TX - Botham Shem Jean, 26, killed when police officer entered his apartment, Dallas, Sept 2018 #3

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I want to know why the DPD allowed Amber Guyger to move out of her apartment the DAY she murdered him, without it veing searched. absolutely vile.
The potentially unfounded assumption is her apartment wasn't searched. This may be BECAUSE people wanting records may not have asked the right custodian the right questions when their requests were denied or simply dismissed.

I haven't seen any formal requests which have received a formal denial stating the required basis for denial. Anyone?

It is strongly alleged, "in the (undisclosed) hours following" she consented to search which presumably was performed by Rangers. The timeframe where they were handed the case was NOT that evening and not until the next day or was it even later? Why DPD didn't get her consent on the scene and search her vehicle, apartment and her person is very questionable, although they may have and a request for records may not yet have been perfected to drive an appropriate Rule 16 denial which would at least acknowledge some relevant record may exist.

However, I believe Rule 16 can be used to deny production of records relevant to an ongoing investigation at SOMEBODY'S discretion which begs more questions about what has been released as opposed to what has not or even acknowledged may exist.

A Rule 16 denial must be specific and if you ask the wrong 'shell game' entity for a record they did not produce and MAY not be custodain thereof, they'll just answer no such record exists.

We don't know if the feds are involved or any other entity other than DPD and the Rangers.

Meritt knows this and more.

I want to know why the DPD allowed Amber Guyger to move out of her apartment the DAY she murdered him, without it veing searched. absolutely vile.
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The asumptionis her apartment wasn't searched BECAUSE people wanting records may not have asked the right questions when their requests were denied. It is strongly alleged, "in the hours following" she consented to search which presumably was performed by Rangers. The timeframe where they were handed the case was NOT that evening and not until later the next day? Why DPD didn't get her consent on the scene and search her and her person is very questionable.

However, I believe Rule 16 can be used to deny production of records relevant to an ongoing investigation at SOMEBODY'S discretion which begts more questions about what has been released as opposed to what has not or even acknowledged may exist.

A Rule 16 denial must be specific and if you ask the wrong 'shell game' entity for a record they did not produce and MAY not be custodain thereof, they'll just answer no such record exists.

We don't know if the feds are involved or any other entity other than DPD and the Rangers.

Meritt knows this and more.

That's not what I read. I read that her apartment was not searched and the reason stated was because she had moved out.
“Abbott took questions about the shooting of Botham Jean by Dallas Police Officer Amber Guyger. He emphasized the need for openness as a means of defusing the frustration so many feel handling of the case.

A goal that all of us must have is to ensure that we de-escalate any type of tension, and one way to de-escalate tension is by being more transparent," Abbott said.

Abbott added he understands there are times information just cannot be released to protect the investigation.”

Abbott weighs in on Botham Jean case

Abbott is my ex-boss (he was previously Attorney General). He's very good at turning a blind eye.

I was an investigator for the Attorney General of Texas for 25 years.
That's not what I read. I read that her apartment was not searched and the reason stated was because she had moved out.

I read she gave consent and her apartment was searched. It did not clearly state by whom or what entity. The timing lead one to believe the rangers did it although DPD's Detective's sworn affidavit the next morning driving the search warrant for Mr. Jean's (RIP) apartment offers strong presumption she or one of her subordinates got the alleged consent and searched that evening.

I am hoping DPD's Detective Arrendondo will prove to be the real hero in this one and that the allegations that division amongst DPD's admin over issuing a manslaughter v murder warrant resulting in it being foisted off on the Rangers, are true.

They do not have to release record of what they may or may not have seized and I am not sure the right request has been made to the right custodian that would driven a denial which acknowledges relevant protected records exist.

The whole entire thing and media handling appears to me to be a gigantic stupid show of huge proportions.

For all any of us know, the small zip bags of weed had her prints on them and she admitted to them is why the search warrant for his place the next morning specified drugs.
IF they want to play that game they can.. but he wouldn't have been eager to get back to the game because it didn't start until around 8:55 pm due to lightning. They played in Philly, so it would be 9:55pm or 10:05 - which sadly is right around the time that officer trigger finger came up there give or take 5 mins .. was he maybe excited about the game starting and started jumping up and down .. or maybe he lit up his blunt "if it's his" at the beginning of game time? She smells it and approaches his apartment?

The original post was a MSM article about the apartment management visiting BSJ's apartment to ask about the marijuana smell (to ask if he could smell it). The article stated that BSJ was watching football, and no time was given for the visit.

In response to this, I posited that perhaps the red doormat could have bunched up or slid, and jammed the door open at that time; this unknown to BSJ. I implied that in his haste to get back to the TV, BSJ might just let the door swing shut, not noticing that it was slightly ajar or gapped open as he walked away.

Even if this happened 3 - 4 hours before the game started, BSJ could still have been watching "football". He was characterized by friends as being a big football fan. With Cable or Satellite TV Sports Programing, a fan can watch "football" all evening long, with featured pre-game discussion and highlights shows. Especially if the first game of the season, discussing last year, new players and a new season with new hope. All of this matters to a true fan. And you know how guys are about TV, some of us will watch Curling if nothing else is on, and run for a beer or a bowl of cereal at commercial breaks, afraid that we'll miss the next throw!

So no media conspiracy here to support a false narrative, just a football FANatic following his team.

Also, for those of you who dismiss the coincidence of the door "just happening" to be "accidently" propped open by a displaced rug on the very same night that AG "happened" to stop by......Well, there is such a thing as cascade failure, wherein a succession of seemingly random and small events occur and lead to a catastrophic failure or event. The sort of chain of errors that cause plane crashes, electric grid failure, fires, surgical misadventures, patient deaths, auto crashes, and police shootings.

Remember the edge of your seat openings to the HBO series "Six Feet Under", or how the Gravelings assisted people into death, in a Rube Goldberg fashion, in the Showtime series "Dead Like Me"?

And before anyone starts whipping out Occam's Razor, please pause to remember that sometimes, seemingly improbable stuff just happens, via just as unlikely ways.
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Just FYI... our current Attorney General Ken Paxton (also my former boss) has 3 pending felony indictments. Been awaiting trial since 2015.

Let me tell you folks... Texas is a disturbing place to live.
That really scares me. I’m an Okie and proud of it. The Red River rivalry is coming up October 6th at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas. Now I’m afraid to go. I’m not sure I want any of my family members to go either. We are lifetime staunch Sooner fans but we might miss this one.
I think that the narrative that AG provided is causing great suspicion. I also think there was most likely confusion as to whether this was an “officer involved shooting” where she may have originally benefitted procedurally to some degree.

However, given that the eyes of the nation (and beyond) are on this case, I highly doubt that any coverup will be attempted, or would be successful.

I have tremendous faith in the good people of Texas. They will do the right thing, and I’m sure LE will be following protocol to the letter of the law.

Amateur opinion and speculation

Yeah, what the Lady with the Derby hat said!
Everything I have learned about it, shared by you and others here, leaves me to suggest you very well may be kindly understating Texas' living reality.

Just FYI... our current Attorney General Ken Paxton (also my former boss) has 3 pending felony indictments. Been awaiting trial since 2015.

Let me tell you folks... Texas is a disturbing place to live.
Just FYI... our current Attorney General Ken Paxton (also my former boss) has 3 pending felony indictments. Been awaiting trial since 2015.

Let me tell you folks... Texas is a disturbing place to live.

Full disclosure...

In the 25 years that I worked as an investigator for the Attorney General of Texas, I served under 6 Attorneys General. 3 of the 6 have been indicted on multiple felony charges. Ken Paxton's are pending. Jim Maddox admitted to some of the charges, but was eventually acquitted. Dan Morales was convicted under a plea deal and served time in prison.
Many AG'$ appear quite skilled at selectively or vindictively picking and choosing who is or isn't subject to our alleged equal laws and fair justice.

How 'bout that Harry Connick and Thompson thing?

And our SCOTUS overturned his court of appeals sustained 14 million dollar award holding the AG's are immune even for intentionally willful criminal conduct.

AG's are absolutely bulletproof save for maybe defrauding a jury or grand jury. RE: that dentist billing fraud case in NY involving Spitzer, I believe. Morse v Fusto perhaps?

Here is the Harry Connick and Thompson OUTRAGE mentioned above!

Connick v. Thompson - Wikipedia

Thompson was convicted of the murder and sentenced to death. However, Connick suppressed
<sic...WITHHELD AND CONCEALED willfully and intentionally and it only came to light on the death bed of an involved detective that wasn't going to carry the well known secret to his grave) a critical blood sample test. A blood splatter on the victim from the perpetrator of the robbery showed that the perpetrator had a different blood type than Thompson. This meant that Thompson was wrongfully convicted of the robbery - a conviction that prohibited him from defending himself vigorously in the murder case. His murder case was vacated in 2002 and he was retried with his defense providing evidence that another man had committed the murder. After nearly two decades of wrongfully being imprisoned, Thompson was found not guilty in the retrial. Thompson sued Connick and several of his assistant district attorneys for suppression of evidence and won a verdict of $14 million

Thompson stared down EIGHT death warrants and the last one was an incredibly close call. He got NOTHING.

Abbott is my ex-boss (he was previously Attorney General). He's very good at turning a blind eye.

I was an investigator for the Attorney General of Texas for 25 years.
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Thanks! This is taking much longer than I expected.

Moving down Powhatten St, to the building towards the back with the internal courtyard (not the pool)...






It's getting really late for me.. I will add explanations later.

I will add where I think the neighbour was.
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One resident who made several videos found on faebook stated clearly BSJ's windows faced the courtyard. Did anyone else catch that?
On the other side of the coin, there are people charged with serious crimes who are released immediately on bail. Take Amber Guyger, who shot and killed Botham Jean in his apartment. She was arrested and charged with manslaughter, and given a $300,000 bail amount per the bail schedule. Within just one hour, Guyger posted her bond – typically about 10 percent of the bail amount – and went home.

Judge Godbey’s order now requires Dallas County to require arrestees to fill out forms providing their financial status in order to allow the court an opportunity to assess their ability to pay. It also sets a 48-hour time limit for an individual hearing if someone is being detained and says they cannot pay. It’s important to bear in mind that this is a temporary decision, called a preliminary injunction, which is intended as a stop-gap before a full resolution is worked out. The county has 30 days to implement an improved system.
Federal Judge Orders Dallas County To Cease Its Cash Bail System - D Magazine
I want to know why the DPD allowed Amber Guyger to move out of her apartment the DAY she murdered him, without it veing searched. absolutely vile.

AG's apartment was not a crime scene. I have read of NO MSM reports that she went to her apartment after the shooting and before LE arrived at the crime scene, Apartment 1478.

Moving out was likely at the apartment management request, to protect the safety of other residents (from AG and haters who are going to hate and act stupid). Also, a wise move on AG's part, to insure her own safety, and that of her dog.

If you were a sworn LEO, what would you put on the warrant application to search AG's apartment? Aside from "I would like permission to pyroot though the suspect's belongings to see if I might be able to find something that links her to an involved (off duty) officer shooting she has already admitted to doing, or that might implicate her as being guilty in some other way, or of something else."?

The 4th Amendment protects all Americans from illegal ("unreasonable") search and seizure of their "persons, houses, papers, or effects", and mandates that a warrant to do so shall not be issued without "probable cause". Said warrant must list the "place to be searched....or the things to be seized".

As a Sworn LEO, what would be your "probable cause" supported by your "Oath or affirmation"?

These are the rules that LE MUST play by. They can not, must not make it up as they go or because their "gut" or emotions tell them to. No matter how vile that may seem.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment IV

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
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Respectfully snipped for focus.
If she was a part-time security guard there (yes?) then she may very well have had a master key...and used it. It will be very interesting to see if this is the case.


I’m catching up, and this may have already been mentioned. It may also be inconsequential, but just one more thing that bothers me:(bear with me :))

OTR truckers are limited to driving time hours because of safety risks (those vehicles become weapons). -

How is it that AG, who was working so much OT, be permitted or be mentally fit to moonlight as security? This seems reckless - (at best. ) Truckers aren’t “trained” to use their vehicles as deadly weapons, but she was.

(Of course, it’s a mystery if she was acting as security/LE/or ordinary citizen that evening. However, she was treated with special privileges...)
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