TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #1

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Does anyone have any idea as to why Brandon didn't emerge from bushes? He was able to watch LE inspect the vehicle while he was on the phone with his brother. Was his brother also at the scene? I understand hiding from the cops (although it seems unusual in this case, as he himself called 911). Did he retreat further when waiting for LE to leave, and then somehow wasn't able to make contact with his brother and safety.
Brandon's 911 call was at 12:53am IIRC and the deputy and Kyle arrived at the truck around 1am. Dep Neal was coming from Bronte which is only a couple of minutes away so he certainly could have been responding to that call. If I am remembering times right that is. I'll have to go find the timeline again to confirm.
I have listened to techpuppy's file and I hear this pretty good. LOL!! I wish y'all could hear me repeat this in my Texas twang. I disagree with some of your words, but I think we can all agree on what probably happened here. I will give it my best.

Yes, I'm in the middle of a field...in fact,(run together)we just pushed some guys over right here going towards Abilene on both sides. My truck ran out of gas and a guy chased me (not sure about me) into the woods. Please hurry!

The next unintelligible part goes something like....When I was talkin' to em I totally ran into em...

I thought it was I've, but after I listened to techpuppy's file I do hear de and tective got the first guy. Or it could be "In fact" again. Get your southern drawl going and throw in-fact I've together real fast and see if it could sound like de tect ive!

In fact I've got "The First Guy".

Do you need an ambulance?

I really do hear a totally different voice say "Yes". It sounds like Brandon is sitting on him and he can't talk well. Airy or something. Almost like the air is being pushed out of him when he says Yes. It's a higher voice too than Brandon's. And almost immediately on top of the Yes I hear Brandon say No, I need the cops.

Now, a thought just came to mind. Did Kyle TALK to Brandon at 1:19 AM or did they just text?

What if another person (some guys) overpowered Brandon after the 911 call and they are the one's texting Kyle (or his g/f) instead of Brandon saying I am 10 minutes up the road? If so, the other car could have been driving on the highway just like any other driver and picked up the "other guys" who had Brandon. They left the area with Brandon.

Does anyone recall if Kyle spoke to Brandon or texted??
Does anyone have any idea as to why Brandon didn't emerge from bushes? He was able to watch LE inspect the vehicle while he was on the phone with his brother. Was his brother also at the scene? I understand hiding from the cops (although it seems unusual in this case, as he himself called 911). Did he retreat further when waiting for LE to leave, and then somehow wasn't able to make contact with his brother and safety.


"Phone records revealed the missing man, Brandon Lawson, was speaking to his brother, Kyle Lawson, just after 1 am. During subsequent interviews with Kyle Lawson, he revealed he had been on the phone with his brother, Brandon, when Deputy Neal arrived at the disabled vehicle and was hiding in the brush watching Deputy Neal inspect his truck. "

If Kyle and Brandon were talking, this doesn't make sense.......

If they were texting....could "The first guy" have overpowered or hurt Brandon and be texting on Brandon's phone?
Also, if someone had Brandon and headed back south, the Deputy would not have seen the car and possibly Kyle would not either if he was headed into Bronte. It could have appeared to be any other car on the road. They could have headed back towards San Angelo instead of into Bronte.

Deputy Fox was north of Bronte. Deputy Neal south by the truck. If "the other guys" were south of the truck, they could have easily gone un-noticed. JMO
I really think there are only a couple of scenario's here.

1. Brandon was overpowered by some other people for some reason and he was taken somewhere and he is no longer with us.

2. This whole thing (911 call and all) was a ploy by Brandon to go missing on purpose for a number of reasons. I mean no disrespect to LaDessa or Brandon's family. I really do feel this is not the case, but I think it is a possibility. Please do not take it as something that it is not meant to be except a scenario that must be looked at for all purposes.

From The Observer FB page: BBM https://www.facebook.com/ObserverEnterprise?ref=br_tf

The last contact with Brandon Lawson’s phone was a text message at 1:19 am warning him about police sent from a phone belonging to Kyle Lawson’s girlfriend.
I really wish we had more of timeline for all the calls/texts. I also wish we could trace everyone's corresponding locations.

Were LE, Kyle, and Brandon (while hiding in the bushes) all together at the truck at some point? Or was Brandon (while hiding in the bushes) just talking to his brother on the phone (his brother is not at the scene) while LE is at the truck?
I really wish we had more of timeline for all the calls/texts. I also wish we could trace everyone's corresponding locations.

Were LE, Kyle, and Brandon (while hiding in the bushes) all together at the truck at some point? Or was Brandon (while hiding in the bushes) just talking to his brother on the phone (his brother is not at the scene) while LE is at the truck?

I can't do it tonight, but maybe tomorrow or this weekend, I will try to get a timeline of texts and phone calls between 911, LaDessa, Brandon, Kyle and the g/f along with locations. As well as the Deputies. I will use the Observer's stories, since they are MSM and Brandon's missing FB page. I think that is within TOS here. I think there are some articles in the San Angelo paper also. I will try to get that done very soon. Thanks for all your help techpuppy. It made that call much clearer.
That would be great, nannymo.

Props to everyone working on the 911 call.
I have listened to the slow version over and over, and on many different days, and I really believe he's saying "State Troopers" but due to rapid speech and some slurring, it's like the words are almost being said together:

BL: "Yeah I'm in the middle of a field, state troopers just pulled 2 guys over right here going toward Abiline on both sides.....my truck ran out of gas, there's one guy (or does he say one car?) here got chased into the woods, please hurry."

Dispatcher: Okay, now run that by me again?

BL: (speech quite slurred) ....says something about "went off the shoulder, I shouldn't have run into him"

Dispatcher: "ahh, you ran into him, okay."

BL: something about "he got the first guy"

Dispatcher: "do you need an ambulance?"

BL: he very quickly says "yes" but I think he just instinctively answered the question without really considering the question......then says "no, I need the cops."
Well I went away from this for a while and listened again.
What I hear in the 911 call:

Computer Voice: Nine, two thousand thirteen, (two unexplained thumps – if this were on a reel to reel recorder I'd say it sounded like a couple of non-perfect spliced edits. These are different than the thumps indicated below), Zero fifty and thirty eight seconds.
Dispatcher: Nine one one emergency.

BL: Yes, I'm in the middle of a field. A [?] just pushed some guys over. (static and a thump – maybe a cell/channel change) It's right here goin' towards Abilene on both sides. (two more thumps) There's one car here. He got chased into the woods. Please Hurry!

Dispatcher: Okay. Now run that by me one more...

BL: (Possibly one word unintelligible) And we're not talkin to 'em. Clyde totally ran into 'em.

Dispatcher: Ah, you ran into them, okay.

BL: Detectives got the first guy...

Dispatcher: Do you need an ambulance? (BL is talking at the same time but I can't make out what is being said. It sounds like a short sentence.

BL: Yes. No. I need the cops.

Dispatcher: Okay. Is anybody hurt? (The dispatcher says Hello? Three times without response. Amplifying the sound between hello's gives a sound similar to what you might expect from an open cell phone getting jostled while a person was walking or running. A regular pattern, not one you would expect with a struggle.)

Having read the comments above about what others hear in the recording there remains some uncertainty in what I think I'm hearing. Thanks Psychic Sleuth, Nannymo and Canadianmom2three! I can hear what you are saying about what you hear on the call. Some of what I think I hear doesn't make a lot of sense. If detectives were on the scene, why would he ask for cops? On the other hand, if he had subdued someone it seems strange he would take so long to point that out to the dispatcher.

As far as the possibility of the recording being tampered with before it was released it seems that the first part of the call would be the most likely to have been altered or edited. I don't think we're hearing the entire word for whatever "pushed". I think we're also missing part of the call dealing with the "both sides of the road" remark. BL doesn't seem to be responding to the dispatcher and he seems to assume she knows more about what is going on than what is on the recording. All just my opinion, of course.
FWIW, I hear the same thing as you guys except:

He does sound like he's had too much to drink and is panicked, all contributing to slurred speech.

A very slurred and Southern, "I accidentally ran into 'em." I'm almost positive it's accidentally.

I also hear, "A traper just purched some guys over." It sounds like he was rehearsing what he was going to say while the call was being connected, and then got his vowels messed up and didn't even notice. May have meant to say, "A trooper just pushed some guys over." Or something that sounds similar.

ETA: when she asks if he needs an ambulance, it sounds to me like he says, "Yeah," like he's thinking, "that's an understatement." Then changes his mind.

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I have listened to techpuppy's file and I hear this pretty good. LOL!! I wish y'all could hear me repeat this in my Texas twang. I disagree with some of your words, but I think we can all agree on what probably happened here. I will give it my best.

Yes, I'm in the middle of a field...in fact,(run together)we just pushed some guys over right here going towards Abilene on both sides. My truck ran out of gas and a guy chased me (not sure about me) into the woods. Please hurry!

The next unintelligible part goes something like....When I was talkin' to em I totally ran into em...

I thought it was I've, but after I listened to techpuppy's file I do hear de and tective got the first guy. Or it could be "In fact" again. Get your southern drawl going and throw in-fact I've together real fast and see if it could sound like de tect ive!

In fact I've got "The First Guy".

Do you need an ambulance?

I really do hear a totally different voice say "Yes". It sounds like Brandon is sitting on him and he can't talk well. Airy or something. Almost like the air is being pushed out of him when he says Yes. It's a higher voice too than Brandon's. And almost immediately on top of the Yes I hear Brandon say No, I need the cops.

Now, a thought just came to mind. Did Kyle TALK to Brandon at 1:19 AM or did they just text?

What if another person (some guys) overpowered Brandon after the 911 call and they are the one's texting Kyle (or his g/f) instead of Brandon saying I am 10 minutes up the road? If so, the other car could have been driving on the highway just like any other driver and picked up the "other guys" who had Brandon. They left the area with Brandon.

Does anyone recall if Kyle spoke to Brandon or texted??

Well your transcript certainly makes the most sense. I wonder if Brandon used the words "in fact" a lot? To me it's strange wording but it may not be for him.

If your transcript is correct, what it sounds like to me is he and some other guys might have pushed a car over that was possibly broke down or out of gas. (Like, helped push it off the road) It would make sense that he might have run into them while walking down the highway. Then something happened and they chased him into the woods. If your transcript is correct then it does sound like he caught one guy which would make sense with the mysterious "yeah" heard on the tape. Although I still think the "yeah" could be someone talking in the background at the dispatch center. I agree with you that that is not Brandon's voice and Brandon almost talks right over the "yeah" so no way is it him.

Somewhere in the beginning (I'll have to see if I can find it) there was mention of TWO stranded motorist 911 calls. I've always kept this in the back of my mind. Was it the trucker call + Brandon's call? Was it 2 calls about Brandon's truck? Or was it 2 calls about 2 different stranded vehicle/motorists?

The latter might make the most sense here. And I would think the family could request copies of all the 911 calls for that time period on that night.

"Phone records revealed the missing man, Brandon Lawson, was speaking to his brother, Kyle Lawson, just after 1 am. During subsequent interviews with Kyle Lawson, he revealed he had been on the phone with his brother, Brandon, when Deputy Neal arrived at the disabled vehicle and was hiding in the brush watching Deputy Neal inspect his truck. "

If Kyle and Brandon were talking, this doesn't make sense.......

If they were texting....could "The first guy" have overpowered or hurt Brandon and be texting on Brandon's phone?


Remember, that this is possibly what Kyle assumed since Brandon had a warrant. It wasn't until after he found out about the 911 call that he realized something very different was going on. I don't think Brandon ever said he was hiding from the cops. Kyle assumed this.
Also, if someone had Brandon and headed back south, the Deputy would not have seen the car and possibly Kyle would not either if he was headed into Bronte. It could have appeared to be any other car on the road. They could have headed back towards San Angelo instead of into Bronte.

Deputy Fox was north of Bronte. Deputy Neal south by the truck. If "the other guys" were south of the truck, they could have easily gone un-noticed. JMO

It's my understanding that Dep Fox drove to the north looking for him and Dep Neal drove to the south. I'm not sure if he drove all the way into San Angelo or not.
I really think there are only a couple of scenario's here.

1. Brandon was overpowered by some other people for some reason and he was taken somewhere and he is no longer with us.

2. This whole thing (911 call and all) was a ploy by Brandon to go missing on purpose for a number of reasons. I mean no disrespect to LaDessa or Brandon's family. I really do feel this is not the case, but I think it is a possibility. Please do not take it as something that it is not meant to be except a scenario that must be looked at for all purposes.

From The Observer FB page: BBM https://www.facebook.com/ObserverEnterprise?ref=br_tf

The last contact with Brandon Lawson’s phone was a text message at 1:19 am warning him about police sent from a phone belonging to Kyle Lawson’s girlfriend.

Yes the last contact was from Kyle's gf warning him about the police but this was well after Brandon called 911. If he was trying to disappear would he really call 911 and ask for the cops to come to his location? I suppose maybe if he were already long gone from the area. But there is no mistaking the panic in his voice in that 911 call IMO. It does not seem faked to me. Again just MOO.
I'm going to re-listen to techpuppy's clear version today taking into account what others think they are hearing to see if I can hear it the same.

I think we'll get it if we all keep working on it! Sometimes it is hard to hear it a different way once we have it in our minds that it says one thing. I'm going to try hard to unhear what I heard and try to hear it other ways. Believe it or not this can be quite difficult. Our minds are funny things. LOL

I know I've already seen timelines either on the Observer and/or facebook pages.

I would be cautious about the Observer because I did notice some errors/oversights in their articles. Not to say it's lies, just in the beginning they didn't seem to have all the facts right.

Would the words "in fact" be common terminology in those parts? For me being a Californian there certainly is a bit of a language/accent barrier. My nephew lives in Eastern Texas (although raised in CA) and I can barely understand him at times. He does seem to have loose/slurred speech even when not intoxicated. LOL

And does his speech seem slurred in your expert Texan opinion?
I'm going to re-listen to techpuppy's clear version today taking into account what others think they are hearing to see if I can hear it the same.

I think we'll get it if we all keep working on it! Sometimes it is hard to hear it a different way once we have it in our minds that it says one thing. I'm going to try hard to unhear what I heard and try to hear it other ways. Believe it or not this can be quite difficult. Our minds are funny things. LOL

I know I've already seen timelines either on the Observer and/or facebook pages.

I would be cautious about the Observer because I did notice some errors/oversights in their articles. Not to say it's lies, just in the beginning they didn't seem to have all the facts right.

I'm going to do this right now too! I do have one question though, when you listen to the whole thing, is that Brandon breathing heavy at the end?

On today's listen this is what I hear:

"Yes, I'm in the middle of a field.

A Cyper/Syper/Ciper/Sipher just purched some guys over.

Right here going towards Abilene on both sides

My truck ran out of gas.

There's one car, and I check it ..(then a break/loud sound, maybe a break in the recording or service?)...through the woods

Please hurry

And when I talked to him, I totally ran into em'

Detectives got the first guy

Yeah, no, I need the cops"

I don't think there is more than one voice on the recording. It seems like he was either breaking up or it's not the full recording?
I'm going to do this right now too! I do have one question though, when you listen to the whole thing, is that Brandon breathing heavy at the end?

Oops. No. That's my fault. I was trying to build a sample of background noise for the noise reduction process. It was made up of short segments between the talking of the original recording. Ignore the part of the recording after the three hello's. I'll correct it before anyone else downloads the file.
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