TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #1

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I agree. IMO his speech is slurred. It is more pronounced on the slowed down version.

Wonder if he did have an altercation with someone. Because it sounds like he could have a head injury too. He did call his brother and said "I'm bleeding." Was that all he said? Did the phone die or did Brandon hang up?

I am going to go back and read over everything again. I have been bouncing back and forth on this case and Heather Elvis'.

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I believe they kept getting disconnected due to poor cell phone service in that area.
Alright so breaking things down this is sort of what my theory would be.

12:38 am - He pulls over on the side of the road, out of gas, and his life does not seem to be in any danger when he talks to his brother.

12:53 - This is the 9-1-1 call and from the call we know he is running. He mentions at least 2 guys and one other car. He uses the term "we" pushed so he may have been helping one of these guys and running with him. He also may have been trying to explain "right here in Abilene I ran out of gas" and basically landed in the wrong situation at the wrong time. He may have thought these guys would help him out.

1:10am - The brother and cop show up and the other car is not there - so whatever danger he felt from that guy is no longer present.

1:19 - He calls his brother again and doesn't say anything other than he is bleeding. I don't think at this point he is running from anyone. Whoever was chasing him is gone.

He could have ran from minutes after talking to his brother until 1:19. So 12:40-1:20 is about 40 minutes. How far can an average person run in 40 minutes? I would guess 4-5 miles? The last ping was 4-4.5 miles away from his truck. So I am going to theorize he ran that way and either got lost or died from injury/elements or met back up with the original wrong people or he was running with someone and they weren't good news either. But if he ran that far... hard to believe he had any life threatening injuries.

He was nowhere near Abilene. That's about an hour away. He was headed in that direction but nowhere near it.
On the fb page someone posted Jan 21st that they are in the process of getting cell phone records which should pinpoint his location within 2 yard radius (I'm assuming gps rather than pings). I wonder if they've gotten those records yet? That should help tremendously with search efforts. I do believe he's most likely out there deceased.

I can't figure out what or who the heck he ran into out there but I don't believe he made it out alive.
Listening to the 911 call again I really think (with his accent) he might be saying A SCRAPER pushed some guys over. Was there any road construction going on out there at the time?

I hear the SK sound and with his accent the A would sound like an I. Like Scriper.

I wonder if he is familiar with heavy equipment?


I found information that his job in the oil fields was a roustabout. I also found a description of what a roustabout generally does in the oil field industry.

The Roustabout position is responsible for supporting oilfield operations. The position is diverse and job duties may vary on a daily basis. The Roustabout may be required
to work with hand tools, power tools and heavy equipment. Roustabouts may be required to work in all types of inclement and/or extreme weather conditions.
I think figuring out what he's saying in that first part of the recording is the key to figuring out what could have happened.
One more thought...it seems like he came upon someone doing something bad or maybe illegal. Could he have said SCRAPPER?

Scrapper's are those who buy and recycle things like copper and scrap metals. I know copper brings high $$ and many scrapper's go out at night and steal it from farmers. Is that possible? (a scrapper can also be used to define someone who fights)

I think it sounds more like SCRAPER but SCRAPPER might make sense too. I wonder if farmers have been having problems with this out in that area? There's also a possibility that he started talking to said SCRAPPER'S and the farmer/land owner came after them all and thought he was involved?
The five leading states for the copper thefts are Ohio, Texas, Georgia, California and Illinois, the NICB said.

On its website, the FBI says copper theft is "threatening U.S. critical infrastructure by targeting electrical substations, cellular towers, telephone land lines, railroads, water wells, construction sites, and vacant homes for lucrative profits."


I also read that A/C units are a big target.

Who did Brandon run into out there? Could it have been scrappers? I'm trying to find some data specific to that area and copper thefts. Are there any electrical substations or other targets listed above in that area?
Here is a timeline from the blogtalkradio show as best I can put together.

11:53 PM Brandon left the home after a fight with his wife/girlfriend.

12:38 AM calls his brother Kyle to report he is out of gas. (It has taken him 45 minutes to arrive at road side park which is about 35 miles from his home)

12:53 AM Calls 911 to report he is in the middle of the field and he needs a cop

1:10 AM Brother Kyle and Officer Neal arrive at truck...no Brandon (Does Kyle have gas already at this point?) (It takes him only 30 minutes to arrive at same place and I think he already went into Bronte and bought gas and came back to truck)

1:19 Brandon calls Brother Kyle and tells him he is down the road 10 minutes and is bleeding. 10 minutes down the road could be close to the Colorado River. It is 2 miles from the road side park. Another 2 miles you are at the Stripes where I think Kyle was seen getting gas.

Hope this helps....

BBM - Since it took Brandon much longer to get to the same spot, I wonder if he didn't stop somewhere for a beer to kinda "chill" after the fight & before he ran out of gas. It would explain the slurring and the time difference between him & Kyle's trips to the same spot.
BBM - Since it took Brandon much longer to get to the same spot, I wonder if he didn't stop somewhere for a beer to kinda "chill" after the fight & before he ran out of gas. It would explain the slurring and the time difference between him & Kyle's trips to the same spot.

Kyle did not drive to get gas in Bronte them come back to the truck. He had no money for gas and Brandon was supposed to pay for it. I do know that Kyle went to LL/Brandon's house to pick up gas cans before heading out.

It's certainly possible that Brandon stopped somewhere first though. I don't think we have an address for Brandon or Kyle to map it.
Mapquest shows San Angelo to Bronte at 31 minutes. The truck was not quite to Bronte. It's possible that Brandon was out of his truck and already walking before he called Kyle too. IF he was intoxicated and given the warrant I could see him wanting to get away from the truck asap. He would kind of be a sitting duck just waiting there for cops to arrive.
I wouldn't necessarily believe LL's allegation that he hadn't been drinking. If you think about it, given that he'd been driving that night I doubt she'd ever have admitted to anyone that he'd been drinking. I'd think that early on after he'd gone missing, she'd have been questioned about his state of mind before leaving the house that night, his mood, had they been fighting, why did he leave, etc...and I'd imagine she'd have been asked if he'd have been drinking prior to leaving the house. Obviously she'd have told LE then that he wouldn't have been (given his history of a warrant for drugs, and him having been driving)...so I imagine she'd continue to stick with this story. To protect him. He really sounds impaired to me.

I totally get what you are saying, and I don't disagree. Since there has been a lot of speculation about whether BL was somehow impaired, not only because of the way he sounds, but because of that very strange 9-1-1 call, I was trying to recall where I had heard he was not drinking. Thanks to OkieGranny, she posted that it was the BTR interview, which was Jan. 27, 2014.

In the beginning, when BL first went missing, I can see LL minimizing or denying any substance use, but by Jan. 27, 2014, when it appears from what she said that she no longer believes BL is alive, it would make no sense (to me), for anyone who wants help (from the public) finding a likely-deceased family member, not to be completely honest.

After listening to that tape many times, I simply can't tell, but wonder what the dispatcher said to police about her understanding of that call.
I totally get what you are saying, and I don't disagree. Since there has been a lot of speculation about whether BL was somehow impaired, not only because of the way he sounds, but because of that very strange 9-1-1 call, I was trying to recall where I had heard he was not drinking. Thanks to OkieGranny, she posted that it was the BTR interview, which was Jan. 27, 2014.

In the beginning, when BL first went missing, I can see LL minimizing or denying any substance use, but by Jan. 27, 2014, when it appears from what she said that she no longer believes BL is alive, it would make no sense (to me), for anyone who wants help (from the public) finding a likely-deceased family member, not to be completely honest.

After listening to that tape many times, I simply can't tell, but wonder what the dispatcher said to police about her understanding of that call.


Good question. I wonder too. It sounds like she was having as much trouble as we are understanding what is being said. Surely they have talked to her. I hope so at least. As odd as all this is who knows. :what:

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Posted above post twice.

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I had read somewhere (I think on the FB page) that the family and LE did not know Brandon called 911 that night until they saw it on his cell phone records. That makes sense if he never identified himself or gave his location...
I had read somewhere (I think on the FB page) that the family and LE did not know Brandon called 911 that night until they saw it on his cell phone records. That makes sense if he never identified himself or gave his location...

Again, that was stated in the BlogTalk Radio interview.
Does anyone have a map showing the exact location the truck was found? Was it anywhere near Juniper Rd?
BBM - Since it took Brandon much longer to get to the same spot, I wonder if he didn't stop somewhere for a beer to kinda "chill" after the fight & before he ran out of gas. It would explain the slurring and the time difference between him & Kyle's trips to the same spot.

Trying to catch up, but isn't there a comment on the FB page saying Brandon was in the Walmart parking lot and was being chased by someone? Again-this is just someone else's story, but it could account for the reason it took him longer to get to the roadside park than it did Kyle. I cannot perceive anyone leaving San Angelo toward Bronte just for the heck of it because they were fighting with their spouse. You drive around town or somewhere else.

There is absolutely NOTHING between Abilene and San Angelo except Bronte which is a little one light town and a Stripes....some Mom & Pop diners and such.

Where was Brandon going??????
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