TX - Austin Package Bombs

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Across Republic of Texas Blvd from Dawn Song Dr, there is a trail that goes all the way through the Gaines Creek Neighborhood Park to Southwest Pkwy. Across the street from from the end of that trail, there are several businesses with parking lots out front. If he's fit enough and the bomb wasn't likely to accidentally go off, I think parking at that parking lot and hiking through that park would be a reasonable method of getting there and away without drawing too much attention - if he just looked like your average hiker or nature-lover - maybe with a backpack.

I also wonder if the person planned to put this bomb somewhere else and was spooked so that's where it ended up.

The home at 4721 Eagle Feather Dr is on the corner of Dawn Song and Eagle Feather. That home has a wood fence on the Dawn Song side of the lot and it sits at the very front of the development. Has to be where the bomb was.

Possibilities that come to mind all my own opinion:

This could be a small group of people working together. This could be why there are multiple locations -- and locations we assume require a bit of recon before planting. This stuff takes time so it's possible there are multiple actors that are dividing duties.

Since the first 3 bombs seem to be connected and targeted against a house or person while the 4th was seemingly open to whomever tripped the wire, perhaps the first 3 bombs were to put suspicion on a certain group (like white supremacists or separatists) to throw off LE (and the media) for a while to make fools of them.

A manifesto or demand is coming, i just think that LE wants to bring that about sooner rather than later.

AFAIK bombs often have a "signature" that helps experts link the method, type, materials, style to known groups. I'd sure like to know who they think is ruled out based on style. I saw a comment here about military experience because of some similarities we can see on the surface but I wonder what LE knows under the surface.

How does the bomb planter hide in plain sight? This past bomb was planted within an hour of sundown to have been tripped by early evening. What "look" would the bomb perp (BP) have to go unnoticed loitering on a street corner rigging a tripwire and explosives? A woman in a jog bra with a golden retriever pretending to pick up poop? A utility worker? A police officer or animal control unit/van?

As for the first three - a pizza or food delivery driver? A UPS/Fedex guy? a jogger?

I'd love to know how large an item we are talking here. Bigger than a bread basket?
This fella isn't like a serial killer who wants to get up close and personal. He may be in a job that he doesn't have to associate with people a lot, or only in a limited capacity. In other words, I don't think that he is a people person. I think that he is doing this just to inflict terror in the community. He does not care who gets hurt. The locale of the bombs are based on his convenience of setting the trap, and getting out, rather than a specific target. I'm going to guess that he's in his late 20s to late 30s. He's enjoying watching his show unfold. (This is subject to change...hourly, daily, etc...)

Can any Austin folks think of anything major that's happened, that could ignite someone, who may already be on edge. Looking in from the outside, I might could see a couple things, but, I don't know that they would make someone turn to terrorism, in Austin. I don't know the climate in ya'll's region, in other words, prior to the bombings. Any tensions?
Across Republic of Texas Blvd from Dawn Song Dr, there is a trail that goes all the way through the Gaines Creek Neighborhood Park to Southwest Pkwy. Across the street from from the end of that trail, there are several businesses with parking lots out front. If he's fit enough and the bomb wasn't likely to accidentally go off, I think parking at that parking lot and hiking through that park would be a reasonable method of getting there and away without drawing too much attention - if he just looked like your average hiker or nature-lover - maybe with a backpack.

Good thought, but, he might be a bit leery of cameras there. It's about a .5 mile round trip too, and crossing traffic. If someone trips his wire while he's running away, he may have a problem. I wonder if he's acting alone or not too.
This fella isn't like a serial killer who wants to get up close and personal. He may be in a job that he doesn't have to associate with people a lot, or only in a limited capacity. In other words, I don't think that he is a people person. I think that he is doing this just to inflict terror in the community. He does not care who gets hurt. The locale of the bombs are based on his convenience of setting the trap, and getting out, rather than a specific target. I'm going to guess that he's in his late 20s to late 30s. He's enjoying watching his show unfold. (This is subject to change...hourly, daily, etc...)

Can any Austin folks think of anything major that's happened, that could ignite someone, who may already be on edge. Looking in from the outside, I might could see a couple things, but, I don't know that they would make someone turn to terrorism, in Austin. I don't know the climate in ya'll's region, in other words, prior to the bombings. Any tensions?
Mmm... Austin is a sanctuary city. Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez is front and center upholding sanctuary policy and balking compliance with Gov. Abbott and ICE.
Across Republic of Texas Blvd from Dawn Song Dr, there is a trail that goes all the way through the Gaines Creek Neighborhood Park to Southwest Pkwy. Across the street from from the end of that trail, there are several businesses with parking lots out front. If he's fit enough and the bomb wasn't likely to accidentally go off, I think parking at that parking lot and hiking through that park would be a reasonable method of getting there and away without drawing too much attention - if he just looked like your average hiker or nature-lover - maybe with a backpack.

I don't think that is too likely because Southwest Pkwy there is a pretty busy road with speed limit 65ish. That parking lot sets away from the road a bit, and there is not a sidewalk there. People don't walk across there. If they did they'd be sure to be noticed.
I don
t know if this has been brought up ....but if he knows how to build bombs...he was in one neighborhood with packages ..and people were warned about opening packages that looked odd...he changed his mo to another neighborhood and used tripwires...he might be thinking about car bombs next....the police should be telling people to put cars in garages...lock cars and keep lights on everywhere so he would be seen anywhere in a neighborhood fooling under or around a car.
Possibilities that come to mind all my own opinion:

This could be a small group of people working together. This could be why there are multiple locations -- and locations we assume require a bit of recon before planting. This stuff takes time so it's possible there are multiple actors that are dividing duties.

Since the first 3 bombs seem to be connected and targeted against a house or person while the 4th was seemingly open to whomever tripped the wire, perhaps the first 3 bombs were to put suspicion on a certain group (like white supremacists or separatists) to throw off LE (and the media) for a while to make fools of them.

A manifesto or demand is coming, i just think that LE wants to bring that about sooner rather than later.

AFAIK bombs often have a "signature" that helps experts link the method, type, materials, style to known groups. I'd sure like to know who they think is ruled out based on style. I saw a comment here about military experience because of some similarities we can see on the surface but I wonder what LE knows under the surface.

How does the bomb planter hide in plain sight? This past bomb was planted within an hour of sundown to have been tripped by early evening. What "look" would the bomb perp (BP) have to go unnoticed loitering on a street corner rigging a tripwire and explosives? A woman in a jog bra with a golden retriever pretending to pick up poop? A utility worker? A police officer or animal control unit/van?

As for the first three - a pizza or food delivery driver? A UPS/Fedex guy? a jogger?

I'd love to know how large an item we are talking here. Bigger than a bread basket?

I'm leaning towards a small group, too. Not completely sure, though. You have to wonder how one person could acquire parts and materials, then build so many bombs in such a short period of time. It's possible to build them in advance, but doesn't it take quite a bit of work and time? They also need a very secret work area to do this and a way to receive the parts and supplies they need without generating suspicion or allowing LE to trace. Seems it would be easier to produce these if it was a team effort.

Maybe I'm naive about acquiring explosives and electronics for bomb making. Laws used to make it difficult to purchase a lot of explosives, etc. Sadly, anyone can buy them now.
Possibilities that come to mind all my own opinion:

This could be a small group of people working together. This could be why there are multiple locations -- and locations we assume require a bit of recon before planting. This stuff takes time so it's possible there are multiple actors that are dividing duties.

Since the first 3 bombs seem to be connected and targeted against a house or person while the 4th was seemingly open to whomever tripped the wire, perhaps the first 3 bombs were to put suspicion on a certain group (like white supremacists or separatists) to throw off LE (and the media) for a while to make fools of them.

A manifesto or demand is coming, i just think that LE wants to bring that about sooner rather than later.

AFAIK bombs often have a "signature" that helps experts link the method, type, materials, style to known groups. I'd sure like to know who they think is ruled out based on style. I saw a comment here about military experience because of some similarities we can see on the surface but I wonder what LE knows under the surface.

How does the bomb planter hide in plain sight? This past bomb was planted within an hour of sundown to have been tripped by early evening. What "look" would the bomb perp (BP) have to go unnoticed loitering on a street corner rigging a tripwire and explosives? A woman in a jog bra with a golden retriever pretending to pick up poop? A utility worker? A police officer or animal control unit/van?

As for the first three - a pizza or food delivery driver? A UPS/Fedex guy? a jogger?

I'd love to know how large an item we are talking here. Bigger than a bread basket?


They have to look like they belong there. Nonchalant. As for the size, this last one with a trip wire, here is a paintball tripwire setup that may give some idea of what he possibly used. I'm not saying he used a paintball mine, but, I don't think they have to be very large, and he was likely a lot faster than this guy.

Master Mine Paintball
Man there is a bunch of stuff in this case that is strange.

Austin Bombing Interesting tidbits -
#! bombing was first being looked at as suspicious, that maybe the victim had made bomb and accidentally detonated.

#1 & #2 both attended same church and connected relatives friendships. (#stepfather and #2 grandfather are friends) Both African Americans

#3 was a Hispanic lady. Victim in #2 won a Hispanic essay back in 2013 on racism https://www.mystatesman.com/news/lo...n-mason-anthony-house/PwF2KAOJDgxO73yR6Q5rEI/

#3 Hispanic lady has a neighbor with last name as victim #2 (Mason) yet that person is not related to #2

As far as the third bombing location is concerned, investigators are looking into the possibility that the bomb which seriously injured 75-year-old Esperanza "Hope" Herrera may have been meant for another house on that street.

Erica Mason, a resident at a house on Herrera's street, shares the same last name as Draylen Mason, but said they are not related in any way.

“They basically just wanted to know if I was a relative or married to one of them, if I was in any way associated with the family,” Erica Mason said in an interview with the Austin American-Statesman's Sean Collins Walsh. “If I was associated with the family, it could have been that they were trying to come after me.” http://www.kvue.com/article/news/lo...tion-of-package-bombing-victims/269-528608557
I live in the Austin area. This passed weekend was also SWSW - a big music event. It could relate to that or the bomber could have just used the timing. The change in bomb styles, has me worried. It's not a big jump, but an odd one. I cleared my driveway before leaving for work. I'm not verified, but am LE (Not with APD) and we are not getting much info. I hate it.

I personally feel like the ONLY reason this pertains to SXSW is because there are more people here, and the perp thinks they will be harder to find with an additional 250k people walking/driving around.
I'm leaning towards a small group, too. Not completely sure, though. You have to wonder how one person could acquire parts and materials, then build so many bombs in such a short period of time. It's possible to build them in advance, but doesn't it take quite a bit of work and time? They also need a very secret work area to do this and a way to receive the parts and supplies they need without generating suspicion or allowing LE to trace. Seems it would be easier to produce these if it was a team effort.

Maybe I'm naive about acquiring explosives and electronics for bomb making. Laws used to make it difficult to purchase a lot of explosives, etc. Sadly, anyone can buy them now.

It is quick, but Eric Rudolph set off at least four (though that was in 3 years) and Kaczynski sent 16. Maybe this guy slowly gathered the supplies so he could plant them one after the other so quickly. Not sure how many or how often Operation Rescue set off. But yeah, that makes me think it could be a group.
I also wonder if the person planned to put this bomb somewhere else and was spooked so that's where it ended up.

It would take some time to set up a trip wire, wouldn't it? And how would you set up a trip wire across a street? Were the victims biking down the street or on a sidewalk? Where do you put the bomb? If the trip wire is set up across a street, how do you know someone is going to trip it in a spot that's close to the bomb? Was he hoping a car would trigger it, not bicyclists?

JMO, this one would have taken more time to set up than the others. Perhaps he saw it as a special challenge, wanted to "show off".
Mmm... Austin is a sanctuary city. Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez is front and center upholding sanctuary policy and balking compliance with Gov. Abbott and ICE.

I'd noticed a vote, in Feb. Did that stir things up much?
Attack 1, possible route. You've got I35 to left and 130 to the right.


thought of your post when I saw this one from CNN. How does the 4th fit when looking at I35? Moving down along the Interstate?
cnn i35 map.JPG
This fella isn't like a serial killer who wants to get up close and personal. He may be in a job that he doesn't have to associate with people a lot, or only in a limited capacity. In other words, I don't think that he is a people person. I think that he is doing this just to inflict terror in the community. He does not care who gets hurt. The locale of the bombs are based on his convenience of setting the trap, and getting out, rather than a specific target. I'm going to guess that he's in his late 20s to late 30s. He's enjoying watching his show unfold. (This is subject to change...hourly, daily, etc...)

Can any Austin folks think of anything major that's happened, that could ignite someone, who may already be on edge. Looking in from the outside, I might could see a couple things, but, I don't know that they would make someone turn to terrorism, in Austin. I don't know the climate in ya'll's region, in other words, prior to the bombings. Any tensions?

Lots of talk about gun rights
Abortion clinics being closed down
SXSW was recently

As far as conflicts, we ALWAYS have conflicts here.

People locally are mad that folks from CA are moving here in droves. There's LOTS of talk about "people should go back to CA" and a lot of angst for people moving here from CA.
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