TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #1

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Or.....what if he says

escaped HER

Is it possible there was a female following/chasing him or he got a ride from a female and jumped out?

Another thought I had is if he said

escaped HER is he maybe talking about escaped HER (meaning Ladessa?) Meaning he got away from her, his truck ran out of gas, then he pulled some guys over?
A couple of concerns/questions I have are:
why was he driving out there with no gas? Was he being chased from the time he left the home?

Why was Ladessa's cell phone charging in the van later that night when she missed 3 of Brandon's calls?
Was she out driving the Van that night?

When Kyle went to check on Ladessa (before going back to get the gas cans) was Ladessa home? Was the van there? Was it there when he went back to get the gas cans? Did he actually see Ladessa that night?

Was Brandon distraught when he called Kyle telling him he had run out of gas?

What did Brandon say to his Father when he called him?

Is it possible that Brandon was describing the events of the night when he called 911? He's obviously very shaken and rambling and not making much sense. For him to call 911 asking for cops knowing he had a warrant he was obviously very scared for his life.

I escaped her
My truck ran out of gas out here going towards Abilene
Pulled some guys over
I just stumbled across this case and read the thread and listened to the 911 tape a bunch of times. It is hard to hear clearly what all is being said, however, when I was listening, a story ran through my head of a possible senerio.

He calls to say he is out of gas. At this point he doesn't feel in danger or anything and waits in his truck.

A motorist stops to talk to him briefly, and he maybe tells them someone is on the way with gas, so the motorist carries on.

Some time later a second motorist stops. He either could have been talking with the second motorist when the first one comes back and something goes down (they jump into the second person's car to get away and make it up the road some). OR, he gets in the vehicle with the second motorist and 10 mins up the road they run into (not literally) the first guy and there is a third vehicle and they are on each side and force them off the road.

Something goes down and he is afraid for his life and takes off running through the woods and into a field. Where he makes the 911 call.

To me I keep thinking that while he was out of gas on the road, someone stopped to talk to him, or he flagged someone down, and things got bad.

I cannot get this case out of my head now.
I just stumbled across this case and read the thread and listened to the 911 tape a bunch of times. It is hard to hear clearly what all is being said, however, when I was listening, a story ran through my head of a possible senerio.

He calls to say he is out of gas. At this point he doesn't feel in danger or anything and waits in his truck.

A motorist stops to talk to him briefly, and he maybe tells them someone is on the way with gas, so the motorist carries on.

Some time later a second motorist stops. He either could have been talking with the second motorist when the first one comes back and something goes down (they jump into the second person's car to get away and make it up the road some). OR, he gets in the vehicle with the second motorist and 10 mins up the road they run into (not literally) the first guy and there is a third vehicle and they are on each side and force them off the road.

Something goes down and he is afraid for his life and takes off running through the woods and into a field. Where he makes the 911 call.

To me I keep thinking that while he was out of gas on the road, someone stopped to talk to him, or he flagged someone down, and things got bad.

I cannot get this case out of my head now.

Good theory. It does sound like there was a first guy and second guy at the least. I think he got in the middle of something totally at random. Perhaps he was getting a ride to the gas station with one of them and they hit another car. A fight happens and Brandon takes off. What ever it was, it happened pretty soon after the truck ran out of gas. He says both sides so maybe there was a car on each side of the highway. But my question is why didn't Deputy Neal see these cars while heading to Brandon's truck from the Bronte area? Or did he?

There was talk about 2 stranded vehicle calls which was never clear. Were there 2 calls about Brandon's truck or 2 different stranded vehicles out there?

I've listened to the 911 call so many times. I sure wish we could make it out. It most sounds to me like:

A skyper/A scaper pushed some guys over

What the heck could a skyper be? Is there any type of big rig truck, car, motorcycle, tractor or other vehicle that sounds like that?

Is there some type of landscaping tractor that he might call a scaper? Or could he be saying a landscaper pushed some guys over? Perhaps someone in a business/landscaper truck?

I just don't know? I've also tried to think what could make sense on both sides of the highway. Cars obviously but is there some type of wild hog with a name like skyper/scaper?

And I wondered before if there might have been some heavy equipment out on the highway somewhere. A scraper? Were they working on the highway at the time?
But my question is why didn't Deputy Neal see these cars while heading to Brandon's truck from the Bronte area? Or did he?

Is there some type of landscaping tractor that he might call a scaper?

The theory as to why he didn't see the vehicle(s) is that they had more than one person in them and one was chasing and one drove off. So he would have just passed a vehicle driving?

Also, I've grown up around heavy equipment and YES there is a piece of machinery called a scraper. (Link below)

One other thing I was wondering is if it's possible at all he was hallucinating? Either from being under the influence or mental illness? Maybe what he says on the 911 tape doesn't makes sense even if we did figure it out?

I don't know, just throwing that out there.
One other thing I was wondering is if it's possible at all he was hallucinating? Either from being under the influence or mental illness? Maybe what he says on the 911 tape doesn't makes sense even if we did figure it out?

I don't know, just throwing that out there.

I've heard that theory in the rumor mill. Also in the rumor mill I heard that he had been clean for a year. People do relapse all the time though. I've tried listening with the thought that his speech is just panicked and not slurred but I still hear slurred. Of course it could just be the way he talked.

His family would know if his speech sounds funny and/or slurred in the tape but I have a feeling that if they thought it was they wouldn't say. And I would think if anyone could decipher what he's saying it would be them.
Do they work on highways at night out there? I know lots of places do especially in the summer heat. That could explain a scraper in the area. He also could have wandered on to someones land and witnessed something involving someone pushing guys over with a scraper. He could be saying Zephyr as in the car (although I don't think so).


And if he's running two words together he certainly could be saying State Trooper. I would think the family could get a hold of the call logs from that night for the State Troopers and quickly rule that out. It would be very odd for him to call 911 asking for the cops if there was a cop there though.

My best guess is skyper, scaper, scraper.

He ran into the first guy. Where? There's nothing much out there for him to run into people. Did he run into someone in Bronte after getting a ride? There's not much time between when he called Kyle saying he was out of gas and the 911 call so it happened fast.

When he told his brother he was 10 minutes up the road did he mean walk time or drive time? Big difference in the two.
I've heard that theory in the rumor mill. Also in the rumor mill I heard that he had been clean for a year. People do relapse all the time though. I've tried listening with the thought that his speech is just panicked and not slurred but I still hear slurred. Of course it could just be the way he talked.

His family would know if his speech sounds funny and/or slurred in the tape but I have a feeling that if they thought it was they wouldn't say. And I would think if anyone could decipher what he's saying it would be them.

That is true and I've read somewhere that the family thought he sounded like that because of stress/anxiety of the situation. Sorry, don't have the link ATM. But I have heard of cases where weird things happen when there are eppisodes of mental illness. Like, if he got paranoid sitting out in his truck waiting?

Although I think this is a possibility, I still lean towards him "running into" someone randomly, or we don't have the whole tape, or there is more known info we are not aware of. JMO :twocents:
Do they work on highways at night out there? I know lots of places do especially in the summer heat. That could explain a scraper in the area. He also could have wandered on to someones land and witnessed something involving someone pushing guys over with a scraper. He could be saying Zephyr as in the car (although I don't think so).


And if he's running two words together he certainly could be saying State Trooper. I would think the family could get a hold of the call logs from that night for the State Troopers and quickly rule that out. It would be very odd for him to call 911 asking for the cops if there was a cop there though.

My best guess is skyper, scaper, scraper.

He ran into the first guy. Where? There's nothing much out there for him to run into people. Did he run into someone in Bronte after getting a ride? There's not much time between when he called Brandon saying he was out of gas and the 911 call so it happened fast.

When he told his brother he was 10 minutes up the road did he mean walk time or drive time? Big difference in the two.

I have some of the same thoughts, like why would he be asking for cops if he said state trooper?

When he says he ran into the first guy, I'm thinking that might have been someone he saw earlier, maybe someone who stopped to see if he needed help? If he is freaking out (which it sounds like he is) he may also not be thinking clear and not being able to think/talk properly. It could be as simple as one guy got of a car and then a second guy got out and he is refering to first one?

Also, when he says 10 mins up the road, I'm sure it's a guestimate.....although I'm not sure if it's by foot or car.

I'd really like to know what he means by saying on both sides? That makes you think an animal, or two cars, one on each side.

Mind boggling...
Okay, I've been working on the audio file of the 911 call. Originally I thought I'd do some noise removal to make the voice more intelligible. Then I noticed that not all the spaces between talking were truly silent. So I "unclipped" the audio which restored some intelligibility (I think). Then I amplified the "in-between" sections to their maximum.

Here's what I found: 1. (around 17 seconds in) "There's one [boy or car] here got chased into the woods. Probably safe to assume a car didn't get chased into the woods.

2. (around 23 seconds) "We're not talking to 'em." This was partly covered by the dispatcher's voice.

3. (around 25 seconds) "Fly show ran into 'em." Yeah, Fly show makes no sense but it does sound like what is said to me.

4. (around 29.5 seconds) This is where amplifying gained another word. It sounds like "Detectives got the first guy." Still doesn't make much sense, but the first syllable is definitely a "d" with a long "e" sound. De [something]. I'm thinking it may be a person's name.

I can't see where I can post the audio file or if it is permissible. Perhaps someone can let me know how/where or if you want a copy of it. The audio I worked on is from Youtube. If there is one with a little better quality somewhere I'd like to try to see if it gives any better results.
I have some of the same thoughts, like why would he be asking for cops if he said state trooper?

When he says he ran into the first guy, I'm thinking that might have been someone he saw earlier, maybe someone who stopped to see if he needed help? If he is freaking out (which it sounds like he is) he may also not be thinking clear and not being able to think/talk properly. It could be as simple as one guy got of a car and then a second guy got out and he is refering to first one?

Also, when he says 10 mins up the road, I'm sure it's a guestimate.....although I'm not sure if it's by foot or car.

I'd really like to know what he means by saying on both sides? That makes you think an animal, or two cars, one on each side.

Mind boggling...

Yes the "both sides" is very confusing. And I had the same thoughts. Were there wild hogs on both sides of the hwy? I searched every name possible for hogs and nothing I could find that sounds like skyper scaper etc. I don't know what other dangerous animals could be out there?

What else could be on both sides of the hwy? I even thought a State Trooper pulled 2 cars over, one on each side but that would be highly unlikely. Now what is possible is there were some poachers or scrappers or something like that out there and they were in 2 cars, one on each side of the hwy. Like a group of guys up to no good? If there are lots of wild hogs out there there could have been some poachers illegally hunting at night on private property. They probably wouldn't take to kindly to Brandon walking up on them. Or Brandon could have stumbled upon one guy (the first guy) and talked to him briefly then kept going and ran into some others and all heck broke loose?
Okay, I've been working on the audio file of the 911 call. Originally I thought I'd do some noise removal to make the voice more intelligible. Then I noticed that not all the spaces between talking were truly silent. So I "unclipped" the audio which restored some intelligibility (I think). Then I amplified the "in-between" sections to their maximum.

Here's what I found: 1. (around 17 seconds in) "There's one [boy or car] here got chased into the woods. Probably safe to assume a car didn't get chased into the woods.

2. (around 23 seconds) "We're not talking to 'em." This was partly covered by the dispatcher's voice.

3. (around 25 seconds) "Fly show ran into 'em." Yeah, Fly show makes no sense but it does sound like what is said to me.

4. (around 29.5 seconds) This is where amplifying gained another word. It sounds like "Detectives got the first guy." Still doesn't make much sense, but the first syllable is definitely a "d" with a long "e" sound. De [something]. I'm thinking it may be a person's name.

I can't see where I can post the audio file or if it is permissible. Perhaps someone can let me know how/where or if you want a copy of it. The audio I worked on is from Youtube. If there is one with a little better quality somewhere I'd like to try to see if it gives any better results.

Oh that's great! That's what I was wanting to do with it. Can you PM me? I'd love to hear it.

Fly show ran into them? Hmmm...I'll have to think about that one. Could it be for sure ran into them or I sure ran into them? Remember he has a Texas drawl . Well to me it's a pretty heavy accent. I guess not so much if you're a Texan. LOL

Detectives got the first guy? Hmmm again. Could there have been some type of drug bust or something going down that he got caught up in? He certainly wouldn't call a State Trooper a detective. Was there any type of drug bust or other incident that night in Bronte?

And what are you hearing at the beginning at the scraper/skyper part?
Thanks so much for the file! It is clearer. I think he says

there's one car here you gotta check the... the woods

(rather than chased into the woods) I just think there's a pause before he says the woods and he says "the" twice. (or something was cut out of the tape there?)

Those funny static blast sounds is that something you did adjusting/amplifying that section of the file or was that in the original file?
At 22 seconds under the dispatchers voice

I came by talkin to em


same guy talkin to em
Okay, I've been working on the audio file of the 911 call. Originally I thought I'd do some noise removal to make the voice more intelligible. Then I noticed that not all the spaces between talking were truly silent. So I "unclipped" the audio which restored some intelligibility (I think). Then I amplified the "in-between" sections to their maximum.

Here's what I found: 1. (around 17 seconds in) "There's one [boy or car] here got chased into the woods. Probably safe to assume a car didn't get chased into the woods.

2. (around 23 seconds) "We're not talking to 'em." This was partly covered by the dispatcher's voice.

3. (around 25 seconds) "Fly show ran into 'em." Yeah, Fly show makes no sense but it does sound like what is said to me.

4. (around 29.5 seconds) This is where amplifying gained another word. It sounds like "Detectives got the first guy." Still doesn't make much sense, but the first syllable is definitely a "d" with a long "e" sound. De [something]. I'm thinking it may be a person's name.

I can't see where I can post the audio file or if it is permissible. Perhaps someone can let me know how/where or if you want a copy of it. The audio I worked on is from Youtube. If there is one with a little better quality somewhere I'd like to try to see if it gives any better results.

Awesome! Can you on to me as well!
I greatly amplified what were the quiet portions between speech. I think the brief static bursts are the result of the cell phone briefly losing it's connection with the tower or the cell site switching channels/cell on the cell phone. Normally these are nearly inaudible but when amplified become apparent. There's also a possibility that some audio is lost during those transitions, though it didn't seem to be the case when I listened to it.

I'll listen again. Once I think I hear something it's hard for me to hear something else so I'm glad you're taking a listen too.

I'm very curious...do you hear "detectives" or something else?
I greatly amplified what were the quiet portions between speech. I think the brief static bursts are the result of the cell phone briefly losing it's connection with the tower or the cell site switching channels/cell on the cell phone. Normally these are nearly inaudible but when amplified become apparent. There's also a possibility that some audio is lost during those transitions, though it didn't seem to be the case when I listened to it.

I'll listen again. Once I think I hear something it's hard for me to hear something else so I'm glad you're taking a listen too.

I'm very curious...do you hear "detectives" or something else?


Exactly! I listen to a lot of hard to decipher audio files and I always say the same thing. Once you get it in your head that it says one thing it's hard to hear it another way.

This is great! Thanks!!

The only thing I thought possible where he says the...the woods (or that's what I think it says anyways) Is it possible that something was cut out there?

Like (just an example)

the Johnson house in the woods and "Johnson house in" was removed so it sounds like the...the woods. If something was removed you should be able to see a break in the file there in your audio program. Does it look funny around there?

Of course he does sound quite frantic and he could have just been getting a quick breath then repeated the (again) woods.
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