TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #2

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Just catching up on some reading and on Friday Ladessa went to a medium. Didn't find out anything except things except things that Brandon knows and he really wants her to find him. Just thought I would share.

Then why doesn't "he" tell her where to find him or at least where to look?? I mean I do believe in the after life & I believe in stuff like mediums, but mediums deal with the dead only right? If you are actively searching for someone you feel could possibly be alive wouldn't you talk to a psychic not a medium? Idk lots about it except what I see on that show Long Island Medium. Lol
Thanks I hadn't seen this! It even talks about his warrant and 2011 charges for delivery of a controlled substance.

I do believe that LL believes he's out there deceased somewhere. For me, I'm about 50/50 now.

IIRC she said the new ping was within 2 yards accurate and I've never heard of that with a ping before. Even with triangulation. If that ping was from the 1:18 text how could B have been 3 miles away at that time? Why did he tell K he was 10 minutes up the road? Was he talking drive time or walk time or was he so out of it he didn't know what he was talking about?

The only thing I can't figure out, is when was this taped, Kyle is clearly there and I was under the impression that Kyle hadn't participated in the search? Unless this was the weekend of Aug 10 & 11 when the family searched. I only see a max of about 5 people if so.

Also I felt from Sheriff McCutchen's statement, he seemed to feel as though BL was missing and somewhat concerned. I was under the opinion that Sheriff McCutchen hadn't been very compassionate about BL missing. Seeing his behavior on the camera as being concerned certainly made me think differently.

Maybe this interview was prior to the Verizon information being released to LE?
Then why doesn't "he" tell her where to find him or at least where to look?? I mean I do believe in the after life & I believe in stuff like mediums, but mediums deal with the dead only right? If you are actively searching for someone you feel could possibly be alive wouldn't you talk to a psychic not a medium? Idk lots about it except what I see on that show Long Island Medium. Lol

LOL!!! A medium is a psychic. The term "medium" just means that they are a go between person between the living and the dead. If that makes sense? They get a message from the dead and deliver it to the living thus they are the middle man or "medium". There are different types of Psychics. Some see, some feel, some hear, some channel etc etc. I love Theresa Caputo!

The problem with psychics IMO is there are lots of fakes out there. I absolutely believe, but one must be cautious. And I agree that if the Medium is good, why didn't she tell her where he is? Or why didn't a deceased B tell the Medium where he is so she could relay that to LL?
Then why doesn't "he" tell her where to find him or at least where to look?? I mean I do believe in the after life & I believe in stuff like mediums, but mediums deal with the dead only right? If you are actively searching for someone you feel could possibly be alive wouldn't you talk to a psychic not a medium? Idk lots about it except what I see on that show Long Island Medium. Lol

Agreed, but I have no idea what to believe or not to believe anymore. I do not know the difference between a medium and a Physic. Lol
I do know Ladessa has thought Brandon has been deceased since the beginning.
And that has always bothered me, without any kind of proof of any kind.
The only thing I can't figure out, is when was this taped, Kyle is clearly there and I was under the impression that Kyle hadn't participated in the search? Unless this was the weekend of Aug 10 & 11 when the family searched. I only see a max of about 5 people if so.

Also I felt from Sheriff McCutchen's statement, he seemed to feel as though BL was missing and somewhat concerned. I was under the opinion that Sheriff McCutchen hadn't been very compassionate about BL missing. Seeing his behavior on the camera as being concerned certainly made me think differently.

Maybe this interview was prior to the Verizon information being released to LE?

The reporter said they were searching the following Sat. So that would be the 10th. I have not heard of K or A or any of B's other family searching any other time which is a little odd to me.

And I agree that the Sheriff did not seem like a heartless person.
Then why doesn't "he" tell her where to find him or at least where to look?? I mean I do believe in the after life & I believe in stuff like mediums, but mediums deal with the dead only right? If you are actively searching for someone you feel could possibly be alive wouldn't you talk to a psychic not a medium? Idk lots about it except what I see on that show Long Island Medium. Lol

Yes ma'am, you are correct about mediums. They are a bridge between the living and the dead.

Although many shamanic practices and spiritualists involve some level of communication with the spirit world, the medium differs by acting as an actual bridge between the worlds for those who cannot freely communicate with spirits themselves. One of the most common uses of a medium, for example, is for a person to speak with a deceased relative. As they are unable to contact the relative themselves, they visit a medium who can relay their questions and receive answers through them.

The Bible warns us about mediums: Leviticus 19:31 NIV. "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them."

Thanks Brandy, I never knew this and never thought about the purpose of a medium.

Good post!
Agreed, but I have no idea what to believe or not to believe anymore. I do not know the difference between a medium and a Physic. Lol
I do know Ladessa has thought Brandon has been deceased since the beginning.
And that has always bothered me, without any kind of proof of any kind.

I think that is partly because she believes they are soul mates and he would never leave her or the kids voluntarily. I'm not so sure.
The only thing I can't figure out, is when was this taped, Kyle is clearly there and I was under the impression that Kyle hadn't participated in the search? Unless this was the weekend of Aug 10 & 11 when the family searched. I only see a max of about 5 people if so.

Also I felt from Sheriff McCutchen's statement, he seemed to feel as though BL was missing and somewhat concerned. I was under the opinion that Sheriff McCutchen hadn't been very compassionate about BL missing. Seeing his behavior on the camera as being concerned certainly made me think differently.

Maybe this interview was prior to the Verizon information being released to LE?

Can't be taped that weekend of August 10-11 sheriff was out of town I think.
Maybe they pieced the tape together. But the sheriff looks concerned to me, I could be wrong, but he really does.
LOL!!! A medium is a psychic. The term "medium" just means that they are a go between person between the living and the dead. If that makes sense? They get a message from the dead and deliver it to the living thus they are the middle man or "medium". There are different types of Psychics. Some see, some feel, some hear, some channel etc etc. I love Theresa Caputo!

The problem with psychics IMO is there are lots of fakes out there. I absolutely believe, but one must be cautious. And I agree that if the Medium is good, why didn't she tell her where he is? Or why didn't a deceased B tell the Medium where he is so she could relay that to LL?

See I told you I didn't know much about them lol
Can't be taped that weekend of August 10-11 sheriff was out of town I think.
Maybe they pieced the tape together. But the sheriff looks concerned to me, I could be wrong, but he really does.

I thought so too. I was glad I found that. He seemed very compassionate and concerned about BL and I certainly was left with the impression from LL that he had been less than concerned from the very beginning.

I have my opinion, but every once in a while, I read something, that places a little doubt and I start teetering on my opinion again.
It just says family met at 6 am in Bronte to search on Sat. It doesn't say what Sat. The video is dated 10/1. I would guess the video was pieced together but I can't say for sure.
Oh my gosh the drama! Why is there always so much drama around MP cases? Everyone wants to point fingers and place blame.

IMO both sides are to blame. I have said before that WE have listened to the 911 call I don't know how many times and can't decipher what all he was saying so how was the person answering the phone at the nursing home supposed to be expected to understand it just by listening to it one time? In my opinion B was slurring. I have said this since I heard the tape and still believe this. I do not believe he was sober that night. It's entirely possible that much of what he said was caused by alcohol and/or substances IMO. Why didn't she get his name and location? She didn't have a chance to!! Not her fault IMO. She was trying to figure out what the heck he was trying to say so she could figure out what it was that he needed. Quit blaming! If I answered that 911 call and only heard it once I would have been lost as to what was going on too. He/She is human.

If only K and A would have told the truth... If only. If only B didn't have a felony warrant, then perhaps K and A would have told the deputy the truth. I'm sure they feel terrible about it now but honesty would have been very helpful in finding an alive B.

I wish people would quit pointing fingers. It's ridiculous. I wish LL would just tell the truth.

So we have a 911 operator in a very small town who may not have handled the call perfectly, we have a missing man with a felony warrant who was most likely (IMO) driving out on a Hwy under the influence, with no gas and likely no drivers license. We have a brother and his GF who are not honest and lie to the deputy and we wonder why B wasn't found that night?

From all I have read and can see LE, The Ranger and TexSAR have done very thorough searches for B. Regardless of his warrant etc. Regardless of the fact that B's brother and girlfriend lied to the deputy and regardless of LL being less than forthcoming and eager to help them find B to begin with. Seriously, K did not even TELL LE about being on the phone with B until AFTER LE saw it on B's phone bill AND THEY want to place blame?

And don't get me started on those running the missing website for B. They instigate and thrive on drama from everything I have ever seen in any MP they've ever been involved in. I said I am not a fan and I am well...not a fan. I don't really appreciate them copying and pasting my posts on their website.

Is all the blame and he said/she said really doing anything to find B? LL needs to tell the truth and stop trying to make LE and landowners look bad. LL needs to stop playing the victim IMO. LL needs to stop asking for help then turning it down. Either she wants help or she doesn't. I wish everyone would stop calling her his wife. Unless she has proof of this I highly doubt she would be legally considered his common law wife in the state of TX. I don't know why this bothers me but it does. It just feels like more dishonesty to me.

I'm still not 100% convinced that B isn't on the run. I can't figure out how the 1:18 text to K pinged with 2 yard accuracy 3 miles away from the truck. How did he get 3 miles away in that amount of time?

I will say that I appreciate MM coming here to discuss the case and clear up some things. She made it clear that she was not speaking on behalf of LE but as a reporter. It's a small town and it just so happens she is the Sheriff's wife. Small town... and sometimes people in small towns wear many hats. It is what it is. I believe that everything she said was truthful.
Oh my gosh the drama! Why is there always so much drama around MP cases? Everyone wants to point fingers and place blame.

IMO both sides are to blame. I have said before that WE have listened to the 911 call I don't know how many times and can't decipher what all he was saying so how was the person answering the phone at the nursing home supposed to be expected to understand it just by listening to it one time? In my opinion B was slurring. I have said this since I heard the tape and still believe this. I do not believe he was sober that night. It's entirely possible that much of what he said was caused by alcohol and/or substances IMO. Why didn't she get his name and location? She didn't have a chance to!! Not her fault IMO. She was trying to figure out what the heck he was trying to say so she could figure out what it was that he needed. Quit blaming! If I answered that 911 call and only heard it once I would have been lost as to what was going on too. He/She is human.

If only K and A would have told the truth... If only. If only B didn't have a felony warrant, then perhaps K and A would have told the deputy the truth. I'm sure they feel terrible about it now but honesty would have been very helpful in finding an alive B.

I wish people would quit pointing fingers. It's ridiculous. I wish LL would just tell the truth.

So we have a 911 operator in a very small town who may not have handled the call perfectly, we have a missing man with a felony warrant who was most likely (IMO) driving out on a Hwy under the influence, with no gas and likely no drivers license. We have a brother and his GF who are not honest and lie to the deputy and we wonder why B wasn't found that night?

From all I have read and can see LE, The Ranger and TexSAR have done very thorough searches for B. Regardless of his warrant etc. Regardless of the fact that B's brother and girlfriend lied to the deputy and regardless of LL being less than forthcoming and eager to help them find B to begin with. Seriously, K did not even TELL LE about being on the phone with B until AFTER LE saw it on B's phone bill AND THEY want to place blame?

And don't get me started on those running the missing website for B. They instigate and thrive on drama from everything I have ever seen in any MP they've ever been involved in. I said I am not a fan and I am well...not a fan. I don't really appreciate them copying and pasting my posts on their website.

Is all the blame and he said/she said really doing anything to find B? LL needs to tell the truth and stop trying to make LE and landowners look bad. LL needs to stop playing the victim IMO. LL needs to stop asking for help then turning it down. Either she wants help or she doesn't. I wish everyone would stop calling her his wife. Unless she has proof of this I highly doubt she would be legally considered his common law wife in the state of TX. I don't know why this bothers me but it does. It just feels like more dishonesty to me.

I'm still not 100% convinced that B isn't on the run. I can't figure out how the 1:18 text to K pinged with 2 yard accuracy 3 miles away from the truck. How did he get 3 miles away in that amount of time?

I will say that I appreciate MM coming here to discuss the case and clear up some things. She made it clear that she was not speaking on behalf of LE but as a reporter. It's a small town and it just so happens she is the Sheriff's wife. Small town... and sometimes people in small towns wear many hats. It is what it is. I believe that everything she said was truthful.

Thank you for posting this! I was thinking the same thing reading on their website. Seems like wasting their time on drama when it'll do nothing to help find Brandon.
Oh my gosh the drama! Why is there always so much drama around MP cases? Everyone wants to point fingers and place blame.

IMO both sides are to blame. I have said before that WE have listened to the 911 call I don't know how many times and can't decipher what all he was saying so how was the person answering the phone at the nursing home supposed to be expected to understand it just by listening to it one time? In my opinion B was slurring. I have said this since I heard the tape and still believe this. I do not believe he was sober that night. It's entirely possible that much of what he said was caused by alcohol and/or substances IMO. Why didn't she get his name and location? She didn't have a chance to!! Not her fault IMO. She was trying to figure out what the heck he was trying to say so she could figure out what it was that he needed. Quit blaming! If I answered that 911 call and only heard it once I would have been lost as to what was going on too. He/She is human.

If only K and A would have told the truth... If only. If only B didn't have a felony warrant, then perhaps K and A would have told the deputy the truth. I'm sure they feel terrible about it now but honesty would have been very helpful in finding an alive B.

I wish people would quit pointing fingers. It's ridiculous. I wish LL would just tell the truth.

So we have a 911 operator in a very small town who may not have handled the call perfectly, we have a missing man with a felony warrant who was most likely (IMO) driving out on a Hwy under the influence, with no gas and likely no drivers license. We have a brother and his GF who are not honest and lie to the deputy and we wonder why B wasn't found that night?

From all I have read and can see LE, The Ranger and TexSAR have done very thorough searches for B. Regardless of his warrant etc. Regardless of the fact that B's brother and girlfriend lied to the deputy and regardless of LL being less than forthcoming and eager to help them find B to begin with. Seriously, K did not even TELL LE about being on the phone with B until AFTER LE saw it on B's phone bill AND THEY want to place blame?

And don't get me started on those running the missing website for B. They instigate and thrive on drama from everything I have ever seen in any MP they've ever been involved in. I said I am not a fan and I am well...not a fan. I don't really appreciate them copying and pasting my posts on their website.

Is all the blame and he said/she said really doing anything to find B? LL needs to tell the truth and stop trying to make LE and landowners look bad. LL needs to stop playing the victim IMO. LL needs to stop asking for help then turning it down. Either she wants help or she doesn't. I wish everyone would stop calling her his wife. Unless she has proof of this I highly doubt she would be legally considered his common law wife in the state of TX. I don't know why this bothers me but it does. It just feels like more dishonesty to me.

I'm still not 100% convinced that B isn't on the run. I can't figure out how the 1:18 text to K pinged with 2 yard accuracy 3 miles away from the truck. How did he get 3 miles away in that amount of time?

I will say that I appreciate MM coming here to discuss the case and clear up some things. She made it clear that she was not speaking on behalf of LE but as a reporter. It's a small town and it just so happens she is the Sheriff's wife. Small town... and sometimes people in small towns wear many hats. It is what it is. I believe that everything she said was truthful.

First :goodpost: Second, I think people are being misled about the Sheriff and MM and about the search's. I personally have a problem with that. And drama? OMG its insane. As far as the medium thing, I will say I do think some people have that gift, but it is very rare. So I am more inclined to call BS on a lot of them.

I feel really bad for the kids. I can not even imagine what they are going through or what their future will be like due to this trauma. If the drama that we have seen online is going on offline as well, then those poor kids will have a rough road ahead of them.

No one has been given a way to donate for a reward or anything like that except for the ******** acct. People want to donate but they want it to go directly to finding Brandon. Not paying someones living expenses.

I'm still at 50/50. This whole thing is like a :trainwreck: , never seen such a thing with a missing person. Blows my mind:facepalm:
Oh my gosh the drama! Why is there always so much drama around MP cases? Everyone wants to point fingers and place blame.

IMO both sides are to blame. I have said before that WE have listened to the 911 call I don't know how many times and can't decipher what all he was saying so how was the person answering the phone at the nursing home supposed to be expected to understand it just by listening to it one time? In my opinion B was slurring. I have said this since I heard the tape and still believe this. I do not believe he was sober that night. It's entirely possible that much of what he said was caused by alcohol and/or substances IMO. Why didn't she get his name and location? She didn't have a chance to!! Not her fault IMO. She was trying to figure out what the heck he was trying to say so she could figure out what it was that he needed. Quit blaming! If I answered that 911 call and only heard it once I would have been lost as to what was going on too. He/She is human.

If only K and A would have told the truth... If only. If only B didn't have a felony warrant, then perhaps K and A would have told the deputy the truth. I'm sure they feel terrible about it now but honesty would have been very helpful in finding an alive B.

I wish people would quit pointing fingers. It's ridiculous. I wish LL would just tell the truth.

So we have a 911 operator in a very small town who may not have handled the call perfectly, we have a missing man with a felony warrant who was most likely (IMO) driving out on a Hwy under the influence, with no gas and likely no drivers license. We have a brother and his GF who are not honest and lie to the deputy and we wonder why B wasn't found that night?

From all I have read and can see LE, The Ranger and TexSAR have done very thorough searches for B. Regardless of his warrant etc. Regardless of the fact that B's brother and girlfriend lied to the deputy and regardless of LL being less than forthcoming and eager to help them find B to begin with. Seriously, K did not even TELL LE about being on the phone with B until AFTER LE saw it on B's phone bill AND THEY want to place blame?

And don't get me started on those running the missing website for B. They instigate and thrive on drama from everything I have ever seen in any MP they've ever been involved in. I said I am not a fan and I am well...not a fan. I don't really appreciate them copying and pasting my posts on their website.

Is all the blame and he said/she said really doing anything to find B? LL needs to tell the truth and stop trying to make LE and landowners look bad. LL needs to stop playing the victim IMO. LL needs to stop asking for help then turning it down. Either she wants help or she doesn't. I wish everyone would stop calling her his wife. Unless she has proof of this I highly doubt she would be legally considered his common law wife in the state of TX. I don't know why this bothers me but it does. It just feels like more dishonesty to me.

I'm still not 100% convinced that B isn't on the run. I can't figure out how the 1:18 text to K pinged with 2 yard accuracy 3 miles away from the truck. How did he get 3 miles away in that amount of time?

I will say that I appreciate MM coming here to discuss the case and clear up some things. She made it clear that she was not speaking on behalf of LE but as a reporter. It's a small town and it just so happens she is the Sheriff's wife. Small town... and sometimes people in small towns wear many hats. It is what it is. I believe that everything she said was truthful.

I agree. Just wish Ladessa would sit down and have a come to Jesus and tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
And about LL's living expenses. What was she planning to do to financially support herself and her kids when B got picked up on the warrant?
Everything I have read says LE and landowners have gone out of their way to search for B, with some landowners even offering up their ATV's to searchers. What a slap in the face to now have them plastering all over SM and media that landowners will not allow searches.

If it were my property there is no way in Hades I would let LL or any of her friends on my property. LE and legit SAR teams would be more than welcome, but after hearing what's been going around (mentions of lawsuits and bad mouthing landowners etc) oh no way would she step foot on my property!!

And it's sad. It's sad for B and his children and his parents and grandparents.
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