TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #1

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Remember, that this is possibly what Kyle assumed since Brandon had a warrant. It wasn't until after he found out about the 911 call that he realized something very different was going on. I don't think Brandon ever said he was hiding from the cops. Kyle assumed this.

That makes sense! Wasn't this supposed to be the 1:00 AM correspondence and the "I'm 10 minutes up the road" is the 1:19? This makes perfect sense to me if Brandon was taken after the 911 call.

Would the words "in fact" be common terminology in those parts? For me being a Californian there certainly is a bit of a language/accent barrier. My nephew lives in Eastern Texas (although raised in CA) and I can barely understand him at times. He does seem to have loose/slurred speech even when not intoxicated. LOL

And does his speech seem slurred in your expert Texan opinion?

Yes, "in fact" is common here. Not as common as y'all, but we do use that term a lot. And if we are talking fast we do slur our words together. In Fact is pretty clear to me, but I will agree I could be wrong.

I think his speech is not as slurred as it could be. He seems scared and talking very fast...if he was drunk I would think his speech would be slower. If he is on anything, I think it is drugs, but I have read where he had been clean for over a year and that is why they moved to San Angelo....to get away from the drug crowd he had been hanging with when he got in trouble.

I really do feel he is just scared and not on anything.
Ladessa learned about the 911 call the following Tuesday.

LL: Yeah. Well, they said that they thought Brandon was running, and that he stated that he was bleeding and he was in the field. So I, that was Brandon's last phone call. They didn't know Brandon called 911, we didn't know Brandon called 911 until Tuesday, when Brandon went missing on Friday, so we didn't know.

Source: blogtalk transcripts

In reading all this, can you determine if the 911 call was his very last phone call? If so, that just reinforces my idea something happened right after that and "the other guys" took off with Brandon in tow and "they" were texting, pretending to be Brandon....I don't know. All MOO.....
I'm still not hearing "in fact". I've tried to hear it that way. Would it be odd to start out a 911 call with the words in fact? I guess I'm not seeing the context of how that would be used in every day language. Perhaps you can enlighten me? :)

So someone calls 911 and the dispatcher says

Dispatcher: 911 do you have an emergency?

Caller: in fact I am stranded on the side of the road, I ran out of gas....blah blah blah

Does this seem logical to you? It certainly could be a Texas thing. I don't know? I just can't hear it in the 911 tape. I've listened so many times and I've tried. It could possibly be at the "detectives" part but again, I can't really hear it.

I'm using my good headphones and opening the file in my audio editing program where I can do lots more as far as amplifying and zooming in to specific words on the file.

Still it is hard to say for sure.
In reading all this, can you determine if the 911 call was his very last phone call? If so, that just reinforces my idea something happened right after that and "the other guys" took off with Brandon in tow and "they" were texting, pretending to be Brandon....I don't know. All MOO.....

Again, it's sketchy. I read that Kyle/GF and Brandon were talking while the Deputy was there but I'm not sure if talking was via phone calls or texts. They said service was bad and the calls kept getting dropped so I would assume phone calls?
There's more to this timeline than is being shown. Brandon left his home and 15 minutes later his brother shows up to check on things? Then 20 minutes later he calls Ladessa? Four minutes later Ladessa's phone is in a vehicle being charged so she misses calls from Brandon? The times just don't seem right, especially, as you point out, about the "out of gas" calls.

I was under the impression Ladessa's phone was charging in the house the night he went missing and in the van over the weekend when she was looking for him....I may be wrong tho. I don't have time to go find it tonight, but I will later. I think that part is in the blogtalkradio show.

I am going to San Angelo this Friday. I am riding with some friends, so I will start a log from Bronte to well passed the roadside pary of where I have cell coverage and where I don't...
From the Observer facebook page:

Phone records revealed the missing man, Brandon Lawson, was speaking to his brother, Kyle Lawson, just after 1 am. During subsequent interviews with Kyle Lawson, he revealed he had been on the phone with his brother, Brandon, when Deputy Neal arrived at the disabled vehicle and was hiding in the brush watching Deputy Neal inspect his truck.

Someone is not telling the story correctly. I agree Psychic Sleuth. Why would Brandon call 911 at 12:50, talk to Kyle AND his g/f within 15-20 minutes of that 911 call and never mention he was in trouble?

I have listened to the 911 call several times. In the beginning I hear him say: In fact WE pushed some guys over....one car is still here....one guy took to the woods (meaning he ran from him)....I have the first guy here (I think he is sitting on him or detaining him and this is the guy who says "Yes" to needing an ambulance! It definitely is not Brandon's voice that says yes. I am a born and raised Texan from this part of Texas. I am understanding almost all of his conversation when I listen over and over. Brandon is scared or paranoid (may or may not be using drugs) (someone may or may not have been chasing him).

I believe if he is not under the influence of drugs and having a paranoid incident, there was more than one person there besides Brandon, he had one of them at 12:50, but what happened after that is a mystery. He spoke to his bro after that with no mention of an altercation, except he was bleeding (which could have come from climbing through a barbed wire fence).

And how did he get 10 minutes up the road if he was at his truck at 1:00???

About the cars and hello on the 911 tape....I hear a car drive by when the 911 operator says hello. BUT!!! I think all three hello's and the car driving by sound exactly the same. JMO on that tho.

Another question....the Observer facebook article says Kyle was seen after 7AM buying gas at the Stripes and the truck was not towed until 8AM. What was Kyle doing from 1AM until 7AM and where did he get the money to buy the gas??

From that article:
Due to the potential traffic hazard the abandoned vehicle posed, Deputy Neal chose to have it towed. At approximately 8:30 am Friday morning, Best Connection arrived at the abandoned vehicle on Highway 277 and towed it to their facility.
Sometime after 7 am Friday morning, Kyle Lawson purchased gas in a gas can from Stripes. The empty gas can was found in the back of the abandoned vehicle.


Quoting this to show that they say that he spoke with his brother.
I can seem to find the file that Techpuppy was working on. Can someone please pm it to me? TIA

so where I hear sipers you hear in fact there's? I'm gonna go open it again in my program and slow that way way down to see if it could be 3 syllables rather than 2.
Blogtalk radio

H: But after the police and K arrived at the truck at 1:10 am, there was another phone call from Brandon to K at 1:19. Can you describe the nature of that phone call?

LL: Yeah, see, K talked to Brandon a couple of times back and forth, but Brandon's call was in and out a little bit because of service, but Brandon stated that he was in a field and that he was bleeding, and then it just cut off. A, my brother-in-law's girlfriend, texted Brandon and said, "Hey, bro, the cops are at your truck" because, yes, my husband does have a warrant out for his arrest. But it was from two years ago. He's not running from the warrant. We lived in the same place for a year, Brandon had the same job for 13 months, and we even didn't know about the warrant until probably a few months ago, before this happened. We knew because we purchased a truck and Brandon was changing the title over and they said, "Mr. Lawson, are you aware you have a warrant?" and he said, "No, I didn't." And he called a bail bondsman and told him he had a warrant. At the time, Brandon was just working and saving money and then he would have, we already had a lawyer that we wanted and we were just going to do a little walk-through, and then Brandon was going to face that. Brandon wasn't running from the warrant, so I would like to get that cleared up.
Thank you. I've been reading different cases on here for a couple of weeks and decided to join in. Please be patient as I learn how.

I've listened to that 911 call as well as read others thoughts on what has been said. Also, with being from a different area than Texas, I know pronunciation and how we refer to things can be different. So, I'm curious in the 911 call and ow others have interpreted what is said, in TX do the call them cops? State troopers? Or what? Also where he says something about "in fact......going toward Abilene on both sides," is he possibly talking about the deputy/cop/trooper driving down the road and then coming back up? Wouldn't there only be one way to Abilene?

In this part of Texas, cops=city policemen, state trooper=Tx Dept. of Public Safety Highway Patrol, deputy or sheriff=the county sheriff's dept. Police take care of the city limits and highway patrol cover the highways (wrecks and such)....deputies answer calls in rural areas outside the city limits. They can all overlap each other if need be and a lot of times the sheriff or highway patrol work out of the smaller rural towns who have no city cops.

Hope this helps.
I was able to open techpuppy's file in my audio editing program. When the dispatcher says the first hello (when he goes silent) is there a whisper under her voice? It could be "I can't talk" but I can't be sure. I'm going to play around with the file slowing down and trying some more noise reduction in spots.

I'll have to check out that part of the file. When the dispatcher is asking about the ambulance try this if your audio program will allow. Adjust the equalization. Take out all the bass below about 1000 hz. This will help some. Try boosting the 1500 to 2000 hz range and see what happens. It's still difficult to hear, but maybe you can pick up something.

Alright, just went to the file and found a little waveform immediately after the first hello. It was really low and sounds like a whispered word. I was surprised by what I thought I heard but I don't want to put any sound ideas in your head before you hear it. I'll get the file to you so you can see what you hear. I can't hear anything voice-like in that section other than the hello. There are two thumps just before the hello but no words. I need to say that the amplification may be amplifying something that only sounds like a word. The quality is very low.

H: Okay, and when the police were there, was there any type of investigation done that night?

LL: Not really. They just, when I called, my phone was in my van charging, because I told K that I was going to put the gas cans outside the porch, because I was, it was my son that was sick for two days. He had a double ear infection at the time. Well, I told K, go give your brother gas and tell him to come home, or let him cool off at your house, because my brother-in-law was the only one that, any family we had in San Angelo. Well, I went to sleep and then I woke up at 4:30 and I kind of was having a bad dream, panicking, and when I woke up, I went and looked at my phone, and I had three missed calls from Brandon and I had like ten from K and I had a text message that they were going to tow the truck, and they couldn't find Brandon. Well, I got scared and I called Brandon many a time and it went straight to voice mail. I could not get ahold of him. I called K and, when I told K, K was kind of panicking, and he couldn't find Brandon. He didn't know where he was at. The cop was there at the time. He didn't know where Brandon was at. He thought once the cop left, Brandon would come out. We still never knew Brandon called 911, or it would have been a whole different situation.

so where I hear sipers you hear in fact there's? I'm gonna go open it again in my program and slow that way way down to see if it could be 3 syllables rather than 2.

I don't hear "in fact" at all. Whatever he is saying I think it ends with an "er".

H: Okay, and when the police were there, was there any type of investigation done that night?

LL: Not really. They just, when I called, my phone was in my van charging, because I told K that I was going to put the gas cans outside the porch, because I was, it was my son that was sick for two days. He had a double ear infection at the time. Well, I told K, go give your brother gas and tell him to come home, or let him cool off at your house, because my brother-in-law was the only one that, any family we had in San Angelo. Well, I went to sleep and then I woke up at 4:30 and I kind of was having a bad dream, panicking, and when I woke up, I went and looked at my phone, and I had three missed calls from Brandon and I had like ten from K and I had a text message that they were going to tow the truck, and they couldn't find Brandon. Well, I got scared and I called Brandon many a time and it went straight to voice mail. I could not get ahold of him. I called K and, when I told K, K was kind of panicking, and he couldn't find Brandon. He didn't know where he was at. The cop was there at the time. He didn't know where Brandon was at. He thought once the cop left, Brandon would come out. We still never knew Brandon called 911, or it would have been a whole different situation.
yes, I agree re both sides - it was something else I meant to ask about here. What does that even mean? How can both sides (of a road) lead to the same place? An odd thing to say, so I am thinking that is not exactly what was said - or is snipped and that is why it makes no sense.

I have listened, but have read the transcripts here so much that all I hear are the same words repeated here.

Why is this case so odd? Why are so many cases I have been reading here lately so odd? Hypothetical question of course...

What I think he may have been referring to is how the cars were parked on the shoulder of the highway. If he was helping someone, (which I think he was at some point because he accidentally or almost or something ran into them) and pushed the car of the road, he would have pushed it to the right side of the road heading north. His truck ran out of gas (not sure when in this scenario) and he pulled ACROSS the road onto the shoulder on the left hand side of the road heading north at the road side park. The front of his truck was turned part way into the oncoming traffic which caused the trucker to call 911. BOTH of these vehicles would have been heading north on opposite sides of the highway. Hence, headed toward Abilene on both sides of the road.

so where I hear sipers you hear in fact there's? I'm gonna go open it again in my program and slow that way way down to see if it could be 3 syllables rather than 2.

Yes I do! get that old southern drawl and roll it all together.
Slowing the file way down made me realize just how fast he's talking. Fast! He says

TELL THEM I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIELD not I'm in the middle of a field

I didn't realize this until I slowed it way way down and I'm pretty sure on this. I also tried every which way to hear in fact and I don't believe it's there. That part is only 2 syllables.
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