GUILTY TX - Alanna Gallagher, 6, Saginaw, 1 July 2013 - #11

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So I, for the life of me, cannot figure out why the meds that literally made my child's life liveable are treated with such disdain. I feel like a criminal junkie every month having to go pick up her rx.

But apparently, the prejudice against these medications is pretty widespread.

I guess it's good that insulin isn't given as bad a name as say, Adderall.


It does. And it has. The cost almost tripled in 2011, and that was if you could even find a pharmacy that had it is stock. Usually I had to call around most of the day and pay about $130 for her 1 month supply. WITH insurance. :(

They've been cutting it with Fentanyl here. Even older addicts fear that.

Seriously I am sorry we all are discussing the drug issue, but it's better to be educated. Plus I think you're younger than alot of us here so it's good to have that perspective.

FWIW Fentanyl is another drug because of it's abuse and street value that people who truly need it are getting pummeled. People in terrible pain. Even the patches. Addicts eat the jelly out of the patch. Been known to go into hospital hazardous waste looking for discarded ones.

Hydrocodone is the chemical name, so let's use Vicodin, Vicodin is the market name, usually has a little acetaminophen (which is Tylenol) added. Tylenol being the market name, acetaminophen the chemical name.

Count me among those who are "punished" because other nimrods abuse Rx drugs. I have a variety of rheumatoid arthritis. I'm in terrible constant pain without my meds. I have rheumatic deterioration in my sacroliliac joint, which is clearly visible on an MRI. I've seen it! I have taken Fentanyl, Vicoprofen (instead of Tylenol, it's mixed with ibuprofen) butrans patches, and Nucynta.

I have to jump through hoops to get my medications refilled every month. Refills can't be called in. I have to go to my doctor's office to pick up the written Rx every. single. month. The doctor's office needs 48 hours notice to fill it, and I pay them an extra $10 to write it, plus the price of the medication itself once I get to the pharmacy. I can't refill it early, I have to wait the full 30 days. But then… if the pharmacy is out of it, I'm out of luck. If I am going on vacation, not being able to fill it early is a real problem. NO pharmacy will tell you over the phone if they have it in stock, because they fear robberies. I have driven to 6 different pharmacies on two occasions trying to find it, and I have sweated out the withdrawals when I couldnt get it when I needed it. (I have withdrawals because I take it every day, I have a tolerance. if I need to discontinue it, my doctor would slowly taper my dose down.) The Pharmacy can't order the stuff and keep it in stock until they have your prescription in hand (although my pharmacist has made an exception for me on this one, we are loyal customers) the prescriptions are written in triplicate, the DEA gets one copy.

If I fill it at another pharmacy, because mine is out, I get red flagged, because it looks like I'm pharmacy shopping.

It's a real pain in the toosh.
My daughter had fentanyl after her heart surgery, at which time she weighed 1 lb 9 oz. I don't remember her dose but it was SO miniscule, it blew me away. Something like 1 microgram every 4 hours? I don't recall - wish I could. I was amazed at how powerful it must be - had never heard of it at the time.

i had some after an epidural injection the other day. knocked me slam out, woke later with no memories of anything after i had it. creepy!
(I take Tramadol for my arthritis, no problems for years, it ain't that exciting, and it's not even scheduled/controlled...which means tons of knuckleheads are buying it online by the bucketfull, and it's becoming controlled at the state level. I know it's only a matter of time before my doctor wants to have 'the talk'. I already had one doctor threaten to take me off it when I declined her desire for me to board the statin train, since 1) I have no cholesterol problems, 2) statins have no convincing benefit in women. Seriously, I said "I will not be taking statins," and she said "I think it's time to wean you off the tramadol". Yes this really happened just like that, yes I switched doctors.)

(I couldn't take anything stronger even if I wanted to, vicodin etc all make me sick. I dread the day I need real pain management.)
bar, I am so terribly sorry about your brother.

Thanks for your input. The drug lingo is different everywhere. If you're in Texas you know more than us. Unfortunately, it's everywhere the kids start with pills and that gets too expensive. For $10.00 a bag of heroin would be the better way to go in the kids eyes and it's sure easy to get.

Unfortunately that is the drug I know about. Heroin. It's been a scourge here for years. Philly had the purest dope in the country. Please know I send my deepst sympathy to you and your family.

Hi Filly, I just figured out your screen name refers to a city and not to a baby girl horse...blushing...I am a Texan!!!
I think most of the time when people say ' hydro' they are referring to hydroponic weed.
However, now that I think about how much more abused hydrocodone is today than it was in ' my day' I can see where the confusion comes in . He says hydro, mentions weed all the time and blowing smoke, I'd go with hydro weed or DRO . But if this kid 's abusing pills as well , there is no telling.

I think the statement on his FB paged is "Doned Out".

The convo started because people were trying to figure out if he meant stoned, then the methadone conversation came up, and then finally someone told us this is a popular slang term - apparently particularly here in DFW - for being high on Rx pills (esp hydrocodone/vicodin, I'm guessing Percocet, etc).

Agreed there is no telling if he's mixing Rx, pot, & alcohol. I ended a friendship with someone I met through work (i.e., only knew them sober at first), because as I got to hanging out w/ them more outside of work.....well, these things just come at a time. I got tired of the dramatic displays in public (everything from sobbing over an ex to being bitterly jealous of other friendships I had, and even getting scrappy with strangers in bars over things like getting bumped into or a drink getting spilled). We talked about it a couple of times, but it just kept getting worse and I had enough. Ironically, I hung out with a mutual friend recently who still talks to her but keeps her at arms length and she's no better......functional only for work, and doesn't seem to have any real friends (only party friends), anymore. Very lonely. I'm sad for her, but there is NO WAY after the way I saw her turn on a dime back in the day that I would, for example, invite her over for a BBQ & drinks and then have her melt down in front of (or, even possibly at?) my kids.

Sorry, personal TMI. Yes, if he's mixing there is absolutely no telling and considering what we know, and I'd imagine there are few if any "good people" sticking around.
I think there is a form of weed called hydro too. Not sure though as I'm not all up on drug names and whatnot. ;)

Too many drugs, not enough names, eh ?
I think it's fair to say Holder dabbled in anything that would
get him up , down or sideways high !
It's on his YouTube.


Google that and you'll see his YouTube. Look at his comment about an interview with a cannibal. Sorry I don't have the link. Matou has it posted way back. I had it posted this morning in the last thread.

I watched the whole 33 minutes of that Cannibal video yesterday. One of the most chilling documentaries I have ever watched.
Can't believe I got to the end of it!!
I wonder if Tyler Holder got shot by police as a form of suicide, suicide by proxy. I also wonder who could be his accomplice. Interesting that Holder may have smoked K2.
Alanna Gallagher and a neighborhood troublemaker

Former classmates, neighbors and friends said he [Holder] was a socially awkward teen who carried knives, joked about rape and made people uneasy. “He was the kid that you were always really nice to because you didn’t know if he was going to come shoot up the school,” said Mikayla Dawson, 16, a classmate of his from their days at Wayside Middle School. “He was an angry person.”

This caught my attention. They say he could be a school shooter, like Seung-Hui Cho, Adam Lanza, or Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.

Saginaw teen suspected in 6-year-old’s death is shot in head after wounding officer, police say

Multiple neighbors told police that Holder was a “troublemaker” and that he had been involved in “criminal mischief” in the area, police said. One neighbor told police that she recalled seeing a gray tarp in Holder’s backyard two or three months earlier.

Lauren Allen, 15, recalled a confrontation between her older brother and Holder a few years ago after a rare snowfall. Her brother built a snowman, and Holder poured water on it, ruining it, she said.

Lauren’s brother threw a snowball at Holder, who “just turned around and pulled out his pocket knife,” she said.

“He was weird and creepy, and he’s been violent in the past,” Lauren said.

Cassie Hustede, 20, dated Holder off and on until earlier this year. She is in a Tarrant County jail on a burglary charge, but her mother, Patricia Hustede, said that she had concerns about Holder.

“I said to Cassie, ‘There’s something bad about him — keep him away from my house,’” Hustede said.

Patricia Hustede said Holder would come by the house even after Cassie had gone to jail to see how she was doing.

Sounds like a troublemaker.
I'm a tad skeptical of all of the after the fact accounts of what a weird creepy dude he is. I 'm sure he is. It's clear that he is. But if everyone knew it, why didn't anyone say so at the onset ? Why weren't neighbors banging on his door that night saying I know you did this?

ETA I'm not skeptical that the accounts are false. I just wonder if there is some embellishment to get in front of a camera. KWIM?
Apparently so! Mine said the other day, after I got on him about something, " the road to manhood is paved with mistakes"

I just rolled my eyes.,..


Out of the mouths of babes.... :)
I'm a tad skeptical of all of the after the fact accounts of what a weird creepy dude he is. I 'm sure he is. It's clear that he is. But if everyone knew it, why didn't anyone say so at the onset ? Why weren't neighbors banging on his door that night saying I know you did this?

Being a weird creepy dude doesn't necessarily translate into being a child killer.
Why would neighbors accuse him? They were not privy to the evidence.
I think the statement on his FB paged is "Doned Out".

The convo started because people were trying to figure out if he meant stoned, then the methadone conversation came up, and then finally someone told us this is a popular slang term - apparently particularly here in DFW - for being high on Rx pills (esp hydrocodone/vicodin, I'm guessing Percocet, etc).

Agreed there is no telling if he's mixing Rx, pot, & alcohol. I ended a friendship with someone I met through work (i.e., only knew them sober at first), because as I got to hanging out w/ them more outside of work.....well, these things just come at a time. I got tired of the dramatic displays in public (everything from sobbing over an ex to being bitterly jealous of other friendships I had, and even getting scrappy with strangers in bars over things like getting bumped into or a drink getting spilled). We talked about it a couple of times, but it just kept getting worse and I had enough. Ironically, I hung out with a mutual friend recently who still talks to her but keeps her at arms length and she's no better......functional only for work, and doesn't seem to have any real friends (only party friends), anymore. Very lonely. I'm sad for her, but there is NO WAY after the way I saw her turn on a dime back in the day that I would, for example, invite her over for a BBQ & drinks and then have her melt down in front of (or, even possibly at?) my kids.

Sorry, personal TMI. Yes, if he's mixing there is absolutely no telling and considering what we know, and I'd imagine there are few if any "good people" sticking around.

Sorry about your friend. I BBM that snippet because that is EXACTLY what happens to druggies. They lose any real friends but have plenty of "party" friends or drug buddies. It's all about the high. Let me also say from personal experience, that there is no honor amongst them. They might do each other "favors", but there is a warped sense of propriety.

I think this was the case with TH.

Generally, the only ones who stick around are family, until they get "burnt" one too many times with the lying, cheating and stealing.

Watched my son lose a friend this way. Broke his heart learning the hard way.
I watched the whole 33 minutes of that Cannibal video yesterday. One of the most chilling documentaries I have ever watched.
Can't believe I got to the end of it!!

I watched maybe half and got bored. I still don't quite get why the guy is out free.
I'm sorry this is sooooo off the subject so please forgive me but if Parents still could handle unruly "problem" children the way they handled them back when I was young like principals could give swats at schools and parents could spank and deal with things their own way at home, there would be a lot less unruly teens walking around. If we still had that then teens would be more worried about consequences and less about the selfish me,me,me, I don't answer to anyone attitude that so many young kids are growing up with today. It's horrible. By not being able to have schools discipline and parents feeling they can't spank <modsnip> their child if he steps out of line we are creating a society <modsnip> that think they don't have to answer to anyone..

If TH would have <modsnip> the very first time he stepped out of line and had consequences for his actions every single time he stepped out of line by more involved parenting then maybe just maybe this could have been avoided and TH would have some job somewhere and lived quietly <modsnip>

Maybe she did. Maybe she or a step-father figure in the past was too abusive in punishment.
Beating some mentally unstable won't fix them, in fact it could make matters worse.
Whenever drugs and alcohol are combined you can expect an explosion. I've seen it too many times. Those that left friends behind (including your children) count your blessings. Too many have been seriously harmed or dead for remaining friends. I've seen it many times, and kicked many out of my life if they refused to get rehab help. Literally sitting there fine one second, the next second physically harming you. This need not take the years of drug use, lying, stealing to get this far. In can happen within months depending on the person's body and how it reacts and what combos. In some it can be a first time combo!

That may be what happened here and why TH was said to have "changed" in the last year. Don't know what substances, but can guess any and all, the gamut, and that warped what is real, what is happening.
Dang you Ariane. I was down to only 2 missing babies cases and have been intentionally avoiding home page of ws so I do not accidentally click something........ here goes ........

Yes I second that..."Dang you Ariane"!!

I don't comment as much as you guys but I am checking in on precious Alanna many times a day. Now I see this new girl and gosh she looks such an angel. Please let her be safe.
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