TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #1

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That's interesting. If Brandon did not have that feature I wonder how the deputy, or the dispatcher, knew where he was, or where his truck was?

I have been looking on my new phone and that isn't even an option. So looks like it depends on what kind of phone you have. IMO it shouldn't be an option, it should automatically track your location.

I have been trying to find some information on this (911 tracking) and from what I gather it may not be all that accurate.

ETA:Could also have to do with the carrier. I had Verizon at the time and it was called e911 locator. You could toggle it on and off.

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This is from 2001.
Note: PSAP means public service answering point.

Today, many areas also have Enhanced 911 (E-911), which allows a PSAP to determine the general location from where the call originated, but cannot yet pinpoint the location.

The FCC is rolling out E-911 in phases:

Phase 0 - This is the basic 911 process. Wireless calls are sent to a PSAP. Service providers must direct a call to a PSAP even if the caller is not a subscriber to their service.

Phase I - The FCC's rule requires that a phone number display with each wireless 911 call, allowing the PSAP operator to call back if there is a disconnection.

Phase II - The final phase requires carriers to place GPS receivers in phones in order to deliver more specific latitude and longitude location information. Location information must be accurate within 164 to 984 feet.

Bonsor, Kevin.* "How Location Tracking Works"* 17 May 2001.* HowStuffWorks.com. <http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/everyday-tech/location-tracking.htm>
I've been thinking about this all night. I really think the biggest question for me was whether he was high or not. If he was, I think a lot can be easily explained, odd behaviour from the girlfriend and brother, paranoid 911 call, truck abandoned in a haphazard manner, disappearing into apparent thin air. If he was sober it's a whole different ball game. He doesn't sound drunk to me in the 911 call.
I've been thinking about this all night. I really think the biggest question for me was whether he was high or not. If he was, I think a lot can be easily explained, odd behaviour from the girlfriend and brother, paranoid 911 call, truck abandoned in a haphazard manner, disappearing into apparent thin air. If he was sober it's a whole different ball game. He doesn't sound drunk to me in the 911 call.

I agree with you. He doesn't sound drunk to me either. Looking for a link where drinking was addressed. LL was asked or posted about this and the answer was "No," they were not. This was only about drinking. I have looked everywhere for the source of that comment tonight.

But even if he was on some substance, which I have no reason to believe he was at this time, I think I would still have most of the same questions.
I'm sure I read on the Help Find Brandon Lawson FB page about the not drinking.
I agree with you. He doesn't sound drunk to me either. Looking for a link where drinking was addressed. LL was asked or posted about this and the answer was "No," they were not. This was only about drinking. I have looked everywhere for the source of that comment tonight.

But even if he was on some substance, which I have no reason to believe he was at this time, I think I would still have most of the same questions.

Ladessa was asked if either of them had been drinking in the BlogTalk Radio interview and she said no.

Ok, in this article it says Brandon filled the gas tank when he arrived (as opposed to 4:30 am as I'd read before). I was wondering why he'd show up with an empty gas can.


*Kyle filled the gas tank
IMO,the 911 is edited. If it truly is edited,how can you get the whole thing? And what are the reasons it would have been edited?
Ladessa was asked if either of them had been drinking in the BlogTalk Radio interview and she said no.

*Kyle filled the gas tank

Yes, Kyle - sorry! I was posting too early!
The cop that responded was responding to the stranded motorist call not Brandon's call.
Yes, Kyle - sorry! I was posting too early!

Been there, done that, lol.

The cop that responded was responding to the stranded motorist call not Brandon's call.

That was my impression as well.

Okay, I've been puzzled by some of you here and others on Brandon's missing page saying y'all can hear cars driving by on the tape, and I just don't. I do hear something, like white noise rising up to each "Hello?" but it doesn't sound like cars to me. Just found another link to the 911 call; it's the same recording but along the bottom of the page there's, uh, gosh, I don't know what to call it. Not sound waves, but a digital rendering of the noise levels? But if you notice at the end, there's sound rising toward each hello, but then it just drops instead of tapering off.

If you're standing on the side of a highway and a car goes driving by, you'd first hear the sound of it gradually getting louder as it came closer, then gradually fading away after it passed. The sound wouldn't just suddenly stop, unless the car stopped.

So what are the odds of a first and then a second and then a third car pulling up to a stop right near Brandon exactly at the three moments when the 911 operator said hello?

I agree, I don't think they're vehicles going by.
Here is a timeline from the blogtalkradio show as best I can put together.

11:53 PM Brandon left the home after a fight with his wife/girlfriend.

12:38 AM calls his brother Kyle to report he is out of gas. (It has taken him 45 minutes to arrive at road side park which is about 35 miles from his home)

12:53 AM Calls 911 to report he is in the middle of the field and he needs a cop

1:10 AM Brother Kyle and Officer Neal arrive at truck...no Brandon (Does Kyle have gas already at this point?) (It takes him only 30 minutes to arrive at same place and I think he already went into Bronte and bought gas and came back to truck)

1:19 Brandon calls Brother Kyle and tells him he is down the road 10 minutes and is bleeding. 10 minutes down the road could be close to the Colorado River. It is 2 miles from the road side park. Another 2 miles you are at the Stripes where I think Kyle was seen getting gas.

Hope this helps....

Ok-Here is what I am hearing.

BL: Yes, I'm in the middle of a field. In fact we just pushed some guys over, right here going towards Abilene on both sides. My truck ran out of gas. One cars here. I'm taking to the woods. (Unintelligible to me)Please hurry!

911: Okay, now run that by me one more…

BL: And when I was talking to em and like to of run into em

911: Oh, you ran into him, okay.

BL: Yeah-the first guy (unintelligible, 911 operator talks over)

911: Do you need an ambulance?

BL: Yeah. No, I need the cops.

911: Okay. Is anybody hurt? Sir? Hello? Hello? Hello?

Alright so breaking things down this is sort of what my theory would be.

12:38 am - He pulls over on the side of the road, out of gas, and his life does not seem to be in any danger when he talks to his brother.

12:53 - This is the 9-1-1 call and from the call we know he is running. He mentions at least 2 guys and one other car. He uses the term "we" pushed so he may have been helping one of these guys and running with him. He also may have been trying to explain "right here in Abilene I ran out of gas" and basically landed in the wrong situation at the wrong time. He may have thought these guys would help him out.

1:10am - The brother and cop show up and the other car is not there - so whatever danger he felt from that guy is no longer present.

1:19 - He calls his brother again and doesn't say anything other than he is bleeding. I don't think at this point he is running from anyone. Whoever was chasing him is gone.

He could have ran from minutes after talking to his brother until 1:19. So 12:40-1:20 is about 40 minutes. How far can an average person run in 40 minutes? I would guess 4-5 miles? The last ping was 4-4.5 miles away from his truck. So I am going to theorize he ran that way and either got lost or died from injury/elements or met back up with the original wrong people or he was running with someone and they weren't good news either. But if he ran that far... hard to believe he had any life threatening injuries.
According to mapquest a person could WALK (not run) about 2 miles in 40 minutes. They searched all directions from where the truck was and according to the search map most of that was east/west and south. They also searched up near the Colo River where his phone ping was. I don't think he could have made it that far. According to google maps that's about a 1.5 hour walk (again not run) but still quite a ways. I don't know how far south they searched from the river to the truck location but there is quite a bit of land between. They did not search the entire distance from one point to the other. That's where I would guess he is.

I also read LL said the PI was able to get a more accurate ping from the phone company and the original ping (near the Colo river) was off by 2-3 miles. She didn't say which direction but I would guess it was further south, closer to the truck location. I hope they can get out there and search that area. I have a feeling they'll find him.
No Kyle did not arrive at the truck with gas. He went to LL/Brandon's house and picked up gas cans but had no money for gas. He was going to get money from Brandon for gas.

Deputy Neal left and Kyle stayed searching and had some coworkers help. There are differing reports but I believe Kyle (after searching all night) went and got gas and put it in the truck at 7am.

I would like to know if Deputy Neal saw any vehicles pulled over out there or people as he was headed to the stranded vehicle call? He came from Bronte to the North so if there were any cars or something going on he would have passed right by it.

Hwy 277 is also called State St. Could Brandon have been saying State Street on the 911 call where some thought he said State Trooper?

I saw another post of the 911 tape with transcripts which that thought he said the word ESCAPER. Could it be A SCRAPER? In the beginning I wondered about some type of equipment like a tractor only because he said pushed some something guys over so my mind I envisioned tractor pushing something or some guys over. Heck maybe they were bodies. Who knows? Being that Brandon works in the oil fields I'm sure he's familiar with all types of heavy equipment.


This whole story just baffles me. It sounds like he ran into (not literally) somebody out there. I know LL said there were lots of wild hogs and snakes out there. Could he have run into one? Wild hogs are meaner than heck and LL said there had been lots of snake bites out in that area.

Is the whole area outside the Hwy private fenced land? I'm wondering if Brandon headed for a house (I thought someone said there was one not too far away) and came up on something he shouldn't have seen? Maybe he wasn't on the Hwy at that point?
I agree with you. He doesn't sound drunk to me either. Looking for a link where drinking was addressed. LL was asked or posted about this and the answer was "No," they were not. This was only about drinking. I have looked everywhere for the source of that comment tonight.

But even if he was on some substance, which I have no reason to believe he was at this time, I think I would still have most of the same questions.

I wouldn't necessarily believe LL's allegation that he hadn't been drinking. If you think about it, given that he'd been driving that night I doubt she'd ever have admitted to anyone that he'd been drinking. I'd think that early on after he'd gone missing, she'd have been questioned about his state of mind before leaving the house that night, his mood, had they been fighting, why did he leave, etc...and I'd imagine she'd have been asked if he'd have been drinking prior to leaving the house. Obviously she'd have told LE then that he wouldn't have been (given his history of a warrant for drugs, and him having been driving)...so I imagine she'd continue to stick with this story. To protect him. He really sounds impaired to me.
I would guess the 911 dispatcher assumed he was just another drunk caller. They get those all the time.

I don't think Deputy Neal even knew there was such a call. He just responded to the stranded motorist call. And there was no reason for him to think Brandon was not ok at that time. He drove north and south on Hwy 277 and saw nobody walking. Kyle and GF did not tell him that Brandon had called or that they were communicating with him when they were at the truck location. It wasn't until days later that Kyle went to the police and told the truth.

I'd be real surprised if Brandon was not under the influence of something at the time UNLESS the 911 operator altered the tape to cover up for not sending someone out there. His speech is just too slurred IMO.
The dispatcher obviously couldn't figure out what the heck he was saying. So to me that confirms he had slurred speech at the time of the call and the tape was not altered. Dispatchers get all kinds of crazies calling in. Drunks and crazies call 911 asking for a Big Mac from McDonalds or *****ing because their Big Mac didn't have enough cheese. LOL

It's obvious she couldn't figure out what he was saying except for the part she repeated.
I agree. IMO his speech is slurred. It is more pronounced on the slowed down version.

Wonder if he did have an altercation with someone. Because it sounds like he could have a head injury too. He did call his brother and said "I'm bleeding." Was that all he said? Did the phone die or did Brandon hang up?

I am going to go back and read over everything again. I have been bouncing back and forth on this case and Heather Elvis'.

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There are scattered houses out there. I wonder if he walked up to a house looking for gas and ran into something he shouldn't have seen?

I read that the searches believe they found the spot where they think Brandon was hiding when the Deputy and Kyle were at the truck. I wish we knew where that was exactly.

I'm going to assume it was a field about 10 minutes up the road (as that's what he told Kyle). Does UP mean North? To me it would, but maybe not to him. He could have been South.
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