TX TX - Brandon Lawson, 26, San Angelo, 8 Aug 2013 - #3

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She might be able to see them online?
To see them online you have to sync your phone to download all info. But in normal circumstances when phone are synced you will be able to see date and time (remember this comes from apple) however I am not sure if you can see details because anyone could read texts.
O/T They executed Tommy Sells. I am shocked. I guess I figured they would postpone it so they could actually prove his stories. So many missing people stories they had not investigated . I'm not against executing him for his crimes, but some of his stories they couldn't prove he did them and the LE in some of those area's just said okay you did it end of story. So many missing people who will never be found , no peace, no justice.

Sorry for the rambling, I just got caught up on news and saw the headline that Texas had executed him. Any way, back on track now. :)

Here in Texas, we don't have a Death Row. We have an express lane. *funny/not funny*

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *
Slim to none. Who's to say a tower was not down 3 miles away and we directed all cell phone usage for a tower up and working. He could have been 15 miles away and that is the tower we had cell traffic going thru

Cell tower traffic is iffy in rural areas. I'm inside Texas, and have service with AT&T. At home, my service goes through a Sprint tower over in New Mexico. If I go 4 miles south, it hits an AT&T tower outside of a city an hour away. There's no telling what went on with B's call.

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *
Don't worry, Balor51. If stay East of the Pecos River, they are just your average diamond back rattlers. But once you cross the river, it's best to have snake guards on when you get out of your vehicle if you are in open country. If you happen to run into one of the deadliest rattlers in the United States, which are West of the river, and he's a bit bitey, they have a couple of vials of antivenin in a hospital in Odessa, and another couple in Lubbock. If they happen to be out at either of those places, then the next chance is in Albuquerque, and hopefully you're still with us by the time we get there. The MEDEVAC flies pretty fast, so...... *teasing*

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *

:hills::hills::panic::gasp::nerves: I am going to stay in my truck...lmao The biggest snake I have seen kinda up close was a water moccasin. Scared me to death!! I can handle most anything expect big snakes..Ekkkkkkkkkkk
IMO- I feel that his bailbondsman needs to be looked at. I think this story has something to do with drugs, drug deals gone bad, warrants, some one who is now liable for $50 grand, a cover up and a run away. You come up missing and assumed dead the 50 grand is null and void, think about that for a second..THis is all MOO
IMO- I feel that his bailbondsman needs to be looked at. I think this story has something to do with drugs, drug deals gone bad, warrants, some one who is now liable for $50 grand, a cover up and a run away. You come up missing and assumed dead the 50 grand is null and void, think about that for a second..THis is all MOO

That's a very good moo.

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *
Here in Texas, we don't have a Death Row. We have an express lane. *funny/not funny*

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *

I tend to make people mad with my pro-death row stance. But for me its more personal. I do want there to be no doubt that the inmate is guilty.

Lol...it is pretty fast, here in Ohio they are holding the executions up because the drugs. The protesters say its an inhumane combo of drugs.:facepalm:

One guy that was trying to hold is up because it would cause him to suffer. Yeah okay, his victim was a young pregnant woman he beat, raped and murdered. Makes me sick.
Where did the information on the ping even originate from? Is it an actual, verified fact that came from LE? Or is it the result of someone watching one too many episodes of CSI?

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *

No idea, LL was posting about it on the HFBL page. I don't think she knows she is even posting. :twocents:
I tend to make people made with my pro-death row stance. But for me its more personal. I do want there to be no doubt that the inmate is guilty.

Lol...it is pretty fast, here in Ohio they are holding the executions up because the drugs. The protesters say its an inhumane combo of drugs.:facepalm:

One guy b that was trying to hold is up because it would cause him to suffer. Yeah okay, his victim was a young pregnant woman he beat, raped and murdered. Makes me sick.

I take my death penalty beliefs from my USMC grandfather who raised me: Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out. OK, so maybe I'm not quite that radical, but close. If there is absolutely zero doubt, then strap 'em down. But I do believe that there should be no room for doubts. After that, screw that inhumane crap.

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *
Where did the information on the ping even originate from? Is it an actual, verified fact that came from LE? Or is it the result of someone watching one too many episodes of CSI?

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *

Shows like CSI , Law and Order, etc... give people a very unrealistic view of how it works. :moo:
Shows like CSI , Law and Order, etc... give people a very unrealistic view of how it works. :moo:

If justice were perfect, it would look like those shows. I love watching all of them, but as fiction.

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *
I take my death penalty beliefs from my USMC grandfather who raised me: Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out. OK, so maybe I'm not quite that radical, but close. If there is absolutely zero doubt, then strap 'em down. But I do believe that there should be no room for doubts. After that, screw that inhumane crap.

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *

That is how I feel too. I am sick to death of all the bleeding heart crap. Some guy who rapes and murders a child should fry. But yet we try to cure them. There is no changing them! Murderers, line them up! No more babying them! Sorry I am being ranty..lol If more people could see the crimes these people do, well they sure wouldn't be going on TV saying what a great person they are!:facepalm:
If justice were perfect, it would look like those shows. I love watching all of them, but as fiction.

*Unless specifically indicated, all opinions are my own. ;) *

Oh me too, but like you I put it all in perspective. I sat on jury duty once and there were people who seriously thought it should be like tv! WTH??

I hope I never have to go on trial..lol
To see them online you have to sync your phone to download all info. But in normal circumstances when phone are synced you will be able to see date and time (remember this comes from apple) however I am not sure if you can see details because anyone could read texts.

Karmin, Thank you for explaining everything. I think I am understanding it much better!! :loveyou:
I gotta get some sleep. Have a good night everyone. :)
I wish the family and loved ones were able to have an answer to where Brandon is. If he is deceased, they deserve the right to bury him properly. While some people do disappear on their own, there's usually something to indicate that. Either something that was said or done in the past that suddenly makes it seem more possible or probably. With Brandon, we've seen nothing to indicate that. If he was running from the warrant, why now? Why not when he was first arrested or first out on bond? Why continue paying bills, and working? Sure he could have worked to make money to leave, but at the same time, risky if you're a wanted person. IMO, whichever LE was looking for him wasn't looking very hard. He had an address and job. Not hard to find him.
IF Brandon's goal was to leave...why the 911 call? The last thing you want is to call attention to yourself. He would have just left. Just walked out the door, got in his vehicle, got gas and left. None of his actions reflect that theory.
If posters believe he is voluntarily missing, then why are you here? Why keep posting on his thread? If he is voluntarily missing, what's the end goal? What is being contributed to the case? What is your agenda? I don't understand.
Brandon is listed as a missing person. Missing. There's nothing to indicate he is living anywhere! No social media contact, no use of SS#, no use of cell phone, no use to bank accounts...nothing to indicate he is living anywhere. No indications he was planning on being missing. We've seen nothing to indicate he was saving money to leave, nothing indicating he would CHOOSE to be away from his wife and kids.
Brandon is the victim on this victim friendly site. Does it mean he was perfect? Of course not, not a single person posting on this site, nor anyone but the small children that never had a chance to make a wrong choice are perfect! Brandon's past doesn't define who is today, nor who he could become.
As for the post a few pages back stating they had never seen as many searches for a missing person...all I can say is follow a few more cases then. There's many missing people. Many of the cases have dozens of searches. Many people are found in areas that have previously been searched. A search doesn't automatically mean the area is cleared and there's no doubt the person couldn't still be there. Quite the contrary there are cases and facts that evidence as well as the person can and have been overlooked.
I wish the family and loved ones were able to have an answer to where Brandon is. If he is deceased, they deserve the right to bury him properly. While some people do disappear on their own, there's usually something to indicate that. Either something that was said or done in the past that suddenly makes it seem more possible or probably. With Brandon, we've seen nothing to indicate that. If he was running from the warrant, why now? Why not when he was first arrested or first out on bond? Why continue paying bills, and working? Sure he could have worked to make money to leave, but at the same time, risky if you're a wanted person. IMO, whichever LE was looking for him wasn't looking very hard. He had an address and job. Not hard to find him.
IF Brandon's goal was to leave...why the 911 call? The last thing you want is to call attention to yourself. He would have just left. Just walked out the door, got in his vehicle, got gas and left. None of his actions reflect that theory.
If posters believe he is voluntarily missing, then why are you here? Why keep posting on his thread? If he is voluntarily missing, what's the end goal? What is being contributed to the case? What is your agenda? I don't understand.
Brandon is listed as a missing person. Missing. There's nothing to indicate he is living anywhere! No social media contact, no use of SS#, no use of cell phone, no use to bank accounts...nothing to indicate he is living anywhere. No indications he was planning on being missing. We've seen nothing to indicate he was saving money to leave, nothing indicating he would CHOOSE to be away from his wife and kids.
Brandon is the victim on this victim friendly site. Does it mean he was perfect? Of course not, not a single person posting on this site, nor anyone but the small children that never had a chance to make a wrong choice are perfect! Brandon's past doesn't define who is today, nor who he could become.
As for the post a few pages back stating they had never seen as many searches for a missing person...all I can say is follow a few more cases then. There's many missing people. Many of the cases have dozens of searches. Many people are found in areas that have previously been searched. A search doesn't automatically mean the area is cleared and there's no doubt the person couldn't still be there. Quite the contrary there are cases and facts that evidence as well as the person can and have been overlooked.

Just because some of us think he may or may not be voluntarily missing does not mean we shouldn't be here. I myself am trying to look at ALL possibilities. I think it's possible that the law/bondsman had found him recently (the frozen bank acct perhaps?) and this is why the timing was right if he ran. Why the 911 call? Unlike some, I personally don't feel it was part of any plan to go on the run. I think MOO that he might have been under the influence of drugs and was simply hallucinating and paranoid in the call.

As far as searches and other MP cases I have and continue to follow MANY. I said that some do not get as many searches and especially by a SAR group with the reputation that TexSAR has. And yes, I've said throughout this thread that bodies get missed in searches. It absolutely does happen, or the MP is found just a few yards outside the search area. Yes it's possible. But like RW said, if there was a body out there the buzzard presence would have been noticed and it seems they were keeping an eye out for this.

I ME MYSELF am here trying to figure out what happened to B and where he could be and IMO it would be ignorant to ignore the possibility that he could be on the run. I am absolutely NOT 100% convinced that he is. For me personally it's about 50/50 right now. I just don't know. I have spent a lot of time getting to know as many true facts in this case as we can and have poured over maps, gotten info about the terrain etc all with the intention of trying to figure out how far he could have gone. IMO the likes of LL and those helping her are NOT helping to find B. All they are doing is ticking off the very landowners whose land they want to search. NOT smart IMO. That is not helping in the search efforts.
My understanding of what was said about the new ping data received from Verizon is that BP the PI was able to get more accurate information. So as far as I know this is where it came from. I'm a bit perplexed as to what they have though. GPS data? A ping off a single cell tower? Triangulation off 3 or more towers?

It does make a difference from what I understand.

I was looking at maps last night and still wonder if maybe he was taken by vehicle 10 minutes up or down the road. I think to be fair and really find the truth we have to look at ALL possibilities.

10 minutes up the road by vehicle would have put him somewhere near where the 70/277 split is. Of course that would mean the cell phone ping data is totally inaccurate. I say up for north and down for south but I've known people that say up the road meaning south LOL. So I think 10 minutes south on Hwy 277 is possible too. The problem with this possible theory is where would you search? B just said 10 minutes up the road which could mean anything. You can't just search a 20 mile radius of the truck location. That is impossible.
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