TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #1

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OMG really?? Im Sorry but this woman seems like anything but HELPLESS:floorlaugh: JMO

Do you know her or something? You seem to be convinced of this and I cannot imagine that any young wife/girlfriend would go along with hiding a husband, taking a chance and lying to police and be stuck rearing four kids on their own and work a job too?
If not for the 911 call I would be pretty convinced this was all part of a plan to disappear/avoid jail. It has been done, as the links show. To be honest I don't get the feeling that LL (and probably the rest involved) are that crafty to come up with this type of plan.

If it had been LL herself who set up those donation accounts on the 11th I would be more suspicious.

I can see this being B's plan (without LL knowing) if she did indeed threaten to turn him in on the warrant (as some rumors have said). But if he wanted to disappear would he call 911? To me that is a pretty sophisticated plan and well I just don't know if he had that kind of smarts. He would have had to have been long out of the area before calling 911 for his plan to work, had they sent cops, ambulance etc to his exact location if the 911 system had gps tracking. I don't think this is something B would know. He would have had to make the 911 call, dump the phone and book it out of there. But he didn't. He kept trying to call K and A. (I'm hoping phone records have verified this)

My gut still says B is out there somewhere deceased.

If I had one question I could ask LL it would be
what was the reason for sharing the 911 call with the public? I'm very confused over the purpose of that.

Maybe to expose the mishandling of his case? I would never have known about this case had my friend not had me listen to the 911 recording.
I agree. It is very mystifying, by all accounts this is a family that lived like many do, paycheck to paycheck. So if he was going to ho off and hide due to the warrants, why not take the 401k check? I question why the multiple accounts created for donations by "friends". And one of those friends was removed as admin of the HFBL fb page. IMO, that is not a good sign. From what I can gather by postings, rumor or the blog talk, one hour has been paid for a plane search. The flyers were printed by someone who took that expense onto themselves so to get BL's flyers out. I do not understand the weekend he was missing hotel stay when its just as close to their home, and what if he had come back there? These are just thoughts and questions running through my head.

Unless I have remains or body, my loved one would never be dead to me. My mind would not allow me to do that. MOO!

Maybe the friend was keeping money for herself? I wondered about the hotel too but then thought if it were me could I really drive 35 minutes by myself in a heightened state of fear? Just knowing my husband was missing , his truck out in the open and a BIL that said he was "bleeding" and I know there is no way I could drive myself anywhere.
Do you know her or something? You seem to be convinced of this and I cannot imagine that any young wife/girlfriend would go along with hiding a husband, taking a chance and lying to police and be stuck rearing four kids on their own and work a job too?

Oh boy :) You'd be surprised what people would do to commit fraud, avoid going to jail (which would put her single and raising the kids alone) and to make money fraudulently etc.

I'm not saying that's the case here. If not for the 911 call I would be very very suspect of something like this.
Maybe the friend was keeping money for herself? I wondered about the hotel too but then thought if it were me could I really drive 35 minutes by myself in a heightened state of fear? Just knowing my husband was missing , his truck out in the open and a BIL that said he was "bleeding" and I know there is no way I could drive myself anywhere.

I have been wondering if the so called friends have mishandled the funds.

Maybe we need to start from the beginning and break everything down. There has got to be something, someway to get correct information. The 911, the timeline that K said he was doing, all of it doesn't come together. Arggggggh :banghead:
This is only my second post ever but I read here all the time..
I don't know anything about oil fields but I can provide some insight into meth users as I've loved one for 10 years... This is purely my opinion and just speculation however I don't believe for one minute Brandon would have called 911 unless he absolutely had no other choice, drug users/sellers hate police interaction. On that note if my man had disappeared I would let everyone know the truth, what he was up to, who his friends were, what he really did to make $, his suspected drug dealers names phone numbers, anything that would bring the man I love home. But I'm not a drug user so I would have nothing to hide from anyone. None of the story being told makes any sense at all whatsoever, if I thought my brother were lying in a field bleeding I would not take it upon myself to search I would go immediately to people who could help, again I would have nothing to hide so that would be the avenue I took. I've listened to the 911 call a bunch of times and I think I hear fear in his voice, but that's about all I understand about the call. What I can say over and over agin is that wanted people, especially suspected meth users NEVER call the police unless they absolutely positively have no other choice...Again this is all my opinion!

He worked a job in the oil fields and from what I've read they are drug tested due to the equipment they use. Maybe his past history is tainting the situation but I don't hear a drugged person on that call. I'm also not hearing fear. I hear adrenaline as in someone is with him and he is holding someone down. The 911 call with the second voice saying "yeah" is on the bottom of BK saying "no" at same time. I'm convinced. However, I am also convinced that KL knows more and may know whomever BK may have "run into."
Maybe to expose the mishandling of his case? I would never have known about this case had my friend not had me listen to the 911 recording.


And what might she be trying to gain by exposing mishandling of the case?

(which IMO is hard to prove when the biggest fault probably lies with K and A for lying to the deputy)
All very good points. Does anyone know what kind of vehicle K and A were in that night?

K stated (reportedly) that B said he was 10 minutes up the road. Was this walking time or driving time? We assume it's walking but we don't know. He could have gotten a ride with someone. 10 minutes up what road? Was it 277 north? A long driveway? A dirt road? North or south/east or west? And exactly WHEN did B say this? The timeline is important and nobody seems to want to explain the facts for a timeline. If the new ping data is off his last communication (text) from Audrey saying the cops were at his truck at 1:19 just how far could he have gotten walking through the woods, fields etc in pitch black darkness? Or was he taken out there by vehicle and dumped? He did not respond to that text. As far as we know his last communications were around 1:10am.

The part I am still stuck on is why would he bring an empty gas can to someone who ran out of gas? Why wouldn't he tell LL to leave me the gas can and put money under it? All the reports have different times that gas was put in the truck, what was the correct time? I also do not believe he was out looking for Brandon until 4:30 a/m when he called LL?
I still think the "yeah" in the background on the 911 call could be someone at the Dispatch/nursing home talking. I wonder if they wear headsets while answering 911 calls or just a regular phone.
He worked a job in the oil fields and from what I've read they are drug tested due to the equipment they use. Maybe his past history is tainting the situation but I don't hear a drugged person on that call. I'm also not hearing fear. I hear adrenaline as in someone is with him and he is holding someone down. The 911 call with the second voice saying "yeah" is on the bottom of BK saying "no" at same time. I'm convinced. However, I am also convinced that KL knows more and may know whomever BK may have "run into."

That's what I thought too but KL (also worked in the oil fields) and proclaimed recently on his fb page that he was 30 or so days clean. Of course maybe he was clean while working, relapsed and got clean again idk?

I hear slurred speech in his call. No doubt in my mind about that. Just MOO though.
Here is my biggest "why" of all - Why didn't KL drive back to LL's house and bang on the door at 2:00 a/m to see if his brother got back home? How was he so sure that he was "still in a field" to cause him to supposedly search until 4:30 am when he finally called LL to tell her that Brandon was missing if he thought all along that Brandon was hiding from the cops? My gut says he knows a lot more and he is not telling anyone. Maybe the sheriff ought to bring him in for more questioning and maybe some of these confusing situations would be more answerable because at this point we are all basing our beliefs on what he said happened and maybe that is why it is not making sense? My gut says Brandon could be found if KL tells the truth and I personally don't think he has?
Here is my biggest "why" of all - Why didn't KL drive back to LL's house and bang on the door at 2:00 a/m to see if his brother got back home? How was he so sure that he was "still in a field" to cause him to supposedly search until 4:30 am when he finally called LL to tell her that Brandon was missing if he thought all along that Brandon was hiding from the cops? My gut says he knows a lot more and he is not telling anyone. Maybe the sheriff ought to bring him in for more questioning and maybe some of these confusing situations would be more answerable because at this point we are all basing our beliefs on what he said happened and maybe that is why it is not making sense? My gut says Brandon could be found if KL tells the truth and I personally don't think he has?

I think he knows what happened, or is part of what happened. I think you are right about BL being found. Something is very wrong with what he has said and done. Makes no sense. Its MOO:moo:
The part I am still stuck on is why would he bring an empty gas can to someone who ran out of gas? Why wouldn't he tell LL to leave me the gas can and put money under it? All the reports have different times that gas was put in the truck, what was the correct time? I also do not believe he was out looking for Brandon until 4:30 a/m when he called LL?

Here's the thing. Is it possible he found B. B said LL is going to turn me in on my warrant and I'm not going back to jail/prison and at that moment B K and A come up with a plan for B to run. He takes him to Fort Worth or wherever and comes back, goes to the gas station and puts gas in the truck as a cover. How long of a drive to Ft Worth and back?

There was mention that B hit something and that might have been why he was bleeding/or why K thought he was bleeding. Did he hit LL? Is that why she was going to call the cops and turn him in on the warrant? We have no idea if things got physical in their fight that night or just how nasty it was.

And what might she be trying to gain by exposing mishandling of the case?

(which IMO is hard to prove when the biggest fault probably lies with K and A for lying to the deputy)

I find the biggest fault is that they did not dispatch help to him and never told the family that he phoned 911? If anything I find it more suspect that the sheriffs wife is wanting to convince everyone that he is on the run even saying he is not in Coke County? If he was in hiding that was a pretty big statement to put as a headline when he could have been hiding in someone's basement right there in Coke County! LOL:scared:
Here's the thing. Is it possible he found B. B said LL is going to turn me in on my warrant and I'm not going back to jail/prison and at that moment B K and A come up with a plan for B to run. He takes him to Fort Worth or wherever and comes back, goes to the gas station and puts gas in the truck as a cover. How long of a drive to Ft Worth and back?

There was mention that B hit something and that might have been why he was bleeding/or why K thought he was bleeding. Did he hit LL? Is that why she was going to call the cops and turn him in on the warrant? We have no idea if things got physical in their fight that night or just how nasty it was.

Hmmm, interesting ....I think that could be possible, though I have no idea on the miles.
I still think the "yeah" in the background on the 911 call could be someone at the Dispatch/nursing home talking. I wonder if they wear headsets while answering 911 calls or just a regular phone.

I think we would hear more sounds if it picked up background noise and what is the chance a "yeah" came out at the same time a "no?" The only pause I give to this is that in the transcript LL said that Brandon said "yes" and then "no" but maybe she is wrong too? Unless my hearing is going bad the slow tape sounds like one voice coming on top of the other voice which is why someone else I feel was with BL.
That's what I thought too but KL (also worked in the oil fields) and proclaimed recently on his fb page that he was 30 or so days clean. Of course maybe he was clean while working, relapsed and got clean again idk?

I hear slurred speech in his call. No doubt in my mind about that. Just MOO though.

Now that is a thought I never had? I envision those types of jobs to be heavy drinkers at a bar in TX after work more than drugs but the word "clean' implies drugs. "Sober" implies drinking.
I think he knows what happened, or is part of what happened. I think you are right about BL being found. Something is very wrong with what he has said and done. Makes no sense. Its MOO:moo:

<<embarassed>> what is MOO ?
Man there are so many good questions and theories. It's that 911 call that's the kicker. I really wish LE would release a statement addressing something...anything...or that a local with some information will register and verify and steer us in the right direction.
I find the biggest fault is that they did not dispatch help to him and never told the family that he phoned 911? If anything I find it more suspect that the sheriffs wife is wanting to convince everyone that he is on the run even saying he is not in Coke County? If he was in hiding that was a pretty big statement to put as a headline when he could have been hiding in someone's basement right there in Coke County! LOL:scared:

Dispatch to where? He didn't give his location.

I agree that the Sheriff's wife wants to convince everyone that he is alive and on the run. Why? Does she know something we don't or is she just trying to shift blame?

I just read that Misty the dispatcher (I believe) did tell LL about the call but said she couldn't understand what he was saying.
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