TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #2

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Also, $350 is not very much at all, surely the extended family and their friends could easily scrape together a few hours worth??

I wouldn't mind being out a couple of grand or more to find my spouse, brother, daughter, child, etc. Even if it meant maxing out credit cards with cash advances! No siree.
Has anyone's thoughts changed about what happened to B? My #1 thought is he is deceased but #2 choice is in hiding and running from the warrant AND it's a close second IMO. I can't see any logical way that this was pre-planned to disappear. He would have cleaned out his bank account and waited for the 401K check if that were the case IMO. I also think that if he is alive and hiding I don't think LL is aware or involved. If he were hiding with her knowledge would she be trying to get his face all over the media? No, it makes no sense. I don't think LL has been completely honest but I also believe that she believes B is deceased.

I really appreciate MM coming here and clearing up so much that was unclear or simply not true.

I still think he is deceased. I distinctly hear another voice on that 911 call. (I think??) LOL-I guess if you could alter your voice, but I really do believe someone else is there. Maybe B had someone with him and they got in an argument. I feel he has been harmed, maybe his phone thrown out a window where the last ping was heard and his body has been dumped somewhere else, or buried. JMO
I have two of the pic's LL took today while up in the air. Should I post them here?
How do I do it on here if I have them on my computer. I am not sure how to upload them on here. Help please :blushing:

You have to have a photo hosting website, then upload them there and post the url. Bummer I know!
You have to have a photo hosting website, then upload them there and post the url. Bummer I know!

Darn!! Okay, let me see if I can do it with my live account or my shutterfly or ummm I think I have dropbox too. :)
Darn!! Okay, let me see if I can do it with my live account or my shutterfly or ummm I think I have dropbox too. :)

I think at the bottom where it says edit you click there. I've only deleted one, so I could be wrong.

Thank you :) It worked. Sorry for adding them wrong. I am still finding my way..lol

My husband laughed at me. One of my degree's is in computer forensics and he said I should know how to do this stuff..lol I hang my head in shame :blushing:

( I hated computer forensics )
Well how was everyone's day. Anyone got any news or new thoughts today?
Well how was everyone's day. Anyone got any news or new thoughts today?

I was busy beating and making bread today, that is my fun time..:) How was your day?

No new news , thoughts, I don't think the helicopter search was very useful. LL has no idea what to look for etc... She did state she was up in the air for about 2 1/2 hours and plans to go again soon. People want to directly donate to the helicopter company but still no real info on that other than name of company and a cell number that no one answers. It doesn't even go to voice mail. I believe if BL is deceased, he isn't that far away, but could be very hard to find. That's all I got.

O/T, Please visit Brandy Hall's discussion. TIA
Mine was just a day. Nothing exciting. Sorry she didn't find anything, but would she know what to look for? I personally don't think so. But I guess that's something she wanted to do.
Mine was just a day. Nothing exciting. Sorry she didn't find anything, but would she know what to look for? I personally don't think so. But I guess that's something she wanted to do.

Well I hope your weekend is a good one!

I don't think she would. People think they can find things easily on a search, but its not easy by a long shot.

I hope BL can be found soon.
Hats off to everyone who worked so hard on the media blitz. You guys are amazing! Although I did not participate because I stand strong in my opinion, it is rumor that LL DID NOT respond to the many media outlets that reached out to her.

On the J4BL page someone has posted a txt message regarding that.

I feel sorry for the kiddos.
Mine was just a day. Nothing exciting. Sorry she didn't find anything, but would she know what to look for? I personally don't think so. But I guess that's something she wanted to do.

My thoughts exactly. I wondered if maybe she had high powered binoculars which have the camera feature? That would have been a good idea, then she could have taken photos from above and had several people including a trained eye to see if anything could be visible. They aren't that expensive and they work really good.
Hats off to everyone who worked so hard on the media blitz. You guys are amazing! Although I did not participate because I stand strong in my opinion, it is rumor that LL DID NOT respond to the many media outlets that reached out to her.

On the J4BL page someone has posted a txt message regarding that.

I feel sorry for the kiddos.

I agree, I feel so very bad for the kids. I can't worry about LL. Maybe I am cold, but I worry about the victim above all else. BL & his children . I have read where his kids cry for him constantly because they have been told he isn't coming back/or deceased. That breaks my heart. When children are so young, I think you have to be very careful how and what you say regarding the death of a loved one.
I agree, I feel so very bad for the kids. I can't worry about LL. Maybe I am cold, but I worry about the victim above all else. BL & his children . I have read where his kids cry for him constantly because they have been told he isn't coming back/or deceased. That breaks my heart. When children are so young, I think you have to be very careful how and what you say regarding the death of a loved one.

My opinion is that the kids should not be in the public eye at all...too many creeps, sociopaths that lurk. FB has a private button and it should be used for those children's sake. Posting a flyer with images with their beloved father is one thing, but posting pictures of the kids makes it even more difficult to keep the attention on the missing person. Let's just say BL met with foul play, who's to say that person or persons wouldn't come back to harm the family. There's been a lot of bickering and drama about people trash talking and have included the kids while doing so. The first thing that should have been done is protect those babies. It's just too big of a risk!
My opinion is that the kids should not be in the public eye at all...too many creeps, sociopaths that lurk. FB has a private button and it should be used for those children's sake. Posting a flyer with images with their beloved father is one thing, but posting pictures of the kids makes it even more difficult to keep the attention on the missing person. Let's just say BL met with foul play, who's to say that person or persons wouldn't come back to harm the family. There's been a lot of bickering and drama about people trash talking and have included the kids while doing so. The first thing that should have been done is protect those babies. It's just too big of a risk!

Sorry had to rant. Forgive me, it is just my opinion. :banghead:
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