortion, and kidnapping for ransom) have occurred if AW made a short stop at one of his under-construction project houses? Could AW have interrupted a burglary, or otherwise met with foul play? Coukd it be that AW planned to meet RJ there?

Here’s what I’m trying to sort out ATM. what carjacker would be out at 5:30/6 am?
Not enough “inventory” that time of day.
Doesn’t fit my image of a carjacker, but of course I could be wrong.

While where the car ended up does seem consistent with a carjacking, I can’t let go of the speculation that this all started at the gym location, and was a result of someone who just flatly had a strong aversion to AW.
IWT that it would be fairly easy to identify sketchy patrons who might have vocalized dislike of Alan, or who have exhibited aggressive behavior in the gym.

This scenario seems worthy of exploration, in addition to the random carjacking theory.

amateur opinion and speculation

The "victim friendly" rule extends to the family members of victims and suspects.
Sleuthing family members, friends, and others who have not been designated as suspects is not allowed.
Don't make random accusations, suggest their involvement, nor bash and attack them.

Posting their personal information, including names, addresses, and background data -- even if it is public -- is not allowed.
Here’s what I’m trying to sort out ATM. what carjacker would be out at 5:30/6 am?
Not enough “inventory” that time of day.
Doesn’t fit my image of a carjacker, but of course I could be wrong.

While where the car ended up does seem consistent with a carjacking, I can’t let go of the speculation that this all started at the gym location, and was a result of someone who just flatly had a strong aversion to AW.
IWT that it would be fairly easy to identify sketchy patrons who might have vocalized dislike of Alan, or who have exhibited aggressive behavior in the gym.

This scenario seems worthy of exploration, in addition to the random carjacking theory.

amateur opinion and speculation

Yes, I agree. I've never thought or suggested that this was about car theft, or simply the stealing of a car, so I didn't consider the "inventory" (number of cars available to steal) and "time of day" (too early) issues.

When I've suggested "carjacking" in previous posts, I've tried to qualify the term: "carjacking for the purpose of armed robbery, extortion, assault, or kidnapping for ransom".

Other than a domestic situation, I think a carjacking (as described above, NOT merely an auto theft) like the Hedgerow Dr. crime (which occurred within two wks of - and within 3-4 blocks from - AW's disappearance) would potentially explain many things.

I've been frustrated by (and tried to address) the semantics issue of "car theft" vs. "carjacking" in previous posts (like: "hijacking a plane" doesn't mean "plane theft", it typically means armed robbery, extortion, assault, and/or kidnapping, etc.), but with little success. It seems I can find no term for what I think might have happened to AW without it somehow being misconstrued as simply "car theft". I do not think that is what happened.

In all fairness, it's a definition issue. Even the "dictionary definition" of the term "carjacking" is ambiguous. But to me there's a big difference in a vehicle being "taken over (with the victim still inside it)" and a vehicle simply being "taken".

Carjacking can result in simply the theft of the vehicle, but I don't think the term exclusively means "car theft". Most dictionaries describe carjacking as an armed robbery or the "taking over" (or taking of) a vehicle "while the driver or owner of the vehicle is present". So in that sense, I think there's a chance that AW (the person) was "carjacked".

I guess if the victim remains present (held inside the vehicle and then possibly later at another location) throughout the crime, then it becomes a kidnapping. Despite the fact that msm referred to the Hedgerow Dr. crime on Nov 4 as a carjacking, the suspects were ultimately charged with aggravated kidnapping.

Again, I think that AW (the person) was the object/target of this (possible) crime, not his vehicle - but for lack of a better, more descriptive term, I call that crime a carjacking. I do think it is possible that events began at the gym. Someone certainly could have followed AW from the gym to the RT, and then north on Inwood, waiting for the right opportunity.

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if AW made a short stop at one of his under-construction project houses? Could AW have interrupted a burglary, or otherwise met with foul play?

Construction is booming in DFW and a very experienced developer told me last year that theft from construction properties is a visible problem.

He then related that he was pretty sure that a high end door that walked off the hinges at one of his projects later surfaced attatched to the hinges of a competitor's high end flip project. He thought about pursuing the matter, but the door was not custom and proving it was his would be difficult.

Door prize humor aside, the door was worth several thousand dollars. Construction site thieves probably come in two general flavors with some over lap:

A. Professionals
B. Dopers

Professionals can strip a home of any level of anything of value- plumbing, cabinetry, fixtures of any kind, electrical components, kitchen appliances, unlaid flooring etc. As the stolen items must be intact, care it taken to remove them quickly with out damaging them,. The stolen items are then either used by one of the "crew", or "flipped" to a developer known not to ask questions.

Dopers go for easily recyclable copper, brass and aluminum (though I think brass and copper are worth far more). Likewise, they may experiment in grabbing and reselling easily removable fixtures etc.

Alan disappeared between what 0600 and 0630? Contractors and construction crews like early starts. My guess is that rip off / rip out professionals would be long gone at that time to avoid being unpleasantly surprised by early starting owners, contractors etc.

But.... dopers maybe too fogged to realize that 0600 and 0630 can be early starting times for some in the building trade. Likewise, where as pros would just want the material and would probably flee an owner's arrival, dopers are far more likely to impulsively escalate the crime to car jacking, kidnapping etc.
Again, I think that AW (the person) was the object/target of this (possible) crime, not his vehicle - but for lack of a better, more descriptive term, I call that crime a carjacking. I do think it is possible that events began at the gym. Someone certainly could have followed AW from the gym to the RT, and then north on Inwood, waiting for the right opportunity.
I agree. We seem focused on the car as it's a high end brand. But if it was just the car that was the target, I can see AW saying "here's the key, have fun". Nobody would risk their life over a dealer loaner.
I agree. We seem focused on the car as it's a high end brand. But if it was just the car that was the target, I can see AW saying "here's the key, have fun". Nobody would risk their life over a dealer loaner.
Perhaps he didn't even have that chance, similar to the Leslie Baker murder. He might not have had the chance to say a word let alone willfully relinquish the vehicle.

Amateur opinion and speculation
Me too.

Fannin County looks to be close to Sherman where he was said to live. How far is South Dallas from either of those locations?

The county seat Bonham to Oak cliff in south Dallas is 78 miles or 1 hour and 16 minutes according to google. Not sure where in Fannin county Blake McCoy’s body was found or where in South Dallas his car was found.
Why do we think he had a 7am work call that morning? Did he tell someone? Was it noted on a calendar or to do list?

In my experience, work calls get rescheduled or cancelled. It’s possible that there was no work call that AW needed to get back for by 7am.

I still have no solid theories but I’m trying to review some items that are taken as certainties.
Why do we think he had a 7am work call that morning? Did he tell someone? Was it noted on a calendar or to do list?

In my experience, work calls get rescheduled or cancelled. It’s possible that there was no work call that AW needed to get back for by 7am.

I still have no solid theories but I’m trying to review some items that are taken as certainties.
The call is not in dispute, it was stated from the beginning by Rusty his husband.
Why do we think he had a 7am work call that morning? Did he tell someone? Was it noted on a calendar or to do list?

In my experience, work calls get rescheduled or cancelled. It’s possible that there was no work call that AW needed to get back for by 7am.

I still have no solid theories but I’m trying to review some items that are taken as certainties.

I work for a national company, our meetings are usually based on EST where the majority of the employees are based. However, we have thousands across the country and this is often the case, a 9AM meeting EST can be 10, 11, 12 for the remote employees.
Why do we think he had a 7am work call that morning? Did he tell someone? Was it noted on a calendar or to do list?

In my experience, work calls get rescheduled or cancelled. It’s possible that there was no work call that AW needed to get back for by 7am.

I still have no solid theories but I’m trying to review some items that are taken as certainties.

I work for a national company, our meetings are usually based on EST where the majority of the employees are based. However, we have thousands across the country and this is often the case, a 9AM meeting EST can be 10, 11, 12 for the remote employees.

Clearly I was a bit tired writing this, should be 8, 7, or 6am for the remotes. :rolleyes:
Why do we think he had a 7am work call that morning? Did he tell someone? Was it noted on a calendar or to do list?

In my experience, work calls get rescheduled or cancelled. It’s possible that there was no work call that AW needed to get back for by 7am.

I still have no solid theories but I’m trying to review some items that are taken as certainties.
From the very first post in AW's case:

"Friends say that is the last time anyone saw or heard from him. “And he was expected on a work call at 7 or 7:30 Thursday morning, so when he did not show up for that everybody instantly assumed that something had gone wrong,” friend Matt Davies said." 'He just vanished into thin air': Family, friends desperate to find missing Dallas man |

If the call was re-scheduled, no one would have any reason to assume anything was wrong since he wouldn't have been expected anyway.
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